def __do_trial(self, g_init, fdgs, term3, trial): # add and delete edges. gtemp = g_init.copy() seed = (trial + int(time.time())) % (2 ** 32 - 1) rdm_state = np.random.RandomState(seed=seed) # which edges to change. # @todo: should we use just half of the adjacency matrix for undirected graphs? nb_vpairs = nx.number_of_nodes(g_init) * (nx.number_of_nodes(g_init) - 1) # @todo: what if fdgs is bigger than nb_vpairs? idx_change = rdm_state.randint(0, high=nb_vpairs, size=(fdgs if fdgs < nb_vpairs else nb_vpairs)) # print(idx_change) for item in idx_change: node1 = int(item / (nx.number_of_nodes(g_init) - 1)) node2 = (item - node1 * (nx.number_of_nodes(g_init) - 1)) if node2 >= node1: # skip the self pair. node2 += 1 # @todo: is the randomness correct? if not gtemp.has_edge(node1, node2): gtemp.add_edge(node1, node2) else: gtemp.remove_edge(node1, node2) # compute new distances. kernels_to_gtmp, _ = self._graph_kernel.compute(gtemp, self._dataset.graphs, **self._kernel_options) kernel_gtmp, _ = self._graph_kernel.compute(gtemp, gtemp, **self._kernel_options) if self._kernel_options['normalize']: kernels_to_gtmp = [kernels_to_gtmp[i] / np.sqrt(self.__gram_matrix_unnorm[i, i] * kernel_gtmp) for i in range(len(kernels_to_gtmp))] # normalize kernel_gtmp = 1 # @todo: not correct kernel value gram_with_gtmp = np.concatenate((np.array([kernels_to_gtmp]), np.copy(self._graph_kernel.gram_matrix)), axis=0) gram_with_gtmp = np.concatenate((np.array([[kernel_gtmp] + kernels_to_gtmp]).T, gram_with_gtmp), axis=1) dnew = compute_k_dis(0, range(1, 1 + len(self._dataset.graphs)), self.__alphas, gram_with_gtmp, term3=term3, withterm3=True) return gtemp, dnew
def _get_best_graph(Gn, gram_matrix): k_dis_list = [] for idx in range(len(Gn)): k_dis_list.append(compute_k_dis(idx, range(0, len(Gn)), [1 / len(Gn)] * len(Gn), gram_matrix, withterm3=False)) best_index = np.argmin(k_dis_list) best_dis = k_dis_list[best_index] best_graph = Gn[best_index].copy() return best_index, best_dis, best_graph
def __compute_distances_to_true_median(self): # compute distance in kernel space for set median. kernels_to_sm, _ = self._graph_kernel.compute(self.__set_median, self._dataset.graphs, **self._kernel_options) kernel_sm, _ = self._graph_kernel.compute(self.__set_median, self.__set_median, **self._kernel_options) if self._kernel_options['normalize']: kernels_to_sm = [kernels_to_sm[i] / np.sqrt(self.__gram_matrix_unnorm[i, i] * kernel_sm) for i in range(len(kernels_to_sm))] # normalize kernel_sm = 1 # @todo: not correct kernel value gram_with_sm = np.concatenate((np.array([kernels_to_sm]), np.copy(self._graph_kernel.gram_matrix)), axis=0) gram_with_sm = np.concatenate((np.array([[kernel_sm] + kernels_to_sm]).T, gram_with_sm), axis=1) self.__k_dis_set_median = compute_k_dis(0, range(1, 1+len(self._dataset.graphs)), [1 / len(self._dataset.graphs)] * len(self._dataset.graphs), gram_with_sm, withterm3=False) # compute distance in kernel space for generalized median. kernels_to_gm, _ = self._graph_kernel.compute(self.__gen_median, self._dataset.graphs, **self._kernel_options) kernel_gm, _ = self._graph_kernel.compute(self.__gen_median, self.__gen_median, **self._kernel_options) if self._kernel_options['normalize']: kernels_to_gm = [kernels_to_gm[i] / np.sqrt(self.__gram_matrix_unnorm[i, i] * kernel_gm) for i in range(len(kernels_to_gm))] # normalize kernel_gm = 1 gram_with_gm = np.concatenate((np.array([kernels_to_gm]), np.copy(self._graph_kernel.gram_matrix)), axis=0) gram_with_gm = np.concatenate((np.array([[kernel_gm] + kernels_to_gm]).T, gram_with_gm), axis=1) self.