def bode(w,H,win=0,frame=0,lcolor='blue',color='black',tcolor='black',freq='rad'): """Plot a bode plot of the transfer function H as a function of w. """ if freq == 'Hz': w = w /2.0 / pi subplot(2,1,win,hsep=120,frame=frame,color=color) gist.plsys(1) gist.plg(20*numpy.log10(abs(H)),w,type='solid',color=lcolor,marks=0) gist.logxy(1,0) gist.gridxy(1,1) if freq == 'Hz': xlabel('Frequency (Hz)',color=tcolor,deltay=-0.005) else: xlabel('Frequency (rad/s)',color=tcolor,deltay=-0.005) ylabel('Magnitude (dB)',color=tcolor,deltax=-0.005) title("Bode Plot",color=tcolor) gist.plsys(2) gist.plg(180/pi*numpy.unwrap(MLab.angle(H)),w,type='solid',color=lcolor,marks=0) gist.logxy(1,0) gist.gridxy(1,1) if freq == 'Hz': xlabel('Frequency (Hz)',color=tcolor,deltay=-0.005) else: xlabel('Frequency (rad/s)',color=tcolor,deltay=-0.005) ylabel('Phase (deg.)',color=tcolor,deltax=-0.005)
def bode(w,H,win=0,frame=0,lcolor='blue',color='black',tcolor='black',freq='rad'): """Plot a bode plot of the transfer function H as a function of w. """ if freq == 'Hz': w = w /2.0 / pi subplot(2,1,win,hsep=120,frame=frame,color=color) gist.plsys(1) gist.plg(20*numpy.log10(abs(H)),w,type='solid',color=lcolor,marks=0) gist.logxy(1,0) gist.gridxy(1,1) if freq == 'Hz': xlabel('Frequency (Hz)',color=tcolor,deltay=-0.005) else: xlabel('Frequency (rad/s)',color=tcolor,deltay=-0.005) ylabel('Magnitude (dB)',color=tcolor,deltax=-0.005) title("Bode Plot",color=tcolor) gist.plsys(2) gist.plg(180/pi*numpy.unwrap(numpy.angle(H)),w,type='solid',color=lcolor,marks=0) gist.logxy(1,0) gist.gridxy(1,1) if freq == 'Hz': xlabel('Frequency (Hz)',color=tcolor,deltay=-0.005) else: xlabel('Frequency (rad/s)',color=tcolor,deltay=-0.005) ylabel('Phase (deg.)',color=tcolor,deltax=-0.005)
def imagesc(z,cmin=None,cmax=None,xryr=None,_style='default', palette=None, color='black',colormap=None): """Plot an image on axes. z -- The data cmin -- Value to map to lowest color in palette (min(z) if None) cmax -- Value to map to highest color in palette (max(z) if None) xryr -- (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) coordinates to print (0, 0, z.shape[1], z.shape[0]) if None _style -- A 'style-sheet' to use if desired (a default one will be used if 'default'). If None, then no style will be imposed. palette -- A string for a palette previously saved in a file (see write_palette) or an array specifying the red-green-blue values (2-d array N x 3) or gray-scale values (2-d array N x 1 or 1-d array). color -- The color to use for the axes. """ if xryr is None: xryr = (0,0,z.shape[1],z.shape[0]) try: _style = None saveval = gist.plsys(2) gist.plsys(saveval) except: _style = 'default' if not _hold: gist.fma() gist.animate(0) if _style is not None: if _style == "default": _style=os.path.join(_user_path,'') system = write_style.getsys(hticpos='below',vticpos='left',frame=1, color=color) fid = open(_style,'w') fid.write(write_style.style2string(system)) fid.close() gist.window(style=_style) _current_style=_style if cmax is None: cmax = max(ravel(z)) if cmin is None: cmin = min(ravel(z)) cmax = float(cmax) cmin = float(cmin) byteimage = gist.bytscl(z,cmin=cmin,cmax=cmax) if (colormap is not None): palette=colormap change_palette(palette) gist.pli(byteimage,xryr[0],xryr[1],xryr[2],xryr[3]) return
