def _exec_script_single_host(self, script, module_name, single_host_ip): context_path, sudoer_uid, module = self._get_module_path_and_uid( module_name) ghost_env_vars = get_ghost_env_variables(self._app, module, self._job['user']) ec2_obj = get_ec2_instance(self._cloud_connection, self._app['region'], { 'private-ip-address': single_host_ip, 'vpc-id': self._app['vpc_id'], }) if not ec2_obj or ec2_obj.vpc_id != self._app[ 'vpc_id'] or ec2_obj.private_ip_address != single_host_ip: raise GCallException( "Cannot found the single instance with private IP '{ip}' in VPC '{vpc}'" .format(ip=single_host_ip, vpc=self._app['vpc_id'])) if ec2_obj.tags['app'] != self._app['name'] or ec2_obj.tags[ 'env'] != self._app['env'] or ec2_obj.tags[ 'role'] != self._app['role']: raise GCallException( "Cannot execute script on this instance ({ip} - {id}), invalid Ghost tags" .format(ip=single_host_ip, log( "EC2 instance found, ready to execute script ({ip} - {id} - {name})" .format(ip=single_host_ip,, name=ec2_obj.tags.get('Name', '')), self._log_file) launch_executescript(self._app, script, context_path, sudoer_uid, self._job['_id'], [single_host_ip], 'serial', self._log_file, ghost_env_vars)
def __init__(self, packer_config, config, log_file, job_id): self._log_file = log_file self.packer_config = json.loads(packer_config) if self.packer_config['credentials']['aws_access_key']: self._assumed_role = True else: self._assumed_role = False self.unique = str(job_id) if not os.path.exists(PACKER_JSON_PATH): os.makedirs(PACKER_JSON_PATH) provisioners_config = get_provisioners_config(config) self._provisioners = [] for key, provisioner_config in provisioners_config.iteritems(): if key == 'salt': self._provisioners.append( FeaturesProvisionerSalt(self._log_file, self.unique, provisioner_config, config)) elif key == 'ansible': self._provisioners.append( FeaturesProvisionerAnsible(self._log_file, self.unique, provisioner_config, config)) else: log( "Invalid provisioner type. Please check your yaml 'config.yml' file", self._log_file) raise GCallException("Invalid features provisioner type")
def get_provisioners(config, log_file, unique, job_options, app): """ Factory function to instantiate the right implementation Class :param config: YAML Config object :param log_file: Log file stream :param unique: Unique ID :param job_options: Job parameters :param app: Ghost Application :return: a FeaturesProvisioner sub-class object list """ ret = [] provisioners_config = get_provisioners_config(config) # Use skip_salt_bootstrap default value if job options not set. job_options = job_options or [ config.get('skip_provisioner_bootstrap', True) ] for key, provisioner_config in provisioners_config.iteritems(): if key == 'salt': ret.append( FeaturesProvisionerSalt(log_file, unique, job_options, provisioner_config, config)) elif key == 'ansible': ret.append( FeaturesProvisionerAnsible(log_file, unique, app['build_infos']['ssh_username'], provisioner_config, config)) else: log( "Invalid provisioner type. Please check your yaml 'config.yml' file", log_file) raise GCallException("Invalid features provisioner type") return ret
def _local_extract_package(self, module, package): clone_path = get_buildpack_clone_path_from_module(self._app, module) gcall( 'rm -rf "%s"' % clone_path, 'Cleaning old temporary redeploy module working directory "%s"' % clone_path, self._log_file) gcall('mkdir -p "%s"' % clone_path, 'Recreating redeploy module working directory "%s"' % clone_path, self._log_file) key_path = '{path}/{module}/{pkg_name}'.format( path=get_path_from_app_with_color(self._app), module=module['name'], pkg_name=package) log("Downloading package: {0} from '{1}'".format(package, key_path), self._log_file) dest_package_path = "{0}/{1}".format(clone_path, package) cloud_connection = cloud_connections.get( self._app.get('provider', DEFAULT_PROVIDER))(self._log_file) conn = cloud_connection.get_connection( self._config.get('bucket_region', self._app['region']), ["s3"]) bucket = conn.get_bucket(self._config['bucket_s3']) key = bucket.get_key(key_path) if not key: raise GCallException( "Package '{0}' doesn't exist on bucket '{1}'".format( key_path, self._config['bucket_s3'])) key.get_contents_to_filename(dest_package_path) gcall('tar -xf "{0}" -C "{1}"'.format(dest_package_path, clone_path), "Extracting package: %s" % package, self._log_file) return clone_path