__k_dis_gen_median = compute_k_dis(0, range(1, 1+len(self._dataset.graphs)), [1 / len(self._dataset.graphs)] * len(self._dataset.graphs), gram_with_gm, withterm3=False) # compute distance in kernel space for each graph in median set. k_dis_median_set = [] for idx in range(len(self._dataset.graphs)): k_dis_median_set.append(compute_k_dis(idx+1, range(1, 1+len(self._dataset.graphs)), [1 / len(self._dataset.graphs)] * len(self._dataset.graphs), gram_with_gm, withterm3=False)) idx_k_dis_median_set_min = np.argmin(k_dis_median_set) self.__k_dis_dataset = k_dis_median_set[idx_k_dis_median_set_min] self.__best_from_dataset = self._dataset.graphs[idx_k_dis_median_set_min].copy() if self._verbose >= 2: print() print('distance in kernel space for set median:', self.__k_dis_set_median) print('distance in kernel space for generalized median:', self.__k_dis_gen_median) print('minimum distance in kernel space for each graph in median set:', self.__k_dis_dataset) print('distance in kernel space for each graph in median set:', k_dis_median_set)
def __kernel_knn_cv_best_ds(dataset_all, ds_name, knn_options, kernel_options, gram_matrix_unnorm, time_precompute_gm, train_examples, save_results, dir_save, fn_output_detail, fn_output_summary): Gn = dataset_all.graphs y_all = dataset_all.targets n_neighbors, n_splits, test_size = knn_options['n_neighbors'], knn_options[ 'n_splits'], knn_options['test_size'] # get shuffles. train_indices, test_indices, train_nums, y_app = __get_shuffles( y_all, n_splits, test_size) accuracies = [] for trial in range(len(train_indices)): print('\ntrial =', trial) train_index = train_indices[trial] test_index = test_indices[trial] G_app = [Gn[i] for i in train_index] G_test = [Gn[i] for i in test_index] y_test = [y_all[i] for i in test_index] gm_unnorm_trial = gram_matrix_unnorm[ train_index, :][:, train_index].copy() # get best graph from trainset according to distance in kernel space for each class. best_graphs = [] train_nums_tmp = [0] + train_nums print('\ngetting best graph from trainset for each class...') for i_class in range(len(train_nums_tmp) - 1): print(i_class + 1, 'of', len(train_nums_tmp) - 1, 'classes.') i_start = int(np.sum(train_nums_tmp[0:i_class + 1])) i_end = i_start + train_nums_tmp[i_class + 1] G_class = G_app[i_start:i_end] gm_unnorm_class = gm_unnorm_trial[i_start:i_end, i_start:i_end] gm_class = normalize_gram_matrix(gm_unnorm_class.copy()) k_dis_list = [] for idx in range(len(G_class)): k_dis_list.append( compute_k_dis(idx, range(0, len(G_class)), [1 / len(G_class)] * len(G_class), gm_class, withterm3=False)) idx_k_dis_min = np.argmin(k_dis_list) best_graphs.append(G_class[idx_k_dis_min].copy()) # perform k-nn. print('\nperforming k-nn...') # compute dis_mat between medians. dataset = dataset_all.copy() dataset.load_graphs([g.copy() for g in best_graphs], targets=None) gm_app_unnorm, _ = __compute_gram_matrix_unnorm( dataset, kernel_options.copy()) # compute the entire Gram matrix. graph_kernel = __get_graph_kernel(dataset.copy(), kernel_options.copy()) kernels_to_best_graphs = [] for g in best_graphs: kernels_to_best_graph, _ = graph_kernel.compute( g, G_test, **kernel_options.copy()) kernels_to_best_graphs.append(kernels_to_best_graph) kernels_to_best_graphs = np.array(kernels_to_best_graphs) gm_all = np.concatenate((gm_app_unnorm, kernels_to_best_graphs), axis=1) gm_all = np.concatenate( (gm_all, np.concatenate( (kernels_to_best_graphs.T, gram_matrix_unnorm[test_index, :][:, test_index].copy()), axis=1)), axis=0) gm_all = normalize_gram_matrix(gm_all.copy()) dis_mat, _, _, _ = compute_distance_matrix(gm_all) N = len(best_graphs) d_app = dis_mat[range(N), :][:, range(N)].copy() d_test = np.zeros((N, len(test_index))) for i in range(N): for j in range(len(test_index)): d_test[i, j] = dis_mat[i, j] accuracies.append( knn_classification(d_app, d_test, y_app, y_test, n_neighbors, verbose=True, text=train_examples)) # write result detail. if save_results: f_detail = open(dir_save + fn_output_detail, 'a') print('writing