Пример #1
    def get_metadata(self):

        to_return = "\n\n"
        if self.turn:
            seat_color = self.get_color_code(self.turn)

            to_return += "It is ^Y%s^~'s turn (%s%s^~)." % (self.turn.player_name, seat_color, self.turn)
            if self.whist:
                to_return += "  Trumps are ^C%s^~." % self.trump_suit
            to_return += "\n" + self.get_trick_str()
            to_return += self.get_bid_str()
        to_return += "\nThe goal score for this game is ^C%s^~.\n" % get_plural_str(self.goal, "point")
        to_return += self.get_score_str()
        if self.positive:
            partner_str = "^Ymust have"
            partner_str = "^ydo not need to have"
        to_return += "(Both partners %s^~ a positive score to win.)\n" % partner_str
        if self.double != 7:
            if self.double:
                to_return += "Bids double value at ^C%s^~.\n" % get_plural_str(self.double, "trick")
                to_return += "Bids ^Rnever^~ double their value.\n"
        if self.minimum != 11:
            to_return += "The minimum bid for a deal is ^G%s^~.\n" % get_plural_str(self.minimum, "point")

        return to_return
Пример #2
    def resolve_hand(self):

        for seat in self.seats:

            # Determine the score delta; if the bid is < self.double (or
            # doubling is disabled) it's just the bid, otherwise it's double.
            bid = seat.data.bid
            if bid < self.double or not self.double:
                score_delta = bid
                score_delta = bid * 2
            score_delta_str = get_plural_str(score_delta, "point")

            result_str = "%s bid ^G%s^~ and " % (self.get_sp_str(seat), get_plural_str(bid, "trick"))

            if bid <= seat.data.tricks:

                # Woot, gain points!
                seat.data.score += score_delta
                result_str += "took ^W%d^~, gaining ^G%s^~.\n" % (seat.data.tricks, score_delta_str)


                # Aw, lost points.
                seat.data.score -= score_delta
                result_str += "only took ^W%d^~, losing ^R%s^~.\n" % (seat.data.tricks, score_delta_str)


Пример #3
    def show(self, player):

        state = self.state.get()
        if state == "need_players":
            player.tell_cc("The game is not yet active.\n")
            for seat in self.seats:
                seat_str = "%s [^G%s^~, ^C%s^~]: " % (self.get_sp_str(seat), get_plural_str(seat.data.antidotes + seat.data.poisons, "potion"), get_plural_str(seat.data.score, "point"))
                if seat.data.is_dead:
                    seat_str += "^Rdead!^~"
                    seat_str += "^!%s^~ racked" % get_plural_str(len(seat.data.potion_rack), "potion")

                if seat == self.turn:
                    if state == "playing":
                        seat_str += " ^C[choosing]^~"
                    elif state == "bidding":
                        seat_str += " ^Y[bidding]^~"
                    elif state == "quaffing":
                        seat_str += " ^R[quaffing]^~"
                elif state == "bidding":
                    if seat.data.is_bidding == False:
                        seat_str += " ^M[passed]^~"
                    elif seat.data.bid:
                        seat_str += " [bid ^G%d^~]" % seat.data.bid
                player.tell_cc("%s\n" % seat_str)

        player.tell_cc("\nThe racks currently hold ^G%s^~.\n" % get_plural_str(self._count_racked_potions(), "potion"))
        player.tell_cc("\n\nThe goal score for this game is ^C%s^~.\n" % get_plural_str(self.goal, "point"))
Пример #4
    def get_metadata(self):

        to_return = "\n\n"
        if self.turn:
            seat_color = self.get_color_code(self.turn)
            to_return += "%s is the hakem.\n" % (self.get_sp_str(self.hakem))
            if self.trump_suit:
                trump_str = "^C%s^~" % self.trump_suit
                trump_str = "^cwaiting to be chosen^~"

            to_return += "It is ^Y%s^~'s turn (%s%s^~).  Trumps are ^C%s^~.\n" % (
                self.turn.player_name, seat_color, self.turn, trump_str)
            if self.mode == 4:
                to_return += "Tricks:   ^RNorth/South^~: %d    ^MEast/West^~: %d\n" % (
                    self.ns.tricks, self.ew.tricks)
                to_return += "Tricks:   ^M%s^~: %d    ^R%s^~: %d    ^B%s^~: %d\n" % (
                    self.west.player_name, self.west.data.tricks,
                    self.south.player_name, self.south.data.tricks,
                    self.east.player_name, self.east.data.tricks)
        to_return += "The goal score for this game is ^C%s^~.\n" % get_plural_str(
            self.goal, "point")
        to_return += self.get_score_str()

        return to_return
Пример #5
    def get_metadata_str(self):

        to_return = "^Y%s^~ remain in the draw pile.\n" % get_plural_str(len(self.draw_pile), "card")
        if not self.turn:
            to_return += "The game has not started yet.\n"
            to_return += "It is %s's turn to " % self.get_sp_str(self.turn)
            sub = self.state.get_sub()
            if sub == "play":
                to_return += "^cplay a card^~.\n"
                to_return += "^cdraw a card^~.\n"
        to_return += "The goal score for this game is ^Y%s^~.\n" % get_plural_str(self.goal, "point")
        to_return += "Overall:      %s: %s     %s: %s\n" % (self.get_sp_str(self.left), self.left.data.overall_score, self.get_sp_str(self.right), self.right.data.overall_score)

        return to_return
Пример #6
    def get_metadata_str(self):

        to_return = "^Y%s^~ remain in the draw pile.\n" % get_plural_str(len(self.draw_pile), "card")
        if not self.turn:
            to_return += "The game has not started yet.\n"
            to_return += "It is %s's turn to " % self.get_sp_str(self.turn)
            sub = self.state.get_sub()
            if sub == "play":
                to_return += "^cplay a card^~.\n"
                to_return += "^cdraw a card^~.\n"
        to_return += "The goal score for this game is ^Y%s^~.\n" % get_plural_str(self.goal, "point")
        to_return += "Overall:      %s: %s     %s: %s\n" % (self.get_sp_str(self.left), self.left.data.overall_score, self.get_sp_str(self.right), self.right.data.overall_score)

        return to_return
Пример #7
    def autoquaff(self, seat):

