def typing_game(self, game_type): old_value = 'placeholder' for char in self.game_opts[game_type]: playsound(f"./letters_numbers/mp3/{game_type}/{char}.mp3") value = getch.getche() while old_value == value and value != char: value = getch.getche() print("") if value != char: incorrect_count = 0 while value != char: incorrect_count += 1 playsound( "./letters_numbers/mp3/responses/that_is_not_correct.mp3" ) playsound(f"./letters_numbers/mp3/{game_type}/{char}.mp3") if incorrect_count % 5 == 0: playsound( "./letters_numbers/mp3/responses/pausing.mp3") time.sleep(5) retry = getch.getche() # in case the incorrect value is entered multiple times by accident while retry == value: retry = getch.getche() print("") value = retry playsound("./letters_numbers/mp3/responses/correct.mp3") playsound("./letters_numbers/mp3/responses/congratulations.mp3") old_value = value
def agent(): env = RemoteEnv(IN_PORT=8080, OUT_PORT=8081, host="") actions = {'w': 0, 's': 3, 'a': 4, 'd': 1} for i in range(10000000): #state = env.step("restart") state = env.step("restart") prev_energy = state['energy'] done = state['done'] print("OK") while not done: print('Action: ', end='') action = getch.getche() #action = np.random.choice([0, 1]) reward_sum = 0 state = env.step("act", actions[action]) reward_sum += state['reward'] for i in range(1): done = state['done'] if (not done): state = env.step('act', -1) reward_sum += state['reward'] else: break energy = state['energy'] prev_energy = energy frame = state['frame'] print(transform(frame)) print('Reward: ', reward_sum) print('Done: ', state['done']) prev_energy = energy if i >= 2: break env.close()
def query_choice(choices, prompt="Choice: ", default=None, single_char=False, allow_other=False, case_insensitive=False): while True: if single_char: print(prompt, end=' ') choice = getch.getche() print() else: completer = Completer(choices) readline.set_completer(completer.complete) choice = rlinput(prompt=prompt, prefill=default or None) readline.set_completer(None) if not allow_other: if ((case_insensitive and choice not in choices) or (not case_insensitive and choice.lower() not in [c.lower() for c in choices])): print("%s not one of: %s" % (choice, ','.join(choices))) continue return choice
def main(): init(autoreset=True) os.system('cls' if == 'nt' else 'clear') print("\t \t Snake") print("==============") print("W - to move up") print("S - to move down") print("A - to move left") print("D - to move right") print("==============") while True: print('press Y to Start the game and N to exit: ',end="") x = getch.getche() print("") if x== 'Y' or x=='N' or x=='y' or x=='n': break else: print("wrong input try again") if x=='n' or x=='N': sys.exit() game_over = multiprocessing.Value('i') game_over.value = 0 direction = multiprocessing.Value('i') direction.value=ord('D') moved = multiprocessing.Value('i') moved.Value=0 lock = multiprocessing.Lock() process1=multiprocessing.Process(target=dir_input,args=(direction,game_over,lock,moved)) process2=multiprocessing.Process(target=game_start,args=(direction,game_over,lock,moved)) process1.start() process2.start() process1.join() process2.join()
