Пример #1
    def __getcodeblockinfo(self, cu):

        CBs=BBModel.getCodeBlocksContaining(cu_addr, None)
        if len(CBs)!=1:
            raise err_in_address("there is NOT only one codeblock that contains this codeunit")
        return cu_addr, CB_maxaddr
def has_only_one_basic_block(function):
    blockModel = BasicBlockModel(currentProgram)
    blocks = blockModel.getCodeBlocksContaining(function.getBody(), monitor)

    count = 0
    while blocks.hasNext():
        count += 1
    return count == 1
Пример #3
def dumpBlocks(output):
    bbModel = BasicBlockModel(currentProgram)
    functionManager = currentProgram.getFunctionManager()
    module = blocks_pb2.module()
    # record the basic block that has been added by functions
    bb_set = set()
    # get all functions
    funcs_set = set()
    for func in functionManager.getFunctions(True):
        # we skip external functions
        if func.isExternal():
        func_va = func.getEntryPoint().getOffset()
        if func_va in funcs_set:
        logging.debug("Function address is 0x{0:x}".format(
        codeBlockIterator = bbModel.getCodeBlocksContaining(
            func.getBody(), monitor)
        pbFunc = module.fuc.add()
        pbFunc.va = func.getEntryPoint().getOffset()

        if func.hasNoReturn():
            pbFunc.type = 0x5
            logging.debug("function at 0x%x does not return!" % pbFunc.va)

        # iter over the basic blocks
        while codeBlockIterator.hasNext():
            bb = codeBlockIterator.next()
            pbBB = pbFunc.bb.add()
            addBB(pbBB, bb, pbFunc)

    codeBlocks = bbModel.getCodeBlocks(monitor)
    dummy_func = module.fuc.add()
    dummy_func.va = 0x0
    while codeBlocks.hasNext():
        bb = codeBlocks.next()
        if bb.getMinAddress().getOffset() in bb_set:
        pbBB = dummy_func.bb.add()
        logging.debug("Find another basic block 0x%x" %
        addBB(pbBB, bb, dummy_func)

    f = open(output, "wb")
Пример #4
def main():

    model = BasicBlockModel(getCurrentProgram())
    print "Block model: %s" % model.getName()
    print "Ignore threshold: %d" % ignore_threshold
    print "Print missing: %s" % print_missing
    print "Verbose=%s" % verbose

    # Read edges from file, then scan program and mark any reached blocks
    # Input format:
    # One edge per line: "src,dst,num", where num is the number of times the edge was hit
    edges = read_edges("/tmp/edges_uniq.lst")
    unmapped_edges = scan_by_edges(model, edges)


Пример #5
    def __init__(self, program):
        self._program = program
        self._flat_api = FlatProgramAPI(self._program)
        self._memory_map = self._program.getMemory()
        self._simple_blk = BasicBlockModel(self._program)
        self._monitor = self._flat_api.getMonitor()
        self._function_manager = self._program.getFunctionManager()
        self._address_factory = self._program.getAddressFactory()

        self.signatures = None
        self._strings = {}

        start = time.time()
        self._signatures = self._generate()
        end = time.time()

        print 'Generated %d formal signatures and %d fuzzy signatures for %d '\
            'functions in %.2f seconds.' % (len(self._signatures.formal),
                                            end - start)
Пример #6
class Rizzo(object):
    def __init__(self, program):
        self._program = program
        self._flat_api = FlatProgramAPI(self._program)
        self._memory_map = self._program.getMemory()
        self._simple_blk = BasicBlockModel(self._program)
        self._monitor = self._flat_api.getMonitor()
        self._function_manager = self._program.getFunctionManager()
        self._address_factory = self._program.getAddressFactory()

        self.signatures = None
        self._strings = {}

        start = time.time()
        self._signatures = self._generate()
        end = time.time()

        print 'Generated %d formal signatures and %d fuzzy signatures for %d '\
            'functions in %.2f seconds.' % (len(self._signatures.formal),
                                            end - start)

    def save(self, signature_file):
        Save Rizzo signatures to the supplied signature file.

