def initialize_git(projectID,opsys): # github API 3.0 #base_url = '' base_url = '' files = [ "commit.exe", "cacert.pem", "select.pyd", "_multiprocessing.pyd", "_hashlib.pyd", "pyexpat.pyd", "_ctypes.pyd", "unicodedata.pyd", "_ssl.pyd", "bz2.pyd", "_socket.pyd", "python27.dll", "" ] sh_url = base_url+'/commit-msg' py_url = base_url+'/henry/' hook_dir = os.getcwd()+'\\.git\\hooks\\' henry_dir = hook_dir+'henry\\' if not git_utils.inGitRepo(): print 'HENRY Error: Must be in the root of a Git repository' sys.exit(1) with open(hook_dir+'commit-msg','w') as f: f.write('#!/usr/bin/env bash\n.git/hooks/henry/commit.exe $1 "'+projectID+'"') if not os.path.exists(henry_dir): os.makedirs(henry_dir) for my_file in files: urllib.urlretrieve(base_url+my_file, os.path.join(henry_dir,my_file)) print 'HENRY: Repository succesfully connected to Henry'
def helpmenu(): if not git_utils.inGitRepo(): print 'Henry can only be used within a Git reposity' print 'Change directory to a Git repository or create a new one with' print ' git init' print print 'Connect a Git repository to Henry with' print ' henry init <project name>' print print 'Henry commit data can be entered in-line with the command' print " git commit -m 'my commit message [hours:2] [milestone:Milestone 0] [task:Create database] [status:Regression]'" print print 'Henry\'s connection information can be displayed with the command' print ' henry status'
def status(ref): if not git_utils.inGitRepo(): print 'This is not a Git repository, Henry cannot be initialized here' elif os.path.isfile(os.getcwd()+'/.git/hooks/commit-msg'): with open (os.getcwd()+'\\.git\\hooks\\commit-msg') as f: fullfile = try: projectID = fullfile.split('"')[1] ref = firebase.FirebaseApplication(firebase_url,None) projectName = ref.get('/projects/'+projectID,None)['name'] print 'Git repository is connected to Henry Project: '+projectName except Exception as e: # traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) # useful for debugging print 'Git repository is connected to an invalid Henry project, possibly one that has been deleted' else: print 'This Git repository is not yet connected to Henry' print 'Connect it with' print ' henry init <project name>'