def act(self, world, engine): user = None while user not in self.keymap: if user == 'h': print(self.keymap) user = getch.getche() engine.queue_event(self.keymap[user](self))
def lf(source, ptr): for command in source: if isinstance(command, list): lf(command, ptr) elif command == 'do-after': i = 0 while i < len(source[2]): lista = ['do', source[1], source[2][i]] lf(lista, ptr) i += 1 elif command == 'do-before': i = 0 while i < len(source[2]): lista = ['do', source[2][i], source[1]] lf(lista, ptr) i += 1 elif command == 'loop': while data[ptr] != 1: lf(source[1:len(source)], ptr) elif command == 'def': function_definition[source[1]] = [source[2], source[3]] elif command == 'add': data[ptr] = (data[ptr] + int(source[1])) % 256 elif command == 'sub': data[ptr] = (data[ptr] - int(source[1])) % 256 elif command == 'inc': data[ptr] = (data[ptr] + 1) % 256 elif command == 'dec': data[ptr] = (data[ptr] - 1) % 256 elif command == 'right': ptr += 1 if ptr == len(data): data.append(0) elif command == 'left': ptr -= 1 elif command == 'print': print(chr(data[ptr]), end='') elif command == 'read': data[ptr] = ord(getche()) elif command in function_definition: lista = function_definition[command][1] lf(lista, ptr)
def prompt_yes_no(prompt, default=True): chars = {'y': True, 'Y': True, 'N': False, 'n': False, '\n': default} while True: sys.stdout.write(f"{prompt} [{'Y/n' if default else 'y/N'}] ") sys.stdout.flush() char = getch.getche() result = chars.get(char, None) if result is None: print("\nPlease respond with 'y' or 'n'") else: return result
def main(args): # Create the I2C bus I2Cbus = smbus.SMBus(1) with smbus.SMBus(1) as I2Cbus: #slaveSelect = input("Which Arduino (1-3): ") slaveSelect = "1" #cmd = input("Which way: ") if slaveSelect == "1": slaveAddress = I2C_SLAVE_ADDRESS elif slaveSelect == "2": slaveAddress = I2C_SLAVE2_ADDRESS elif slaveSelect == "3": slaveAddress = I2C_SLAVE3_ADDRESS else: # quit if you messed up print(slaveSelect == "1") print(type(slaveSelect)) print("no slave selected") quit() #BytesToSend = ConvertStringsToBytes(cmd) #print("Sent " + str(slaveAddress) + " the " + str(cmd) + " command.") #print(BytesToSend ) #I2Cbus.write_i2c_block_data(slaveAddress, 0x00, BytesToSend) #time.sleep(0.5) while True: try: #curses.halfdelay(1000) #start = time.time() cmd = getch.getche() #print("f**k") if len(cmd) == 0: break else: BytesToSend = ConvertStringsToBytes(cmd) #print("Sent " + str(slaveAddress) + " the " + str(cmd) + " command.") #print(BytesToSend ) I2Cbus.write_i2c_block_data(slaveAddress, 0x00, BytesToSend) #time.sleep(0.5) data = I2Cbus.read_i2c_block_data(slaveAddress, 0x00, 10) except: #BytesToSend = ConvertStringsToBytes("x") #print("No command sent") #print(BytesToSend ) #I2Cbus.write_i2c_block_data(slaveAddress, 0x00, BytesToSend) #time.sleep(0.5) #data=I2Cbus.read_i2c_block_data(slaveAddress,0x00,10) print("remote i/o error") time.sleep(0.5) return 0
def prompt_for_winning_team(self): while True: sys.stdout.write("Which team won (1 or 2)? ") sys.stdout.flush() winning_team = getch.getche() sys.stdout.write("\n") sys.stdout.flush() if winning_team == "1": return 1 elif winning_team == "2": return 2 else: print("Please enter 1 or 2.")
