def test_flow(ops, names=None, gen_feed_dict=None, deal_results=None, model_dir='./model', model_name=None, num_epochs=1, num_interval_steps=100, eval_times=0, print_avg_loss=True, sess=None): """ test flow, @TODO improve list result print Args: ops: eval ops names: eval names model_path: can be dir like ./model will fetch lates model in model dir , or be real model path like ./model/model.0.ckpt @TODO num_epochs should be 1,but now has problem of loading model if set @FIXME, so now 0 """ if sess is None: sess = tf.InteractiveSession() melt.restore(sess, model_dir, model_name) if not os.path.isdir(model_dir): model_dir = os.path.dirname(model_dir) summary_op = tf.merge_all_summaries() summary_writer = tf.train.SummaryWriter(model_dir, sess.graph) coord = tf.train.Coordinator() threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(sess=sess, coord=coord) try: step = 0 eval_step = 0 avg_eval = AvgScore() total_avg_eval = AvgScore() while not coord.should_stop(): feed_dict = {} if gen_feed_dict is None else gen_feed_dict() results =, feed_dict=feed_dict) if not isinstance(results, (list, tuple)): results = [results] if deal_results is not None: #@TODO may need to pass summary_writer, and step #use **args ? deal_results(results) if print_avg_loss: results = gezi.get_singles(results) avg_eval.add(results) total_avg_eval.add(results) if step % num_interval_steps == 0: average_eval = avg_eval.avg_score() print( '{}: average evals = {}'.format( gezi.now_time(), melt.value_name_list_str(average_eval, names)), 'step:', step) summary = tf.Summary() summary_str =, feed_dict=feed_dict) summary.ParseFromString(summary_str) for i in xrange(len(results)): name = i if names is None else names[i] summary.value.add(tag='metric{}'.format(name), simple_value=average_eval[i]) summary_writer.add_summary(summary, step) if eval_step and eval_step == eval_times: break eval_step += 1 step += 1 print('Done testing for {} epochs, {} steps. AverageEvals:{}'.format( num_epochs, step, gezi.pretty_floats(total_avg_eval.avg_score()))) except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError: print('Done testing for {} epochs, {} steps. AverageEvals:{}'.format( num_epochs, step, gezi.pretty_floats(total_avg_eval.avg_score()))) finally: # When done, ask the threads to stop. coord.request_stop() # Wait for threads to finish. coord.join(threads)
def train_once(sess, step, ops, names=None, gen_feed_dict=None, deal_results=melt.print_results, interval_steps=100, eval_ops=None, eval_names=None, gen_eval_feed_dict=None, deal_eval_results=melt.print_results, eval_interval_steps=100, print_time=True, print_avg_loss=True, model_dir=None, log_dir=None, is_start=False, num_steps_per_epoch=None, metric_eval_function=None, metric_eval_interval_steps=0): timer = gezi.Timer() if print_time: if not hasattr(train_once, 'timer'): train_once.timer = Timer() train_once.eval_timer = Timer() train_once.metric_eval_timer = Timer() melt.set_global('step', step) epoch = step / num_steps_per_epoch if num_steps_per_epoch else -1 epoch_str = 'epoch:%.4f' % (epoch) if num_steps_per_epoch else '' melt.set_global('epoch', '%.4f' % (epoch)) info = BytesIO() stop = False if ops is not None: if deal_results is None and names is not None: deal_results = lambda x: melt.print_results(x, names) if deal_eval_results is None and eval_names is not None: deal_eval_results = lambda x: melt.print_results(x, eval_names) if eval_names is None: eval_names = names feed_dict = {} if gen_feed_dict is None else gen_feed_dict() results =, feed_dict=feed_dict) # #--------trace debug # if step == 210: # run_metadata = tf.RunMetadata() # results = # ops, # feed_dict=feed_dict, # options=tf.RunOptions(trace_level=tf.RunOptions.FULL_TRACE), # run_metadata=run_metadata) # from tensorflow.python.client import timeline # trace = timeline.Timeline(step_stats=run_metadata.step_stats) # trace_file = open('timeline.ctf.json', 'w') # trace_file.write(trace.generate_chrome_trace_format()) #reults[0] assume to be train_op results = results[1:] #@TODO should support aver loss and other avg evaluations like test.. if print_avg_loss: if not hasattr(train_once, 'avg_loss'): train_once.avg_loss = AvgScore() if interval_steps != eval_interval_steps: train_once.avg_loss2 = AvgScore() #assume results[0] as train_op return, results[1] as loss loss = gezi.get_singles(results) train_once.avg_loss.add(loss) if interval_steps != eval_interval_steps: train_once.avg_loss2.add(loss) if is_start or interval_steps and step % interval_steps == 0: train_average_loss = train_once.avg_loss.avg_score() if print_time: duration = timer.elapsed() duration_str = 'duration:{:.3f} '.format(duration) melt.set_global('duration', '%.3f' % duration) info.write(duration_str) elapsed = train_once.timer.elapsed() steps_per_second = interval_steps / elapsed batch_size = melt.batch_size() num_gpus = melt.num_gpus() instances_per_second = interval_steps * batch_size * num_gpus / elapsed if num_gpus == 1: info.write( 'elapsed:[{:.3f}] batch_size:[{}] batches/s:[{:.2f}] insts/s:[{:.2f}] ' .format(elapsed, batch_size, steps_per_second, instances_per_second)) else: info.write( 'elapsed:[{:.3f}] batch_size:[{}] gpus:[{}], batches/s:[{:.2f}] insts/s:[{:.2f}] ' .format(elapsed, batch_size, num_gpus, steps_per_second, instances_per_second)) if print_avg_loss: #info.write('train_avg_metrics:{} '.format(melt.value_name_list_str(train_average_loss, names))) names_ = melt.adjust_names(train_average_loss, names) info.write('train_avg_metrics:{} '.format( melt.parse_results(train_average_loss, names_))) #info.write('train_avg_loss: {} '.format(train_average_loss)) #print(gezi.now_time(), epoch_str, 'train_step:%d'%step, info.getvalue(), end=' ') logging.info2('{} {} {}'.format(epoch_str, 'train_step:%d' % step, info.getvalue())) if deal_results is not None: stop = deal_results(results) metric_evaluate = False # if metric_eval_function is not None \ # and ( (is_start and (step or ops is None))\ # or (step and ((num_steps_per_epoch and step % num_steps_per_epoch == 0) \ # or (metric_eval_interval_steps \ # and step % metric_eval_interval_steps == 0)))): # metric_evaluate = True if metric_eval_function is not None \ and (is_start \ or (num_steps_per_epoch and step % num_steps_per_epoch == 0) \ or (metric_eval_interval_steps \ and step % metric_eval_interval_steps == 0)): metric_evaluate = True if metric_evaluate: evaluate_results, evaluate_names = metric_eval_function() if is_start or eval_interval_steps and step % eval_interval_steps == 0: if ops is not None: if interval_steps != eval_interval_steps: train_average_loss = train_once.avg_loss2.avg_score() info = BytesIO() names_ = melt.adjust_names(results, names) train_average_loss_str = '' if print_avg_loss and interval_steps != eval_interval_steps: train_average_loss_str = melt.value_name_list_str( train_average_loss, names_) melt.set_global('train_loss', train_average_loss_str) train_average_loss_str = 'train_avg_loss:{} '.format( train_average_loss_str) if interval_steps != eval_interval_steps: #end = '' if eval_ops is None else '\n' #print(gezi.now_time(), epoch_str, 'eval_step: %d'%step, train_average_loss_str, end=end) logging.info2('{} eval_step: {} {}'.format( epoch_str, step, train_average_loss_str)) if eval_ops is not None: eval_feed_dict = {} if gen_eval_feed_dict is None else gen_eval_feed_dict( ) #eval_feed_dict.update(feed_dict) #------show how to perf debug ##timer_ = gezi.Timer('sess run generate')[-2], feed_dict=None) ##timer_.print() timer_ = gezi.Timer('sess run eval_ops') eval_results =, feed_dict=eval_feed_dict) timer_.print() if deal_eval_results is not None: #@TODO user print should also use logging as a must ? #print(gezi.now_time(), epoch_str, 'eval_step: %d'%step, 'eval_metrics:', end='') logging.info2('{} eval_step: {} eval_metrics:'.format( epoch_str, step)) eval_stop = deal_eval_results(eval_results) eval_loss = gezi.get_singles(eval_results) assert len(eval_loss) > 0 if eval_stop is True: stop = True eval_names_ = melt.adjust_names(eval_loss, eval_names) melt.set_global('eval_loss', melt.parse_results(eval_loss, eval_names_)) elif interval_steps != eval_interval_steps: #print() pass if log_dir: #timer_ = gezi.Timer('witting log') if not hasattr(train_once, 'summary_op'): try: train_once.summary_op = tf.summary.merge_all() except Exception: train_once.summary_op = tf.merge_all_summaries() melt.print_summary_ops() try: train_once.summary_train_op = tf.summary.merge_all( key=melt.MonitorKeys.TRAIN) train_once.summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter( log_dir, sess.graph) except Exception: train_once.summary_train_op = tf.merge_all_summaries( key=melt.MonitorKeys.TRAIN) train_once.summary_writer = tf.train.SummaryWriter( log_dir, sess.graph) tf.contrib.tensorboard.plugins.projector.visualize_embeddings( train_once.summary_writer, projector_config) summary = tf.Summary() #so the strategy is on eval_interval_steps, if has eval dataset, then tensorboard evluate on eval dataset #if not have eval dataset, will evaluate on trainset, but if has eval dataset we will also monitor train loss if train_once.summary_train_op is not None: summary_str =, feed_dict=feed_dict) train_once.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_str, step) if eval_ops is None: #get train loss, for every batch train if train_once.summary_op is not None: #timer2 = gezi.Timer('sess run') summary_str =, feed_dict=feed_dict) #timer2.print() train_once.