        # If the bid is less than the number of potions the player has racked,
        # then we just quaff that many and deal with the consequences.  Otherwise
        # we need to go into proper "quaff" mode.

        seat_rack = seat.data.potion_rack
        bid = seat.data.bid
        if len(seat_rack) > seat.data.bid:
            self.bc_pre("%s chugs ^C%s^~ from their own rack.\n" % (self.get_sp_str(seat), get_plural_str(bid, "potion")))
            self.bc_pre("%s chugs ^Yall of the potions^~ from their own rack.\n" % self.get_sp_str(seat))

        count = 0
        poisoned = False
        while count < bid and seat_rack:
            potion = seat_rack.pop()
            if potion == "poison":
                poisoned = True
            count += 1

        if poisoned:
            self.bc_pre("%s has managed to ^Rpoison^~ themselves!\n" % self.get_sp_str(seat))
            self.drank_poison(seat, seat)
            self.bc_pre("%s has managed to survive their own potions.\n" % self.get_sp_str(seat))
            if count == bid:
                seat.data.quaffed = count
                self.tell_pre(seat.player, "You still must quaff ^C%s^~.\n" % get_plural_str(bid - count, "potion"))
Пример #8
    def bid(self, player, bid_str):

        seat = self.get_seat_of_player(player)
        if not seat:
            self.tell_pre(player, "You're not playing!\n")
            return False

        elif seat != self.turn:
            self.tell_pre(player, "It's not your turn!\n")
            return False

        if not bid_str.isdigit():
            self.tell_pre(player, "You didn't even send a number!\n")
            return False

        bid = int(bid_str)

        if bid < 1:
            self.tell_pre(player, "You must bid at least one point.\n")
            return False

        if bid > 13:
            self.tell_pre(player, "You can't bid more tricks than there are!\n")
            return False

        # Got a valid bid.
        seat.data.bid = bid
        self.bc_pre("%s has bid ^G%s^~.\n" % (self.get_sp_str(seat), get_plural_str(bid, "trick")))
        return True
Пример #9
    def evaluate(self, player):

        for seat in self.seats:
            score_str = "%s: " % seat.player_name
            score_str += " + ".join(["%s%s^~" % (get_color_code(x.suit), x.value) for x in seat.data.expeditions])
            score_str += " = %s\n" % (get_plural_str(seat.data.curr_score, "point"))
            self.tell_pre(player, score_str)
Пример #10
    def evaluate(self, player):

        for seat in self.seats:
            score_str = "%s: " % seat.player_name
            score_str += " + ".join(["%s%s^~" % (get_color_code(x.suit), x.value) for x in seat.data.expeditions])
            score_str += " = %s\n" % (get_plural_str(seat.data.curr_score, "point"))
            self.tell_pre(player, score_str)
Пример #11
    def get_metadata(self):

        to_return = "\n\n"
        if self.turn:
            to_return += "It is ^Y%s^~'s turn (%s%s^~).  Trumps are ^C%s^~.\n" % (self.turn.player_name, self.get_color_code(self.turn), self.turn, self.trump_suit)
            to_return += "Tricks:   ^RNorth/South^~: %d    ^MEast/West^~: %d\n" % (self.ns.tricks, self.ew.tricks)
        to_return += "The goal score for this game is ^C%s^~.\n" % get_plural_str(self.goal, "point")
        to_return += self.get_score_str()

        return to_return
Пример #12
    def resolve_hand(self):

        for seat in self.left, self.right:

            addend = seat.data.curr_score
            if addend > 0:
                adj_str = "^Ygains ^C%s^~" % get_plural_str(addend, "point")
            elif addend < 0:
                adj_str = "^yloses ^c%s^~" % get_plural_str(-addend, "point")
                adj_str = "^Wsomehow manages to score precisely zero points^~"

            # Actually adjust the scores by the proper amounts, and inform
            # everyone of the result.
            seat.data.overall_score += addend

            # If someone resigned, scores don't matter, so don't show them.
            if not self.resigner:
                self.bc_pre("%s %s, giving them ^G%s^~.\n" % (self.get_sp_str(seat), adj_str, seat.data.overall_score))
Пример #13
    def resolve_hand(self):

        for seat in self.left, self.right:

            addend = seat.data.curr_score
            if addend > 0:
                adj_str = "^Ygains ^C%s^~" % get_plural_str(addend, "point")
            elif addend < 0:
                adj_str = "^yloses ^c%s^~" % get_plural_str(-addend, "point")
                adj_str = "^Wsomehow manages to score precisely zero points^~"

            # Actually adjust the scores by the proper amounts, and inform
            # everyone of the result.
            seat.data.overall_score += addend

            # If someone resigned, scores don't matter, so don't show them.
            if not self.resigner:
                self.bc_pre("%s %s, giving them ^G%s^~.\n" % (self.get_sp_str(seat), adj_str, seat.data.overall_score))
Пример #14
    def set_goal(self, player, goal_str):

        if not goal_str.isdigit():
            self.tell_pre(player, "You didn't even send a number!\n")
            return False

        new_goal = int(goal_str)
        if new_goal < 1:
            self.tell_pre(player, "The goal must be at least one point.\n")
            return False

