def execute(self): if not boolify(self._config.get('enable_executescript_command', True)): return self._abort( "This command has been disabled by your administrator.") script = self._job['options'][0] if 'options' in self._job and len( self._job['options']) > 0 else None module_name = self._job['options'][1] if 'options' in self._job and len( self._job['options']) > 1 else None execution_strategy = self._job['options'][ 2] if 'options' in self._job and len( self._job['options']) > 2 else None if execution_strategy == 'single': # option[3] is a single Host IP fabric_execution_strategy = None safe_deployment_strategy = None single_host_ip = self._job['options'][ 3] if 'options' in self._job and len( self._job['options']) > 3 else None else: # option[2] is fabric type, option[3] might be Safe deploy group param fabric_execution_strategy = execution_strategy safe_deployment_strategy = self._job['options'][ 3] if 'options' in self._job and len( self._job['options']) > 3 else None single_host_ip = None try: log(_green("STATE: Started"), self._log_file) try: if not script or not script.strip(): return self._abort("No valid script provided") script_data = b64decode_utf8(script) allowed_shebang = ('#!/bin/bash', '#! /bin/bash', '#!/bin/sh', '#! /bin/sh') if not script_data.startswith(allowed_shebang): return self._abort( "No valid shell script provided (shebang missing)") except: return self._abort("No valid script provided") if single_host_ip: log( _yellow("Executing script on a single host: %s" % single_host_ip), self._log_file) self._exec_script_single_host(script_data, module_name, single_host_ip) else: log(_yellow("Executing script on every running instance"), self._log_file) self._exec_script(script_data, module_name, fabric_execution_strategy, safe_deployment_strategy) self._worker.update_status( "done", message=self._get_notification_message_done()) log(_green("STATE: End"), self._log_file) except Exception as e: self._worker.update_status( "failed", message=self._get_notification_message_failed(e)) log(_red("STATE: End"), self._log_file)
def execute_module_script_on_ghost(app, module, script_name, script_friendly_name, clone_path, log_file, job, config): """ Executes the given script on the Ghost instance :param app: Ghost application :param module: Ghost module to extract script from :param script_name: string: the name of the script to find in module :param script_friendly_name: string: the friendly name of the script for logs :param clone_path: string: working directory of the current module :param log_file: string: Log file path :param job: Ghost job :param config: Ghost config """ # Execute script if available if script_name in module: theorical_script_path = "{0}/{1}".format(clone_path, script_name) if os.path.isfile(theorical_script_path): script_path = theorical_script_path else: script_source = b64decode_utf8(module[script_name]) script, script_path = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=clone_path) os.close(script) with, mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(script_source) script_env = os.environ.copy() script_env.update(get_ghost_env_variables(app, module)) if app['build_infos'].get('container_image') and lxd_is_available( config): source_module = get_buildpack_clone_path_from_module(app, module) container = LXDImageBuilder(app, job, None, log_file, config) if not container.deploy(script_path, module, source_module): raise GCallException( "ERROR: %s execution on container failed" % script_name) else: log("Change directory to working dir ({w})".format(w=clone_path), log_file) os.chdir(clone_path) gcall('bash %s' % script_path, '%s: Execute' % script_friendly_name, log_file, env=script_env) gcall('du -hs .', 'Display current build directory disk usage', log_file) gcall('rm -vf %s' % script_path, '%s: Done, cleaning temporary file' % script_friendly_name, log_file)
