Пример #1
def get_csv(file_name):
    token = ''  # GitHub TOKEN

    repo_path = 'CSSEGISandData/COVID-19'
    daily_reports_dir_path = 'https://github.com/CSSEGISandData/COVID-19/raw/master/csse_covid_19_data/csse_covid_19_daily_reports/'
    time_series_dir_path = 'https://github.com/CSSEGISandData/COVID-19/raw/master/csse_covid_19_data/csse_covid_19_time_series/'
    dr_repo_file_list = 'csse_covid_19_data/csse_covid_19_daily_reports'

    git = Github(token)
    repo = git.get_repo(repo_path)
    daily_reports_file_list = repo.get_contents(dr_repo_file_list)

    if file_name == 'daily_reports':
        daily_reports_file_path = daily_reports_dir_path + str(
            daily_reports_file_list[-2]).split('/')[-1].split(".")[0] + '.csv'
        req = requests.get(daily_reports_file_path)
        url_content = req.content
        csv_file = open('daily_report.csv', 'wb')
        confirmed_global_file_path = time_series_dir_path + 'time_series_covid19_confirmed_global.csv'
        deaths_global_file_path = time_series_dir_path + 'time_series_covid19_deaths_global.csv'
        recovered_global_file_path = time_series_dir_path + 'time_series_covid19_recovered_global.csv'
        return confirmed_global_file_path, deaths_global_file_path, recovered_global_file_path
Пример #2
def get_kaggle_credential_from_secret_repository(
        repository: str, location: str, gh_token: str) -> KaggleCredential:
    gh = Github(gh_token)
    cred_repo = gh.get_repo(repository)
    kaggle_cred_res = cred_repo.get_contents(location)
    kaggle_cred = json.loads(kaggle_cred_res.decoded_content)
    if 'key' not in kaggle_cred or 'username' not in kaggle_cred:
        raise RuntimeError('Cannot find username or key in kaggle.json file.')
    kaggle_username = kaggle_cred['username']
    kaggle_key = kaggle_cred['key']
    ret_cred = KaggleCredential(kaggle_username, kaggle_key)
    return ret_cred
Пример #3
import pandas as pd
import os
desired_width = 320
pd.set_option('display.width', desired_width)
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 10)

# making path for loading
currPath = os.getcwd()
inPath = os.path.join(currPath, "output")

# import from github -- need token
from github.MainClass import Github

repo = g.get_repo("Transcranial-Solutions/ICONProject")

# making proper logo web address & name using logo
file_list = repo.get_contents("vote_analysis/output/logos")
split_file_list = lambda x: str(x).split('"')[1]
file_list = list(map(split_file_list, file_list))

split_logo_list = lambda x: str(x).split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
logo_list = list(map(split_logo_list, file_list))

github_dir_path = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Transcranial-Solutions/ICONProject/master/'
web_list = [github_dir_path + s for s in file_list]

# dataframe - name by logo and web address
logo_df = pd.DataFrame({'name_by_logo': logo_list, 'logo': web_list})
logo_df = logo_df.iloc[logo_df.logo.str.lower().argsort()].reset_index(drop=True)
Пример #4
class GithubService:
    """Contains convenience methods and properties for Github-related

    An adapter to the functionality of the PyGithub library.

    def __init__(self, access_token: str):

        :param str access_token: the access token to use for connecting
        self.client = Github(login_or_token=access_token)

    def get_repo(self, repo_name: str) -> Repository:
        """Return the repository object with the given name.

        :param str repo_name: the full name of the repository
        :return: the repository or None if not found
        :rtype: github.Repository.Repository
        return self.client.get_repo(repo_name)

    def get_pr(self, repo_name: str, pr_num: int):
        """Return the pull request object with the given number.

        :param str repo_name: the name of the repository the PR is in
        :param int pr_num: the identifier of the pull request
        :return: the pull request object
        :rtype: PullRequest
        repo = self.get_repo(repo_name)
        if repo:
            return repo.get_pull(pr_num)

    def create_pr_comment(self, repo_name: str, pr_num: int, body: str) -> dict:
        """Create a comment on the pull request with the given info.

        :param str repo_name: the name of the repository the PR is in
        :param int pr_num: the identifier of the pull request
        :param str body: the body of the comment to add
        :return: a dictionary with information about the created comment
        :rtype: dict
        pr = self.get_pr(repo_name, pr_num)
        issue = pr.as_issue()
        comment = issue.create_comment(body)
        return {'id': comment.id, 'html_url': comment.html_url}

    def get_pr_comments(self, repo_name: str, pr_num: int) -> List[dict]:
        """Return a list of comments on the PR with the given number.

        :param str repo_name: the name of the repository the PR is in
        :param int pr_num: the identifier of the pull request
        :return: a list of all comments, formatted as:
              {'id': <comment_id>, 'body': <body>, 'updated_at': <updated_at>},
        :rtype: list
        pr = self.get_pr(repo_name, pr_num)
        issue = pr.as_issue()
        comments = issue.get_comments()
        return [
            {'id': comment.id, 'body': comment.body, 'updated_at': comment.updated_at}
            for comment in comments

    def delete_pr_comment(self, repo_name: str, pr_num: int, comment_id: int) -> bool:
        """Delete the PR comment with the given id