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_str, step) else: #get eval loss for every batch eval, then add train loss for eval step average loss summary_str = train_once.summary_op, feed_dict=eval_feed_dict ) if train_once.summary_op is not None else '' #all single value results will be add to summary here not using tf.scalar_summary.. summary.ParseFromString(summary_str) melt.add_summarys(summary, eval_results, eval_names_, suffix='eval') melt.add_summarys(summary, train_average_loss, names_, suffix='train_avg%dsteps' % eval_interval_steps) if metric_evaluate: melt.add_summarys(summary, evaluate_results, evaluate_names, prefix='evaluate') train_once.summary_writer.add_summary(summary, step) train_once.summary_writer.flush() #timer_.print() if print_time: full_duration = train_once.eval_timer.elapsed() if metric_evaluate: metric_full_duration = train_once.metric_eval_timer.elapsed() full_duration_str = 'elapsed:{:.3f} '.format(full_duration) #info.write('duration:{:.3f} '.format(timer.elapsed())) duration = timer.elapsed() info.write('duration:{:.3f} '.format(duration)) info.write(full_duration_str) info.write('eval_time_ratio:{:.3f} '.format(duration / full_duration)) if metric_evaluate: info.write('metric_time_ratio:{:.3f} '.format( duration / metric_full_duration)) #print(gezi.now_time(), epoch_str, 'eval_step: %d'%step, info.getvalue()) logging.info2('{} {} {}'.format(epoch_str, 'eval_step: %d' % step, info.getvalue())) return stop
def train_once( sess, step, ops, names=None, gen_feed_dict_fn=None, deal_results_fn=None, interval_steps=100, eval_ops=None, eval_names=None, gen_eval_feed_dict_fn=None, deal_eval_results_fn=melt.print_results, valid_interval_steps=100, print_time=True, print_avg_loss=True, model_dir=None, log_dir=None, is_start=False, num_steps_per_epoch=None, metric_eval_fn=None, metric_eval_interval_steps=0, summary_excls=None, fixed_step=None, # for epoch only, incase you change batch size eval_loops=1, learning_rate=None, learning_rate_patience=None, learning_rate_decay_factor=None, num_epochs=None, model_path=None, use_horovod=False, ): use_horovod = 'OMPI_COMM_WORLD_RANK' in os.environ #is_start = False # force not to evaluate at first step #print('-----------------global_step', timer = gezi.Timer() if print_time: if not hasattr(train_once, 'timer'): train_once.timer = Timer() train_once.eval_timer = Timer() train_once.metric_eval_timer = Timer() melt.set_global('step', step) epoch = (fixed_step or step) / num_steps_per_epoch if num_steps_per_epoch else -1 if not num_epochs: epoch_str = 'epoch:%.3f' % (epoch) if num_steps_per_epoch else '' else: epoch_str = 'epoch:%.3f/%d' % ( epoch, num_epochs) if num_steps_per_epoch else '' melt.set_global('epoch', '%.2f' % (epoch)) info = IO() stop = False if eval_names is None: if names: eval_names = ['eval/' + x for x in names] if names: names = ['train/' + x for x in names] if eval_names: eval_names = ['eval/' + x for x in eval_names] is_eval_step = is_start or valid_interval_steps and step % valid_interval_steps == 0 summary_str = [] eval_str = '' if is_eval_step: # deal with summary if log_dir: if not hasattr(train_once, 'summary_op'): #melt.print_summary_ops() if summary_excls is None: train_once.summary_op = tf.summary.merge_all() else: summary_ops = [] for op in tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.SUMMARIES): for summary_excl in summary_excls: if not summary_excl in summary_ops.append(op) print('filtered summary_ops:') for op in summary_ops: print(op) train_once.summary_op = tf.summary.merge(summary_ops) #train_once.summary_train_op = tf.summary.merge_all(key=melt.MonitorKeys.TRAIN) train_once.summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter( log_dir, sess.graph) tf.contrib.tensorboard.plugins.projector.visualize_embeddings( train_once.summary_writer, projector_config) # if eval ops then should have bee rank 0 if eval_ops: #if deal_eval_results_fn is None and eval_names is not None: # deal_eval_results_fn = lambda x: melt.print_results(x, eval_names) for i in range(eval_loops): eval_feed_dict = {} if gen_eval_feed_dict_fn is None else gen_eval_feed_dict_fn( ) #eval_feed_dict.update(feed_dict) # if use horovod let each rant use same! if not log_dir or train_once.summary_op is None or gezi.env_has( 'EVAL_NO_SUMMARY') or use_horovod: #if not log_dir or train_once.summary_op is None: eval_results =, feed_dict=eval_feed_dict) else: eval_results = + [train_once.summary_op], feed_dict=eval_feed_dict) summary_str = eval_results[-1] eval_results = eval_results[:-1] eval_loss = gezi.get_singles(eval_results) #timer_.print() eval_stop = False if use_horovod: #if not use_horovod or hvd.local_rank() == 0: # @TODO user print should also use logging as a must ? #print(gezi.now_time(), epoch_str, 'eval_step: %d'%step, 'eval_metrics:', end='') eval_names_ = melt.adjust_names(eval_loss, eval_names) #if not use_horovod or hvd.rank() == 0: # logging.info2('{} eval_step:{} eval_metrics:{}'.format(epoch_str, step, melt.parse_results(eval_loss, eval_names_))) eval_str = 'valid:{}'.format( melt.parse_results(eval_loss, eval_names_)) # if deal_eval_results_fn is not None: # eval_stop = deal_eval_results_fn(eval_results) assert len(eval_loss) > 0 if eval_stop is True: stop = True