def errorbars(x,y,err,ptcolor='r',linecolor='B',pttype='o',linetype='-',fac=0.25): """Draw connected points with errorbars. Description: Plot connected points with errorbars. Inputs: x, y -- The points to plot. err -- The error in the y values. ptcolor -- The color for the points. linecolor -- The color of the connecting lines and error bars. pttype -- The type of point ('o', 'x', '+', '.', 'x', '*') linetype -- The type of line ('-', '|', ':', '-.', '-:') fac -- Adjusts how long the horizontal lines are which make the top and bottom of the error bars. """ # create line arrays yb = y - err ye = y + err try: override = 1 savesys = gist.plsys(2) gist.plsys(savesys) except: override = 0 if _hold or override: pass else: gist.fma() y = where(numpy.isfinite(y),y,0) gist.plg(y,x,color=_colors[ptcolor],marker=_markers[pttype],type='none') gist.pldj(x,yb,x,ye,color=_colors[linecolor],type=_types[linetype]) viewp = gist.viewport() plotlims = gist.limits() conv_factorx = (viewp[1] - viewp[0]) / (plotlims[1]-plotlims[0]) conv_factory = (viewp[3] - viewp[2]) / (plotlims[3]-plotlims[2]) width = fac*(x[1]-x[0]) x0 = x-width/2.0 x1 = x+width/2.0 gist.pldj(x0,ye,x1,ye,color=_colors[linecolor],type=_types[linetype]) gist.pldj(x0,yb,x1,yb,color=_colors[linecolor],type=_types[linetype]) return
def stem(m, y, linetype='b-', mtype='mo', shift=0.013): y0 = Numeric.zeros(len(y),y.dtype.char) y1 = y x0 = m x1 = m try: override = 1 savesys = gist.plsys(2) gist.plsys(savesys) except: override = 0 if not (_hold or override): gist.fma() thetype,thecolor,themarker,tomark = _parse_type_arg(linetype,0) lcolor = thecolor gist.pldj(x0, y0, x1, y1, color=thecolor, type=thetype) thetype,thecolor,themarker,tomark = _parse_type_arg(mtype,0) if themarker not in ['o','x','.','*']: themarker = 'o' y = where(numpy.isfinite(y),y,0) gist.plg(y,m,color=thecolor,marker=themarker,type='none') gist.plg(Numeric.zeros(len(m)),m,color=lcolor,marks=0) gist.limits() lims = gist.limits() newlims = [None]*4 vp = gist.viewport() factor1 = vp[1] - vp[0] factor2 = vp[3] - vp[2] cfactx = factor1 / (lims[1] - lims[0]) cfacty = factor2 / (lims[3] - lims[2]) d1 = shift / cfactx d2 = shift / cfacty newlims[0] = lims[0] - d1 newlims[1] = lims[1] + d1 newlims[2] = lims[2] - d2 newlims[3] = lims[3] + d2 gist.limits(*newlims) return
def stem(m, y, linetype='b-', mtype='mo', shift=0.013): y0 = numpy.zeros(len(y),y.dtype.char) y1 = y x0 = m x1 = m try: override = 1 savesys = gist.plsys(2) gist.plsys(savesys) except: override = 0 if not (_hold or override): gist.fma() thetype,thecolor,themarker,tomark = _parse_type_arg(linetype,0) lcolor = thecolor gist.pldj(x0, y0, x1, y1, color=thecolor, type=thetype) thetype,thecolor,themarker,tomark = _parse_type_arg(mtype,0) if themarker not in ['o','x','.','*']: themarker = 'o' y = where(numpy.isfinite(y),y,0) gist.plg(y,m,color=thecolor,marker=themarker,type='none') gist.plg(numpy.zeros(len(m)),m,color=lcolor,marks=0) gist.limits() lims = gist.limits() newlims = [None]*4 vp = gist.viewport() factor1 = vp[1] - vp[0] factor2 = vp[3] - vp[2] cfactx = factor1 / (lims[1] - lims[0]) cfacty = factor2 / (lims[3] - lims[2]) d1 = shift / cfactx d2 = shift / cfacty newlims[0] = lims[0] - d1 newlims[1] = lims[1] + d1 newlims[2] = lims[2] - d2 newlims[3] = lims[3] + d2 gist.limits(*newlims) return