        :param signature_file: Full path to save signatures.
        :type signature_file: str
        print 'Saving signature to %s...' % signature_file
        with open(signature_file, 'wb') as rizz_file:
            pickle.dump(self._signatures, rizz_file)
        print 'done.'

    def load(self, signature_file):
        Load Rizzo signatures from a file.

        :param signature_file: Full path to load signatures from.
        :type signature_file: str

        :returns: Loaded signatures
        :rtype: RizzoSignatures
        if not os.path.exists(signature_file):
            raise Exception('Signature file %s does not exist' %

        print 'Loading signatures from %s...' % signature_file
        with open(signature_file, 'rb') as rizz_file:
                signatures = pickle.load(rizz_file)
                print 'This does not appear to be a Rizzo signature file.'
        print 'done.'
        return signatures

    def apply(self, signatures):
        Apply signatures to the current program.

        :param signatures: Signatures to apply to current program.
        :type signatures: RizzoSignatures
        rename_count = 0
        signature_matches = self._find_match(signatures)
        renamed = []

        for matches in signature_matches:
            for curr_func, new_func in matches.iteritems():
                curr_addr = self._address_factory.getAddress(
                function = self._flat_api.getFunctionAt(curr_addr)
                if function and new_func.name not in renamed:
                    if self._rename_functions(function, new_func.name):
                        rename_count += 1

                duplicates = []
                block_match = {}
                for block in new_func.blocks:
                    new_block = RizzoBlockDescriptor(block)
                    for curr_block in curr_func.blocks:
                        curr_block = RizzoBlockDescriptor(curr_block)

                        if curr_block == new_block:
                            if curr_block in block_match:
                                del block_match[curr_block]
                            elif curr_block not in duplicates:
                                block_match[curr_block] = new_block

                for curr_block, new_block in block_match.iteritems():
                    for curr_function, new_function in \
                            zip(curr_block.functions, new_block.functions):
                        functions = utils.find_function(
                            self._program, curr_function)
                        if len(functions) == 1:
                            if new_function not in renamed:
                                if self._rename_functions(
                                        functions[0], new_function):
                                    rename_count += 1

        print 'Renamed %d functions.' % rename_count

    def _find_match(self, signatures):
        Find matches to signatures in the current program.

        :param signatures: Signatures to find in current program.
        :type signatures: RizzoSignatures

        :returns: Tuple of matched signatures: (formal, string, immediate, fuzzy)
        :rtype: tuple
        formal_signatures = find_signature_matches(signatures.formal,
                                                   'formal signatures')

        string_signatures = find_signature_matches(signatures.strings,
                                                   'string signatures')

        immediate_signatures = find_signature_matches(
            signatures.immediates, self._signatures.immediates,
            signatures.functions, self._signatures.functions,
            'immediate signatures')

        fuzzy_signatures = find_signature_matches(
            signatures.fuzzy, self._signatures.fuzzy, signatures.functions,
            self._signatures.functions, 'fuzzy signatures',
            lambda x, y: len(x.blocks) == len(y.blocks))

        return (formal_signatures, string_signatures, immediate_signatures,

    def _rename_functions(self, function, name):
        Rename a function if the function has not be renamed and new name
        is a valid new function name. Previous renamed are determined by 
        searching for 'FUN_' in the function.

        :param function: Function to be renamed.
        :type function: ghidra.program.model.listing.Function

        :param name: New name to give function.
        :type name: unicode

        :returns: True if function renamed, False for no rename.
        :rtype: bool
        if not function or not name:
            return False

        if 'FUN_' in function.name and 'FUN_' not in name:
            if function:
                print 'Renaming %s to %s' % (function.name, name)
                function.setName(name, SourceType.USER_DEFINED)
                return True
        elif 'FUN_' not in function.name and 'FUN_' not in name and \
                function.name != name:
            print 'Found match with %s to %s but did not rename.' % \
                (function.name, name)
        return False

    def _signature_hash(self, value):
        Simple hash function used to create a signature.