eval_names_ = melt.adjust_names(eval_loss, eval_names) if not use_horovod or hvd.rank() == 0: melt.set_global('eval_loss', melt.parse_results(eval_loss, eval_names_)) elif interval_steps != valid_interval_steps: #print() pass metric_evaluate = False # if metric_eval_fn is not None \ # and (is_start \ # or (num_steps_per_epoch and step % num_steps_per_epoch == 0) \ # or (metric_eval_interval_steps \ # and step % metric_eval_interval_steps == 0)): # metric_evaluate = True if metric_eval_fn is not None \ and ((is_start or metric_eval_interval_steps \ and step % metric_eval_interval_steps == 0) or model_path): metric_evaluate = True if 'EVFIRST' in os.environ: if os.environ['EVFIRST'] == '0': if is_start: metric_evaluate = False else: if is_start: metric_evaluate = True if step == 0 or 'QUICK' in os.environ: metric_evaluate = False #print('------------1step', step, 'pre metric_evaluate', metric_evaluate, hvd.rank()) if metric_evaluate: if use_horovod: print('------------metric evaluate step', step, model_path, hvd.rank()) if not model_path or 'model_path' not in inspect.getargspec( metric_eval_fn).args: metric_eval_fn_ = metric_eval_fn else: metric_eval_fn_ = lambda: metric_eval_fn(model_path=model_path) try: l = metric_eval_fn_() if isinstance(l, tuple): num_returns = len(l) if num_returns == 2: evaluate_results, evaluate_names = l evaluate_summaries = None else: assert num_returns == 3, 'retrun 1,2,3 ok 4.. not ok' evaluate_results, evaluate_names, evaluate_summaries = l else: #return dict evaluate_results, evaluate_names = tuple(zip(*dict.items())) evaluate_summaries = None except Exception:'Do nothing for metric eval fn with exception:\n', traceback.format_exc()) if not use_horovod or hvd.rank() == 0: #logging.info2('{} valid_step:{} {}:{}'.format(epoch_str, step, 'valid_metrics' if model_path is None else 'epoch_valid_metrics', melt.parse_results(evaluate_results, evaluate_names))) logging.info2('{} valid_step:{} {}:{}'.format( epoch_str, step, 'valid_metrics', melt.parse_results(evaluate_results, evaluate_names))) if learning_rate is not None and (learning_rate_patience and learning_rate_patience > 0): assert learning_rate_decay_factor > 0 and learning_rate_decay_factor < 1 valid_loss = evaluate_results[0] if not hasattr(train_once, 'min_valid_loss'): train_once.min_valid_loss = valid_loss train_once.deacy_steps = [] train_once.patience = 0 else: if valid_loss < train_once.min_valid_loss: train_once.min_valid_loss = valid_loss train_once.patience = 0 else: train_once.patience += 1 logging.info2('{} valid_step:{} patience:{}'.format( epoch_str, step, train_once.patience)) if learning_rate_patience and train_once.patience >= learning_rate_patience: lr_op = ops[1] lr = * learning_rate_decay_factor train_once.deacy_steps.append(step) logging.info2( '{} valid_step:{} learning_rate_decay by *{}, learning_rate_decay_steps={}' .format(epoch_str, step, learning_rate_decay_factor, ','.join(map(str, train_once.deacy_steps)))), tf.constant(lr, dtype=tf.float32))) train_once.patience = 0 train_once.min_valid_loss = valid_loss if ops is not None: #if deal_results_fn is None and names is not None: # deal_results_fn = lambda x: melt.print_results(x, names) feed_dict = {} if gen_feed_dict_fn is None else gen_feed_dict_fn() # NOTICE ops[2] should be scalar otherwise wrong!! loss should be scalar #print('---------------ops', ops) if eval_ops is not None or not log_dir or not hasattr( train_once, 'summary_op') or train_once.summary_op is None or use_horovod: feed_dict[K.learning_phase()] = 1 results =, feed_dict=feed_dict) else: ## TODO why below ? #try: feed_dict[K.learning_phase()] = 1 results = + [train_once.summary_op], feed_dict=feed_dict) summary_str = results[-1] results = results[:-1] # except Exception: #' + [train_once.summary_op], feed_dict=feed_dict) fail') # results =, feed_dict=feed_dict) #print('------------results', results) # #--------trace debug # if step == 210: # run_metadata = tf.RunMetadata() # results = # ops, # feed_dict=feed_dict, # options=tf.RunOptions(trace_level=tf.RunOptions.FULL_TRACE), # run_metadata=run_metadata) # from tensorflow.python.client import timeline # trace = timeline.Timeline(step_stats=run_metadata.step_stats) # trace_file = open('timeline.ctf.json', 'w') # trace_file.write(trace.generate_chrome_trace_format()) #reults[0] assume to be train_op, results[1] to be learning_rate learning_rate = results[1] results = results[2:] #@TODO should support aver loss and other avg evaluations like test.. if print_avg_loss: if not hasattr(train_once, 'avg_loss'): train_once.avg_loss = AvgScore() #assume results[0] as train_op return, results[1] as loss loss = gezi.get_singles(results) train_once.avg_loss.add(loss) steps_per_second = None instances_per_second = None hours_per_epoch = None #step += 1 #if is_start or interval_steps and step % interval_steps == 0: interval_ok = not use_horovod or hvd.local_rank() == 