def barplot(x,y,width=0.8,color=0): """Plot a barplot. Description: Plot a barplot with centers at x and heights y with given color Inputs: x, y -- Centers and heights of bars width -- Relative width of the bars. color -- A number from the current palette. """ N = 4*Numeric.ones(len(x)) hw = width * (x[1]-x[0])/ 2.0 Xa = x-hw Xb = x+hw Ya = Numeric.zeros(len(y),'d') Yb = y X = Numeric.array((Xa,Xa,Xb,Xb)) Y = Numeric.array((Ya,Yb,Yb,Ya)) X = Numeric.reshape(Numeric.transpose(X),(4*len(N),)) Y = Numeric.reshape(Numeric.transpose(Y),(4*len(N),)) try: override = 1 savesys = gist.plsys(2) gist.plsys(savesys) except: override = 0 if _hold or override: pass else: gist.fma() Z = color * Numeric.ones(len(N)) gist.plfp(Z.astype('B'),Y,X,N) return
def barplot(x,y,width=0.8,color=0): """Plot a barplot. Description: Plot a barplot with centers at x and heights y with given color Inputs: x, y -- Centers and heights of bars width -- Relative width of the bars. color -- A number from the current palette. """ N = 4*numpy.ones(len(x), dtype=numpy.int32) hw = width * (x[1]-x[0])/ 2.0 Xa = x-hw Xb = x+hw Ya = numpy.zeros(len(y),'d') Yb = y X = numpy.array((Xa,Xa,Xb,Xb)) Y = numpy.array((Ya,Yb,Yb,Ya)) X = numpy.reshape(numpy.transpose(X),(4*len(N),)) Y = numpy.reshape(numpy.transpose(Y),(4*len(N),)) try: override = 1 savesys = gist.plsys(2) gist.plsys(savesys) except: override = 0 if _hold or override: pass else: gist.fma() Z = color * numpy.ones(len(N)) gist.plfp(Z.astype(numpy.uint8),Y,X,N) return
def matplot(x,y=None,axis=-1): if y is None: # no axis data y = x x = Numeric.arange(0,y.shape[axis]) x,y = Numeric.asarray(x), Numeric.asarray(y) assert(len(y.shape)==2) assert(len(x)==y.shape[axis]) otheraxis = (1+axis) % 2 sliceobj = [slice(None)]*2 if not _hold and gist.plsys() < 2: gist.fma() clear_global_linetype() for k in range(y.shape[otheraxis]): thiscolor = _colors[_corder[k % len(_corder)]] sliceobj[otheraxis] = k ysl = where(numpy.isfinite(y[sliceobj]),y[sliceobj],0) gist.plg(ysl,x,type='solid',color=thiscolor,marks=0) append_global_linetype(_rcolors[thiscolor]+'-')
def matplot(x,y=None,axis=-1): if y is None: # no axis data y = x x = numpy.arange(0,y.shape[axis]) x,y = numpy.asarray(x), numpy.asarray(y) assert(len(y.shape)==2) assert(len(x)==y.shape[axis]) otheraxis = (1+axis) % 2 sliceobj = [slice(None)]*2 if not _hold and gist.plsys() < 2: gist.fma() clear_global_linetype() for k in range(y.shape[otheraxis]): thiscolor = _colors[_corder[k % len(_corder)]] sliceobj[otheraxis] = k ysl = where(numpy.isfinite(y[sliceobj]),y[sliceobj],0) gist.plg(ysl,x,type='solid',color=thiscolor,marks=0) append_global_linetype(_rcolors[thiscolor]+'-')
def plot(x,*args,**keywds): """Plot curves. Description: Plot one or more curves on the same graph. Inputs: There can be a variable number of inputs which consist of pairs or triples. The second variable is plotted against the first using the linetype specified by the optional third variable in the triple. If only two plots are being compared, the x-axis does not have to be repeated. """ try: override = 1 savesys = gist.plsys(2) gist.plsys(savesys) except: override = 0 global _hold try: _hold=keywds['hold'] except KeyError: pass try: linewidth=float(keywds['width']) except KeyError: linewidth=1.0 try: msize = float(keywds['msize']) except KeyError: msize=1.0 if _hold or override: pass else: gist.fma() gist.animate(0) savesys = gist.plsys() winnum = gist.window() if winnum < 0: gist.window(0) if savesys >= 0: gist.plsys(savesys) nargs = len(args) if nargs == 0: y = _minsqueeze(x) x = Numeric.arange(0,len(y)) if numpy.iscomplexobj(y): print "Warning: complex data plotting real part." y = y.real y = where(numpy.isfinite(y),y,0) gist.plg(y,x,type='solid',color='blue',marks=0,width=linewidth) return y = args[0] argpos = 1 nowplotting = 0 clear_global_linetype() while 1: try: thearg = args[argpos] except IndexError: thearg = 0 thetype,thecolor,themarker,tomark = _parse_type_arg(thearg,nowplotting) if themarker == 'Z': # args[argpos] was data or non-existent. pass append_global_linetype(_rtypes[thetype]+_rcolors[thecolor]) else: # args[argpos] was a string argpos = argpos + 1 if tomark: append_global_linetype(_rtypes[thetype]+_rcolors[thecolor]+_rmarkers[themarker]) else: append_global_linetype(_rtypes[thetype]+_rcolors[thecolor]) if numpy.iscomplexobj(x) or numpy.iscomplexobj(y): print "Warning: complex data provided, using only real part." x = numpy.real(x) y = numpy.real(y) y = where(numpy.isfinite(y),y,0) y = _minsqueeze(y) x = _minsqueeze(x) gist.plg(y,x,type=thetype,color=thecolor,marker=themarker,marks=tomark,msize=msize,width=linewidth) nowplotting = nowplotting + 1 ## Argpos is pointing to the next potential triple of data. ## Now one of four things can happen: ## ## 1: argpos points to data, argpos+1 is a string ## 2: argpos points to data, end ## 3: argpos points to data, argpos+1 is data ## 4: argpos points to data, argpos+1 is data, argpos+2 is a string if argpos >= nargs: break # no more data if argpos == nargs-1: # this is a single data value. x = x y = args[argpos] argpos = argpos+1 elif type(args[argpos+1]) is types.StringType: x = x y = args[argpos] argpos = argpos+1 else: # 3 x = args[argpos] y = args[argpos+1] argpos = argpos+2 return
def legend(text,linetypes=None,lleft=None,color=None,tfont='helvetica',fontsize=14,nobox=0): """Construct and place a legend. Description: Build a legend and place it on the current plot with an interactive prompt. Inputs: text -- A list of strings which document the curves. linetypes -- If not given, then the text strings are associated with the curves in the order they were originally drawn. Otherwise, associate the text strings with the corresponding curve types given. See plot for description. """ global _hold global _textcolor if color is None: color = _textcolor else: _textcolor = color if color is None: color = 'black' sys = gist.plsys() if sys == 0: gist.plsys(1) viewp = gist.viewport() gist.plsys(sys) DX = viewp[1] - viewp[0] DY = viewp[3] - viewp[2] width = DY / 10.0; if lleft is None: lleft = gist.mouse(0,0,"Click on point for lower left coordinate.") llx = lleft[0] lly = lleft[1] else: llx,lly = lleft[:2] savesys = gist.plsys() dx = width / 3.0 legarr = Numeric.arange(llx,llx+width,dx) legy = Numeric.ones(legarr.shape) dy = fontsize*points*1.2 deltay = fontsize*points / 2.8 deltax = fontsize*points / 2.6 * DX / DY ypos = lly + deltay; if linetypes is None: linetypes = _GLOBAL_LINE_TYPES[:] # copy them out gist.plsys(0) savehold = _hold _hold = 1 for k in range(len(text)): plot(legarr,ypos*legy,linetypes[k]) print linetypes[k], text[k] print llx+width+deltax, ypos-deltay if text[k] != "": gist.plt(text[k],llx+width+deltax,ypos-deltay, color=color,font=tfont,height=fontsize,tosys=0) ypos = ypos + dy _hold = savehold if nobox: pass else: gist.plsys(0) maxlen = MLab.max(map(len,text)) c1 = (llx-deltax,lly-deltay) c2 = (llx + width + deltax + fontsize*points* maxlen/1.8 + deltax, lly + len(text)*dy) linesx0 = [c1[0],c1[0],c2[0],c2[0]] linesy0 = [c1[1],c2[1],c2[1],c1[1]] linesx1 = [c1[0],c2[0],c2[0],c1[0]] linesy1 = [c2[1],c2[1],c1[1],c1[1]] gist.pldj(linesx0,linesy0,linesx1,linesy1,color=color) gist.plsys(savesys) return