        :param value: Value to hash.
        :type value: variable

        :returns: Signature hash
        :rtype: int
        return hash(str(value)) & 0xFFFFFFFF

    def _find_strings(self):
        Find strings in the current program and create signatures for them.
        memory = self._memory_map.getAllInitializedAddressSet()
        strings = self._flat_api.findStrings(memory, 2, 1, True, True)

        for string in strings:
            addr = string.getAddress()
            value = string.getString(self._memory_map)
            xref = self._flat_api.getReferencesTo(addr)
            self._strings[addr.hashCode()] = RizzoString(addr, value, xref)

    def _get_function_blocks(self, function):
        Get all code blocks in the provided function.

        :param function: Function to get code blocks from.
        :type function: ghidra.program.model.listing.Function

        :returns: List of code blocks.
        :rtype: ghidra.program.model.block.CodeBlock
        blocks = []
        code_blocks = self._simple_blk.getCodeBlocksContaining(
            function.body, self._monitor)

        while code_blocks.hasNext():

        return blocks

    def _hash_block(self, block):
        Create signatures for the provided code block.

        :returns: Tuple of formal, fuzzy, function, and immediate signatures)
        formal = []
        fuzzy = []
        functions = []
        immediates = []

        min_addr = block.minAddress
        max_addr = block.maxAddress

        curr_ins = self._flat_api.getInstructionAt(min_addr)

        while curr_ins and curr_ins.getAddress() < max_addr:
            code_ref = []
            data_ref = []

            # Create code and data reference signatures.
            references = curr_ins.getReferencesFrom()
            for reference in references:
                # Don't care about tracking stack references.
                if reference.isStackReference():

                if is_code_ref(reference):

                # Get data reads only if they are to valid memory.
                elif is_data_ref(reference) and \

            # Append the mnemonic string to the formal signature.

            # If its a call instruction add the function call to the functions
            # signature and make note of the call in the fuzzy signature.
            if is_call_instruction(curr_ins):
                for cref in code_ref:
                    func = self._flat_api.getFunctionAt(cref.toAddress)
                    if func:
            # Make not of any data references.
            elif data_ref:
                for dref in data_ref:
                    addr_hash = dref.toAddress.hashCode()

                    if self._strings.has_key(addr_hash):
                        string_value = self._strings[addr_hash].value
                        string_value = 'dataref'

            # If not data or code then add everything to the formal signature.
            elif not data_ref and not code_ref:
                for i in range(0, curr_ins.getNumOperands()):
                    operand = curr_ins.getDefaultOperandRepresentation(i)

                    op_type = curr_ins.getOperandRefType(i)
                    if op_type.isData():
                        # Indeterminate return values. Just put a try/except
                        # around it so the getValue AttributeError can be
                        # ignored. Not worth checking for types since those
                        # may come and go.
                            op_value = curr_ins.getOpObjects(i)[0].getValue()
                            if op_value > 0xFFFF:
                        except (AttributeError, IndexError):

            curr_ins = curr_ins.getNext()

        formal_sig = self._signature_hash(''.join(formal))
        fuzzy_sig = self._signature_hash(''.join(fuzzy))

        return (formal_sig, fuzzy_sig, immediates, functions)

    def _hash_function(self, function):
        Create a block by block signature for the provided function.

        :param function: Function to create signature hash for.
        :type function: ghidra.program.model.listing.Function

        :returns: List of signatures per block found.
        block_hash = []

        func_blocks = self._get_function_blocks(function)
        for block in func_blocks:

        return block_hash

    def _generate(self):
        Create signatures for the current program.
        signatures = RizzoSignature()

        # String based signatures
        for (str_hash, curr_string) in self._strings.iteritems():
            # Only create signatures on reasonably long strings with one ref.
            if len(curr_string.value) >= 8 and len(curr_string.xrefs) == 1:
                function = self._flat_api.getFunctionContaining(
                if function:
                    string_hash = self._signature_hash(curr_string.value)
                    entry = utils.address_to_int(function.getEntryPoint())
                    signatures.add_string(string_hash, entry)

