Пример #1
from numpy.oldnumeric.mlab import pi, cos, sin, arctan2, array, angle
import types
import write_style
points = 0.0013000
inches = 72.27*points
import scipy
import scipy.signal as signal
from __init__ import maxwidth as _maxwidth
from __init__ import maxheight as _maxheight

_dpi = 75
_hold = 0


# Get a directory that the user has write access to for
#  storing temporary *.gp and *.gs files
import tempfile
import os
import sys

# functions copied from weave.catalog

def whoami():
    """return a string identifying the user."""
    return os.environ.get("USER") or os.environ.get("USERNAME") or "unknown"

def create_dir(p):
    """ Create a directory and any necessary intermediate directories."""
Пример #2
#!/usr/bin/env python

import rt
import time
import numpy
import gist


n = 5000
t = 0.001

v = numpy.empty(n)

for i in range(n):
    a = time.time()
    v[i] = time.time() - a

print v.min(), v.max(), v.std()
gist.plg(v, color="red")

tt = long(1e9 * t)
v = numpy.empty(n)

for i in range(n):
    a = time.time()
Пример #3
import numpy
from numpy import ravel, reshape, repeat, arange, transpose, compress, \
     where, ones, newaxis, asarray, pi, cos, sin, arctan2, array, angle
import types
import write_style
points = 0.0013000
inches = 72.27*points
from __init__ import maxwidth as _maxwidth
from __init__ import maxheight as _maxheight

_dpi = 75
_hold = 0


# Get a directory that the user has write access to for
#  storing temporary *.gp and *.gs files
import tempfile
import os
import sys

# functions copied from weave.catalog

def whoami():
    """return a string identifying the user."""
    return os.environ.get("USER") or os.environ.get("USERNAME") or "unknown"

def create_dir(p):
    """ Create a directory and any necessary intermediate directories."""