def legend(text,linetypes=None,lleft=None,color=None,tfont='helvetica',fontsize=14,nobox=0): """Construct and place a legend. Description: Build a legend and place it on the current plot with an interactive prompt. Inputs: text -- A list of strings which document the curves. linetypes -- If not given, then the text strings are associated with the curves in the order they were originally drawn. Otherwise, associate the text strings with the corresponding curve types given. See plot for description. """ global _hold global _textcolor if color is None: color = _textcolor else: _textcolor = color if color is None: color = 'black' sys = gist.plsys() if sys == 0: gist.plsys(1) viewp = gist.viewport() gist.plsys(sys) DX = viewp[1] - viewp[0] DY = viewp[3] - viewp[2] width = DY / 10.0; if lleft is None: lleft = gist.mouse(0,0,"Click on point for lower left coordinate.") llx = lleft[0] lly = lleft[1] else: llx,lly = lleft[:2] savesys = gist.plsys() dx = width / 3.0 legarr = numpy.arange(llx,llx+width,dx) legy = numpy.ones(legarr.shape) dy = fontsize*points*1.2 deltay = fontsize*points / 2.8 deltax = fontsize*points / 2.6 * DX / DY ypos = lly + deltay; if linetypes is None: linetypes = _GLOBAL_LINE_TYPES[:] # copy them out gist.plsys(0) savehold = _hold _hold = 1 for k in range(len(text)): plot(legarr,ypos*legy,linetypes[k]) print linetypes[k], text[k] print llx+width+deltax, ypos-deltay if text[k] != "": gist.plt(text[k],llx+width+deltax,ypos-deltay, color=color,font=tfont,height=fontsize,tosys=0) ypos = ypos + dy _hold = savehold if nobox: pass else: gist.plsys(0) maxlen = numpy.max(map(len,text)) c1 = (llx-deltax,lly-deltay) c2 = (llx + width + deltax + fontsize*points* maxlen/1.8 + deltax, lly + len(text)*dy) linesx0 = [c1[0],c1[0],c2[0],c2[0]] linesy0 = [c1[1],c2[1],c2[1],c1[1]] linesx1 = [c1[0],c2[0],c2[0],c1[0]] linesy1 = [c2[1],c2[1],c1[1],c1[1]] gist.pldj(linesx0,linesy0,linesx1,linesy1,color=color) gist.plsys(savesys) return
def twoplane(DATA,slice1,slice2,dx=[1,1,1],cmin=None,cmax=None,xb=None,xe=None, xlab="",ylab="",zlab="",clab="",titl="", totalheight=0.5,space=0.02, medfilt=5, font='helvetica',fontsize=16,color='black',lcolor='white', fcolor='black', cb=1, line=1, palette=None): """ Visualize a 3d volume as a two connected slices. The slices are given in the 2-tuple slice1 and slice2. These give the dimension and corresponding slice numbers to plot. The unchosen slice is the common dimension in the images. twoplane(img3d,(0,12),(2,60)) plots two images with a common "x"-axis as the first dimension. The lower plot is img3d[12,:,:] with a line through row 60 corresponding to the slice transpose(img3d[:,:,60]) plotted above this first plot. """ if xb is None: xb = [0,0,0] if xe is None: xe = DATA.shape # get two image slices # make special style file so that pixels are square getdx = array([1,1,1]) imgsl1 = [slice(None,None),slice(None,None),slice(None,None)] imgsl1[slice1[0]] = slice1[1] img1 = DATA[imgsl1] getdx1 = getdx.