def _execute_redeploy(self, deploy_id, fabric_execution_strategy, safe_deployment_strategy): module, package = self._get_deploy_infos(deploy_id) if module and package: before_update_manifest = update_app_manifest( self._app, self._config, module, package, self._log_file) all_app_modules_list = get_app_module_name_list( self._app['modules']) clean_local_module_workspace( get_path_from_app_with_color(self._app), all_app_modules_list, self._log_file) # Download and extract package before launching deploy clone_path = self._local_extract_package(module, package) try: # Re-deploy self._deploy_module(module, fabric_execution_strategy, safe_deployment_strategy) except GCallException as e: log( "Redeploy error occured, app manifest will be restored to its previous state", self._log_file) rollback_app_manifest(self._app, self._config, before_update_manifest, self._log_file) raise e # After all deploy exec execute_module_script_on_ghost(self._app, module, 'after_all_deploy', 'After all deploy', clone_path, self._log_file, self._job, self._config) else: raise GCallException( "Redeploy on deployment ID: {0} failed".format(deploy_id))
def _get_module_s3(self, module, source_url, working_directory): """ Fetch the module sources from S3 :param module: :param source_url: :param working_directory: :return: (source url, working directory, source version, version uid, version message) """ if not source_url.startswith('s3://'): raise GCallException( 'Invalid S3 source url given: "{}", it must starts with "s3://"' .format(source_url)) revision = self._get_module_revision(module['name']) # If revision is HEAD, use the latest S3 object version if revision.lower().strip() in ['head', 'latest']: revision = 'latest' gcall( 'aws s3 cp "{s}" "{w}" --recursive'.format( s=source_url, w=working_directory), 'Retrieving from S3 bucket ({url}) at latest revision'.format( url=source_url), self._log_file) else: log( "Retrieving from S3 bucket ({url}) at revision '{rev}'".format( url=source_url, rev=revision), self._log_file) download_s3_object(self._app, source_url, working_directory, revision, self._log_file) return source_url, working_directory, revision, '', ''
def __init__(self, app, job, db, log_file, config): ImageBuilder.__init__(self, app, job, db, log_file, config) # Always use localhost to publish built Images and run containers self._client = LXDClient() self._source_hooks_path = '' self._container_name = self._ami_name.replace('.', '-') self._container_config = self._config.get('container', { 'endpoint': self._config.get('endpoint', ''), 'debug': self._config.get('debug', False), }) self._config['ghost_venv'] = sys.exec_prefix provisioners_config = get_provisioners_config() self.provisioners = [] for key, provisioner_config in provisioners_config.iteritems(): if key == 'salt': self.provisioners.append('salt') elif key == 'ansible': self.provisioners.append('ansible') else: log("Invalid provisioner type. Please check your yaml 'config.yml' file", self._log_file) raise GCallException("Invalid features provisioner type") self.skip_salt_bootstrap_option = self._job['options'][0] if 'options' in self._job and len( self._job['options']) > 0 else True self._ansible_log_level = self._config.get('provisioner_log_level', 'info') self._salt_log_level = self._config.get('provisioner_log_level', 'info')
def alb_safe_deployment(self, instances_list): """ Manage the safe deployment process for the Application Load Balancer. :param instances_list: list: Instances on which to (list of dict. ex: [{'id':XXX, 'private_ip_address':XXXX}...]). :return True if operation successed or raise an Exception. """ if not self._as_name: raise GCallException('Cannot continue because there is no AuoScaling Group configured') app_region = self._app['region'] alb_mgr = load_balancing.get_lb_manager(self._cloud_connection, app_region, load_balancing.LB_TYPE_AWS_ALB) alb_targets = alb_mgr.get_instances_status_from_autoscale(self._as_name, self._log_file) if not len(alb_targets): raise GCallException('Cannot continue because there is no ALB configured in the AutoScaling Group') elif len([i for i in alb_targets.values() if 'unhealthy' in i.values()]): raise GCallException('Cannot continue because one or more instances are in the unhealthy state') else: alb_mgr.deregister_instances_from_lbs(self._as_name, [host['id'] for host in instances_list], self._log_file) wait_before_deploy = int(alb_mgr.get_lbs_max_connection_draining_value(self._as_name)) + int( self._safe_infos['wait_before_deploy']) log('Waiting {0}s: The deregistation delay time plus the custom value set for wait_before_deploy'.format( wait_before_deploy), self._log_file) time.sleep(wait_before_deploy) host_list = [host['private_ip_address'] for host in instances_list] self.trigger_launch(host_list) log('Waiting {0}s: The value set for wait_after_deploy'.format(self._safe_infos['wait_after_deploy']), self._log_file) time.sleep(int(self._safe_infos['wait_after_deploy'])) alb_mgr.register_instances_from_lbs(self._as_name, [host['id'] for host in instances_list], self._log_file) while len([i for i in alb_mgr.get_instances_status_from_autoscale(self._as_name, self._log_file).values() if 'unhealthy' in i.values()]): log('Waiting 10s because the instance is unhealthy in the ALB', self._log_file) time.sleep(10) log('Instances: {0} have been deployed and are registered in their ALB'.format( str([host['private_ip_address'] for host in instances_list])), self._log_file) return True
def _handle_fabric_errors(result, message): hosts_error = [] for host, ret_code in result.items(): if ret_code != 0: hosts_error.append(host) if len(hosts_error): raise GCallException("{0} on: {1}".format(message, ", ".join(hosts_error)))
def deployment(self, safe_deployment_strategy): """ Main entry point for Host Deployment Manager process :type safe_deployment_strategy: string/enum :return True if operation succeed otherwise an Exception will be raised. """ app_name = self._app['name'] app_env = self._app['env'] app_role = self._app['role'] app_region = self._app['region'] app_blue_green, app_color = get_blue_green_from_app(self._app) # Retrieve autoscaling infos, if any as_conn = self._cloud_connection.get_connection(app_region, ['autoscaling'], boto_version='boto3') as_group, as_group_processes_to_suspend = get_autoscaling_group_and_processes_to_suspend(as_conn, self._app, self._log_file) try: # Suspend autoscaling suspend_autoscaling_group_processes(as_conn, as_group, as_group_processes_to_suspend, self._log_file) # Wait for pending instances to become ready while True: pending_instances = find_ec2_pending_instances(self._cloud_connection, app_name, app_env, app_role, app_region, as_group, ghost_color=app_color) if not pending_instances: break log( "INFO: waiting 10s for {} instance(s) to become running before proceeding with deployment: {}".format( len(pending_instances), pending_instances), self._log_file) time.sleep(10) running_instances = find_ec2_running_instances(self._cloud_connection, app_name, app_env, app_role, app_region, ghost_color=app_color) if running_instances: if safe_deployment_strategy and self._safe_infos: self._as_name = as_group self._hosts_list = running_instances return self.safe_manager(safe_deployment_strategy) else: self._hosts_list = [host['private_ip_address'] for host in running_instances] self.trigger_launch(self._hosts_list) return True else: raise GCallException( "No instance found in region {region} with tags app:{app}, env:{env}, role:{role}{color}".format( region=app_region, app=app_name, env=app_env, role=app_role, color=', color:%s' % app_color if app_color else '')) finally: resume_autoscaling_group_processes(as_conn, as_group, as_group_processes_to_suspend, self._log_file)
def execute_module_script_on_ghost(app, module, script_name, script_friendly_name, clone_path, log_file, job, config): """ Executes the given script on the Ghost instance :param app: Ghost application :param module: Ghost module to extract script from :param script_name: string: the name of the script to find in module :param script_friendly_name: string: the friendly name of the script for logs :param clone_path: string: working directory of the current module :param log_file: string: Log file path :param job: Ghost job :param config: Ghost config """ # Execute script if available if script_name in module: theorical_script_path = "{0}/{1}".format(clone_path, script_name) if os.path.isfile(theorical_script_path): script_path = theorical_script_path else: script_source = b64decode_utf8(module[script_name]) script, script_path = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=clone_path) os.close(script) with, mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(script_source) script_env = os.environ.copy() script_env.update(get_ghost_env_variables(app, module)) if app['build_infos'].get('container_image') and lxd_is_available( config): source_module = get_buildpack_clone_path_from_module(app, module) container = LXDImageBuilder(app, job, None, log_file, config) if not container.deploy(script_path, module, source_module): raise GCallException( "ERROR: %s execution on container failed" % script_name) else: log("Change directory to working dir ({w})".format(w=clone_path), log_file) os.chdir(clone_path) gcall('bash %s' % script_path, '%s: Execute' % script_friendly_name, log_file, env=script_env) gcall('du -hs .', 'Display current build directory disk usage', log_file) gcall('rm -vf %s' % script_path, '%s: Done, cleaning temporary file' % script_friendly_name, log_file)