results to files...') csv.writer(f_detail).writerow([ ds_name, kernel_options['name'], train_examples, trial, knn_options['n_neighbors'], len(gm_all), knn_options['test_size'], accuracies[-1][0], accuracies[-1][1] ]) f_detail.close() results = {} results['ave_perf_train'] = np.mean([i[0] for i in accuracies], axis=0) results['std_perf_train'] = np.std([i[0] for i in accuracies], axis=0, ddof=1) results['ave_perf_test'] = np.mean([i[1] for i in accuracies], axis=0) results['std_perf_test'] = np.std([i[1] for i in accuracies], axis=0, ddof=1) # write result summary for each letter. if save_results: f_summary = open(dir_save + fn_output_summary, 'a') csv.writer(f_summary).writerow([ ds_name, kernel_options['name'], train_examples, knn_options['n_neighbors'], knn_options['test_size'], results['ave_perf_train'], results['ave_perf_test'], results['std_perf_train'], results['std_perf_test'], time_precompute_gm ]) f_summary.close()
def run(self): self._graph_kernel = get_graph_kernel_by_name(self._kernel_options['name'], node_labels=self._dataset.node_labels, edge_labels=self._dataset.edge_labels, node_attrs=self._dataset.node_attrs, edge_attrs=self._dataset.edge_attrs, ds_infos=self._dataset.get_dataset_infos(keys=['directed']), kernel_options=self._kernel_options) # record start time. start = time.time() # 1. precompute gram matrix. if self.__gram_matrix_unnorm is None: gram_matrix, run_time = self._graph_kernel.compute(self._dataset.graphs, **self._kernel_options) self.__gram_matrix_unnorm = self._graph_kernel.gram_matrix_unnorm end_precompute_gm = time.time() self.__runtime_precompute_gm = end_precompute_gm - start else: if self.__runtime_precompute_gm is None: raise Exception('Parameter "runtime_precompute_gm" must be given when using pre-computed Gram matrix.') self._graph_kernel.gram_matrix_unnorm = self.__gram_matrix_unnorm if self._kernel_options['normalize']: self._graph_kernel.gram_matrix = self._graph_kernel.normalize_gm(np.copy(self.__gram_matrix_unnorm)) else: self._graph_kernel.gram_matrix = np.copy(self.__gram_matrix_unnorm) end_precompute_gm = time.time() start -= self.__runtime_precompute_gm # 2. compute k nearest neighbors of phi in D_N. if self._verbose >= 2: print('\nstart computing k nearest neighbors of phi in D_N...\n') D_N = self._dataset.graphs if self.__alphas is None: self.__alphas = [1 / len(D_N)] * len(D_N) k_dis_list = [] # distance between g_star and each graph. term3 = 0 for i1, a1 in enumerate(self.__alphas): for i2, a2 in enumerate(self.__alphas): term3 += a1 * a2 * self._graph_kernel.gram_matrix[i1, i2] for idx in range(len(D_N)): k_dis_list.append(compute_k_dis(idx, range(0, len(D_N)), self.__alphas, self._graph_kernel.gram_matrix, term3=term3, withterm3=True)) # sort. sort_idx = np.argsort(k_dis_list) dis_gs = [k_dis_list[idis] for idis in sort_idx[0:self.__k]] # the k shortest distances. nb_best = len(np.argwhere(dis_gs == dis_gs[0]).flatten().tolist()) g0hat_list = [D_N[idx].copy() for idx in sort_idx[0:nb_best]] # the nearest neighbors of phi in D_N self.__best_from_dataset = g0hat_list[0] # get the first best graph if there are muitlple. self.__k_dis_dataset = dis_gs[0] if self.__k_dis_dataset == 0: # get the exact pre-image. end_generate_preimage = time.time() self.__runtime_generate_preimage = end_generate_preimage - end_precompute_gm self.__runtime_total = end_generate_preimage - start self.__preimage = self.__best_from_dataset.copy() self.__k_dis_preimage = self.__k_dis_dataset if self._verbose: print() print('=============================================================================') print('The exact pre-image is found from the input dataset.') print('-----------------------------------------------------------------------------') print('Distance in kernel space for the best graph from dataset and for preimage:', self.