__copy__() getdx1[slice1[0]] = 0 dx1 = compress(getdx1,dx,axis=-1) xb1 = compress(getdx1,xb,axis=-1) xe1 = compress(getdx1,xe,axis=-1) imgsl2 = [slice(None,None),slice(None,None),slice(None,None)] imgsl2[slice2[0]] = slice2[1] img2 = DATA[imgsl2] getdx2 = getdx.__copy__() getdx2[slice2[0]] = 0 dx2 = compress(getdx2,dx,axis=-1) xb2 = compress(getdx2,xb,axis=-1) xe2 = compress(getdx2,xe,axis=-1) if (slice1[0] == slice2[0]): raise ValueError, "Same slice dimension.." for k in range(3): if k not in [slice1[0],slice2[0]]: samedim = k break if samedim == 2: pass elif samedim == 1: if samedim > slice1[0]: img1 = transpose(img1) dx1 = dx1[::-1] xb1 = xb1[::-1] xe1 = xe1[::-1] if samedim > slice2[0]: img2 = transpose(img2) dx2 = dx2[::-1] xb2 = xb2[::-1] xe2 = xe2[::-1] else: img1 = transpose(img1) dx1 = dx1[::-1] xb1 = xb1[::-1] xe1 = xe1[::-1] img2 = transpose(img2) dx2 = dx2[::-1] xb2 = xb2[::-1] xe2 = xe2[::-1] assert(img1.shape[1] == img2.shape[1]) units = totalheight - space totaldist = img1.shape[0]*dx1[0] + img2.shape[0]*dx2[0] convfactor = units / float(totaldist) height1 = img1.shape[0]*dx1[0] * convfactor xwidth = img1.shape[1]*dx1[1]*convfactor if xwidth > 0.6: rescale = 0.6 / xwidth xwidth = rescale * xwidth height1 = rescale * height1 totalheight = totalheight * rescale print xwidth, height1 else: print xwidth ystart = 0.5 - totalheight / 2 ypos1 = [ystart, ystart+height1] ypos2 = [ystart+height1+space,ystart+totalheight] xpos = [0.395-xwidth/2.0, 0.395+xwidth/2.0] systems = [] system = write_style.getsys(hticpos='', vticpos='left') system['viewport'] = [xpos[0],xpos[1],ypos2[0],ypos2[1]] if fcolor not in ['black',None]: _add_color(system, _colornum[color]) systems.append(system) system = write_style.getsys(hticpos='below', vticpos='left') system['viewport'] = [xpos[0],xpos[1],ypos1[0],ypos1[1]] if fcolor not in ['black',None]: _add_color(system, _colornum[color]) systems.append(system) the_style = os.path.join(_user_path,"") write_style.writestyle(the_style,systems) gist.window(style=the_style) _current_style = the_style change_palette(palette) gist.plsys(1) if medfilt > 1: img1 = signal.medfilt(img1,[medfilt,medfilt]) img2 = signal.medfilt(img2,[medfilt,medfilt]) if cmax is None: cmax = max(max(ravel(img1)),max(ravel(img2))) if cmin is None: cmin = min(min(ravel(img1)),min(ravel(img2))) cmax = float(cmax) cmin = float(cmin) byteimage = gist.bytscl(img2,cmin=cmin,cmax=cmax) gist.pli(byteimage,xb2[1],xb2[0],xe2[1],xe2[0]) ylabel(zlab,color=color) if titl != "": title(titl,color=color) if line: xstart = xb2[1] xstop = xe2[1] yval = slice1[1]*(xe2[0] - xb2[0])/(img2.shape[0]) + xb2[0] gist.pldj([xstart],[yval],[xstop],[yval],type='dash',width=2,color='white') gist.plsys(2) ylabel(ylab,color=color) xlabel(xlab,color=color) byteimage = gist.bytscl(img1,cmin=cmin,cmax=cmax) gist.pli(byteimage,xb1[1],xb1[0],xe1[1],xe1[0]) if line: xstart = xb1[1] xstop = xe1[1] yval = slice2[1]*(xe1[0] - xb1[0])/(img1.shape[0]) + xb1[0] gist.pldj([xstart],[yval],[xstop],[yval],type='dash',width=2,color='white') if cb: colorbar.color_bar(cmin,cmax,ncol=240,zlabel=clab,font=font,fontsize=fontsize,color=color,ymin=ystart,ymax=ystart+totalheight,xmin0=xpos[1]+0.02,xmax0=xpos[1]+0.04)
