Пример #1
    def test_whitespace(self):  # pragma: no cover
        """Checks for problematic trailing whitespace and missing ending newlines."""
        EXCLUDE_EXTS = (".gif", ".ico", ".ics", ".jpg", ".lock", ".svg",
        repo = Repo(REPO_ROOT)
        errors = set()
        prog = re.compile(r"^.*[ \t]+$")

        # Some sources from beautiful-jekyll have persistent whitespace issues.
        WHITESPACE_EXCEPTIONS = "docs/_includes/head.html"

        def paths(tree: Tree, path: Path):
            for blob in tree.blobs:
                yield path / blob.name
            for t in tree.trees:
                yield from paths(t, path / t.name)

        def check(path: Path):
            if path.suffix.lower() in EXCLUDE_EXTS:
            rels = str(path.relative_to(REPO_ROOT))
            if "__snapshots__" in rels:
            with open(path, encoding="utf-8") as file:
                lastline = None
                key = None
                for i, line in enumerate(file.readlines()):
                    rel_path = f"{path.relative_to(REPO_ROOT)}"
                    key = f"{rel_path}:{i + 1}"
                    if prog.match(
                            line) and rel_path not in WHITESPACE_EXCEPTIONS:
                        errors.add(f"\t{key} - trailing whitespace")
                    lastline = line
                if not rels.endswith("CNAME"):
                    if lastline and not lastline.endswith("\n"):
                        errors.add(f"\t{key} - missing endline")

        for path in paths(repo.tree(), REPO_ROOT):
        for change in repo.index.diff(None):
            check(REPO_ROOT / change.a_path)

        if errors:
            print("Files with trailing whitespace:",
                  file=sys.stderr)  # noqa: T001
            for error in sorted(errors):
                print(error, file=sys.stderr)  # noqa: T001
            assert False, "Trailing whitespace is not allowed."