Пример #1
    def _get_rgbarray(self, idx, rgbobj, image_order):
        # NOTE: data is assumed to be in the range 0-255 at this point
        # but clip as a precaution
        # See NOTE [A]: idx is always an array calculated in the caller and
        #    discarded afterwards
        # idx = idx.clip(0, 255)
        idx.clip(0, 255, out=idx)

        # run it through the shift array and clip the result
        # See NOTE [A]
        # idx = self.sarr[idx].clip(0, 255)
        idx = self.sarr[idx]
        idx.clip(0, 255, out=idx)

        ri, gi, bi = self.get_order_indexes(rgbobj.get_order(), "RGB")
        out = rgbobj.rgbarr

        if len(idx.shape) == 2:
            out[..., ri] = self.arr[0][idx]
            out[..., gi] = self.arr[1][idx]
            out[..., bi] = self.arr[2][idx]
            rj, gj, bj = self.get_order_indexes(image_order, "RGB")
            out[..., ri] = self.arr[0][idx[..., rj]]
            out[..., gi] = self.arr[1][idx[..., gj]]
            out[..., bi] = self.arr[2][idx[..., bj]]

            # convert to monitor profile, if one is available
            # TODO: this conversion doesn't really belong here!
            if PythonImage.have_monitor_profile():
                self.logger.debug("Converting to monitor profile.")
Пример #2
    def convert_profile_monitor(self, rgbobj):
        inp = rgbobj.get_array("RGB")
        arr = PythonImage.convert_profile_monitor(inp)
        out = rgbobj.rgbarr

        ri, gi, bi = rgbobj.get_order_indexes("RGB")
        out[..., ri] = arr[..., 0]
        out[..., gi] = arr[..., 1]
        out[..., bi] = arr[..., 2]
Пример #3
    def load_image(self, filepath):
        # Create an image.  Assume type to be an AstroImage unless
        # the MIME association says it is something different.
        image = AstroImage.AstroImage(logger=self.logger)
            self.logger.info("Loading image from %s" % (filepath))
            typ, enc = mimetypes.guess_type(filepath)
            if typ:
                typ, subtyp = typ.split('/')
                self.logger.info("MIME type is %s/%s" % (typ, subtyp))
                if (typ == 'image') and (subtyp != 'fits'):
                    image = PythonImage.PythonImage(logger=self.logger)

            #self.gui_do(chinfo.fitsimage.onscreen_message, "")

        except Exception, e:
            errmsg = "Failed to load file '%s': %s" % (filepath, str(e))
                (type, value, tb) = sys.exc_info()
                tb_str = "\n".join(traceback.format_tb(tb))
            except Exception, e:
                tb_str = "Traceback information unavailable."