def twoplane(DATA,slice1,slice2,dx=[1,1,1],cmin=None,cmax=None,xb=None,xe=None, xlab="",ylab="",zlab="",clab="",titl="", totalheight=0.5,space=0.02, medfilt=5, font='helvetica',fontsize=16,color='black',lcolor='white', fcolor='black', cb=1, line=1, palette=None): """ Visualize a 3d volume as a two connected slices. The slices are given in the 2-tuple slice1 and slice2. These give the dimension and corresponding slice numbers to plot. The unchosen slice is the common dimension in the images. twoplane(img3d,(0,12),(2,60)) plots two images with a common "x"-axis as the first dimension. The lower plot is img3d[12,:,:] with a line through row 60 corresponding to the slice transpose(img3d[:,:,60]) plotted above this first plot. """ if xb is None: xb = [0,0,0] if xe is None: xe = DATA.shape # get two image slices # make special style file so that pixels are square getdx = array([1,1,1]) imgsl1 = [slice(None,None),slice(None,None),slice(None,None)] imgsl1[slice1[0]] = slice1[1] img1 = DATA[imgsl1] getdx1 = getdx.__copy__() getdx1[slice1[0]] = 0 dx1 = compress(getdx1,dx,axis=-1) xb1 = compress(getdx1,xb,axis=-1) xe1 = compress(getdx1,xe,axis=-1) imgsl2 = [slice(None,None),slice(None,None),slice(None,None)] imgsl2[slice2[0]] = slice2[1] img2 = DATA[imgsl2] getdx2 = getdx.__copy__() getdx2[slice2[0]] = 0 dx2 = compress(getdx2,dx,axis=-1) xb2 = compress(getdx2,xb,axis=-1) xe2 = compress(getdx2,xe,axis=-1) if (slice1[0] == slice2[0]): raise ValueError, "Same slice dimension.." for k in range(3): if k not in [slice1[0],slice2[0]]: samedim = k break if samedim == 2: pass elif samedim == 1: if samedim > slice1[0]: img1 = transpose(img1) dx1 = dx1[::-1] xb1 = xb1[::-1] xe1 = xe1[::-1] if samedim > slice2[0]: img2 = transpose(img2) dx2 = dx2[::-1] xb2 = xb2[::-1] xe2 = xe2[::-1] else: img1 = transpose(img1) dx1 = dx1[::-1] xb1 = xb1[::-1] xe1 = xe1[::-1] img2 = transpose(img2) dx2 = dx2[::-1] xb2 = xb2[::-1] xe2 = xe2[::-1] assert(img1.shape[1] == img2.shape[1]) units = totalheight - space totaldist = img1.shape[0]*dx1[0] + img2.shape[0]*dx2[0] convfactor = units / float(totaldist) height1 = img1.shape[0]*dx1[0] * convfactor xwidth = img1.shape[1]*dx1[1]*convfactor if xwidth > 0.6: rescale = 0.6 / xwidth xwidth = rescale * xwidth height1 = rescale * height1 totalheight = totalheight * rescale print xwidth, height1 else: print xwidth ystart = 0.5 - totalheight / 2 ypos1 = [ystart, ystart+height1] ypos2 = [ystart+height1+space,ystart+totalheight] xpos = [0.395-xwidth/2.0, 0.395+xwidth/2.0] systems = [] system = write_style.getsys(hticpos='', vticpos='left') system['viewport'] = [xpos[0],xpos[1],ypos2[0],ypos2[1]] if fcolor not in ['black',None]: _add_color(system, _colornum[color]) systems.append(system) system = write_style.getsys(hticpos='below', vticpos='left') system['viewport'] = [xpos[0],xpos[1],ypos1[0],ypos1[1]] if fcolor not in ['black',None]: _add_color(system, _colornum[color]) systems.append(system) the_style = os.path.join(_user_path,"") write_style.writestyle(the_style,systems) gist.window(style=the_style) _current_style = the_style change_palette(palette) gist.plsys(1) if medfilt > 1: import scipy.signal img1 = scipy.signal.medfilt(img1,[medfilt,medfilt]) img2 = scipy.signal.medfilt(img2,[medfilt,medfilt]) if cmax is None: cmax = max(max(ravel(img1)),max(ravel(img2))) if cmin is None: cmin = min(min(ravel(img1)),min(ravel(img2))) cmax = float(cmax) cmin = float(cmin) byteimage = gist.bytscl(img2,cmin=cmin,cmax=cmax) gist.pli(byteimage,xb2[1],xb2[0],xe2[1],xe2[0]) ylabel(zlab,color=color) if