0 if interval_steps and step % interval_steps == 0 and interval_ok: train_average_loss = train_once.avg_loss.avg_score() if print_time: duration = timer.elapsed() duration_str = 'duration:{:.2f} '.format(duration) melt.set_global('duration', '%.2f' % duration) #info.write(duration_str) elapsed = train_once.timer.elapsed() steps_per_second = interval_steps / elapsed batch_size = melt.batch_size() num_gpus = melt.num_gpus() instances_per_second = interval_steps * batch_size / elapsed gpu_info = '' if num_gpus <= 1 else ' gpus:[{}]'.format( num_gpus) if num_steps_per_epoch is None: epoch_time_info = '' else: hours_per_epoch = num_steps_per_epoch / interval_steps * elapsed / 3600 epoch_time_info = '1epoch:[{:.2f}h]'.format( hours_per_epoch) info.write( 'elapsed:[{:.2f}] batch_size:[{}]{} batches/s:[{:.2f}] insts/s:[{:.2f}] {} lr:[{:.6f}]' .format(elapsed, batch_size, gpu_info, steps_per_second, instances_per_second, epoch_time_info, learning_rate)) if print_avg_loss: #info.write('train_avg_metrics:{} '.format(melt.value_name_list_str(train_average_loss, names))) names_ = melt.adjust_names(train_average_loss, names) #info.write('train_avg_metric:{} '.format(melt.parse_results(train_average_loss, names_))) info.write(' train:{} '.format( melt.parse_results(train_average_loss, names_))) #info.write('train_avg_loss: {} '.format(train_average_loss)) info.write(eval_str) #print(gezi.now_time(), epoch_str, 'train_step:%d'%step, info.getvalue(), end=' ') logging.info2('{} {} {}'.format(epoch_str, 'step:%d' % step, info.getvalue())) if deal_results_fn is not None: stop = deal_results_fn(results) summary_strs = gezi.to_list(summary_str) if metric_evaluate: if evaluate_summaries is not None: summary_strs += evaluate_summaries if step > 1: if is_eval_step: # deal with summary if log_dir: summary = tf.Summary() if eval_ops is None: if train_once.summary_op is not None: for summary_str in summary_strs: train_once.summary_writer.add_summary( summary_str, step) else: for summary_str in summary_strs: train_once.summary_writer.add_summary( summary_str, step) suffix = 'valid' if not eval_names else '' # loss/valid melt.add_summarys(summary, eval_results, eval_names_, suffix=suffix) if ops is not None: try: # loss/train_avg melt.add_summarys(summary, train_average_loss, names_, suffix='train_avg') except Exception: pass ##optimizer has done this also melt.add_summary(summary, learning_rate, 'learning_rate') melt.add_summary(summary, melt.batch_size(), 'batch_size', prefix='other') melt.add_summary(summary, melt.epoch(), 'epoch', prefix='other') if steps_per_second: melt.add_summary(summary, steps_per_second, 'steps_per_second', prefix='perf') if instances_per_second: melt.add_summary(summary, instances_per_second, 'instances_per_second', prefix='perf') if hours_per_epoch: melt.add_summary(summary, hours_per_epoch, 'hours_per_epoch', prefix='perf') if metric_evaluate: #melt.add_summarys(summary, evaluate_results, evaluate_names, prefix='eval') prefix = 'step_eval' if model_path: prefix = 'eval' if not hasattr(train_once, 'epoch_step'): train_once.epoch_step = 1 else: train_once.epoch_step += 1 step = train_once.epoch_step # eval/loss eval/auc .. melt.add_summarys(summary, evaluate_results, evaluate_names, prefix=prefix) train_once.summary_writer.add_summary(summary, step) train_once.summary_writer.flush() return stop elif metric_evaluate and log_dir: summary = tf.Summary() for summary_str in summary_strs: train_once.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_str, step) #summary.ParseFromString(evaluate_summaries) summary_writer = train_once.summary_writer prefix = 'step_eval' if model_path: prefix = 'eval' if not hasattr(train_once, 'epoch_step'): ## TODO.. restart will get 1 again.. #epoch_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False, name='epoch_step') #epoch_step += 1 #train_once.epoch_step = valid_interval_epochs = 1. try: valid_interval_epochs = FLAGS.valid_interval_epochs except Exception: pass train_once.epoch_step = 1 if melt.epoch() <= 1 else int( int(melt.epoch() * 10) / int(valid_interval_epochs * 10))'train_once epoch start step is', train_once.epoch_step) else: #epoch_step += 1 train_once.epoch_step += 1 step = train_once.epoch_step #melt.add_summarys(summary, evaluate_results, evaluate_names, prefix='eval') melt.add_summarys(summary, evaluate_results, evaluate_names, prefix=prefix) summary_writer.add_summary(summary, step) summary_writer.flush()