        # Got a valid goal.
        self.goal = new_goal
        self.bc_pre("^M%s^~ has changed the goal to ^G%s^~.\n" % (player, get_plural_str(new_goal, "point")))
Пример #15
    def set_goal(self, player, goal_str):

        if not goal_str.isdigit():
            self.tell_pre(player, "You didn't even send a number!\n")
            return False

        new_goal = int(goal_str)
        if new_goal < 1:
            self.tell_pre(player, "The goal must be at least one point.\n")
            return False

        # Got a valid goal.
        self.goal = new_goal
        self.bc_pre("^M%s^~ has changed the goal to ^G%s^~.\n" % (player, get_plural_str(new_goal, "point")))
Пример #16
    def get_metadata(self):

        to_return = "\n\n"
        if self.turn:
            to_return += "It is ^Y%s^~'s turn (%s%s^~).  Trumps are ^C%s^~.\n" % (
                self.turn.player_name, self.get_color_code(
                    self.turn), self.turn, self.trump_suit)
            to_return += "Tricks:   ^RNorth/South^~: %d    ^MEast/West^~: %d\n" % (
                self.ns.tricks, self.ew.tricks)
        to_return += "The goal score for this game is ^C%s^~.\n" % get_plural_str(
            self.goal, "point")
        to_return += self.get_score_str()

        return to_return
Пример #17
    def finish_hand(self):

        # Which side won more than 6 tricks?
        if self.ns.tricks > 6:
            winning_side = "^RNorth/South^~"
            addend = self.ns.tricks - 6
            self.ns.score += addend
            winning_side = "^MEast/West^~"
            addend = self.ew.tricks - 6
            self.ew.score += addend

        # Let everyone know.
        self.bc_pre("%s wins the hand and gains ^C%s^~.\n" % (winning_side, get_plural_str(addend, "point")))
Пример #18
    def finish_hand(self):

        # Which side won more than 6 tricks?
        if self.ns.tricks > 6:
            winning_side = "^RNorth/South^~"
            addend = self.ns.tricks - 6
            self.ns.score += addend
            winning_side = "^MEast/West^~"
            addend = self.ew.tricks - 6
            self.ew.score += addend

        # Let everyone know.
        self.bc_pre("%s wins the hand and gains ^C%s^~.\n" %
                    (winning_side, get_plural_str(addend, "point")))
Пример #19
    def bid(self, player, bid_str):

        seat = self.get_seat_of_player(player)
        if not seat:
            self.tell_pre(player, "You're not playing!\n")
            return False

        if seat.data.is_dead:
            self.tell_pre(player, "You're dead!\n")
            return False

        # You can bid either during the 'play' phase or the 'bid' phase.
        state = self.state.get()
        if state != "playing" and state != "bidding":
            self.tell_pre(player, "You can't bid right now.\n")
            return False

        if seat != self.turn:
            self.tell_pre(player, "It's not your turn.\n")
            return False

        # Okay, it's a legitimate time to bid.  Is the bid valid?
        if not bid_str.isdigit():
            self.tell_pre(player, "You didn't even bid a number!\n")
            return False

        bid_value = int(bid_str)

        # It has to be at least one.
        if not bid_value:
            self.tell_pre(player, "Nice try, but you can't bid zero.\n")
            return False

        # Is the bid value <= the number of potions available?
        if bid_value > self._count_racked_potions():
            self.tell_pre(player, "There aren't that many racked potions to quaff!\n")
            return False

        # If we're in the bidding phase, is it higher than the current bid?
        if state == "bidding" and bid_value <= self.highest_bidder.data.bid:
            self.tell_pre(player, "That bid isn't higher than the current bid of ^C%d^~.\n" % self.highest_bidder.data.bid)
            return False

        # Valid bid, phew.  Let everyone know and note it down.
        self.bc_pre("%s has bid to quaff ^C%s^~.\n" % (self.get_sp_str(seat), get_plural_str(bid_value, "potion")))
        seat.data.bid = bid_value
        return True
Пример #20
    def move(self, player, move_bits):

        seat = self.get_seat_of_player(player)
        if not seat:
            self.tell_pre(player, "You can't move; you're not playing!\n")
            return False

        if seat != self.turn:
            self.tell_pre(player, "You must wait for your turn to move.\n")
            return False

        col, row = move_bits

        # Is the move on the board?
        if not self.layout.is_valid(row, col):
            self.tell_pre(player, "Your move is out of bounds.\n")
            return False

        # Is it a valid Tanbo play?
        piece = self.can_place_at(seat, row, col)
        if not piece:
                "That location is not adjacent to exactly one of your pieces.\n"
            return False

        # Valid.  Put the piece there.
        move_str = "%s%s" % (COLS[col], row + 1)
        self.layout.place(piece, row, col, True)

        # Update the root statuses.
        root_kill_str = ""
        root_kill = self.update_roots(row, col)
        if root_kill < 0:
            root_kill_str = ", ^ysuiciding the root^~"
        elif root_kill > 0:
            root_kill_str = ", ^Ykilling %s^~" % (get_plural_str(
                root_kill, "root"))
        self.bc_pre("%s grows a root to ^C%s^~%s.\n" %
                    (self.get_sp_str(seat), move_str, root_kill_str))

        return True
Пример #21
    def show_scores(self, player):

        state = "yellow"
        for seat in self.seats:
            player_str = seat.player_name
            if state == "yellow":
                name_color_code = "^Y"
                score_color_code = "^C"
                state = "magenta"
            elif state == "magenta":
                name_color_code = "^M"
                score_color_code = "^G"
                state = "yellow"
            tell_string = "   ^R%s^~: %s%s^~, %s%s^~" % (
                seat, name_color_code, player_str, score_color_code,
                get_plural_str(seat.data.score, "point"))
            player.tell_cc(tell_string + "\n")
Пример #22
    def move(self, player, move_bits):

        seat = self.get_seat_of_player(player)
        if not seat:
            self.tell_pre(player, "You can't move; you're not playing!\n")
            return False

        if seat != self.turn:
            self.tell_pre(player, "You must wait for your turn to move.\n")
            return False

        col, row = move_bits

        # Is the move on the board?
        if not self.layout.is_valid(row, col):
            self.tell_pre(player, "Your move is out of bounds.\n")
            return False