def ai4u_expert(_obs): """ Random agent. It samples actions randomly from the action space of the environment. :param _obs: (np.ndarray) Current observation :return: (np.ndarray) action taken by the expert """ print(_obs.shape) print(_obs.dtype) action = getch.getche() return actions[action]
def get_command(): command = '' while True: c = getche() if c == '\n': return 'STOP' if command == '' else command if c in ['+', '-']: return c if c in [str(x) for x in range(10)]: command += c else: print('garbage received: "' + str(c) + '", clearing command') command = ''
def get_user_action(obs): num_actions = env.action_space.n print('Obs',obs) action = -1 while not (action >= 0 and action < num_actions): try: print('\naction[0-' + str(num_actions) + '] << ') action = int(getch.getche()) print() except: action = -1 return action
def read(self, size=1): if self.timeout: time.sleep(self.timeout) return try: if self.echo: char = getch.getche() else: char = getch.getch() except KeyboardInterrupt: raise InterruptException return char.encode('ascii')
def construct(ctx, source): data = [0] ptr = 0 code_ptr = 0 breakpoints = [] while code_ptr < len(source): cmd = source[code_ptr] if cmd == '+': data[ptr] = (data[ptr] + 1) % 256 x = ptr # ctx.tokens.append('data[' + str(x) + '] += 1;\n') elif cmd == '-': data[ptr] = (data[ptr] - 1) % 256 x = ptr # ctx.tokens.append('data[' + str(x) + '] -= 1;\n') elif cmd == '>': ptr += 1 if ptr >= len(data): data.append(0) elif cmd == '<': ptr -= 1 elif cmd == '.': ctx.tokens.append('cout << "' + chr(data[ptr]) + '";\n') elif cmd == ',': data[ptr] = ord(getche()) ctx.tokens.append('cin >> data["' + str(x) + '"];\n') elif cmd == '[': if data[ptr] == 0: open_brackets = 1 while open_brackets != 0: code_ptr += 1 if source[code_ptr] == '[': open_brackets += 1 elif source[code_ptr] == ']': open_brackets -= 1 else: breakpoints.append(code_ptr) elif cmd == ']': # voltar para o colchete correspondente code_ptr = breakpoints.pop() - 1 code_ptr += 1 return ''.join(ctx.tokens)
def interpreter_lf(ast, position, code_position): for element in ast: if(isinstance(element, list)): if(element[0] == 'do'): for element_after in range(len(element)): list_cmd = [element, position, code_position] interpreter_lf(list_cmd, position, code_position) if(element[0] == 'do-after'): for element_after in range(len(element[2])): list_cmd = ['do', element[1], element[2][element_after]] interpreter_lf(list_cmd, position, code_position) if(element[0] == 'do-before'): for element_before in range(len(element[2])): list_cmd = ['do', element[2][element_before], element[1]] interpreter_lf(list_cmd, position, code_position) elif(element[0] == 'add'): lisp_e[position] = (lisp_e[position] + int(element[1])) % 256 elif(element == 'sub'): lisp_e[position] = (lisp_e[position] - int(element[1])) % 256 elif(element[0] == 'loop'): if (lisp_e[position] != 0): i = 1 while i < len(element): interpreter_lf(element, position, code_position) i += 1 if (lisp_e[position] == 0): i = len(element) elif(element == 'print'): print(chr(lisp_e[position]), end='') elif(element == 'read'): lisp_e[position] = ord(getche()) elif(element == 'right'): position += 1 if position == len(lisp_e): lisp_e.append(0) elif(element == 'left'): position -= 1 elif(element == 'inc'): lisp_e[position] = (lisp_e[position] + 1) % 256 elif(element == 'dec'): lisp_e[position] = (lisp_e[position] - 1) % 256 code_position += 1
def bf(source): """ Executa uma string de código brainf*ck e retorna o estado final da fita de memória. """ data = [0] ptr = 0 code_ptr = 0 breakpoints = [] while code_ptr < len(source): cmd = source[code_ptr] if cmd == '+': data[ptr] = (data[ptr] + 1) % 256 elif cmd == '-': data[ptr] = (data[ptr] - 1) % 256 elif cmd == '>': ptr += 1 if ptr == len(data): data.append(0) elif cmd == '<': ptr -= 1 elif cmd == '.': print(chr(data[ptr]), end='') elif cmd == ',': data[ptr] = ord(getche()) elif cmd == '[': if data[ptr] == 0: open_brackets = 1 while open_brackets != 0: code_ptr += 1 if source[code_ptr] == '[': open_brackets += 1 elif source[code_ptr] == ']': open_brackets -= 1 else: breakpoints.append(code_ptr) elif cmd == ']': # voltar para o colchete correspondente code_ptr = breakpoints.pop() - 1 code_ptr += 1 return data