def _generate_buildimage_hook(self, hook_name): """ Generates a buildimage hook script >>> from StringIO import StringIO >>> from ghost_tools import b64encode_utf8 >>> app = { ... 'name': 'AppName', 'env': 'prod', 'role': 'webfront', 'region': 'eu-west-1', ... 'lifecycle_hooks': { ... 'pre_buildimage': u'', ... 'post_buildimage': b64encode_utf8(u'echo Custom post-buildimage script') ... } ... } >>> job = {"_id" : "012345678901234567890123"} >>> log_file = StringIO() >>> _config = None >>> _db = None >>> ImageBuilder(app, job, _db, log_file, _config)._generate_buildimage_hook('pre_buildimage') '/ghost/AppName/prod/webfront/hook-pre_buildimage' >>> with'/ghost/AppName/prod/webfront/hook-pre_buildimage', encoding='utf-8') as f: ... u'echo No pre_buildimage script' >>> ImageBuilder(app, job, _db, log_file, _config)._generate_buildimage_hook('post_buildimage') '/ghost/AppName/prod/webfront/hook-post_buildimage' >>> with'/ghost/AppName/prod/webfront/hook-post_buildimage', encoding='utf-8') as f: ... u'echo Custom post-buildimage script' """ log("Create '%s' script for Packer" % hook_name, self._log_file) lfc_hooks = self._app.get('lifecycle_hooks', None) if not lfc_hooks or not lfc_hooks.get(hook_name, None): hook_source = u"echo No {hook_name} script".format( hook_name=hook_name) else: hook_source = b64decode_utf8( self._app['lifecycle_hooks'][hook_name]) app_path = "/ghost/{name}/{env}/{role}".format(name=self._app['name'], env=self._app['env'], role=self._app['role']) if not os.path.exists(app_path): os.makedirs(app_path) hook_file_path = "{app_path}/hook-{hook_name}".format( app_path=app_path, hook_name=hook_name) with, mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(hook_source) return hook_file_path
def _refresh_lifecycle_hook_script(self, lifecycle_hook, lifecycle_hooks, bucket, prefix): key_name = '{prefix}/{lifecycle_hook}'.format( prefix=prefix, lifecycle_hook=lifecycle_hook) lifecycle_hook_source = lifecycle_hooks is not None and lifecycle_hooks.get( lifecycle_hook, None) if lifecycle_hook_source: lifecycle_hook_source = b64decode_utf8(lifecycle_hook_source) k = bucket.new_key(key_name) k.set_contents_from_string(lifecycle_hook_source) k.close() log('INFO: uploaded {key}'.format(key=key_name), self._log_file) else: bucket.delete_key(key_name) log('INFO: deleted {key}'.format(key=key_name), self._log_file)
def _execute_swap_hook(online_app, to_deploy_app, script_name, script_message, log_file): for status, app in (('active', online_app), ('inactive', to_deploy_app)): script = app.get('blue_green', {}).get('hooks', {}).get(script_name, None) if script: script_path = os.path.join(get_path_from_app_with_color(app), script_name) with open(script_path, 'w') as f: f.write(b64decode_utf8(script)) script_env = os.environ.copy() script_env.update(get_ghost_env_variables(app)) gcall('bash {}'.format(script_path), '{}: Execute'.format( script_message.format(status=status)), log_file, env=script_env)
def check_app_b64_scripts(updates): """ Trigger a base64 decode on every script given to the API in order to verify their validity :param updates: Modules configurations """ if 'modules' in updates: for mod in updates['modules']: for script in [ 'build_pack', 'pre_deploy', 'post_deploy', 'after_all_deploy' ]: if script in mod: try: b64decode_utf8(mod[script]) except (binascii.Error, UnicodeDecodeError): raise GhostAPIInputError( 'Error decoding script "{s}" in module: "{m}"'. format(s=script, m=mod["name"])) if 'lifecycle_hooks' in updates: for script in [ 'pre_buildimage', 'post_buildimage', 'pre_bootstrap', 'post_bootstrap' ]: if script in updates['lifecycle_hooks']: try: b64decode_utf8(updates['lifecycle_hooks'][script]) except (binascii.Error, UnicodeDecodeError): raise GhostAPIInputError( 'Error decoding a script in lifecycle hook: {h}'. format(h=script)) if 'blue_green' in updates and 'hooks' in updates['blue_green']: for script in ['pre_swap', 'post_swap']: if script in updates['blue_green']['hooks']: try: b64decode_utf8(updates['blue_green']['hooks'][script]) except (binascii.Error, UnicodeDecodeError): raise GhostAPIInputError( 'Error decoding a script in blue/green hook: {h}'. format(h=script))