        # Is this move a valid play?
        if not self.is_valid_play(seat, row, col):
            self.tell_pre(player, "That move is not valid.\n")
            return False

        # Valid.  Put a piece there.
        move_str = "%s%s" % (COLS[col], row + 1)
        piece = self.get_new_piece(seat)
        self.layout.place(piece, row, col, True)

        # Update the board, making any captures.
        capture_str = ""
        self.move_was_capture = False
        capture_count = self.update_board(row, col)
        if capture_count:
            capture_str = ", ^Ycapturing %s^~" % (get_plural_str(
                capture_count, "group"))
            self.move_was_capture = True
        self.bc_pre("%s places a piece at ^C%s^~%s.\n" %
                    (self.get_sp_str(seat), move_str, capture_str))

        seat.data.made_move = True
        return True
Пример #23
    def red(self, player, move_bits):

        seat = self.get_seat_of_player(player)
        if not seat:
            self.tell_pre(player, "You can't move; you're not playing!\n")
            return False

        if seat != self.turn:
            self.tell_pre(player, "You must wait for your turn to move.\n")
            return False

        col, row = move_bits

        # Is the move on the board?
        if not self.layout.is_valid(row, col):
            self.tell_pre(player, "Your move is out of bounds.\n")
            return False

        # Is there a piece already there?
        if self.layout.grid[row][col]:
            self.tell_pre(player, "There is already a piece there.\n")
            return False

        # Is it not a capturing move?
        piece = self.rp
        if not self.move_is_capture(piece, row, col):
            self.tell_pre(player, "That would not cause a capture.\n")
            return False

        # Valid.  Put the piece there.
        move_str = "%s%s" % (COLS[col], row + 1)
        self.layout.place(piece, row, col, True)

        # Redstones by definition make captures.
        capture_count = self.capture(row, col)

        self.bc_pre("%s places a ^Rredstone^~ at ^C%s^~, ^Ycapturing %s^~.\n" %
                    (self.get_sp_str(seat), move_str,
                     get_plural_str(capture_count, "stone")))

        seat.data.made_move = True
        return True
Пример #24
    def get_metadata(self):

        to_return = "\n\n"
        if self.turn:
            seat_color = self.get_color_code(self.turn)
            to_return += "%s is the hakem.\n" % (self.get_sp_str(self.hakem))
            if self.trump_suit:
                trump_str = "^C%s^~" % self.trump_suit
                trump_str = "^cwaiting to be chosen^~"

            to_return += "It is ^Y%s^~'s turn (%s%s^~).  Trumps are ^C%s^~.\n" % (self.turn.player_name, seat_color, self.turn, trump_str)
            if self.mode == 4:
                to_return += "Tricks:   ^RNorth/South^~: %d    ^MEast/West^~: %d\n" % (self.ns.tricks, self.ew.tricks)
                to_return += "Tricks:   ^M%s^~: %d    ^R%s^~: %d    ^B%s^~: %d\n" % (self.west.player_name, self.west.data.tricks, self.south.player_name, self.south.data.tricks, self.east.player_name, self.east.data.tricks)
        to_return += "The goal score for this game is ^C%s^~.\n" % get_plural_str(self.goal, "point")
        to_return += self.get_score_str()

        return to_return
Пример #25
    def set_minimum(self, player, minimum_str):

        if not minimum_str.isdigit():
            self.tell_pre(player, "You didn't even send a number!\n")
            return False

        new_minimum = int(minimum_str)

        # It doesn't make sense for the minimum to be below 4, as that's the
        # lowest possible bid anyhow.  13 is a plausible maximum.
        if new_minimum < 4:
            self.tell_pre(player, "The minimum must be at least 4 points.\n")
            return False

        if new_minimum > 13:
            self.tell_pre(player, "The minimum must be at most 13 points.\n")
            return False

        # Got a valid minimum.
        self.minimum = new_minimum
        self.bc_pre("^M%s^~ has changed the minimum to ^G%s^~.\n" % (player, get_plural_str(new_minimum, "point")))
Пример #26
    def inventory(self, player):

        seat = self.get_seat_of_player(player)
        if not seat:
            self.tell_pre(player, "You're not playing!\n")
            return False

        self.tell_pre(player, "You have ^C%s^~ and ^R%s^~ overall.\n" % (get_plural_str(seat.data.antidotes, "antidote"), get_plural_str(seat.data.poisons, "poison")))

        rack_str = ""
        for potion in seat.data.potion_rack:
            if potion == "antidote":
                rack_str += "^C[A]^~ "
            elif potion == "poison":
                rack_str += "^R*P*^~ "
                rack_str += "^Y???^~ "
        if not rack_str:
            rack_str = "^!Empty!^~"

        self.tell_pre(player, "Your current rack: %s\n" % rack_str)
Пример #27
    def move(self, player, move_bits):

        seat = self.get_seat_of_player(player)
        if not seat:
            self.tell_pre(player, "You can't move; you're not playing!\n")
            return False

        if seat != self.turn:
            self.tell_pre(player, "You must wait for your turn to move.\n")
            return False

        col, row = move_bits

        # Is the move on the board?
        if not self.layout.is_valid(row, col):
            self.tell_pre(player, "Your move is out of bounds.\n")
            return False

        # Is this move a valid play?
        if not self.is_valid_play(seat, row, col):
            self.tell_pre(player, "That move is not valid.\n")
            return False

