Пример #1
def init_branches(options, error, info, debug):
    path = getcwd()
    git = Git(path)
    create = options.release_tool_settings['branches']

    for branch in create:
        debug('creating branch "%s"...' % branch)

    info('Created branches ' + ', '.join(create))
Пример #2
    def renameRelease(self, name, new_name):
        super(PuppetInstallMethod, self).renameRelease(name, new_name)

        with puppet_lock:
            # Path conversation
            name = name.replace("/", "@")
            new_name = new_name.replace("/", "@")

            # Check if we've origins
            if len([f for f in os.listdir(self.__work_path) if f.startswith(name)]) > 1:
                raise ValueError("cannot rename release which contains childs")

            # Go for it
            current_dir = os.path.join(self.__work_path, name)
            cmd = Git(current_dir)
            cmd.branch("-m", name, new_name)
            cmd.push("origin", ":" + name)
            cmd.push("origin", new_name)
            os.rename(current_dir, os.path.join(self.__work_path, new_name))

        return True
Пример #3
def get_all_remote_branch(url):
    tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="repo_br")
    git = Git(tmp)
    git.clone(url, tmp)
    return [b.strip()[len('origin/'):] for b in git.branch('--remote').splitlines() if not 'HEAD' in b]
Пример #4
class CaseRepo(object):
    def __init__(
        self.DEFAULT_BRANCH = 'master'

        if root is None:
            self.root = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="bugle_" + name + "_")
            self.is_root_tmp = True
            self.root = root
            self.is_root_tmp = False

        if name is None:
            self.name = os.path.basename(root)
            self.name = name

        self.url = url
        # Make sure folder is a git repo
        if self.is_root_tmp and self.url is None:
            raise Exception("New folder with no repo URL")
        self.git = Git(self.root)

        self.repo = Repo(self.root)

        if folders is None:
            self.folders = ['.']
            self.folders = folders

        self.files = {}
        self.branches = {}
        self.total_count = {}
        self.branch_count = {}
        print "creating repo %s under %s, folders %s" % (name, self.root,

    def git_clone(self):
        cmd = " ".join((self.url, self.root))
        print "git clone %s" % cmd
        print self.git.clone(self.url, self.root)

    def clean_up(self, forced=False):
        if self.is_root_tmp or forced:
            shutil.rmtree(self.root, True)

    def get_all_remote_branch(self):
        rlist = []
        for b in self.git.branch('--remote').splitlines():
            b = b.strip()[len('origin/'):]
            #FIXME: add ignore branch key words.
            if 'HEAD' in b or '/' in b or 'PVT' in b:
                print "ignore branch %s" % b
        print "all remote branches: %s" % beauty_dump(rlist)
        return rlist

    def branches_names(self):
        return self.branches.keys()

    def scan_branch(self, branch=None, folders=None):
        Scan specific branch and return the flie list which has case/kw included.
        :param branch: branch name, default to master
        :return: file list, each file is a dict of cases and kws.
            The list item is defined as below:
            files[fullpath] = dict(name=res['name'], cases=res['cases'], kws=res['kws'])
        if branch is None:
            branch = self.DEFAULT_BRANCH
        # checkout to target branch
        print self.git.checkout(branch)
        print self.git.pull()
        print self.repo.active_branch
        files = {}
        # scan folder list
        if folders is None:
            folders = self.folders
        for folder in sorted(folders):
            print "scan folder %s for repo %s branch %s" % (folder, self.name,
            if folder == '.':
                fs = FolderScanner(self.root)
                fs = FolderScanner(os.path.join(self.root, folder))
            #print beauty_dump(fs.count())
        self.branch_count[branch] = self.count(files)
        print "branch %s, count=%s" % (branch,
        return dict(branch=branch, files=files)

    def scan_branches(self, branches=None):
        The main entry to search branches with interested folders.
        :param branches: The dict param { 'branch name in str': [folder list] }
        :return: final files merged up.
        if branches is None:
            branches = {}
            for br in self.get_all_remote_branch():
                print "automatically add branch %s" % br
                branches[br] = None
        self.branches = branches
        self.files = {}
        bs_list = []
        for br, folders in branches.items():
            bs = self.scan_branch(br, folders=folders)
        self.files = self.merge_up(bs_list)

        # Process total count and figure out unique data for branches
        self.total_count = self.count()
        self.total_count['unique'] = {}
        for b in self.branches_names:
            self.total_count['unique'][b] = {'cases': 0, 'kws': 0}

        for k, v in self.files.items():
            for c in v['cases']:
                if len(c['branches']) == 1:
                    self.total_count['unique'][c['branches'][0]]['cases'] += 1
            for k in v['kws']:
                if len(k['branches']) == 1:
                    self.total_count['unique'][k['branches'][0]]['kws'] += 1

        return self.files

    def merge_up(self, bs_list):
        Merge up branch scan results per Case and Keyword Name.
        :param bs_list: branch scan result list
        :return: a new list.
        if bs_list is None:
            return None
        files = {}
        for bs in bs_list:
            print "merging up branch %s with %d files" % (bs['branch'],
            #print beauty_dump(bs)
            for k, v in bs['files'].items():
                if k in files:
                    # merge file
                    files[k] = self._merge_file(files[k], bs['files'][k],
                    # new add
                    files[k] = dict(name=v['name'], branches=[bs['branch']])
                    cases = []
                    for tc in v['cases']:
                        cases.append(dict(case=tc, branches=[bs['branch']]))
                    kws = []
                    for kw in v['kws']:
                        kws.append(dict(kw=kw, branches=[bs['branch']]))
                    files[k]['cases'] = cases
                    files[k]['kws'] = kws
                    # form now on, each case has a list to record branches it shows up
                    files[k]['branches'] = [bs['branch']]
                    # from now on, files[k] added a list with key 'branch' to record
                    # how many branches it exist in.
            #print "Taken branch %s,\n%s" %(bs['branch'], beauty_dump(files))
        return files

    def _merge_file(orig, new, branch):
        assert branch is not None
        assert orig is not None
        assert new is not None
        # Add file branch info.
        if branch not in orig['branches']:

        for tc2 in new['cases']:
            merged = False
            for tc1 in orig['cases']:
                if tc1['case'] == tc2 and branch not in tc1['branches']:
                    merged = True
            if not merged:
                orig['cases'].append(dict(case=tc2, branches=[branch]))
        # TODO: common method shall be added.
        for kw2 in new['kws']:
            merged = False
            for kw1 in orig['kws']:
                if kw1['kw'] == kw2 and branch not in kw1['branches']:
                    merged = True
            if not merged:
                orig['kws'].append(dict(kw=kw2, branches=[branch]))
        return orig

    def count(self, files=None):
        if files is None:
            files = self.files
        counts = {'cases': 0, 'kws': 0}
        counts['cases'] = sum([len(v['cases']) for k, v in files.items()])
        counts['kws'] = sum([len(v['kws']) for k, v in files.items()])
        return counts

    def dump_html(self, temp='files_table.html', output=None):
        if output is None:
            output = './' + self.name + '_case_report.html'
        env = Environment(
            loader=PackageLoader('bugle.bugle_site', 'templates'))
        print "loading template: %s" % temp
        template = env.get_template(temp)

        print "rendering to: %s" % output
        with open(output, 'wt') as f:
        print "report generated at %s" % output