def _execute_deploy(self, module, fabric_execution_strategy, safe_deployment_strategy): """ Returns the deployment id """ now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() ts = calendar.timegm(now.timetuple()) git_repo, clone_path, revision, commit, commit_message = self._get_module_sources( module) # Store predeploy script in tarball if 'pre_deploy' in module: log("Create pre_deploy script for inclusion in target package", self._log_file) predeploy_source = b64decode_utf8(module['pre_deploy']) with + '/predeploy', mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(predeploy_source) gcall('du -hs .', 'Display current build directory disk usage', self._log_file) # Execute buildpack execute_module_script_on_ghost(self._app, module, 'build_pack', 'Buildpack', clone_path, self._log_file, self._job, self._config) # Store postdeploy script in tarball if 'post_deploy' in module: log("Create post_deploy script for inclusion in target package", self._log_file) postdeploy_source = b64decode_utf8(module['post_deploy']) with + '/postdeploy', mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(postdeploy_source) gcall('du -hs .', 'Display current build directory disk usage', self._log_file) # Store after_all_deploy script in tarball if 'after_all_deploy' in module: log( "Create after_all_deploy script for inclusion in target package", self._log_file) afteralldeploy_source = b64decode_utf8(module['after_all_deploy']) with + '/after_all_deploy', mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(afteralldeploy_source) gcall('du -hs .', 'Display current build directory disk usage', self._log_file) # Store module metadata in tarball log("Create metadata file for inclusion in target package", self._log_file) module_metadata = u""" #!/bin/bash GHOST_MODULE_REPO="{repo}" GHOST_MODULE_REV="{rev}" GHOST_MODULE_COMMIT="{commit}" GHOST_MODULE_COMMIT_MESSAGE="{commitmsg}" GHOST_MODULE_USER="******" """ metavars = { "repo": git_repo, "rev": revision, "commit": commit, "commitmsg": commit_message, "user": self._job['user'] } module_metadata = module_metadata.format(**metavars) custom_env_vars = self._app.get('env_vars', None) if custom_env_vars and len(custom_env_vars): module_metadata = module_metadata + u''.join([ u'export {key}="{val}" \n'.format( key=env_var['var_key'], val=env_var.get('var_value', '')) for env_var in custom_env_vars ]) with + '/.ghost-metadata', mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(module_metadata) gcall('du -hs .', 'Display current build directory disk usage', self._log_file) # Create tar archive pkg_name = self._package_module(module, ts, commit) before_update_manifest = update_app_manifest(self._app, self._config, module, pkg_name, self._log_file) try: all_app_modules_list = get_app_module_name_list( self._app['modules']) clean_local_module_workspace( get_path_from_app_with_color(self._app), all_app_modules_list, self._log_file) self._deploy_module(module, fabric_execution_strategy, safe_deployment_strategy) except GCallException as e: log( "Deploy error occured, app manifest will be restored to its previous state", self._log_file) rollback_app_manifest(self._app, self._config, before_update_manifest, self._log_file) raise e if 'after_all_deploy' in module: log( "After all deploy script found for '{0}'. Executing it.". format(module['name']), self._log_file) execute_module_script_on_ghost(self._app, module, 'after_all_deploy', 'After all deploy', clone_path, self._log_file, self._job, self._config) now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() deployment = { 'app_id': self._app['_id'], 'job_id': self._job['_id'], 'module': module['name'], 'revision': revision, 'commit': commit, 'commit_message': commit_message, 'timestamp': ts, 'package': pkg_name, 'module_path': module['path'], '_created': now, '_updated': now, } return self._worker._db.deploy_histories.insert(deployment)
