Пример #1
    def stale_refs(self) -> IterableList[Reference]:
            IterableList RemoteReference objects that do not have a corresponding
            head in the remote reference anymore as they have been deleted on the
            remote side, but are still available locally.

            The IterableList is prefixed, hence the 'origin' must be omitted. See
            'refs' property for an example.

            To make things more complicated, it can be possible for the list to include
            other kinds of references, for example, tag references, if these are stale
            as well. This is a fix for the issue described here:
        out_refs: IterableList[Reference] = IterableList(RemoteReference._id_attribute_, "%s/" % self.name)
        for line in self.repo.git.remote("prune", "--dry-run", self).splitlines()[2:]:
            # expecting
            # * [would prune] origin/new_branch
            token = " * [would prune] "
            if not line.startswith(token):
            ref_name = line.replace(token, "")
            # sometimes, paths start with a full ref name, like refs/tags/foo, see #260
            if ref_name.startswith(Reference._common_path_default + '/'):
                out_refs.append(Reference.from_path(self.repo, ref_name))
                fqhn = "%s/%s" % (RemoteReference._common_path_default, ref_name)
                out_refs.append(RemoteReference(self.repo, fqhn))
            # end special case handling
        # END for each line
        return out_refs
Пример #2
    def _from_line(cls, remote: 'Remote', line: str) -> 'PushInfo':
        """Create a new PushInfo instance as parsed from line which is expected to be like
            refs/heads/master:refs/heads/master 05d2687..1d0568e as bytes"""
        control_character, from_to, summary = line.split('\t', 3)
        flags = 0

        # control character handling
            flags |= cls._flag_map[control_character]
        except KeyError as e:
            raise ValueError(
                "Control character %r unknown as parsed from line %r" %
                (control_character, line)) from e
        # END handle control character

        # from_to handling
        from_ref_string, to_ref_string = from_to.split(':')
        if flags & cls.DELETED:
            from_ref: Union[SymbolicReference, None] = None
            if from_ref_string == "(delete)":
                from_ref = None
                from_ref = Reference.from_path(remote.repo, from_ref_string)

        # commit handling, could be message or commit info
        old_commit: Optional[str] = None
        if summary.startswith('['):
            if "[rejected]" in summary:
                flags |= cls.REJECTED
            elif "[remote rejected]" in summary:
                flags |= cls.REMOTE_REJECTED
            elif "[remote failure]" in summary:
                flags |= cls.REMOTE_FAILURE
            elif "[no match]" in summary:
                flags |= cls.ERROR
            elif "[new tag]" in summary:
                flags |= cls.NEW_TAG
            elif "[new branch]" in summary:
                flags |= cls.NEW_HEAD
            # uptodate encoded in control character
            # fast-forward or forced update - was encoded in control character,
            # but we parse the old and new commit
            split_token = "..."
            if control_character == " ":
                split_token = ".."
            old_sha, _new_sha = summary.split(' ')[0].split(split_token)
            # have to use constructor here as the sha usually is abbreviated
            old_commit = old_sha
        # END message handling

        return PushInfo(flags, from_ref, to_ref_string, remote, old_commit,
Пример #3
    def _from_line(cls, repo, remotename_or_url, line):
        """Create a new PushInfo instance as parsed from line which is expected to be like
            refs/heads/master:refs/heads/master 05d2687..1d0568e"""
        control_character, from_to, summary = line.split('\t', 3)
        flags = 0

        # control character handling
            flags |= cls._flag_map[control_character]
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError(
                "Control Character %r unknown as parsed from line %r" %
                (control_character, line))
        # END handle control character

        # from_to handling
        from_ref_string, to_ref_string = from_to.split(':')
        if flags & cls.DELETED:
            from_ref = None
            from_ref = Reference.from_path(repo, from_ref_string)

        # commit handling, could be message or commit info
        old_commit_binsha = None
        if summary.startswith('['):
            if "[rejected]" in summary:
                flags |= cls.REJECTED
            elif "[remote rejected]" in summary:
                flags |= cls.REMOTE_REJECTED
            elif "[remote failure]" in summary:
                flags |= cls.REMOTE_FAILURE
            elif "[no match]" in summary:
                flags |= cls.ERROR
            elif "[new tag]" in summary:
                flags |= cls.NEW_TAG
            elif "[new branch]" in summary:
                flags |= cls.NEW_HEAD
            # uptodate encoded in control character
            # fast-forward or forced update - was encoded in control character,
            # but we parse the old and new commit
            split_token = "..."
            if control_character == " ":
                split_token = ".."
            old_sha, new_sha = summary.split(' ')[0].split(split_token)
            old_commit_binsha = repo.resolve(old_sha)
        # END message handling

        return cls(flags, from_ref, to_ref_string, repo, remotename_or_url,
                   old_commit_binsha, summary)
Пример #4
    def _from_line(cls, repo, remotename_or_url, line):
        """Create a new PushInfo instance as parsed from line which is expected to be like
            refs/heads/master:refs/heads/master 05d2687..1d0568e"""
        control_character, from_to, summary = line.split('\t', 3)
        flags = 0

        # control character handling
            flags |= cls._flag_map[control_character]
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError("Control Character %r unknown as parsed from line %r" % (control_character, line))
        # END handle control character

        # from_to handling
        from_ref_string, to_ref_string = from_to.split(':')
        if flags & cls.DELETED:
            from_ref = None
            from_ref = Reference.from_path(repo, from_ref_string)

        # commit handling, could be message or commit info
        old_commit_binsha = None
        if summary.startswith('['):
            if "[rejected]" in summary:
                flags |= cls.REJECTED
            elif "[remote rejected]" in summary:
                flags |= cls.REMOTE_REJECTED
            elif "[remote failure]" in summary:
                flags |= cls.REMOTE_FAILURE
            elif "[no match]" in summary:
                flags |= cls.ERROR
            elif "[new tag]" in summary:
                flags |= cls.NEW_TAG
            elif "[new branch]" in summary:
                flags |= cls.NEW_HEAD
            # uptodate encoded in control character
            # fast-forward or forced update - was encoded in control character,
            # but we parse the old and new commit
            split_token = "..."
            if control_character == " ":
                split_token = ".."
            old_sha, new_sha = summary.split(' ')[0].split(split_token)
            old_commit_binsha = repo.resolve(old_sha)
        # END message handling

        return cls(flags, from_ref, to_ref_string, repo, remotename_or_url, old_commit_binsha, summary)