        :param str repo_name: the name of the repository the PR is in
        :param int pr_num: the identifier of the pull request
        :param int comment_id: the ID of the comment to delete
        :return: True if found and deleted successfully, False otherwise
        :rtype: bool
        pr = self.get_pr(repo_name, pr_num)
        issue = pr.as_issue()
        comment = issue.get_comment(comment_id)
        if comment is None:
            return False

        return True
def read_from_github():
    # Input: no 
    # Outputs: the main datasets ready to use
    # Function: reads the files from GitHub
    # Online Github path
    from github.MainClass import Github
    token = 'f1d4c930800cb3e782c1b61b86101c97deefc4c7'
  	# connected to GitHub using my credentials
    g = Github(token)
    # load the repo
    repo = g.get_repo("CSSEGISandData/COVID-19")
    file_list = repo.get_contents("csse_covid_19_data/csse_covid_19_time_series")
    github_dir_path = 'https://github.com/CSSEGISandData/COVID-19/raw/master/csse_covid_19_data/csse_covid_19_time_series/'
    file_path_confirmed_US = github_dir_path  + str(file_list[-5]).split('/')[-1].split(".")[0]+ '.csv'
    confirmed_US = pd.read_csv(file_path_confirmed_US, error_bad_lines=False)
    confirmed_US = confirmed_US.drop(['UID', 'iso2', 'iso3', 'code3', 'FIPS', 'Admin2', 'Combined_Key'], axis=1)
    confirmed_US=confirmed_US.rename(columns = {'Province_State':'Province/State', 
    confirmed_info = confirmed_US.groupby(["Province/State"])['Lat','Long','Country/Region'].agg({
            'Lat'      :lambda x: x.mean(),
            'Long'     :lambda x: x.mean(),
            'Country/Region':lambda x: x.unique()
    cases = confirmed_US.drop(columns=['Country/Region', 'Lat', 'Long']).set_index('Province/State')
    cases = cases.groupby(["Province/State"]).sum()
    confirmed_US = confirmed_info.merge(cases, left_index=True, right_index=True).reset_index()    
    confirmed_US = confirmed_US[confirmed_US['Long'].isna() == False]
    confirmed_US = confirmed_US[confirmed_US['Lat'].isna() == False]
    confirmed_US = confirmed_US[confirmed_US['Long'] != 0]
    confirmed_US = confirmed_US[confirmed_US['Lat'] != 0]
    file_path_confirmed = github_dir_path  + str(file_list[-4]).split('/')[-1].split(".")[0]+ '.csv'
    confirmed = pd.read_csv(file_path_confirmed, error_bad_lines=False)
    confirmed = pd.concat([confirmed_US,confirmed])
    file_path_died_US = github_dir_path  + str(file_list[-3]).split('/')[-1].split(".")[0]+ '.csv'
    died_US = pd.read_csv(file_path_died_US, error_bad_lines=False)
    died_US = died_US.drop(['UID', 'iso2', 'iso3', 'code3', 'FIPS', 'Admin2', 'Combined_Key', 'Population'], axis=1)
    died_US=died_US.rename(columns = {'Province_State':'Province/State', 
    died_info = died_US.groupby(["Province/State"])['Lat','Long','Country/Region'].agg({
            'Lat'      :lambda x: x.mean(),
            'Long'     :lambda x: x.mean(),
            'Country/Region':lambda x: x.unique()
    deaths = died_US.drop(columns=['Country/Region', 'Lat', 'Long']).set_index('Province/State')
    deaths = deaths.groupby(["Province/State"]).sum()
    died_US = died_info.merge(deaths, left_index=True, right_index=True).reset_index()    
    died_US = died_US[died_US['Long'].isna() == False]
    died_US = died_US[died_US['Lat'].isna() == False]
    died_US = died_US[died_US['Long'] != 0]
    died_US = died_US[died_US['Lat'] != 0]
    file_path_died = github_dir_path  + str(file_list[-2]).split('/')[-1].split(".")[0]+ '.csv'
    died = pd.read_csv(file_path_died, error_bad_lines=False)
    died = pd.concat([died_US,died])

    file_path_recovered = github_dir_path  + str(file_list[-1]).split('/')[-1].split(".")[0]+ '.csv'
    recovered = pd.read_csv(file_path_recovered, error_bad_lines=False)

    # preprocessing to add total column
    confirmed = preprocessing(confirmed)
    died = preprocessing(died)
    recovered = preprocessing(recovered)
    # demographics
    population_statistics = pd.read_csv("population_statistics.csv")

    return confirmed, died, recovered, population_statistics
Пример #6
import csv
import requests
import os
import sys

from github.MainClass import Github
import pandas as pd

# BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
# sys.path.insert(0, BASE_DIR)
from simple_prognozer.config import TOKEN

GIT = Github(TOKEN)
REPO = GIT.get_repo(REPO_PATH)
DR_REPO_FILE_LIST = 'csse_covid_19_data/csse_covid_19_daily_reports'
DAILY_REPORTS_DIR_PATH = ('https://github.com/CSSEGISandData/COVID-19/raw/'

def get_csv(file_name):
    print('Getting daily report csv...')

    daily_reports_file_list = REPO.get_contents(DR_REPO_FILE_LIST)

    if file_name == 'daily_reports':
        daily_reports_file_path = DAILY_REPORTS_DIR_PATH +\
Пример #7
    minify_inited = False

# Init flask
app = Flask(__name__, template_folder="game")
if compress_inited:
if minify_inited:
    minify(app=app, js=False, caching_limit=0)
import before_after_req  # noqa: F401,E402

# Init github
if os.getenv("GITHUB_VERSION_PAT") is not None:
    github_instance = Github(os.getenv("GITHUB_VERSION_PAT"))
    github_instance = Github()
rep = github_instance.get_repo("KTibow/scorecard")

def sleep(timefor):
    Sleep, but catch interrupts and whatever.

        timefor: The amount of time to sleep in seconds.
    for _index in range(round(timefor * 16.0)):
        time.sleep(1 / 16)

commit_number = 0