def train_once( sess, step, ops, names=None, gen_feed_dict_fn=None, deal_results_fn=None, interval_steps=100, eval_ops=None, eval_names=None, gen_eval_feed_dict_fn=None, deal_eval_results_fn=melt.print_results, eval_interval_steps=100, print_time=True, print_avg_loss=True, model_dir=None, log_dir=None, is_start=False, num_steps_per_epoch=None, metric_eval_fn=None, metric_eval_interval_steps=0, summary_excls=None, fixed_step=None, # for epoch only, incase you change batch size eval_loops=1, learning_rate=None, learning_rate_patience=None, learning_rate_decay_factor=None, num_epochs=None, model_path=None, ): #is_start = False # force not to evaluate at first step #print('-----------------global_step', timer = gezi.Timer() if print_time: if not hasattr(train_once, 'timer'): train_once.timer = Timer() train_once.eval_timer = Timer() train_once.metric_eval_timer = Timer() melt.set_global('step', step) epoch = (fixed_step or step) / num_steps_per_epoch if num_steps_per_epoch else -1 if not num_epochs: epoch_str = 'epoch:%.3f' % (epoch) if num_steps_per_epoch else '' else: epoch_str = 'epoch:%.3f/%d' % ( epoch, num_epochs) if num_steps_per_epoch else '' melt.set_global('epoch', '%.2f' % (epoch)) info = IO() stop = False if eval_names is None: if names: eval_names = ['eval/' + x for x in names] if names: names = ['train/' + x for x in names] if eval_names: eval_names = ['eval/' + x for x in eval_names] is_eval_step = is_start or eval_interval_steps and step % eval_interval_steps == 0 summary_str = [] if is_eval_step: # deal with summary if log_dir: if not hasattr(train_once, 'summary_op'): #melt.print_summary_ops() if summary_excls is None: train_once.summary_op = tf.summary.merge_all() else: summary_ops = [] for op in tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.SUMMARIES): for summary_excl in summary_excls: if not summary_excl in summary_ops.append(op) print('filtered summary_ops:') for op in summary_ops: print(op) train_once.summary_op = tf.summary.merge(summary_ops) #train_once.summary_train_op = tf.summary.merge_all(key=melt.MonitorKeys.TRAIN) train_once.summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter( log_dir, sess.graph) tf.contrib.tensorboard.plugins.projector.visualize_embeddings( train_once.summary_writer, projector_config) if eval_ops is not None: #if deal_eval_results_fn is None and eval_names is not None: # deal_eval_results_fn = lambda x: melt.print_results(x, eval_names) for i in range(eval_loops): eval_feed_dict = {} if gen_eval_feed_dict_fn is None else gen_eval_feed_dict_fn( ) #eval_feed_dict.update(feed_dict) # might use EVAL_NO_SUMMARY if some old code has problem TODO CHECK if not log_dir or train_once.summary_op is None or gezi.env_has( 'EVAL_NO_SUMMARY'): #if not log_dir or train_once.summary_op is None: eval_results =, feed_dict=eval_feed_dict) else: eval_results = + [train_once.summary_op], feed_dict=eval_feed_dict) summary_str = eval_results[-1] eval_results = eval_results[:-1] eval_loss = gezi.get_singles(eval_results) #timer_.print() eval_stop = False # @TODO user print should also use logging as a must ? #print(gezi.now_time(), epoch_str, 'eval_step: %d'%step, 'eval_metrics:', end='') eval_names_ = melt.adjust_names(eval_loss, eval_names) logging.info2('{} eval_step:{} eval_metrics:{}'.format( epoch_str, step, melt.parse_results(eval_loss, eval_names_))) # if deal_eval_results_fn is not None: # eval_stop = deal_eval_results_fn(eval_results) assert len(eval_loss) > 0 if eval_stop is True: stop = True eval_names_ = melt.adjust_names(eval_loss, eval_names) melt.set_global('eval_loss', melt.parse_results(eval_loss, eval_names_)) elif interval_steps != eval_interval_steps: #print() pass metric_evaluate = False # if metric_eval_fn is not None \ # and (is_start \ # or (num_steps_per_epoch and step % num_steps_per_epoch == 0) \ # or (metric_eval_interval_steps \ # and step % metric_eval_interval_steps == 0)): # metric_evaluate = True if metric_eval_fn is not None \ and ((is_start or metric_eval_interval_steps \ and step % metric_eval_interval_steps == 0) or model_path): metric_evaluate = True #if (is_start or step == 0) and (not 'EVFIRST' in os.environ): if ((step == 0) and (not 'EVFIRST' in os.environ)) or ('QUICK' in os.environ) or ( 'EVFIRST' in os.environ and os.environ['EVFIRST'] == '0'): metric_evaluate = False if metric_evaluate: # TODO better if not model_path or 'model_path' not in inspect.getargspec( metric_eval_fn).args: l = metric_eval_fn() if len(l) == 2: evaluate_results, evaluate_names = l evaluate_summaries = None else: evaluate_results, evaluate_names, evaluate_summaries = l else: try: l = metric_eval_fn(model_path=model_path) if len(l) == 2: evaluate_results, evaluate_names = l evaluate_summaries = None else: evaluate_results, evaluate_names, evaluate_summaries = l except Exception:'Do nothing for metric eval fn with exception:\n', traceback.format_exc()) logging.info2('{} valid_step:{} {}:{}'.format( epoch_str, step, 'valid_metrics' if model_path is None else 'epoch_valid_metrics', melt.parse_results(evaluate_results, evaluate_names))) if learning_rate is not None and (learning_rate_patience and learning_rate_patience > 0): assert learning_rate_decay_factor > 0 and learning_rate_decay_factor < 1 valid_loss = evaluate_results[0] if not hasattr(train_once, 'min_valid_loss'): train_once.min_valid_loss = valid_loss