        # Valid.  Put a piece there.
        move_str = "%s%s" % (COLS[col], row + 1)
        piece = self.get_new_piece(seat)
        self.layout.place(piece, row, col, True)

        # Update the board, making any captures.
        capture_str = ""
        self.move_was_capture = False
        capture_count = self.update_board(row, col)
        if capture_count:
            capture_str = ", ^Ycapturing %s^~" % (get_plural_str(capture_count, "group"))
            self.move_was_capture = True
        self.bc_pre("%s places a piece at ^C%s^~%s.\n" % (self.get_sp_str(seat), move_str, capture_str))

        seat.data.made_move = True
        return True
Пример #28
    def move(self, player, move_bits):

        seat = self.get_seat_of_player(player)
        if not seat:
            self.tell_pre(player, "You can't move; you're not playing!\n")
            return False

        if seat != self.turn:
            self.tell_pre(player, "You must wait for your turn to move.\n")
            return False

        col, row = move_bits

        # Is the move on the board?
        if not self.layout.is_valid(row, col):
            self.tell_pre(player, "Your move is out of bounds.\n")
            return False

        # Is it a valid Tanbo play?
        piece = self.can_place_at(seat, row, col)
        if not piece:
            self.tell_pre(player, "That location is not adjacent to exactly one of your pieces.\n")
            return False

        # Valid.  Put the piece there.
        move_str = "%s%s" % (COLS[col], row + 1)
        self.layout.place(piece, row, col, True)

        # Update the root statuses.
        root_kill_str = ""
        root_kill = self.update_roots(row, col)
        if root_kill < 0:
            root_kill_str = ", ^ysuiciding the root^~"
        elif root_kill > 0:
            root_kill_str = ", ^Ykilling %s^~" % (get_plural_str(root_kill, "root"))
        self.bc_pre("%s grows a root to ^C%s^~%s.\n" % (self.get_sp_str(seat), move_str, root_kill_str))

        return True
Пример #29
    def show_scores(self, player):

        state = "yellow"
        for seat in self.seats:
            player_str = seat.player_name
            if state == "yellow":
                name_color_code = "^Y"
                score_color_code = "^C"
                state = "magenta"
            elif state == "magenta":
                name_color_code = "^M"
                score_color_code = "^G"
                state = "yellow"
            tell_string = "   ^R%s^~: %s%s^~, %s%s^~" % (
                get_plural_str(seat.data.score, "point"),
            player.tell_cc(tell_string + "\n")
Пример #30
    def resolve_hand(self, winner):

        # Assume the hakem won and there was no sweep; we'll adjust later.
        hakem_won = True
        swept = False

        # 4p mode shenanigans first.
        if self.mode == 4:

            if winner == self.ns:
                winning_str = "^RNorth/South^~"
                if self.hakem != self.seats[0] and self.hakem != self.seats[2]:
                    hakem_won = False
                loser = self.ew
                winning_str = "^MEast/West^~"
                if self.hakem != self.seats[1] and self.hakem != self.seats[3]:
                    hakem_won = False
                loser = self.ns

            # Did the loser get no tricks?  If so, the winner swept!
            if loser.tricks == 0:
                swept = True


            # 3P mode.  Check whether the hakem really won...
            if winner != self.hakem:
                hakem_won = False

            # ...and whether the winner swept.
            prev_tricks = self.prev_seat(winner).data.tricks
            next_tricks = self.next_seat(winner).data.tricks
            if not prev_tricks and not next_tricks:
                swept = True

            winning_str = self.get_sp_str(winner)

        if swept:
            action_str = "^Yswept^~"

            # 2 points if the hakem won, 3 if others did.
            if hakem_won:
                addend = 2
                addend = 3

            # Standard win.  One point.
            action_str = "^Wwon^~"
            addend = 1

        # Let everyone know.
        self.bc_pre("%s %s the hand and gains ^C%s^~.\n" %
                    (winning_str, action_str, get_plural_str(addend, "point")))

        # Apply the score.
        if self.mode == 4:
            winner.score += addend
            winner.data.score += addend

        # Show everyone's scores.

        # Did the hakem not win?  If so, we need to have a new hakem and dealer.
        if not hakem_won:

            # In 4p mode, it just rotates...
            if self.mode == 4:
                self.dealer = self.hakem
                self.hakem = self.next_seat(self.hakem)

                # In 3p mode, the winner becomes hakem.
                self.hakem = winner
                self.dealer = self.prev_seat(self.hakem)

                "The ^Yhakem^~ has been unseated!  The new hakem is %s.\n" %
            self.bc_pre("%s remains the hakem.\n" %
Пример #31
    def resolve_hand(self, winner):

        # Assume the hakem won and there was no sweep; we'll adjust later.
        hakem_won = True
        swept = False

        # 4p mode shenanigans first.
        if self.mode == 4:

            if winner == self.ns:
                winning_str = "^RNorth/South^~"
                if self.hakem != self.seats[0] and self.hakem != self.seats[2]:
                    hakem_won = False
                loser = self.ew
                winning_str = "^MEast/West^~"
                if self.hakem != self.seats[1] and self.hakem != self.seats[3]:
                    hakem_won = False
                loser = self.ns

            # Did the loser get no tricks?  If so, the winner swept!
            if loser.tricks == 0:
                swept = True


            # 3P mode.  Check whether the hakem really won...
            if winner != self.hakem:
                hakem_won = False

            # ...and whether the winner swept.
            prev_tricks = self.prev_seat(winner).data.tricks
            next_tricks = self.next_seat(winner).data.tricks
            if not prev_tricks and not next_tricks:
                swept = True

            winning_str = self.get_sp_str(winner)

        if swept:
            action_str = "^Yswept^~"

            # 2 points if the hakem won, 3 if others did.
            if hakem_won:
                addend = 2
                addend = 3