def _get_module_sources(self, module): """ Fetch the current module source, using the right protocol :param module: app module object :return: (source url, working directory, source version, version uid, version message) """ source = module.get('source', {}) source_protocol = source['protocol'].strip() source_url = source['url'].strip() clone_path = get_buildpack_clone_path_from_module(self._app, module) if source_protocol == 'git': return self._get_module_git(module, source_url, clone_path) elif source_protocol == 's3': return self._get_module_s3(module, source_url, clone_path) else: raise GCallException( 'Invalid source protocol provided ({})'.format( source_protocol))
def haproxy_safe_deployment(self, instances_list): """ Manage the safe deployment process for the Haproxy. :param instances_list: list: Instances on which to deploy (list of dict. ex: [{'id':XXX, 'private_ip_address':XXXX}...]). :return True if operation successed or raise an Exception. """ lb_infos = [host['private_ip_address'] for host in find_ec2_running_instances(self._cloud_connection, self._safe_infos['app_tag_value'], self._app['env'], 'loadbalancer', self._app['region'])] if lb_infos: hapi = haproxy.Haproxyapi(lb_infos, self._log_file, self._safe_infos['api_port']) ha_urls = hapi.get_haproxy_urls() if not self.haproxy_configuration_validation(hapi, ha_urls, self._safe_infos['ha_backend']): raise GCallException('Cannot initialize the safe deployment process because there are differences in the Haproxy \ configuration files between the instances: {0}'.format(lb_infos)) if not hapi.change_instance_state('disableserver', self._safe_infos['ha_backend'], [host['private_ip_address'] for host in instances_list]): raise GCallException( 'Cannot disable some instances: {0} in {1}. Deployment aborted'.format(instances_list, lb_infos)) log('Waiting {0}s: The value set for wait_before_deploy'.format(self._safe_infos['wait_before_deploy']), self._log_file) time.sleep(int(self._safe_infos['wait_before_deploy'])) host_list = [host['private_ip_address'] for host in instances_list] self.trigger_launch(host_list) log('Waiting {0}s: The value set for wait_after_deploy'.format(self._safe_infos['wait_after_deploy']), self._log_file) time.sleep(int(self._safe_infos['wait_after_deploy'])) if not hapi.change_instance_state('enableserver', self._safe_infos['ha_backend'], [host['private_ip_address'] for host in instances_list]): raise GCallException( 'Cannot enabled some instances: {0} in {1}. Deployment aborted'.format(instances_list, lb_infos)) # Add a sleep to let the time to pass the health check process time.sleep(5) if not self.haproxy_configuration_validation(hapi, ha_urls, self._safe_infos['ha_backend']): raise GCallException('Error in the post safe deployment process because there are differences in the Haproxy \ configuration files between the instances: {0}. Instances: {1} have been deployed but not well enabled'.format( lb_infos, instances_list)) if not hapi.check_all_instances_up(self._safe_infos['ha_backend'], hapi.get_haproxy_conf(ha_urls[0], True)): raise GCallException( 'Error in the post safe deployment process because some instances are disable or down in the Haproxy: {0}.'.format( lb_infos, instances_list)) log('Instances: {0} have been deployed and are registered in their Haproxy'.format(str(instances_list)), self._log_file) return True else: raise GCallException('Cannot continue because no Haproxy found with the parameters: app_tag_value: {0}, app_env: {1}, app_role: loadbalancer,\ app_region: {2}'.format(self._safe_infos['app_tag_value'], self._app['env'], self._app['region']))