__k_dis_dataset) print('Time to pre-compute Gram matrix:', self.__runtime_precompute_gm) print('Time to generate pre-images:', self.__runtime_generate_preimage) print('Total time:', self.__runtime_total) print('=============================================================================') print() return dhat = dis_gs[0] # the nearest distance Gk = [D_N[ig].copy() for ig in sort_idx[0:self.__k]] # the k nearest neighbors Gs_nearest = [nx.convert_node_labels_to_integers(g) for g in Gk] # [g.copy() for g in Gk] # 3. start iterations. if self._verbose >= 2: print('starting iterations...') gihat_list = [] dihat_list = [] r = 0 dis_of_each_itr = [dhat] if self.__parallel: self._kernel_options['parallel'] = None self.__itrs = 0 self.__num_updates = 0 timer = Timer(self.__time_limit_in_sec) while not self.__termination_criterion_met(timer, self.__itrs, r): print('\n- r =', r) found = False dis_bests = dis_gs + dihat_list # compute numbers of edges to be inserted/deleted. # @todo what if the log is negetive? how to choose alpha (scalar)? fdgs_list = np.array(dis_bests) if np.min(fdgs_list) < 1: # in case the log is negetive. fdgs_list /= np.min(fdgs_list) fdgs_list = [int(item) for item in np.ceil(np.log(fdgs_list))] if np.min(fdgs_list) < 1: # in case the log is smaller than 1. fdgs_list = np.array(fdgs_list) + 1 # expand the number of modifications to increase the possiblity. nb_vpairs_list = [nx.number_of_nodes(g) * (nx.number_of_nodes(g) - 1) for g in (Gs_nearest + gihat_list)] nb_vpairs_min = np.min(nb_vpairs_list) idx_fdgs_max = np.argmax(fdgs_list) fdgs_max_old = fdgs_list[idx_fdgs_max] fdgs_max = fdgs_max_old nb_modif = 1 for idx, nb in enumerate(range(nb_vpairs_min, nb_vpairs_min - fdgs_max, -1)): nb_modif *= nb / (fdgs_max - idx) while fdgs_max < nb_vpairs_min and nb_modif < self.__l: fdgs_max += 1 nb_modif *= (nb_vpairs_min - fdgs_max + 1) / fdgs_max nb_increase = int(fdgs_max - fdgs_max_old) if nb_increase > 0: fdgs_list += 1 for ig, gs in enumerate(Gs_nearest + gihat_list): if self._verbose >= 2: print('-- computing', ig + 1, 'graphs out of', len(Gs_nearest) + len(gihat_list)) gnew, dhat, found = self.__generate_l_graphs(gs, fdgs_list[ig], dhat, ig, found, term3) if found: r = 0 gihat_list = [gnew] dihat_list = [dhat] else: r += 1 dis_of_each_itr.append(dhat) self.__itrs += 1 if self._verbose >= 2: print('Total number of iterations is', self.__itrs, '.') print('The preimage is updated', self.__num_updates, 'times.') print('The shortest distances for previous iterations are', dis_of_each_itr, '.') # get results and print. end_generate_preimage = time.time() self.__runtime_generate_preimage = end_generate_preimage - end_precompute_gm self.__runtime_total = end_generate_preimage - start self.__preimage = (g0hat_list[0] if len(gihat_list) == 0 else gihat_list[0]) self.__k_dis_preimage = dhat if self._verbose: print() print('=============================================================================') print('Finished generation of preimages.') print('-----------------------------------------------------------------------------') print('Distance in kernel space for the best graph from dataset:', self.__k_dis_dataset) print('Distance in kernel space for the preimage:', self.__k_dis_preimage) print('Total number of iterations for optimizing:', self.__itrs) print('Total number of updating preimage:', self.__num_updates) print('Time to pre-compute Gram matrix:', self.__runtime_precompute_gm) print('Time to generate pre-images:', self.__runtime_generate_preimage) print('Total time:', self.__runtime_total) print('=============================================================================') print()