train_once.deacy_steps = [] train_once.patience = 0 else: if valid_loss < train_once.min_valid_loss: train_once.min_valid_loss = valid_loss train_once.patience = 0 else: train_once.patience += 1 logging.info2('{} valid_step:{} patience:{}'.format( epoch_str, step, train_once.patience)) if learning_rate_patience and train_once.patience >= learning_rate_patience: lr_op = ops[1] lr = * learning_rate_decay_factor train_once.deacy_steps.append(step) logging.info2( '{} valid_step:{} learning_rate_decay by *{}, learning_rate_decay_steps={}' .format(epoch_str, step, learning_rate_decay_factor, ','.join(map(str, train_once.deacy_steps)))), tf.constant(lr, dtype=tf.float32))) train_once.patience = 0 train_once.min_valid_loss = valid_loss if ops is not None: #if deal_results_fn is None and names is not None: # deal_results_fn = lambda x: melt.print_results(x, names) feed_dict = {} if gen_feed_dict_fn is None else gen_feed_dict_fn() # NOTICE ops[2] should be scalar otherwise wrong!! loss should be scalar #print('---------------ops', ops) if eval_ops is not None or not log_dir or not hasattr( train_once, 'summary_op') or train_once.summary_op is None: results =, feed_dict=feed_dict) else: #try: results = + [train_once.summary_op], feed_dict=feed_dict) summary_str = results[-1] results = results[:-1] # except Exception: #' + [train_once.summary_op], feed_dict=feed_dict) fail') # results =, feed_dict=feed_dict) #print('------------results', results) # #--------trace debug # if step == 210: # run_metadata = tf.RunMetadata() # results = # ops, # feed_dict=feed_dict, # options=tf.RunOptions(trace_level=tf.RunOptions.FULL_TRACE), # run_metadata=run_metadata) # from tensorflow.python.client import timeline # trace = timeline.Timeline(step_stats=run_metadata.step_stats) # trace_file = open('timeline.ctf.json', 'w') # trace_file.write(trace.generate_chrome_trace_format()) #reults[0] assume to be train_op, results[1] to be learning_rate learning_rate = results[1] results = results[2:] #@TODO should support aver loss and other avg evaluations like test.. if print_avg_loss: if not hasattr(train_once, 'avg_loss'): train_once.avg_loss = AvgScore() if interval_steps != eval_interval_steps: train_once.avg_loss2 = AvgScore() #assume results[0] as train_op return, results[1] as loss loss = gezi.get_singles(results) train_once.avg_loss.add(loss) if interval_steps != eval_interval_steps: train_once.avg_loss2.add(loss) steps_per_second = None instances_per_second = None hours_per_epoch = None #step += 1 if is_start or interval_steps and step % interval_steps == 0: train_average_loss = train_once.avg_loss.avg_score() if print_time: duration = timer.elapsed() duration_str = 'duration:{:.3f} '.format(duration) melt.set_global('duration', '%.3f' % duration) info.write(duration_str) elapsed = train_once.timer.elapsed() steps_per_second = interval_steps / elapsed batch_size = melt.batch_size() num_gpus = melt.num_gpus() instances_per_second = interval_steps * batch_size / elapsed gpu_info = '' if num_gpus <= 1 else ' gpus:[{}]'.format( num_gpus) if num_steps_per_epoch is None: epoch_time_info = '' else: hours_per_epoch = num_steps_per_epoch / interval_steps * elapsed / 3600 epoch_time_info = ' 1epoch:[{:.2f}h]'.format( hours_per_epoch) info.write( 'elapsed:[{:.3f}] batch_size:[{}]{} batches/s:[{:.2f}] insts/s:[{:.2f}] {} lr:[{:.8f}]' .format(elapsed, batch_size, gpu_info, steps_per_second, instances_per_second, epoch_time_info, learning_rate)) if print_avg_loss: #info.write('train_avg_metrics:{} '.format(melt.value_name_list_str(train_average_loss, names))) names_ = melt.adjust_names(train_average_loss, names) #info.write('train_avg_metric:{} '.format(melt.parse_results(train_average_loss, names_))) info.write(' train:{} '.format( melt.parse_results(train_average_loss, names_))) #info.write('train_avg_loss: {} '.format(train_average_loss)) #print(gezi.now_time(), epoch_str, 'train_step:%d'%step, info.getvalue(), end=' ') logging.info2('{} {} {}'.format(epoch_str, 'step:%d' % step, info.getvalue())) if deal_results_fn is not None: stop = deal_results_fn(results) summary_strs = gezi.to_list(summary_str) if metric_evaluate: if evaluate_summaries is not None: summary_strs += evaluate_summaries if step > 1: if is_eval_step: # deal with summary if log_dir: # if not hasattr(train_once, 'summary_op'): # melt.print_summary_ops() # if summary_excls is None: # train_once.summary_op = tf.summary.merge_all() # else: # summary_ops = [] # for op in tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.SUMMARIES): # for summary_excl in summary_excls: # if not summary_excl in # summary_ops.append(op) # print('filtered summary_ops:') # for op in summary_ops: # print(op) # train_once.summary_op = tf.summary.merge(summary_ops) # print('-------------summary_op', train_once.summary_op) # #train_once.summary_train_op = tf.summary.merge_all(key=melt.MonitorKeys.TRAIN) # train_once.summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(log_dir, sess.graph) # tf.contrib.tensorboard.plugins.projector.visualize_embeddings(train_once.summary_writer, projector_config) summary = tf.Summary() # #so the strategy is on eval_interval_steps, if has eval dataset, then tensorboard evluate on eval dataset # #if not have eval dataset, will evaluate on trainset, but if has eval dataset we will also monitor train loss # assert train_once.summary_train_op is None # if train_once.summary_train_op is not None: # summary_str =, feed_dict=feed_dict) # train_once.