            # Standard win.  One point.
            action_str = "^Wwon^~"
            addend = 1

        # Let everyone know.
        self.bc_pre("%s %s the hand and gains ^C%s^~.\n" % (winning_str, action_str, get_plural_str(addend, "point")))

        # Apply the score.
        if self.mode == 4:
            winner.score += addend
            winner.data.score += addend

        # Show everyone's scores.

        # Did the hakem not win?  If so, we need to have a new hakem and dealer.
        if not hakem_won:

            # In 4p mode, it just rotates...
            if self.mode == 4:
                self.dealer = self.hakem
                self.hakem = self.next_seat(self.hakem)

                # In 3p mode, the winner becomes hakem.
                self.hakem = winner
                self.dealer = self.prev_seat(self.hakem)

            self.bc_pre("The ^Yhakem^~ has been unseated!  The new hakem is %s.\n" % self.get_sp_str(self.hakem))
            self.bc_pre("%s remains the hakem.\n" % self.get_sp_str(self.hakem))
Пример #32
    def set_double(self, player, double_str):

        if not double_str.isdigit():
            self.tell_pre(player, "You didn't even send a number!\n")
            return False

        new_double = int(double_str)

        if new_double > 13:
            self.tell_pre(player, "The doubling value must be at most 13 tricks.\n")
            return False

        # Got a valid double value.
        self.double = new_double
        if self.double:
            self.bc_pre("^M%s^~ has changed the doubling value to ^G%s^~.\n" % (player, get_plural_str(new_double, "trick")))
            self.bc_pre("^M%s^~ has ^Rdisabled^~ doubling values.\n" % (player,))
Пример #33
    def set_bonus(self, player, bonus_bits):

        if len(bonus_bits) == 1:

            bonus = bonus_bits[0]
            # Gotta be 'none' or 0.
            if bonus in ("none", "n", "0",):
                self.bonus = False
                self.bc_pre("^M%s^~ has disabled the expedition bonuses.\n" % player)
                return True
                self.tell_pre(player, "Invalid bonus command.\n")
                return False

        elif len(bonus_bits) == 2:

            points, length = bonus_bits

            if not points.isdigit() or not length.isdigit():
                self.tell_pre(player, "Invalid bonus command.\n")
                return False

            points = int(points)
            length = int(length)

            if not points or not length:
                self.bonus = False
                self.bc_pre("^M%s^~ has disabled the expedition bonuses.\n" % player)
                return True
                self.bonus = True
                self.bonus_points = points
                self.bonus_length = length
                self.bc_pre("^M%s^~ has set the expedition bonuses to ^C%s^~ at length ^R%s^~.\n" % (player, get_plural_str(points, "point"), length))
                return True

            self.tell_pre(player, "Invalid bonus command.\n")
            return False
Пример #34
    def handle(self, player, command_str):

        # Handle common commands.
        handled = self.handle_common_commands(player, command_str)

        if not handled:

            state = self.state.get()

            command_bits = command_str.split()
            primary = command_bits[0].lower()

            if state == "setup":

                if primary in ("goal", "score", "sc", "g",):
                    if len(command_bits) == 2:
                        self.set_goal(player, command_bits[1])
                        self.tell_pre(player, "Invalid goal command.\n")
                    handled = True

                elif primary in ("positive", "pos", "po", "p",):
                    if len(command_bits) == 2:
                        self.set_positive(player, command_bits[1])
                        self.tell_pre(player, "Invalid positive command.\n")
                    handled = True

                elif primary in ("double", "doub",):
                    if len(command_bits) == 2:
                        self.set_double(player, command_bits[1])
                        self.tell_pre(player, "Invalid double command.\n")
                    handled = True

                elif primary in ("minimum", "min",):
                    if len(command_bits) == 2:
                        self.set_minimum(player, command_bits[1])
                        self.tell_pre(player, "Invalid minimum command.\n")
                    handled = True

                elif primary in ("whist", "wh",):
                    if len(command_bits) == 2:
                        self.set_whist(player, command_bits[1])
                        self.tell_pre(player, "Invalid whist command.\n")
                    handled = True

                elif primary in ("done", "ready", "d", "r",):
                    self.bc_pre("The game is now looking for players.\n")
                    handled = True

            elif state == "need_players":

                if primary in ("config", "setup", "conf",):
                    self.bc_pre("^R%s^~ has switched the game to setup mode.\n" % player)
                    handled = True

            elif state == "bidding":

                if primary in ("hand", "inventory", "inv", "i",):
                    handled = True

                elif primary in ("bid", "b",):
                    if len(command_bits) == 2:
                        bid_made = self.bid(player, command_bits[1])
                        self.tell_pre(player, "Invalid bid command.\n")
                    handled = True

                if bid_made:

                    bid_list = [x for x in self.seats if x.data.bid]
                    if len(bid_list) == 4:

                        # Bidding is complete.  Are enough tricks bid?
                        bid_total = 0
                        point_total = 0
                        for seat in self.seats:
                            bid = seat.data.bid
                            bid_total += bid
                            point_total += bid

                            # Bids of self.double or more count double, if set.
                            if self.double:
                                if bid >= self.double:
                                    point_total += bid

                        bid_str = get_plural_str(bid_total, "trick")
                        point_str = get_plural_str(point_total, "point")
                        if point_total >= self.minimum:

                            # Enough indeed.  Start the game proper.
                            self.bc_pre("With ^W%s^~ bid for a total of ^C%s^~, play begins!\n" % (bid_str, point_str))
                            self.turn = self.next_seat(self.turn)
                            if self.turn.player:


                            # Not enough.  Throw hands in and deal fresh.
                            self.bc_pre("With only ^R%s^~ bid, everyone throws in their hand.\n" % bid_str)
                            self.dealer = self.next_seat(self.dealer)

