Пример #1
def MRF_modelling(superpixels, labels, unaries, data, p=0.2):
  edges, surfaces = adjGraph(superpixels, data, False)
 # p      : smoothing parameter
 # Labels : is supposed to be an array: length = #SP, width= #Labels with the probaility for each label and each SP  
  nLabels    = labels.shape[1]   # The width of the labels array is the number of different labels
  nVariables = superpixels.max() # The max number of the sp ID is the total number of SPs
  nEdges     = edges.shape[0]    # Number of edges = lenght of edges-array
  edgeVis    = edges[:,0:2]      # Vertice-Tuples in Edges list
  unaryValues= labels
  sameLabel  = np.zeros((nVariables,1))
  diffLabel  = np.ones((nVariables,1)) * p
  edgeValues = np.concatenate((sameLabel, diffLabel), axis=1)
  gm = getGraphicalModel(
    nLabels     = nLabels,
    nVariables  = nVariables,
    nEdges      = nEdges,
    edgeVis     = edgeVis,
    unaryValues = unaryValues,
    edgeValues  = edgeValues,
    gmOperator  = 'adder')
  return gm

Пример #2
def MRF_modelling(superpixels, labels, edges, data, p=0.2):
 # p      : smoothing parameter
 # Labels : is supposed to be an array: length = #SP, width= #Labels with the probaility for each label and each SP  
  labels = l["labels"].value
  import pdb

  labels = labels/labels.sum(axis=1)

  nVariables  = superpixels.max()  
  sameLabel  = np.zeros((nVariables,1))
  diffLabel  = np.ones((nVariables,1)) * p
  edgeValues = np.concatenate((sameLabel, diffLabel), axis=1)
  gm = getGraphicalModel(
    nLabels     = labels.shape[1],   # The width of the labels array is the number of different labels
    nVariables  = superpixels.max(), # The max number of the sp ID is the total number of SPs
    nEdges      = edges.shape[0],    # Number of edges = lenght of edges-array
    edgeVis     = edges[:,0:2],      # Vertice-Tuples in Edges list
    unaryValues = labels,
    edgeValues  = edgeValues,
    gmOperator  = 'adder')
  infer = opengm.inference.AlphaBetaSwap(gm)
  result = infer.arg()

  return result
Пример #3
def MRF_modelling(superpixels, labels, unaries, data):
  edges, surfaces = adjGraph(superpixels, data)
  nLabels    = labels.shape[0]#################################################
  nVariables = superpixels.max()###############################################
  nEdges     = edges.shape[0]
  edgeVis    = edges[:,0:2]
  unaryValues= unaries#########################################################
  edgeValues = binaryClassifier(edges)#########################################
  gm = getGraphicalModel(
    nLabels     = nLabels,
    nVariables  = nVariables,
    nEdges      = nEdges,
    edgeVis     = edgeVis,
    unaryValues = unaryValues,
    edgeValues  = edgeValues,
    gmOperator  = 'adder')
  return gm