def do_rolling(self, rolling_strategy): """ Main entry point for Rolling Update process. :param rolling_strategy string: The type of rolling strategy(1by1-1/3-25%-50%) :return True if operation succeed otherwise an Exception will be raised. """ hosts = split_hosts_list( self.hosts_list, rolling_strategy) if rolling_strategy else [self.hosts_list] for host_group in hosts: if self.safe_infos['load_balancer_type'] == 'elb': self.elb_rolling_update(host_group) # elif self.safe_infos['load_balancer_type'] == 'alb': else: raise GCallException( 'Load balancer type not supported for Rolling update option' ) log('Waiting 10s before going on next instance group', self.log_file) time.sleep(10) return True
def create_ec2_instance(cloud_connection, app, app_color, config, private_ip_address, subnet_id, log_file): """ Creates an EC2 instance and return its ID. :param cloud_connection: The app Cloud Connection object :param app: Ghost app document :param app_color: Color value if BlueGreen application type :param config: Ghost config settings :param private_ip_address: Private IP address to use when creating the instance :param subnet_id: Subnet to use when creating the instance :param log_file: Logging file :return the EC2 instance object with all its details """ log(_yellow(" INFO: Creating User-Data"), log_file) ghost_root_path = config.get('ghost_root_path', '/usr/local/share/ghost/') userdata = generate_userdata(config['bucket_s3'], config.get('bucket_region', app['region']), ghost_root_path) log(_yellow(" INFO: Creating EC2 instance"), log_file) if app['ami']: log(" CONF: AMI: {0}".format(app['ami']), log_file) log(" CONF: Region: {0}".format(app['region']), log_file) conn = cloud_connection.get_connection(app['region'], ["ec2"]) interface = cloud_connection.launch_service( ["ec2", "networkinterface", "NetworkInterfaceSpecification"], subnet_id=subnet_id, groups=app['environment_infos']['security_groups'], associate_public_ip_address=app['environment_infos'].get('public_ip_address', True), private_ip_address=private_ip_address ) interfaces = cloud_connection.launch_service( ["ec2", "networkinterface", "NetworkInterfaceCollection"], interface ) if 'root_block_device' in app['environment_infos']: bdm = create_block_device(cloud_connection, app['region'], app, app['environment_infos']['root_block_device']) else: bdm = create_block_device(cloud_connection, app['region'], app, {}) reservation = conn.run_instances( image_id=app['ami'], key_name=app['environment_infos']['key_name'], network_interfaces=interfaces, instance_type=app['instance_type'], instance_profile_name=app['environment_infos']['instance_profile'], user_data=userdata, block_device_map=bdm ) # Getting instance metadata instance = reservation.instances[0] if # Checking if instance is ready before tagging while not instance.state == u'running': log('Instance not running, waiting 10s before tagging.', log_file) time.sleep(10) instance.update() # Tagging for ghost_tag_key, ghost_tag_val in {'app': 'name', 'app_id': '_id', 'env': 'env', 'role': 'role'}.iteritems(): log("Tagging instance [{id}] with '{tk}':'{tv}'".format(, tk=ghost_tag_key, tv=str(app[ghost_tag_val])), log_file) conn.create_tags([], {ghost_tag_key: str(app[ghost_tag_val])}) if app_color: log("Tagging instance [{id}] with '{tk}':'{tv}'".format(, tk='color', tv=app_color), log_file) conn.create_tags([], {"color": app_color}) tag_ec2_name = False if 'instance_tags' in app['environment_infos']: for app_tag in app['environment_infos']['instance_tags']: log("Tagging instance [{id}] with '{tk}':'{tv}'".format(, tk=app_tag['tag_name'], tv=app_tag['tag_value']), log_file) conn.create_tags([], {app_tag['tag_name']: app_tag['tag_value']}) if app_tag['tag_name'] == 'Name': tag_ec2_name = True if not tag_ec2_name: ec2_name = "ec2.{0}.{1}.{2}".format(app['env'], app['role'], app['name']) log("Tagging instance [{id}] with '{tk}':'{tv}'".format(, tk='Name', tv=ec2_name), log_file) conn.create_tags([], {'Name': ec2_name}) log(" CONF: Private IP: %s" % instance.private_ip_address, log_file) log(" CONF: Public IP: %s" % instance.ip_address, log_file) log(" CONF: Public DNS: %s" % instance.public_dns_name, log_file) return instance else: log(_red("ERROR: Cannot get instance metadata. Please check the AWS Console."), log_file) raise GCallException("ERROR: Cannot get instance metadata. Please check the AWS Console.") else: log(_red("ERROR: No AMI set, please use buildimage before"), log_file) raise GCallException("ERROR: No AMI set, please use buildimage before") return None
