Пример #1
def initialize_git(projectID,opsys):
    # github API 3.0
    #base_url = 'https://api.github.com/repos/RHITJuniorProjects/JrProj-1415-Mike/contents/Code/Platform/Git/Hooks/WindowsEXE/build/exe.win32-2.7/'
    base_url = 'https://github.com/RHITJuniorProjects/JrProj-1415-Mike/raw/master/Code/Platform/Git/Hooks/WindowsEXE/build/exe.win32-2.7/'
    files = [ "commit.exe", "cacert.pem", "select.pyd", "_multiprocessing.pyd", "_hashlib.pyd", "pyexpat.pyd", "_ctypes.pyd", "unicodedata.pyd", "_ssl.pyd", "bz2.pyd", "_socket.pyd", "python27.dll", "library.zip" ]

    sh_url = base_url+'/commit-msg'
    py_url = base_url+'/henry/commit.py'

    hook_dir = os.getcwd()+'\\.git\\hooks\\'
    henry_dir = hook_dir+'henry\\'
    if not git_utils.inGitRepo():
        print 'HENRY Error: Must be in the root of a Git repository'
    with open(hook_dir+'commit-msg','w') as f:
        f.write('#!/usr/bin/env bash\n.git/hooks/henry/commit.exe $1 "'+projectID+'"')

    if not os.path.exists(henry_dir):

    for my_file in files:
        urllib.urlretrieve(base_url+my_file, os.path.join(henry_dir,my_file))

    print 'HENRY: Repository succesfully connected to Henry'
Пример #2
def helpmenu():
    if not git_utils.inGitRepo():
        print 'Henry can only be used within a Git reposity'
        print 'Change directory to a Git repository or create a new one with'
        print '   git init'
    print 'Connect a Git repository to Henry with'
    print '   henry init <project name>'
    print 'Henry commit data can be entered in-line with the command'
    print "    git commit -m 'my commit message [hours:2] [milestone:Milestone 0] [task:Create database] [status:Regression]'"
    print 'Henry\'s connection information can be displayed with the command'
    print '    henry status'
Пример #3
def status(ref):
    if not git_utils.inGitRepo():
        print 'This is not a Git repository, Henry cannot be initialized here'
    elif os.path.isfile(os.getcwd()+'/.git/hooks/commit-msg'):
        with open (os.getcwd()+'\\.git\\hooks\\commit-msg') as f:
            fullfile = f.read()
            projectID = fullfile.split('"')[1]
            ref = firebase.FirebaseApplication(firebase_url,None)
            projectName = ref.get('/projects/'+projectID,None)['name']
            print 'Git repository is connected to Henry Project: '+projectName
        except Exception as e:
            # traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout)  # useful for debugging
            print 'Git repository is connected to an invalid Henry project, possibly one that has been deleted'
        print 'This Git repository is not yet connected to Henry'
        print 'Connect it with'
        print '   henry init <project name>'