def _execute_deploy(self, module, fabric_execution_strategy, safe_deployment_strategy): """ Returns the deployment id """ now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() ts = calendar.timegm(now.timetuple()) git_repo = module['git_repo'].strip() mirror_path = get_mirror_path_from_module(module) clone_path = get_buildpack_clone_path_from_module(self._app, module) lock_path = get_lock_path_from_repo(git_repo) revision = self._get_module_revision(module['name']) try: git_acquire_lock(lock_path, self._log_file) if not os.path.exists(mirror_path): gcall('git --no-pager clone --bare --mirror {r} {m}'.format(r=git_repo, m=mirror_path), 'Create local git mirror for remote {r}'.format(r=git_repo), self._log_file) # Update existing git mirror os.chdir(mirror_path) gcall('git --no-pager gc --auto', 'Cleanup local mirror before update {r}'.format(r=git_repo), self._log_file) gcall('git --no-pager fetch --all --tags --prune', 'Update local git mirror from remote {r}'.format(r=git_repo), self._log_file) finally: git_release_lock(lock_path, self._log_file) # Resolve HEAD symbolic reference to identify the default branch head = git('--no-pager', 'symbolic-ref', '--short', 'HEAD', _tty_out=False).strip() # If revision is HEAD, replace it by the default branch if revision == 'HEAD': revision = head # If revision is a commit hash, a full intermediate clone is required before getting a shallow clone if self._is_commit_hash(revision): # Create intermediate clone from the local git mirror, chdir into it and fetch all commits source_path = get_intermediate_clone_path_from_module(self._app, module) if os.path.exists(source_path): gcall('chmod -R u+rwx {p}'.format(p=source_path), 'Update rights on previous intermediate clone', self._log_file) gcall('rm -rf {p}'.format(p=source_path), 'Removing previous intermediate clone', self._log_file) os.makedirs(source_path) os.chdir(source_path) gcall('du -hs .', 'Display current build directory disk usage', self._log_file) gcall('git --no-pager init', 'Git init intermediate clone', self._log_file) gcall('du -hs .', 'Display current build directory disk usage', self._log_file) gcall('git --no-pager remote add origin file://{m}'.format(m=mirror_path), 'Git add local mirror as origin for intermediate clone', self._log_file) gcall('du -hs .', 'Display current build directory disk usage', self._log_file) gcall('git --no-pager fetch origin', 'Git fetch all commits from origin', self._log_file) gcall('du -hs .', 'Display current build directory disk usage', self._log_file) gcall('git --no-pager checkout {r}'.format(r=revision), 'Git checkout revision into intermediate clone: {r}'.format(r=revision), self._log_file) gcall('du -hs .', 'Display current build directory disk usage', self._log_file) # Create shallow clone from the intermediate clone, chdir into it and retrieve submodules if os.path.exists(clone_path): gcall('chmod -R u+rwx {p}'.format(p=clone_path), 'Update rights on previous clone', self._log_file) gcall('rm -rf {p}'.format(p=clone_path), 'Removing previous clone', self._log_file) os.makedirs(clone_path) os.chdir(clone_path) gcall('du -hs .', 'Display current build directory disk usage', self._log_file) gcall('git --no-pager clone file://{s} .'.format(s=source_path), 'Git clone from intermediate clone', self._log_file) gcall('du -hs .', 'Display current build directory disk usage', self._log_file) gcall('git --no-pager submodule update --init --recursive', 'Git update submodules', self._log_file) gcall('du -hs .', 'Display current build directory disk usage', self._log_file) # Destroy intermediate clone gcall('chmod -R u+rwx {p}'.format(p=source_path), 'Update rights on previous intermediate clone', self._log_file) gcall('rm -rf {p}'.format(p=source_path), 'Removing intermediate clone', self._log_file) else: # Create clone from the local git mirror, chdir into it, fetch requested revision and retrieve submodules if os.path.exists(clone_path): gcall('chmod -R u+rwx {p}'.format(p=clone_path), 'Update rights on previous clone', self._log_file) gcall('rm -rf {p}'.format(p=clone_path), 'Removing previous clone', self._log_file) os.makedirs(clone_path) os.chdir(clone_path) gcall('du -hs .', 'Display current build directory disk usage', self._log_file) gcall('git --no-pager clone --depth=10 file://{m} -b {r} .'