def pro_poor(node): pool = [] for curr in gi.neighbors(node): e = gi.get_edge(curr,node) pool.append((gi.edge_importance(e),e)) importance,e = sorted(pool, key=lambda x: -x[0])[-1] return {e: node.budget}
def simple(node): """ chooses a random edge and returns the action that represents an increase of its weight, according to the budget. returns a request for increasing the weight of edge e in the amount of the total budget """ n = gi.random_neighbor(node) #hood e = gi.get_edge(n,node) return {e: node.budget}
def passive(node): """ chooses the same edge that has been damaged, to be reinforced. this will be the baseline, where essentially the same weight-damage is inflicted to the graph, but there is no counteraction. a trick to get the edge: find the node's neighbor that also has a budget max(budget A+budget b) """ pool = [] for curr in gi.neighbors(node): e = gi.get_edge(curr,node) bu1, bu2 =0,0 bu1, bu2= e.source.budget, buds=[bu1,bu2] if None in buds: buds.remove(None) totbud= sum(buds) pool.append((totbud,e)) e_damaged,e = sorted(pool, key=lambda x: x[0])[-1] print pool print e_damaged return{e: node.budget}