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_str, step) if eval_ops is None: # #get train loss, for every batch train # if train_once.summary_op is not None: # #timer2 = gezi.Timer('sess run') # try: # # TODO FIXME so this means one more train batch step without adding to global step counter ?! so should move it earlier # summary_str =, feed_dict=feed_dict) # except Exception: # if not hasattr(train_once, 'num_summary_errors'): # logging.warning('summary_str =, feed_dict=feed_dict) fail') # train_once.num_summary_errors = 1 # logging.warning(traceback.format_exc()) # summary_str = '' # # #timer2.print() if train_once.summary_op is not None: for summary_str in summary_strs: train_once.summary_writer.add_summary( summary_str, step) else: # #get eval loss for every batch eval, then add train loss for eval step average loss # try: # summary_str =, feed_dict=eval_feed_dict) if train_once.summary_op is not None else '' # except Exception: # if not hasattr(train_once, 'num_summary_errors'): # logging.warning('summary_str =, feed_dict=eval_feed_dict) fail') # train_once.num_summary_errors = 1 # logging.warning(traceback.format_exc()) # summary_str = '' #all single value results will be add to summary here not using tf.scalar_summary.. #summary.ParseFromString(summary_str) for summary_str in summary_strs: train_once.summary_writer.add_summary( summary_str, step) suffix = 'eval' if not eval_names else '' melt.add_summarys(summary, eval_results, eval_names_, suffix=suffix) if ops is not None: melt.add_summarys(summary, train_average_loss, names_, suffix='train_avg') ##optimizer has done this also melt.add_summary(summary, learning_rate, 'learning_rate') melt.add_summary(summary, melt.batch_size(), 'batch_size') melt.add_summary(summary, melt.epoch(), 'epoch') if steps_per_second: melt.add_summary(summary, steps_per_second, 'steps_per_second') if instances_per_second: melt.add_summary(summary, instances_per_second, 'instances_per_second') if hours_per_epoch: melt.add_summary(summary, hours_per_epoch, 'hours_per_epoch') if metric_evaluate: #melt.add_summarys(summary, evaluate_results, evaluate_names, prefix='eval') prefix = 'step/valid' if model_path: prefix = 'epoch/valid' if not hasattr(train_once, 'epoch_step'): train_once.epoch_step = 1 else: train_once.epoch_step += 1 step = train_once.epoch_step melt.add_summarys(summary, evaluate_results, evaluate_names, prefix=prefix) train_once.summary_writer.add_summary(summary, step) train_once.summary_writer.flush() #timer_.print() # if print_time: # full_duration = train_once.eval_timer.elapsed() # if metric_evaluate: # metric_full_duration = train_once.metric_eval_timer.elapsed() # full_duration_str = 'elapsed:{:.3f} '.format(full_duration) # #info.write('duration:{:.3f} '.format(timer.elapsed())) # duration = timer.elapsed() # info.write('duration:{:.3f} '.format(duration)) # info.write(full_duration_str) # info.write('eval_time_ratio:{:.3f} '.format(duration/full_duration)) # if metric_evaluate: # info.write('metric_time_ratio:{:.3f} '.format(duration/metric_full_duration)) # #print(gezi.now_time(), epoch_str, 'eval_step: %d'%step, info.getvalue()) # logging.info2('{} {} {}'.format(epoch_str, 'eval_step: %d'%step, info.getvalue())) return stop elif metric_evaluate: summary = tf.Summary() for summary_str in summary_strs: train_once.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_str, step) #summary.ParseFromString(evaluate_summaries) summary_writer = train_once.summary_writer prefix = 'step/valid' if model_path: prefix = 'epoch/valid' if not hasattr(train_once, 'epoch_step'): ## TODO.. restart will get 1 again.. #epoch_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False, name='epoch_step') #epoch_step += 1 #train_once.epoch_step = valid_interval_epochs = 1. try: valid_interval_epochs = FLAGS.valid_interval_epochs except Exception: pass train_once.epoch_step = 1 if melt.epoch() <= 1 else int( int(melt.epoch() * 10) / int(valid_interval_epochs * 10))'train_once epoch start step is', train_once.epoch_step) else: #epoch_step += 1 train_once.epoch_step += 1 step = train_once.epoch_step #melt.add_summarys(summary, evaluate_results, evaluate_names, prefix='eval') melt.add_summarys(summary, evaluate_results, evaluate_names, prefix=prefix) summary_writer.add_summary(summary, step) summary_writer.flush()