def talker(): pub = rospy.Publisher('ipcam', String) rospy.init_node('ipcam', anonymous=True) #rate = rospy.Rate(10) # 10hz while not rospy.is_shutdown(): print "Press i to move up the camera\n" \ "Press k to move down the camera\n" \ "Press j to move right the camera\n" \ "Press l to move left the camera\n" \ "Press q to home position the camera\n" \ "Press s to get another snapshot\n" \ "Press v to get video\n\n" char = getch.getche() if char == 's': url = "" ipCam = ipCamera(url) frame = ipCam.get_frame() cv2.imshow('Frame Captured', frame) k = cv2.waitKey(0) if k == ord('q'): # wait for ESC key to exit cv2.destroyAllWindows() elif k == ord('s'): # wait for 's' key to save and exit cv2.imwrite('frameCaptured.png',frame) cv2.destroyAllWindows() elif char =='v': url = "" ipCam = ipCamera(url) k = None while k != ord('q'): time.sleep(1) cv2.destroyAllWindows() frame = ipCam.get_frame() print "capturing" cv2.imshow('Video Captured', frame) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows() else: rospy.loginfo(char) pub.publish(char)
def eval(ast, p): """ Evaluates a result from an AST of lispf_ck code """ for item in ast: if isinstance(item, list): if item[0] == 'do-after': x = 0 while x < len(item[2]): tape = ['do', item[1], item[2][x]] eval(tape, p) x += 1 elif item[0] == 'do': x = 1 while i < len(item): eval(item[x], p) x += 1 elif item[0] == 'loop': while collection[p] != 0: eval(item[1:len(item)], p) elif item[0] == 'do-before': z = 0 while z < len(item[2]): tape = ['do', item[2][z], item[1]] eval(tape, p) z += 1 elif item[0] == 'add': collection[p] = (collection[p] + int(item[1])) % 256; elif item[0] == 'sub': collection[p] = (collection[p] - int(item[1])) % 256; elif item == 'right': p += 1 if p == len(collection): collection.append(0) elif item == 'left': p -= 1 elif item == 'print': print(chr(collection[p]), end='\n') elif item == 'inc': collection[p] = (collection[p] + 1) % 256; elif item == 'dec': collection[p] = (collection[p] - 1) % 256; elif item == 'read': collection[p] = ord(getche())
def agent(): env = RemoteEnv(IN_PORT=8080, OUT_PORT=7070, host="") actions = { 'w': ('walk', 10), 's': ('walk', -10), 'd': ('walk_in_circle', 10), 'a': ('walk_in_circle', -10), 'r': ('run', 20) } for i in range(10000000): #state = env.step("restart") state = env.step("restart") prev_energy = state['energy'] done = state['done'] print("OK") while not done: print('Action: ', end='') action = getch.getche() #action = np.random.choice([0, 1]) reward_sum = 0 for i in range(7): state = env.step(actions[action][0], actions[action][1]) reward_sum += state['reward'] if (done): break if not done: state = env.step("get_result") reward_sum += state['reward'] done = state['done'] energy = state['energy'] prev_energy = energy frame = state['frame'] print(transform(frame)) print('Reward: ', reward_sum) print('Done: ', state['done']) print('Delta energy: ', prev_energy - energy) prev_energy = energy if i >= 2: break env.close()
def _readInput(caption, timeout=0.1): start_time = time() # sys.stdout.write('%s(%s):' % (caption, default)) inp = '' while True: # if msvcrt.kbhit(): if kbhit(): # char = msvcrt.getche() char = getch.getche() if ord(char) == 13: # enter_key break elif ord(char) >= 32: # space_char inp = chr(ord(char)) break if len(inp) == 0 and (time() - start_time) > timeout: break # print('') # needed to move to next line if len(inp) > 0: return inp else: return ""
