Пример #1
def mine(args):
    conf = fetch_config(args)
    app = BuildApp(conf)
    app.pool = 'thread'
    gh = get_connection(conf)

    pprint(mine_github_pulls(gh, app, conf))
Пример #2
def robots(args):
    c = fetch_config(args)
    app = BuildApp(c)
    app.pool = "serial"

    robots_txt_tasks(c, app)

Пример #3
def create_branch(args):
    Takes a single branch name and (if necessary) creates a new branch. Then,
    populates the ``build/<branch>`` directory for the new branch using either
    the parent branch or ``master``. Safe to run multiple times (after a rebase)
    to update the build cache from master.

    Also calls :method:`~giza.operations.build_env.fix_build_environment()` to
    tweak the new build output to update hashes and on-disk copies of the
    environment to prevent unnecessary full-rebuilds from sphinx.

    conf = fetch_config(args)

    g = GitRepo(conf.paths.projectroot)

    branch = conf.runstate.git_branch
    base_branch = g.current_branch()

    if base_branch == branch:
        base_branch = 'master'
            'seeding build data for branch "{0}" from "master"'.format(branch))

    branch_builddir = os.path.join(conf.paths.projectroot, conf.paths.output,

    base_builddir = os.path.join(conf.paths.projectroot, conf.paths.output,

    if g.branch_exists(branch):
        logger.info('checking out branch "{0}"'.format(branch))
            'creating and checking out a branch named "{0}"'.format(branch))


    cmd = "rsync -r --times --checksum {0}/ {1}".format(
        base_builddir, branch_builddir)
    logger.info('seeding build directory for "{0}" from "{1}"'.format(
        branch, base_branch))
    logger.info('branch creation complete.')

    # get a new config here for the new branch
    conf = fetch_config(args)
    builders = get_existing_builders(conf)
    app = BuildApp(conf)
    app.pool = 'process'

    fix_build_env_tasks(builders, conf, app)

Пример #4
def triage(args):
    conf = fetch_config(args)
    app = BuildApp(conf)
    app.pool = 'thread'

    j = JeerahClient(conf)

    query_data = giza.jeerah.triage.query(j, app, conf)

    pprint(giza.jeerah.triage.report(query_data, conf))
Пример #5
def triage(args):
    conf = fetch_config(args)
    app = BuildApp(conf)
    app.pool = 'thread'

    j = JeerahClient(conf)

    query_data = giza.jeerah.triage.query(j, app, conf)

    pprint(giza.jeerah.triage.report(query_data, conf))
Пример #6
def planning(args):
    conf = fetch_config(args)
    app = BuildApp(conf)
    app.pool = 'thread'

    j = JeerahClient(conf)

    query_data = giza.jeerah.progress.query(j, app, conf)

    pprint(giza.jeerah.planning.report(query_data, conf))
Пример #7
def progress(args):
    conf = fetch_config(args)
    app = BuildApp(conf)
    app.pool = "thread"

    j = JeerahClient(conf)

    query_data = giza.jeerah.progress.query(j, app, conf)

    pprint(giza.jeerah.progress.report(query_data, conf))
Пример #8
def actions(args):
    conf = fetch_config(args)
    app = BuildApp(conf)
    app.pool = 'thread'
    gh = get_connection(conf)

    results = []

    for pull in mine_github_pulls(gh, app, conf):
        if pull['merge_safe'] is True:

Пример #9
def sphinx_publication(c, args, app):
    build_prep_tasks(c, app)

    # this loop will produce an app for each language/edition/builder combination
    build_source_copies = set()
    sphinx_app = BuildApp(c)
    sphinx_app.pool = app.pool

    jobs = itertools.product(args.editions_to_build, args.languages_to_build, args.builder)
    for edition, language, builder in jobs:
        args.language = language
        args.edition = edition
        args.builder = builder
        build_config = fetch_config(args)

        prep_app = app.add('app')
        prep_app.conf = build_config

        primer_app = prep_app.add('app')
        primer_migration_tasks(build_config, primer_app)

        sconf = render_sconf(edition, builder, language, build_config)

        if build_config.paths.branch_source not in build_source_copies:
            source_tasks(build_config, sconf, prep_app)

            source_app = prep_app.add('app')
            build_content_generation_tasks(build_config, source_app)
            refresh_dependency_tasks(build_config, prep_app)

        sphinx_tasks(sconf, build_config, sphinx_app)
        logger.info("adding builder job for {0} ({1}, {2})".format(builder, language, edition))


    logger.info("sphinx build setup, running now.")
    logger.info("sphinx build complete.")

    logger.info('builds finalized. sphinx output and errors to follow')

    sphinx_output = '\n'.join([ o[1] for o in sphinx_app.results ])
    ret_code = sum([ o[0] for o in sphinx_app.results ])
    output_sphinx_stream(sphinx_output, c)

    ret_code = 0

    return ret_code
Пример #10
def run_sphinx(builder, sconf, conf):
    if safe_create_directory(sconf.fq_build_output):
        logger.info('created directory "{1}" for sphinx builder {0}'.format(
            builder, sconf.fq_build_output))

    if 'language' in sconf and sconf.language is not None:
        command('sphinx-intl build --language=' + sconf.language)
        logger.info('compiled all PO files for translated build.')

