Пример #1
# Version 2.0 update
# 9 November 2016                (The day Trump won the presidential election)

# Plot the temperature climotology for a station's lifetime

from datetime import datetime
import json
import urllib2
from get_token import my_token  # returns my personal token
from convert_MW_date import MWdate_to_datetime

import numpy as np

# Get your own key and token from here: https://mesowest.org/api/signup/
token = my_token()

def get_mesowest_climatology(station, start, end, variables='air_temp'):
    Get data from MesoWest Climatology service for a station between two dates.

        station - MesoWest station id as a string.a
        start - 'mmddHHMM'
        end - 'mmddHHMM'

    To Do: 
    [ ] Somehow convert the input as a datetime object, not string
    # Convert datetime object to MesoWest input date string
Пример #2
# Brian Blaylock
# 17 Feb. 2015
# pylint: disable=C0103

# Function for getting MesoWest time series from the API for one station

from datetime import datetime
import json
import numpy as np
from get_token import my_token  # returns my personal token
import urllib2

token = my_token()  # Request your own token at http://mesowest.org/api/signup/

variables = 'T_water_temp,wind_direction,wind_speed,wind_gust,air_temp,dew_point_temperature,relative_humidity'

def get_buoy_ts(start_time, end_time, stationID='GSLBY'):
    Makes a time series query from the MesoWest API

        stationID  : string of the station ID
        start_time : datetime object of the start time in UTC
        end_time   : datetime object of the end time in UTC

        a dictionary of the data

    # convert the start and end time to the string format requried by the API