def comp_bf(source): data = [0] ptr = 0 code_ptr = 0 breakpoints = [] while code_ptr < len(source): cmd = source[code_ptr] if cmd == '+': data[ptr] = (data[ptr] + 1) % 256 elif cmd == '-': data[ptr] = (data[ptr] - 1) % 256 elif cmd == '>': ptr += 1 if ptr == len(data): data.append(0) elif cmd == '<': ptr -= 1 elif cmd == '.': print(chr(data[ptr]), end='') elif cmd == ',': data[ptr] = ord(getche()) elif cmd == '[': if data[ptr] == 0: #avança até o ] open_brackets = 1 while open_brackets != 0: code_ptr += 1 if source[code_ptr] == '[': open_brackets += 1 elif source[code_ptr] == ']': open_brackets -= 1 else: breakpoints.append(code_ptr) elif cmd == ']': # voltar para a posição do colhete correspondente code_ptr = breakpoints.pop() - 1 code_ptr += 1
def test(model_path='model', n_envs=1, steps_by_episode=100000): # Test the pre-trained model # multiprocess environment make_env_def() env = make_vec_env('AI4U-v0', n_envs=n_envs) model = PPO2.load("model", env, policy=CustomPolicy) q = ' ' while q != 's': obs = env.reset() reward_sum = 0.0 for _ in range(steps_by_episode): action, _ = model.predict(obs) obs, reward, done, _ = env.step(action) reward_sum += reward env.render() if done: print(reward_sum) reward_sum = 0.0 obs = env.reset() print('Exit?') q = getch.getche() env.close()
def decide(path, dest1, dest2): """ decide PATH DEST1 DEST2: for all files in PATH, preview each and sort into DEST1 or DEST2 with a single keypress, then automatically advance """ import pygame from moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip print("Press ESC to exit video. Use 'q' to quit deciding.") for filename in glob.glob(os.path.join(path, '*')): just_name = os.path.basename(filename) print(just_name) clip = VideoFileClip(filename) # use ESC key to exit clip.preview() pygame.display.quit() # pygame.quit() clip.close() print("Decide [z, x, or q]: ", end='') sys.stdout.flush() char = '' while char not in ['z', 'x', 'q']: char = getch.getche() print() if char == 'z': destination = os.path.join(dest1, just_name) print("move to {}".format(dest1)) shutil.move(filename, destination) elif char == 'x': destination = os.path.join(dest2, just_name) print("move to {}".format(dest2)) shutil.move(filename, destination) elif char == 'q': print("Exiting") sys.exit()
import requests import getch query = "" while True: char = getch.getche() print() if char == "X": query = "" continue query += char print(query) print(requests.get(f'http://localhost:8000/exercises/{query}').json())
import sys import getch import shutil scanningDir = sys.argv[1] newScansDir = os.path.join(scanningDir, "NEWFOLDER") if not os.path.isdir(newScansDir): os.mkdir(newScansDir) outputDir = os.path.join(scanningDir,"Untitled") print("Press <Space> to copy files from 'NEWFOLDER' to 'Untitled/#'") while True: readch = getch.getche() if readch == " ": ###Folter is finished, create new folder if not os.path.isdir(outputDir): os.mkdir(outputDir) dirList = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(outputDir): #assumes dirs are numbers for d in dirs: if len(d) > 0: dirList.append(int(d)) nextDir = 1 if len(dirList) > 0: dirList.sort() nextDir = dirList[-1] + 1 ###assume the file hasn't been created after this previous os.walk()
def tag(path, config_file): import pygame from moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip # load config file, if provided if config_file: cfg = load_cfg(config_file) if 'tags' not in cfg: cfg['tags'] = [] else: cfg = { 'tags': [] } search_glob = "{}/**".format(path) for filename in glob.iglob(search_glob, recursive=True): if os.path.isfile(filename): just_name = os.path.basename(filename) initial_name = just_name new_name = initial_name print(just_name) new_tags = [] print_tags(cfg) clip = VideoFileClip(filename) # use ESC key to exit clip.preview() pygame.display.quit() # pygame.quit() clip.close() print_tag_prompt(cfg) char = '' while char not in ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'n', 'q']: char = getch.getche() print() if char == 'q': print("\nExiting") sys.exit() elif char == 'n': if new_name != initial_name: pathname = os.path.dirname(filename) destination = os.path.join(pathname, new_name) print("rename as '{}'".format(new_name)) shutil.move(filename, destination) print("Next") elif char in ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']: tag_idx = int(char)-int('1') tag = cfg['tags'][tag_idx] new_name = tag + ' ' + new_name new_tags.append(tag) print("\nNew tags: {}".format(" ".join(new_tags))) print_tag_prompt(cfg) # prevent from breaking out of loop char = '' else: print("\nError: unrecognized input") print_tag_prompt(cfg)