def execute(self): log(_green("STATE: Started"), self._log_file) swap_execution_strategy = ( self._job['options'][0] if 'options' in self._job and len(self._job['options']) > 0 else "isolated") online_app, to_deploy_app = get_blue_green_apps( self._app, self._worker._db.apps, self._log_file) if not online_app: self._worker.update_status( "aborted", message=self._get_notification_message_aborted( self._app, "Blue/green is not enabled on this app or not well configured" )) return running_jobs = get_running_jobs(self._db, online_app['_id'], to_deploy_app['_id'], self._job['_id']) if abort_if_other_bluegreen_job( running_jobs, self._worker, self._get_notification_message_aborted( self._app, "Please wait until the end of the current jobs before triggering a Blue/green operation" ), self._log_file): return try: lb_mgr = load_balancing.get_lb_manager( self._cloud_connection, self._app['region'], online_app["safe-deployment"]["load_balancer_type"]) # Check AMI if 'ami' not in to_deploy_app: self._worker.update_status( "aborted", message=self._get_notification_message_aborted( to_deploy_app, "Please run `Buildimage` first")) return # Check if modules have been deployed if not check_app_manifest( to_deploy_app, self._config, self._log_file, get_path_from_app_with_color(to_deploy_app)): self._worker.update_status( "aborted", message=self._get_notification_message_aborted( to_deploy_app, "Please deploy your app's modules")) return # Check ASG if to_deploy_app['autoscale']['name'] and online_app['autoscale'][ 'name']: if not (check_autoscale_exists( self._cloud_connection, to_deploy_app['autoscale']['name'], to_deploy_app['region']) and check_autoscale_exists( self._cloud_connection, online_app['autoscale']['name'], online_app['region'])): self._worker.update_status( "aborted", message=self._get_notification_message_aborted( to_deploy_app, "Please set an AutoScale on both green and blue app" )) return else: self._worker.update_status( "aborted", message=self._get_notification_message_aborted( to_deploy_app, "Please set an AutoScale on both green and blue app.")) return # Check if we have two different AS ! if to_deploy_app['autoscale']['name'] == online_app['autoscale'][ 'name']: self._worker.update_status( "aborted", message=self._get_notification_message_aborted( to_deploy_app, "Please set a different AutoScale on green and blue app." )) return # Check if we're ready to swap. If an instance is out of service # into the ELB pool raise an exception elb_instances = lb_mgr.get_instances_status_from_autoscale( to_deploy_app['autoscale']['name'], self._log_file) if len(elb_instances) == 0: self._worker.update_status( "aborted", message=self._get_notification_message_aborted( to_deploy_app, "The offline application [{0}] doesn't have a valid Load Balancer associated.'" .format(to_deploy_app['_id']))) return for e in elb_instances.values(): if len(e.values()) == 0: self._worker.update_status( "aborted", message=self._get_notification_message_aborted( to_deploy_app, "An ELB of the offline application [{0}] has no instances associated.'" .format(to_deploy_app['_id']))) return if len([ i for i in elb_instances.values() if 'outofservice' in i.values() ]): raise GCallException( 'Cannot continue because one or more instances are in the out of service state in the temp ELB' ) else: log( _green( "AutoScale blue [{0}] and green [{1}] ready for swap". format(online_app['autoscale']['name'], to_deploy_app['autoscale']['name'])), self._log_file) self._execute_swap_hook( online_app, to_deploy_app, 'pre_swap', 'Pre swap script for current {status} application', self._log_file) # Swap ! elb_name, elb_dns = self._swap_asg(lb_mgr, swap_execution_strategy, online_app, to_deploy_app, self._log_file) if not elb_name: self._worker.update_status( "failed", message=self._get_notification_message_failed( online_app, to_deploy_app, 'Unable to make blue-green swap')) return self._execute_swap_hook( online_app, to_deploy_app, 'post_swap', 'Post swap script for previously {status} application', self._log_file) # All good done_notif = self._get_notification_message_done( online_app, online_app['autoscale']['name'], to_deploy_app['autoscale']['name'], elb_name, elb_dns) self._worker.update_status("done", message=done_notif) except GCallException as e: self._worker.update_status( "failed", message=self._get_notification_message_failed( online_app, to_deploy_app, str(e)))