        # Formal, fuzzy, and immediate-based function signatures
        for function in self._function_manager.getFunctions(True):
            hashed_function_blocks = self._hash_function(function)

            formal = self._signature_hash(''.join(
                [str(e) for (e, _, _, _) in hashed_function_blocks]))
            fuzzy = self._signature_hash(''.join(
                [str(f) for (_, f, _, _) in hashed_function_blocks]))
            immediate = [str(i) for (_, _, i, _) in hashed_function_blocks]

            function_entry = utils.address_to_int(function.getEntryPoint())
            signatures.functions[function_entry] = (function.getName(),

            signatures.add_formal(formal, function_entry)
            signatures.add_fuzzy(fuzzy, function_entry)

            for value in immediate:
                signatures.add_immediate(value, function_entry)


        return signatures
Пример #7
#Extract basic blocks of the program
#@author Hsin-Wei Hung
#@category _NEW_

from ghidra.program.model.block import BasicBlockModel

f = open("{}.bbs".format(currentProgram.getName()), "w+")

base = currentProgram.getImageBase().getOffset()
bbm = BasicBlockModel(currentProgram)
bbs = bbm.getCodeBlocks(monitor)
while (bbs.hasNext()):
    bb = bbs.next()
#    print("cb {} {}".format(bb.getMinAddress(), bb.getMaxAddress()))
    addrs = bb.getAddresses(True)
    nextStartAddr = bb.getMinAddress()
    while (addrs.hasNext()):
        addr = addrs.next()
        instr = getInstructionAt(addr)
        if instr is not None:
            if not instr.getFlowType().isFallthrough():
                instrSize = instr.getLength()
#                print("bb {} {}".format(nextStartAddr, addr.add(instrSize-1)))
                f.write("{} {}\n".format(nextStartAddr.getOffset()-base,
                nextStartAddr = addr.add(instrSize)
Пример #8
# credits for code logic
# AndrewFasano/VisualizingFuzzerCoverage - github
from ghidra.program.model.block import BasicBlockModel

blockiterator = BasicBlockModel(currentProgram).getCodeBlocks(monitor)
# dictionary contains basic block information
functions = {}

def add_block(function, block):
    if function not in functions:
        functions[function] = []

# For each block, look through the function list until we find a match
# This is terribly inefficient (O(N^2))

while blockiterator.hasNext():
    cur_block = blockiterator.next().getMinAddress()
    function = getFirstFunction()
    found = False

    # Search functions until we find a match or run out of functions
    while function is not None:
        b = function.getBody()
        if b.contains(cur_block):
            add_block(function.getName(), cur_block)
            found = True
Пример #9
def main():

    edges = read_edges("/tmp/edges_uniq.lst")

    blocks = BasicBlockModel(getCurrentProgram())
    print "Block Model: %s" % blocks.getName()

    # Scan program and mark any blocks we reached
    unmapped_edges = scan_by_edges(blocks, edges)

    # Compute blocks reached/unreached by function
    # While at it, also count the total number of base blocks
    BlockIter = blocks.getCodeBlocks(monitor)
    total_blocks = 0
    reached_map = dict() # map of reached blocks by function
    blocks_map = dict()  # map of total blocks by function
    while BlockIter.hasNext():
        total_blocks += 1
        block = BlockIter.next()
        addr = block.getFirstStartAddress()
        func = getFunctionContaining(addr)

        if func in blocks_map:
            blocks_map[func] += 1
            blocks_map[func] = 1

        if block in blocklist:
            if func in reached_map:
                reached_map[func] += 1
                reached_map[func] = 1

    ## Summarize blocks reached/missed by function
    for func, blocks in sorted(reached_map.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]):
        total = blocks_map[func]
        percent = blocks * 100 / total
        if total > ignore_threshold:
            print "Reached: %3d blocks (%3d%%) in %s" % (blocks, percent, func)

    if print_missing:
        for func, blocks in sorted(blocks_map.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]):
            if func not in reached_map and blocks > ignore_threshold:
                print "Missed: %3d blocks in %s" % (blocks, func)