set_col(HANG_COLS[wrong_letters]) print(f"{'Letters already used':^{COLS}}") temp = ' '.join(letters_entered) print(f'{temp:^{COLS}}\n') set_col(CNONE) # If there are no letters entered pick up a random letter if len(letters_entered) == 0: letter = random.choice(list(set(word))) else: input_string = "Enter a letter: " set_col(CBLUE) print(f"{input_string:>{COLS//2+len(input_string)//2}}", end='', flush=True) letter = getche() set_col(CNONE) # Check if the entered letter is a whitespace or newline # If not checked whitespaces and enter count as characters and # increase the number of wrong_letters if letter in letters_entered or letter in [' ', '\n']: continue else: letters_entered.append(letter) if letter in word: for i, j in enumerate(word): if j == letter: dashed_string[i] = letter else: wrong_letters += 1
# Program to play tunes on the computer keyboard # By Harshitha.B import getch # importing the getch() library which is installed in the path of python3 import os # allows us to interface with underlying operating system that python is runningon print("a=440 s=493 d=523 f=587 g=659 h=698 j=783") # frequencies in Hz print("w=880 e=987 r=1046 t=1174 y=1174 u=1318 i=1396") # frequencies in Hz print("z=1760 x=1975 c=2093 v=2349 b=2637 n=2793 m=3135") # frequencies in Hz print( "To play keep pressing any of these keys: a s d f g h j q w e r t y u z x c v b n m" ) # displaying keys which can be used to play print("press escape to exit") # displaying the key which is used to exit note = getch.getche() # reading a character from the keyboard while True: # running a continuous loop until esc is pressed if note == "a": # check if the character is "a" os.system("aplay /home/harshitha/Documents/notea.wav") # if yes play the corresponding note elif note == "s": # check if the character is "s" os.system("aplay /home/harshitha/Documents/noteb.wav") # if yes play the corresponding note elif note == "d": # check if the character is "d" os.system("aplay /home/harshitha/Documents/notec.wav") # if yes play the corresponding note elif note == "f": # check if the character is " f" os.system("aplay /home/harshitha/Documents/noted.wav") # if yes play the corresponding note elif note == "g": # check if the character is "g" os.system("aplay /home/harshitha/Documents/notee.wav") # if yes play the corresponding note elif note == "h": # check if the character is "h" os.system("aplay /home/harshitha/Documents/notef.wav") # if yes play the corresponding note elif note == "j": # check if the character is "j" os.system("aplay /home/harshitha/Documents/noteg.wav") # if yes play the corresponding note elif note == "q": # check if the character is "q" os.system("aplay /home/harshitha/Documents/notea1.wav") # if yes play the corresponding note elif note == "w": # check if the character is "w"
self.shape = self.get_frame().shape def get_frame(self): _, frame = return frame while (True): print "\nPress s for a new snapshot\n" \ "Press i to move up the Foscam\n" \ "Press k to move down the Foscam\n" \ "Press l to move left the Foscam\n" \ "Press j to move right the Foscam\n" \ "Press c to center the Foscam" char = getch.getche() if char=='s': url = "" print '\n'+url cam = ipCamera(url) frame = cam.get_frame() cv2.imshow('image',frame) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows() elif char == 'i': url = "" print '\n'+url req = urllib2.Request(url)
# read a single character without pressing enter import sys import getch print("Yes or no: ", end="") sys.stdout.flush() ans = getch.getche() print("") if ans.lower() == "y": print("yes") elif ans.lower() == "n": print("no") else: print("What??")