    logger.info('starting sphinx build {0}'.format(builder))

    cmd = 'sphinx-build {0} -d {1}/doctrees-{2} {3} {4}'  # per-builder-doctree

    sphinx_cmd = cmd.format(
        get_sphinx_args(sconf, conf),
                     conf.paths.branch_output), sconf.build_output,
        os.path.join(conf.paths.projectroot, conf.paths.branch_source),

    with Timer("running sphinx build for: {0}, {1}, {2}".format(
            builder, sconf.language, sconf.edition)):
        out = command(sphinx_cmd, capture=True, ignore=True)

    logger.info('completed sphinx build {0}'.format(builder))

    if True:  # out.return_code == 0:
        logger.info('successfully completed {0} sphinx build ({1})'.format(
            builder, out.return_code))

        finalizer_app = BuildApp(conf)
        finalizer_app.pool = "thread"
        finalizer_app.root_app = False
        finalize_sphinx_build(sconf, conf, finalizer_app)

        with Timer("finalize sphinx {0} build".format(builder)):
            'the sphinx build {0} was not successful. not running finalize operation'

    output = '\n'.join([out.err, out.out])

    return out.return_code, output
Пример #11
def stats(args):
    conf = fetch_config(args)
    app = BuildApp(conf)
    app.pool = 'thread'
    gh = get_connection(conf)

    users = set()
    result = {'merge_safe': 0, 'total': 0 }
    for pull in mine_github_pulls(gh, app, conf):
        result['total'] += 1
        if pull['merge_safe'] is True:
            result['merge_safe'] += 1


    result['user_count'] = len(users)
    result['users'] = list(users)

Пример #12
def sphinx_publication(c, args, app):
    :arg Configuration c: A :class:`giza.config.main.Configuration()` object.

    :arg RuntimeStateConfig args: A :class:`giza.config.runtime.RuntimeState()` object.

    :arg BuildApp app: A :class:`giza.core.app.BuildApp()` object.

    Adds all required tasks to build a Sphinx site. Specifically:

    1. Iterates through the (language * builder * edition) combination and adds
       tasks to generate the content in the
       <build>/<branch>/source<-edition<-language>> directory. There is one
       version of the <build>/<branch>/source directory for every
       language/edition combination, but multiple builders can use the same
       diretory as needed.

    2. Add a task to run the ``sphinx-build`` task.

    3. Run all tasks in proper order.

    4. Process and print the output of ``sphinx-build``.

    :return: The sum of all return codes from all ``sphinx-build`` tasks. All
             non-zero statuses represent errors.

    :rtype: int

    # sphinx-build tasks are separated into their own app.
    sphinx_app = BuildApp(c)
    sphinx_app.pool = app.pool

    # this loop will produce an app for each language/edition/builder combination
    build_source_copies = set()

    for edition, language, builder in get_builder_jobs(c):
        build_config, sconf = get_sphinx_build_configuration(
            edition, language, builder, args)

        # only do these tasks once per-language+edition combination
        if build_config.paths.branch_source not in build_source_copies:

            prep_app = app.add('app')
            prep_app.conf = build_config

            # this is where we add tasks to transfer the source into the
            # ``build/<branch>/source`` directory.
            source_tasks(build_config, sconf, prep_app)
            # this function runs the entire prep_app compiled until now, so that
            # the content generation tasks are created properly

            # these operation groups each execute in isolation of each-other and should.
            build_content_generation_tasks(build_config, prep_app.add('app'))
            refresh_dependency_tasks(build_config, prep_app.add('app'))

            # once the source is prepared, we dump a dict with md5 hashes of all
            # files, so we can do better dependency resolution the next time.
            dump_file_hash_tasks(build_config, prep_app)

            # we transfer images to the latex directory directly because offset
            # images are included using raw latex, and Sphinx doesn't know how
            # to copy images in this case.
            latex_image_transfer_tasks(build_config, sconf, prep_app)

            msg = 'added source tasks for ({0}, {1}, {2}) in {3}'
                msg.format(builder, language, edition,

        # Add sphinx tasks for this builder/language/edition combination
        sphinx_tasks(sconf, build_config, sphinx_app)
        logger.info("adding builder job for {0} ({1}, {2})".format(
            builder, language, edition))

    # Connect the special sphinx app to the main app.

    logger.info("sphinx build configured, running the build now.")
    logger.info("sphinx build complete.")

    logger.info('builds finalized. sphinx output and errors to follow')

    # process the sphinx build. These oeprations allow us to de-duplicate
    # messages between builds.
    sphinx_output = '\n'.join([o[1] for o in sphinx_app.results])
    output_sphinx_stream(sphinx_output, c)

    # if entry points return this value, giza will inherit the sum of the Sphinx
    # build return codes.
    ret_code = sum([o[0] for o in sphinx_app.results])
    return ret_code