    # Overall Summary
    block_cov = len(blocklist) * 100 / total_blocks
    func_cov = len(reached_map) * 100 / len(blocks_map)
    print "Total blocks in file: %6d" % total_blocks
    print "Total edges in trace: %6d" % len(edges)
    print "Failed to map edges:  %6d" % unmapped_edges
    print "Total reached funcs:  %5d / %5d (%d%%)" % (len(reached_map), len(blocks_map), func_cov)
    print "Total reached blocks: %5d / %5d (%d%%)" % (len(blocklist), total_blocks, block_cov)
Пример #10
def main():

    model = BasicBlockModel(getCurrentProgram())
    print "Block model: %s" % model.getName()
    print "Ignore threshold: %d" % ignore_threshold
    print "Print missing: %s" % print_missing
    print "Verbose=%s" % verbose

    # Read edges from file, then scan program and mark any reached blocks
    # Input format:
    # One edge per line: "src,dst,num", where num is the number of times the edge was hit
    edges = read_edges("/tmp/edges_uniq.lst")
    unmapped_edges = scan_by_edges(model, edges)

    # Compute blocks reached/unreached by function
    # While at it, also count the total number of base blocks
    BlockIter = model.getCodeBlocks(monitor)
    total_blocks = 0
    missing_blocks = 0
    reached_blocks = 0
    reached_map = dict()  # map of reached blocks by function
    blocks_map = dict()  # map of total blocks by function
    while BlockIter.hasNext():
        total_blocks += 1
        block = BlockIter.next()
        addr = block.getFirstStartAddress()
        func = str(getFunctionContaining(addr))

        if func in blocks_map:
            blocks_map[func] += 1
            blocks_map[func] = 1

        if func in func_blacklist:
            if block in blocklist:
                print "Block: addr=%s, name=%s func=%s, reached=%d" % (
                    addr, id(block), func, (block in blocklist))

        if block in blocklist:
            reached_blocks += 1
            if func in reached_map:
                reached_map[func] += 1
                reached_map[func] = 1
            missing_blocks += 1
        #print "Block: addr=%s, name=%s func=%s, reached=%d" % (
        #        addr, id(block), func, (block in blocklist))

    ## Summarize blocks reached/missed by function
    total_blocks_reachable = 0
    for func, blocks in sorted(reached_map.items(),
                               key=lambda x: str(x[0]).lower):
        total = blocks_map[func]
        percent = blocks * 100 / total
        total_blocks_reachable += total
        if total > ignore_threshold:
            print "Reached: %3d from %3d blocks (%3d%%) in %s" % (
                blocks, total, percent, func)

    if print_missing:
        for func, blocks in sorted(blocks_map.items(),
                                   key=lambda x: str(x[0]).lower):
            if func in func_blacklist:
                print "Ignore: %3d blocks in %s" % (blocks, func)
            if func not in reached_map and blocks > ignore_threshold:
                print "Missed: %3d blocks in %s" % (blocks, func)

    if print_implicit and len(implicit_blocks):
        print "\nMarked %d implicitly reached blocks:\n\t%s" % (len(
            implicit_blocks), ', '.join(str(x.name) for x in implicit_blocks))

    # Overall Summary
    blocks_ignored = 0
    for func in func_blacklist:
        if blocks_map.get(func):
            blocks_ignored += blocks_map[func]
    blocks_ignored = sum([blocks_map.get(func, 0) for func in func_blacklist])

    filtered_blocks = reached_blocks + missing_blocks
    block_cov = reached_blocks * 100 / filtered_blocks
    func_cov = len(reached_map) * 100 / len(blocks_map)

    print "Total blocks in file: %6d" % total_blocks
    print "         blacklisted: %6d" % blocks_ignored
    print "           remaining: %6d" % filtered_blocks
    print "Total edges in trace: %6d" % len(edges)
    print "Failed to map edges:  %6d" % unmapped_edges
    print "Total reached funcs:  %6d / %6d (%d%%)" % (
        len(reached_map), len(blocks_map), func_cov)
    print "Total reached blocks: %6d / %6d (%d%%)" % (
        reached_blocks, filtered_blocks, block_cov)
    print " ..in reached funcs:  %6d / %6d (%d%%)" % (
        reached_blocks, total_blocks_reachable,
        100 * reached_blocks / total_blocks_reachable)
    print "  Blocks not reached: %6d" % missing_blocks
Пример #11
# Example ghidra script showing how to extract the address and
# names of basic blocks.