# Written by Mottel Zirkind # February 9, 2019 # A simple program that runs in terminal and reads the card number of things scanned with a card reader. import requests # Used to make the HTTP request import getch # Used to read in chars as they appear import re # Used for some very basic pattern matching card_number = '' # The card number we want to read while True: # Run forever # getche() will also print it to screen. # getch() will just read it in. next_char = getch.getche() # The expected pattern is ;123456789? # If the end character changes, change it here. if next_char == '?': # Make sure the URL here matches whatever port number the web app is using. url = 'http://localhost:3000/checkin?card_number=' + card_number response = requests.get(url) print(response.text) card_number = '' # If card numbers are changed to add something like a dash, update the pattern here. elif re.match('[0-9]', next_char): card_number += next_char # If the start of the pattern changes, update the character here. elif next_char == ';': card_number = ''
import getch import os ch=getch.getche() if ch=="a": os.system("aplay /home/harshitha/Documents/WaveTest3.wav")
import gym import getch env = gym.make('CartPole-v0') env.reset() env.render() frames = 200 score = 0 for episode in range(5): env.reset() print('Press 0 or 1 to start. Controls are 0 or 1.\n1 applies leftwards force on the cart, while 0 applies rightwards force on the cart.') for f in range(frames): action = int(getch.getche()) observation, reward, done, info = env.step(action) score += reward print(' ', observation, reward, done, info) env.render() print('Frame: ', f) #if done: #break print('\n***Game', (episode+1), 'done***\nScore: ', score, '\n')
print(test) import time from import Live from rich.table import Table table = Table() table.add_column("Row ID") table.add_column("Description") table.add_column("Level") with Live(table, refresh_per_second=4): # update 4 times a second to feel fluid for row in range(12): time.sleep(0.4) # arbitrary delay # update the renderable internally table.add_row(f"{row}", f"description {row}", "[red]ERROR") from import Bar console.print(Bar(5, 5, 5, color='red')) import getch # ... char = getch.getch() # User input, but not displayed on the screen console.print(char) # or char = getch.getche() # also displayed on the screen console.print(char)
#Program to play tunes on the computer keyboard #By Harshitha.B import getch #importing the getch() library which is installed in the path of python3 import os #allows us to interface with underlying operating system that python is runningon print("a=440 s=493 d=523 f=587 g=659 h=698 j=783") #frequencies in Hz print("w=880 e=987 r=1046 t=1174 y=1174 u=1318 i=1396") #frequencies in Hz print("z=1760 x=1975 c=2093 v=2349 b=2637 n=2793 m=3135") #frequencies in Hz print( "To play keep pressing any of these keys: a s d f g h j q w e r t y u z x c v b n m" ) #displaying keys which can be used to play print("press escape to exit") #displaying the key which is used to exit note = getch.getche() #reading a character from the keyboard while True: #running a continuous loop until esc is pressed if note == 'a': #check if the character is "a" os.system("aplay /home/harshitha/Documents/notea.wav" ) #if yes play the corresponding note elif note == 's': #check if the character is "s" os.system("aplay /home/harshitha/Documents/noteb.wav" ) #if yes play the corresponding note elif note == 'd': #check if the character is "d" os.system("aplay /home/harshitha/Documents/notec.wav" ) #if yes play the corresponding note elif note == 'f': #check if the character is " f" os.system("aplay /home/harshitha/Documents/noted.wav" ) #if yes play the corresponding note elif note == 'g': #check if the character is "g" os.system("aplay /home/harshitha/Documents/notee.wav" ) #if yes play the corresponding note elif note == 'h': #check if the character is "h" os.system("aplay /home/harshitha/Documents/notef.wav"