titl != "": title(titl,color=color) if line: xstart = xb2[1] xstop = xe2[1] yval = slice1[1]*(xe2[0] - xb2[0])/(img2.shape[0]) + xb2[0] gist.pldj([xstart],[yval],[xstop],[yval],type='dash',width=2,color='white') gist.plsys(2) ylabel(ylab,color=color) xlabel(xlab,color=color) byteimage = gist.bytscl(img1,cmin=cmin,cmax=cmax) gist.pli(byteimage,xb1[1],xb1[0],xe1[1],xe1[0]) if line: xstart = xb1[1] xstop = xe1[1] yval = slice2[1]*(xe1[0] - xb1[0])/(img1.shape[0]) + xb1[0] gist.pldj([xstart],[yval],[xstop],[yval],type='dash',width=2,color='white') if cb: colorbar.color_bar(cmin,cmax,ncol=240,zlabel=clab,font=font,fontsize=fontsize,color=color,ymin=ystart,ymax=ystart+totalheight,xmin0=xpos[1]+0.02,xmax0=xpos[1]+0.04)
def plot(x,*args,**keywds): """Plot curves. Description: Plot one or more curves on the same graph. Inputs: There can be a variable number of inputs which consist of pairs or triples. The second variable is plotted against the first using the linetype specified by the optional third variable in the triple. If only two plots are being compared, the x-axis does not have to be repeated. """ try: override = 1 savesys = gist.plsys(2) gist.plsys(savesys) except: override = 0 global _hold try: _hold=keywds['hold'] except KeyError: pass try: linewidth=float(keywds['width']) except KeyError: linewidth=1.0 try: msize = float(keywds['msize']) except KeyError: msize=1.0 if _hold or override: pass else: gist.fma() gist.animate(0) savesys = gist.plsys() winnum = gist.window() if winnum < 0: gist.window(0) if savesys >= 0: gist.plsys(savesys) nargs = len(args) if nargs == 0: y = _minsqueeze(x) x = numpy.arange(0,len(y)) if numpy.iscomplexobj(y): print "Warning: complex data plotting real part." y = y.real y = where(numpy.isfinite(y),y,0) gist.plg(y,x,type='solid',color='blue',marks=0,width=linewidth) return y = args[0] argpos = 1 nowplotting = 0 clear_global_linetype() while 1: try: thearg = args[argpos] except IndexError: thearg = 0 thetype,thecolor,themarker,tomark = _parse_type_arg(thearg,nowplotting) if themarker == 'Z': # args[argpos] was data or non-existent. pass append_global_linetype(_rtypes[thetype]+_rcolors[thecolor]) else: # args[argpos] was a string argpos = argpos + 1 if tomark: append_global_linetype(_rtypes[thetype]+_rcolors[thecolor]+_rmarkers[themarker]) else: append_global_linetype(_rtypes[thetype]+_rcolors[thecolor]) if numpy.iscomplexobj(x) or numpy.iscomplexobj(y): print "Warning: complex data provided, using only real part." x = numpy.real(x) y = numpy.real(y) y = where(numpy.isfinite(y),y,0) y = _minsqueeze(y) x = _minsqueeze(x) gist.plg(y,x,type=thetype,color=thecolor,marker=themarker,marks=tomark,msize=msize,width=linewidth) nowplotting = nowplotting + 1 ## Argpos is pointing to the next potential triple of data. ## Now one of four things can happen: ## ## 1: argpos points to data, argpos+1 is a string ## 2: argpos points to data, end ## 3: argpos points to data, argpos+1 is data ## 4: argpos points to data, argpos+1 is data, argpos+2 is a string if argpos >= nargs: break # no more data if argpos == nargs-1: # this is a single data value. x = x y = args[argpos] argpos = argpos+1 elif type(args[argpos+1]) is types.StringType: x = x y = args[argpos] argpos = argpos+1 else: # 3 x = args[argpos] y = args[argpos+1] argpos = argpos+2 return