# Run this script on the target binary and then feed the
# output into breakpoints.txt

from ghidra.program.model.block import BasicBlockModel
from ghidra.util.task import TaskMonitor

bbm = BasicBlockModel(currentProgram)
blocks = bbm.getCodeBlocks(TaskMonitor.DUMMY)
block = blocks.next()

while block:
    print "{} {}".format(block.minAddress, block.name)
    block = blocks.next()
Пример #12
from ghidra.program.model.pcode import HighSymbol
from ghidra.program.model.pcode import HighVariable
from ghidra.program.model.pcode import LocalSymbolMap
from ghidra.program.model.pcode import PcodeOp
from ghidra.program.model.pcode import Varnode
from ghidra.program.model.symbol import Symbol
from ghidra.program.model.symbol import Reference
from ghidra.program.model.symbol import ReferenceIterator
from ghidra.program.model.symbol import ReferenceManager
from ghidra.util.task import ConsoleTaskMonitor
from ghidra.program.model.block import BasicBlockModel
from ghidra.program.model.data import Structure
from ghidra.program.model.data import StructureDataType

# for static blocks
blockiterator = BasicBlockModel(currentProgram).getCodeBlocks(monitor)
fun_blocks = {}

def add_block(function, block):
    if function not in fun_blocks:
        fun_blocks[function] = []

# For each block, look through the function list until we find a match
# This is terribly inefficient (O(N^2))

def basicblocks():
    while blockiterator.hasNext():
Пример #13
 def __init__(self, program):
     self._program = program
     self._flat_api = FlatProgramAPI(program)
     self._monitor = self._flat_api.getMonitor()
     self._basic_blocks = BasicBlockModel(self._program)
Пример #14
# Ghidra plugin to generate a mapping of function names to basic blocks in JSON
#@author Andrew Fasano & Brendan Dolan-Gavitt
#@category CodeAnalysis

from ghidra.program.model.block import BasicBlockModel
import json

bbmodel = BasicBlockModel(currentProgram)
blockIterator = bbmodel.getCodeBlocks(monitor)
block_map = {}

def add_block(fn, block):
    if fn not in block_map.keys():
        block_map[fn] = []

# For each block, look through the function list until we find a match
# This is terribly inefficient (O(N^2))

while blockIterator.hasNext():
    cur_block = blockIterator.next().getMinAddress()
    function = getFirstFunction()
    found = False

    # Search functions until we find a match or run out of functions
    while function is not None:
from ghidra.program.model.address import AddressSetView
from ghidra.app.decompiler import DecompInterface
from ghidra.program.model.pcode import PcodeOp
from ghidra.program.model.symbol import SourceType
from ghidra.program.model.listing.Function import FunctionUpdateType
from ghidra.app.util.cparser.C import CParserUtils
from ghidra.program.model.listing import ReturnParameterImpl
from ghidra.program.model.listing import ParameterImpl

TL_APIS = {}

DR_APIS = {}

blockModel = BasicBlockModel(currentProgram)
functionManager = currentProgram.getFunctionManager()
decompInterface = DecompInterface()

def load_api_names_types():
    curdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getsourcefile(lambda: 0)))

    with open(os.path.join(curdir, 'tl_apis.json'), 'r') as f:
        TL_APIS.update({i: (n, t) for i, n, t in json.loads(f.read())})
    print("[*] Loaded %s trustlets APIs names" % len(TL_APIS))

    global DR_APIS
    with open(os.path.join(curdir, 'dr_apis.json'), 'r') as f:
        DR_APIS.update({i: (n, t) for i, n, t in json.loads(f.read())})
Пример #16
 def get_basic_blocks_containing(self, addrset):
     bbm = BasicBlockModel(self.cp)
     bbi = bbm.getCodeBlocksContaining(addrset, self.flatapi.monitor)
     return FakeIter(bbi)
 def _basic_block_model(
         self) -> "ghidra.program.model.block.BasicBlockModel":
     if not self.__basic_block_model:
         from ghidra.program.model.block import BasicBlockModel
         self.__basic_block_model = BasicBlockModel(self._program)
     return self.__basic_block_model