.format(m=mirror_path, r=revision), 'Git clone from local mirror with depth limited to 10 from a specific revision: {r}'.format(r=revision), self._log_file) gcall('du -hs .', 'Display current build directory disk usage', self._log_file) gcall('git --no-pager submodule update --init --recursive', 'Git update submodules', self._log_file) gcall('du -hs .', 'Display current build directory disk usage', self._log_file) # Extract commit information commit = git('--no-pager', 'rev-parse', '--short', 'HEAD', _tty_out=False).strip() commit_message = git('--no-pager', 'log', '--max-count=1', '--format=%s', 'HEAD', _tty_out=False).strip() # At last, reset remote origin URL gcall('git --no-pager remote set-url origin {r}'.format(r=git_repo), 'Git reset remote origin to {r}'.format(r=git_repo), self._log_file) # Store predeploy script in tarball if 'pre_deploy' in module: log("Create pre_deploy script for inclusion in target package", self._log_file) predeploy_source = b64decode_utf8(module['pre_deploy']) with + '/predeploy', mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(predeploy_source) gcall('du -hs .', 'Display current build directory disk usage', self._log_file) # Execute buildpack execute_module_script_on_ghost(self._app, module, 'build_pack', 'Buildpack', clone_path, self._log_file, self._job, self._config) # Store postdeploy script in tarball if 'post_deploy' in module: log("Create post_deploy script for inclusion in target package", self._log_file) postdeploy_source = b64decode_utf8(module['post_deploy']) with + '/postdeploy', mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(postdeploy_source) gcall('du -hs .', 'Display current build directory disk usage', self._log_file) # Store after_all_deploy script in tarball if 'after_all_deploy' in module: log("Create after_all_deploy script for inclusion in target package", self._log_file) afteralldeploy_source = b64decode_utf8(module['after_all_deploy']) with + '/after_all_deploy', mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(afteralldeploy_source) gcall('du -hs .', 'Display current build directory disk usage', self._log_file) # Store module metadata in tarball log("Create metadata file for inclusion in target package", self._log_file) module_metadata = u""" #!/bin/bash GHOST_MODULE_REPO="{repo}" GHOST_MODULE_REV="{rev}" GHOST_MODULE_COMMIT="{commit}" GHOST_MODULE_COMMIT_MESSAGE="{commitmsg}" GHOST_MODULE_USER="******" """ metavars = { "repo": git_repo, "rev": revision, "commit": commit, "commitmsg": commit_message, "user": self._job['user'] } module_metadata = module_metadata.format(**metavars) custom_env_vars = self._app.get('env_vars', None) if custom_env_vars and len(custom_env_vars): module_metadata = module_metadata + u''.join([u'export {key}="{val}" \n'.format(key=env_var['var_key'], val=env_var.get('var_value', '')) for env_var in custom_env_vars]) with + '/.ghost-metadata', mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(module_metadata) gcall('du -hs .', 'Display current build directory disk usage', self._log_file) # Create tar archive pkg_name = self._package_module(module, ts, commit) before_update_manifest = update_app_manifest(self._app, self._config, module, pkg_name, self._log_file) try: all_app_modules_list = get_app_module_name_list(self._app['modules']) clean_local_module_workspace(get_path_from_app_with_color(self._app), all_app_modules_list, self._log_file) self._deploy_module(module, fabric_execution_strategy, safe_deployment_strategy) except GCallException as e: log("Deploy error occured, app manifest will be restored to its previous state", self._log_file) rollback_app_manifest(self._app, self._config, before_update_manifest, self._log_file) raise e if 'after_all_deploy' in module: log("After all deploy script found for '{0}'. Executing it.".format(module['name']), self._log_file) execute_module_script_on_ghost(self._app, module, 'after_all_deploy', 'After all deploy', clone_path, self._log_file, self._job, self._config) now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() deployment = { 'app_id': self._app['_id'], 'job_id': self._job['_id'], 'module': module['name'], 'revision': revision, 'commit': commit, 'commit_message': commit_message, 'timestamp': ts, 'package': pkg_name, 'module_path': module['path'], '_created': now, '_updated': now, } return self._worker._db.deploy_histories.insert(deployment)