def elb_rolling_update(self, instances_list): """ Manage the safe destroy process for the ELB. :param instances_list list: Instances on which to destroy (list of dict. ex: [{'id':XXX, 'private_ip_address':XXXX}...]). :return True if operation successed or raise an Exception. """ if not self.as_name: raise GCallException( 'Cannot continue because there is no AutoScaling Group configured' ) app_region =['region'] as_conn = self.cloud_connection.get_connection(app_region, ['autoscaling'], boto_version='boto3') lb_mgr = load_balancing.get_lb_manager(self.cloud_connection, app_region, load_balancing.LB_TYPE_AWS_CLB) destroy_asg_policy = ['OldestLaunchConfiguration'] try: elb_instances = lb_mgr.get_instances_status_from_autoscale( self.as_name, self.log_file) asg_infos = get_autoscaling_group_object(as_conn, self.as_name) if not len(elb_instances): raise GCallException( 'Cannot continue because there is no ELB configured in the AutoScaling Group' ) elif len([ i for i in elb_instances.values() if 'outofservice' in i.values() ]): raise GCallException( 'Cannot continue because one or more instances are in the out of service state' ) elif not check_autoscale_instances_lifecycle_state( asg_infos['Instances']): raise GCallException( 'Cannot continue because one or more instances are not in InService Lifecycle state' ) else: group_size = len(instances_list) original_termination_policies = asg_infos[ 'TerminationPolicies'] log( _green( 'Suspending "Terminate" process in the AutoScale and provisioning %s instance(s)' % group_size), self.log_file) suspend_autoscaling_group_processes(as_conn, self.as_name, ['Terminate'], self.log_file) update_auto_scaling_group_attributes( as_conn, self.as_name, asg_infos['MinSize'], asg_infos['MaxSize'] + group_size, asg_infos['DesiredCapacity'] + group_size) log( _green( 'Deregister old instances from the Load Balancer (%s)' % str([host['id'] for host in instances_list])), self.log_file) lb_mgr.deregister_instances_from_lbs( elb_instances.keys(), [host['id'] for host in instances_list], self.log_file) wait_con_draining = int( lb_mgr.get_lbs_max_connection_draining_value( elb_instances.keys())) log( 'Waiting {0}s: The connection draining time'.format( wait_con_draining), self.log_file) time.sleep(wait_con_draining) asg_updated_infos = get_autoscaling_group_object( as_conn, self.as_name) while len(asg_updated_infos['Instances'] ) < asg_updated_infos['DesiredCapacity']: log( 'Waiting 30s because the instance(s) are not provisioned in the AutoScale', self.log_file) time.sleep(30) asg_updated_infos = get_autoscaling_group_object( as_conn, self.as_name) while not check_autoscale_instances_lifecycle_state( asg_updated_infos['Instances']): log( 'Waiting 30s because the instance(s) are not in InService state in the AutoScale', self.log_file) time.sleep(30) asg_updated_infos = get_autoscaling_group_object( as_conn, self.as_name) while len([ i for i in lb_mgr.get_instances_status_from_autoscale( self.as_name, self.log_file).values() if 'outofservice' in i.values() ]): log( 'Waiting 10s because the instance(s) are not in service in the ELB', self.log_file) time.sleep(10) suspend_autoscaling_group_processes(as_conn, self.as_name, ['Launch', 'Terminate'], self.log_file) log( _green( 'Restore initial AutoScale attributes and destroy old instances for this group (%s)' % str([host['id'] for host in instances_list])), self.log_file) update_auto_scaling_group_attributes( as_conn, self.as_name, asg_infos['MinSize'], asg_infos['MaxSize'], asg_infos['DesiredCapacity'], destroy_asg_policy) destroy_specific_ec2_instances(self.cloud_connection,, instances_list, self.log_file) resume_autoscaling_group_processes(as_conn, self.as_name, ['Terminate'], self.log_file) asg_updated_infos = get_autoscaling_group_object( as_conn, self.as_name) while len(asg_updated_infos['Instances'] ) > asg_updated_infos['DesiredCapacity']: log( 'Waiting 20s because the old instance(s) are not removed from the AutoScale', self.log_file) time.sleep(20) asg_updated_infos = get_autoscaling_group_object( as_conn, self.as_name) update_auto_scaling_group_attributes( as_conn, self.as_name, asg_infos['MinSize'], asg_infos['MaxSize'], asg_infos['DesiredCapacity'], original_termination_policies) log( _green( '%s instance(s) have been re-generated and are registered in their ELB' % group_size), self.log_file) return True except Exception as e: raise finally: resume_autoscaling_group_processes(as_conn, self.as_name, ['Launch', 'Terminate'], self.log_file)