                            # Deal and set up the first player to bid.
                            self.turn = self.next_seat(self.dealer)
                            if self.turn.player:
                                self.tell_pre(self.turn.player, "It is your turn to bid.\n")


                        # Still need more bids.
                        self.turn = self.next_seat(self.turn)
                        if self.turn.player:
                            self.tell_pre(self.turn.player, "It is your turn to bid.\n")

                    # No matter what happened, update the layout.

            elif state == "playing":

                card_played = False
                if primary in ("hand", "inventory", "inv", "i",):
                    handled = True

                elif primary in ("play", "move", "pl", "mv",):
                    if len(command_bits) == 2:
                        card_played = self.play(player, command_bits[1])
                        self.tell_pre(player, "Invalid play command.\n")
                    handled = True

                if card_played:

                    # A card hit the table.  We need to do stuff.
                    if len(self.trick) == 4:

                        # Finish the trick up.

                        # Is that the last trick?
                        if self.north.data.tricks + self.west.data.tricks + self.south.data.tricks + self.east.data.tricks == 13:

                            # Resolve the hand...

                            # And look for a winner.
                            winner = self.find_winner()
                            if winner:

                                # Found a winner.  Finish.


                                # No winner.  Pass the deal to the next player...
                                self.dealer = self.next_seat(self.dealer)

                                # Deal and set up the first player to bid.
                                self.turn = self.next_seat(self.dealer)
                                if self.turn.player:
                                    self.tell_pre(self.turn.player, "It is your turn to bid.\n")


                        # Trick not over.  Rotate.
                        self.turn = self.next_seat(self.turn)
                        if self.turn.player:

        if not handled:
            self.tell_pre(player, "Invalid command.\n")
Пример #35
    def pick(self, player, pick_str):

        seat = self.get_seat_of_player(player)

        if seat != self.turn:
            self.tell_pre(player, "It's not your turn!\n")
            return False

        # In the case where we're picking someone to be first player because we
        # killed ourselves via poison, the valid list is those players who are
        # still alive.  If we're quaffing, they have to have potions on their
        # rack.
        state = self.state.get()
        if state == "choosing_player":
            valid_choices = [x for x in self.seats if not x.data.is_dead]
        elif state == "quaffing":
            valid_choices = [x for x in self.seats if x.data.potion_rack]
            self.tell_pre(player, "Not sure how you got here, but you can't pick!\n")
            return False

        # All right.  Let's try to parse out their pick_str.  We're going to
        # be super-lazy and only use the first letter to match.
        their_pick = pick_str.lower()[0]
        actual_pick = [x for x in valid_choices if x.name[0] == their_pick]

        if not actual_pick:
            self.tell_pre(player, "You can't pick that seat for this!\n")
            return False

        # We got a seat.  Sweet.  If it's for choosing a player, start a new
        # round with them as the start player.
        picked_seat = actual_pick[0]
        if state == "choosing_player":
            self.bc_pre("%s has chosen %s to be the new starting player.\n" % (self.get_sp_str(seat), self.get_sp_str(picked_seat)))
            return True
        else: # state == "quaffing"

            # Get the newest potion from that seat.
            potion = picked_seat.data.potion_rack.pop()

            # If it's a poison, we've been poisoned!
            if potion == "poison":
                self.bc_pre("%s chugs a potion from %s and is ^Rpoisoned^~!\n" % (self.get_sp_str(seat), self.get_sp_str(picked_seat)))
                self.drank_poison(seat, picked_seat)


                # Not a poison; increase quaffing count...
                self.bc_pre("%s chugs a potion from %s and keeps it down somehow.\n" % (self.get_sp_str(seat), self.get_sp_str(picked_seat)))
                seat.data.quaffed += 1

                # If we've drank enough, we're done!
                if seat.data.quaffed == seat.data.bid:
                    return True

                    self.tell_pre(seat.player, "You still must quaff ^C%s^~.\n" % get_plural_str(seat.data.bid - seat.data.quaffed, "potion"))
                    return True
Пример #36
    def handle(self, player, command_str):

        # Handle common commands.
        handled = self.handle_common_commands(player, command_str)

        if not handled:

            state = self.state.get()

            command_bits = command_str.split()
            primary = command_bits[0].lower()
            played = False
            bid = False

            if state == "need_players":

                if primary in ('antidotes', 'anti', 'an'):
                    if len(command_bits) == 2:
                        self.set_antidote_count(player, command_bits[1])
                        self.tell_pre(player, "Invalid antidotes command.\n")
                    handled = True

                elif primary in ('poisons', 'pois', 'po'):
                    if len(command_bits) == 2:
                        self.set_poison_count(player, command_bits[1])
                        self.tell_pre(player, "Invalid poisons command.\n")
                    handled = True

                elif primary in ('goal', 'score'):
                    if len(command_bits) == 2:
                        self.set_goal(player, command_bits[1])
                        self.tell_pre(player, "Invalid goal command.\n")
                    handled = True

                elif primary in ('start',):
                    player_count = len([x for x in self.seats if x.player])
                    if player_count < 3:
                        self.tell_pre(player, "Need at least 3 players!\n")
                        self.channel.broadcast_cc(self.prefix + "Game on!\n")
                    handled = True

            elif state == "initial_placement":

                if primary in _PLAY_LIST:
                    if len(command_bits) == 2:
                        played = self.play(player, command_bits[1])
                        self.tell_pre(player, "Invalid play command.\n")
                    handled = True
                elif primary in _INVENTORY_LIST:
                    handled = True

            elif state == "playing":

                if primary in _PLAY_LIST:
                    if len(command_bits) == 2:
                        played = self.play(player, command_bits[1])
                        self.tell_pre(player, "Invalid play command.\n")
                    handled = True
                elif primary in _INVENTORY_LIST:
                    handled = True
                elif primary in _BID_LIST:
                    if len(command_bits) == 2:
                        bid = self.bid(player, command_bits[1])
                        self.tell_pre(player, "Invalid bid command.\n")
                    handled = True

                if played:

                    # It's the next player's turn.
                    self.turn = self.next_seat(self.turn)
                    self.tell_pre(self.turn.player, "It is your turn.\n")

                elif bid:

                    # If the bid is for "every potion there is," immediately
                    # jump to autoquaff mode.
                    if self._count_racked_potions() == self.turn.data.bid:
                        self.bc_pre("%s has bid for all the potions!\n" % self.get_sp_str(self.turn))


                        # Start of a bidding round.  Make sure everyone can bid.
                        for seat in self.seats:
                            if seat != self.turn:
                                seat.data.bid = 0
                            if not seat.data.is_dead:
                                seat.data.is_bidding = True

                        # ...set the high bid...
                        self.highest_bidder = self.turn

                        # ...and pass the buck.
                        self.turn = self.next_seat(self.turn, bidding=True)
                        self.tell_pre(self.turn.player, "It is your turn to bid or pass.\n")

            elif state == "bidding":

                if primary in _BID_LIST:
                    if len(command_bits) == 2:
                        bid = self.bid(player, command_bits[1])
                        self.tell_pre(player, "Invalid bid command.\n")
                    handled = True

                elif primary in _INVENTORY_LIST:
                    handled = True

                elif primary in ('pass', 'pa', 'p'):

                    # No need for a function, as this one's easy.
                    self.turn.data.is_bidding = False
                    self.bc_pre("%s has passed and is no longer bidding.\n" % self.get_sp_str(self.turn))

                    # Get the next player...
                    self.turn = self.next_seat(self.turn, bidding=True)

                    # ...and see if it's the highest bidder.  If it is, they
                    # won the bidding.
                    if self.turn == self.highest_bidder:
                        self.bc_pre("%s has won the bid with ^Y%s^~.\n" % (self.get_sp_str(self.turn), get_plural_str(self.turn.data.bid, "potion")))
                        self.tell_pre(self.turn.player, "It is your turn to bid or pass.\n")

                    handled = True
                if bid:

                    # If the bid is the count of racked potions, we're done.
                    if self._count_racked_potions() == self.turn.data.bid:
                        self.bc_pre("%s has bid for all the potions!\n" % self.get_sp_str(self.turn))


                        # New highest bidder.  Set it and go around.
                        self.highest_bidder = self.turn

                        self.turn = self.next_seat(self.turn, bidding=True)
                        self.tell_pre(self.turn.player, "It is your turn to bid or pass.\n")

            elif state == "choosing_player" or state == "quaffing":

                if primary in _PICK_LIST:
                    if len(command_bits) == 2:
                        self.pick(player, command_bits[1])
                        self.tell_pre(player, "Invalid pick command.\n")
                    handled = True

                elif primary in _INVENTORY_LIST:
                    handled = True

            elif state == "tossing":

                if primary in ('toss', 'to'):
                    if len(command_bits) == 2:
                        self.toss(player, command_bits[1])
                        self.tell_pre(player, "Invalid toss command.\n")
                    handled = True

                elif primary in _INVENTORY_LIST:
                    handled = True

            if not handled:
                self.tell_pre(player, "Invalid command.\n")
Пример #37
    def red(self, player, move_bits):

        seat = self.get_seat_of_player(player)
        if not seat:
            self.tell_pre(player, "You can't move; you're not playing!\n")
            return False

        if seat != self.turn:
            self.tell_pre(player, "You must wait for your turn to move.\n")
            return False

        col, row = move_bits

        # Is the move on the board?
        if not self.layout.is_valid(row, col):
            self.tell_pre(player, "Your move is out of bounds.\n")
            return False

        # Is there a piece already there?
        if self.layout.grid[row][col]:
            self.tell_pre(player, "There is already a piece there.\n")
            return False

        # Is it not a capturing move?
        piece = self.rp
        if not self.move_is_capture(piece, row, col):
            self.tell_pre(player, "That would not cause a capture.\n")
            return False

        # Valid.  Put the piece there.
        move_str = "%s%s" % (COLS[col], row + 1)
        self.layout.place(piece, row, col, True)

        # Redstones by definition make captures.
        capture_count = self.capture(row, col)

        self.bc_pre("%s places a ^Rredstone^~ at ^C%s^~, ^Ycapturing %s^~.\n" % (self.get_sp_str(seat), move_str, get_plural_str(capture_count, "stone")))

        seat.data.made_move = True
        return True
Пример #38
    def set_bonus(self, player, bonus_bits):

        if len(bonus_bits) == 1:

            bonus = bonus_bits[0]
            # Gotta be 'none' or 0.
            if bonus in ("none", "n", "0",):
                self.bonus = False
                self.bc_pre("^M%s^~ has disabled the expedition bonuses.\n" % player)
                return True
                self.tell_pre(player, "Invalid bonus command.\n")
                return False

        elif len(bonus_bits) == 2:

            points, length = bonus_bits

            if not points.isdigit() or not length.isdigit():
                self.tell_pre(player, "Invalid bonus command.\n")
                return False

            points = int(points)
            length = int(length)

            if not points or not length:
                self.bonus = False
                self.bc_pre("^M%s^~ has disabled the expedition bonuses.\n" % player)
                return True
                self.bonus = True
                self.bonus_points = points
                self.bonus_length = length
                self.bc_pre("^M%s^~ has set the expedition bonuses to ^C%s^~ at length ^R%s^~.\n" % (player, get_plural_str(points, "point"), length))
                return True

            self.tell_pre(player, "Invalid bonus command.\n")
            return False