def xp_simple_preimage(): import numpy as np """**1. Get dataset.**""" from gklearn.utils import Dataset, split_dataset_by_target # Predefined dataset name, use dataset "MAO". ds_name = 'MAO' # The node/edge labels that will not be used in the computation. irrelevant_labels = { 'node_attrs': ['x', 'y', 'z'], 'edge_labels': ['bond_stereo'] } # Initialize a Dataset. dataset_all = Dataset() # Load predefined dataset "MAO". dataset_all.load_predefined_dataset(ds_name) # Remove irrelevant labels. dataset_all.remove_labels(**irrelevant_labels) # Split the whole dataset according to the classification targets. datasets = split_dataset_by_target(dataset_all) # Get the first class of graphs, whose median preimage will be computed. dataset = datasets[0] len(dataset.graphs) """**2. Set parameters.**""" import multiprocessing # Parameters for MedianPreimageGenerator (our method). mpg_options = { 'fit_method': 'k-graphs', # how to fit edit costs. "k-graphs" means use all graphs in median set when fitting. 'init_ecc': [4, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1], # initial edit costs. 'ds_name': ds_name, # name of the dataset. 'parallel': True, # whether the parallel scheme is to be used. 'time_limit_in_sec': 0, # maximum time limit to compute the preimage. If set to 0 then no limit. 'max_itrs': 10, # maximum iteration limit to optimize edit costs. If set to 0 then no limit. 'max_itrs_without_update': 3, # If the times that edit costs is not update is more than this number, then the optimization stops. 'epsilon_residual': 0.01, # In optimization, the residual is only considered changed if the change is bigger than this number. 'epsilon_ec': 0.1, # In optimization, the edit costs are only considered changed if the changes are bigger than this number. 'verbose': 2 # whether to print out results. } # Parameters for graph kernel computation. kernel_options = { 'name': 'PathUpToH', # use path kernel up to length h. 'depth': 9, 'k_func': 'MinMax', 'compute_method': 'trie', 'parallel': 'imap_unordered', # or None 'n_jobs': multiprocessing.cpu_count(), 'normalize': True, # whether to use normalized Gram matrix to optimize edit costs. 'verbose': 2 # whether to print out results. } # Parameters for GED computation. ged_options = { 'method': 'IPFP', # use IPFP huristic. 'initialization_method': 'RANDOM', # or 'NODE', etc. 'initial_solutions': 10, # when bigger than 1, then the method is considered mIPFP. 'edit_cost': 'CONSTANT', # use CONSTANT cost. 'attr_distance': 'euclidean', # the distance between non-symbolic node/edge labels is computed by euclidean distance. 'ratio_runs_from_initial_solutions': 1, 'threads': multiprocessing.cpu_count( ), # parallel threads. Do not work if mpg_options['parallel'] = False. 'init_option': 'EAGER_WITHOUT_SHUFFLED_COPIES' } # Parameters for MedianGraphEstimator (Boria's method). mge_options = { 'init_type': 'MEDOID', # how to initial median (compute set-median). "MEDOID" is to use the graph with smallest SOD. 'random_inits': 10, # number of random initialization when 'init_type' = 'RANDOM'. 'time_limit': 600, # maximum time limit to compute the generalized median. If set to 0 then no limit. 'verbose': 2, # whether to print out results. 'refine': False # whether to refine the final SODs or not. } print('done.') """**3. Compute the Gram matrix and distance matrix.**""" from gklearn.utils.utils import get_graph_kernel_by_name # Get a graph kernel instance. graph_kernel = get_graph_kernel_by_name( kernel_options['name'], node_labels=dataset.node_labels, edge_labels=dataset.edge_labels, node_attrs=dataset.node_attrs, edge_attrs=dataset.edge_attrs, ds_infos=dataset.get_dataset_infos(keys=['directed']), kernel_options=kernel_options) # Compute Gram matrix. gram_matrix, run_time = graph_kernel.compute(dataset.graphs, **kernel_options) # Compute distance matrix. from gklearn.utils import compute_distance_matrix dis_mat, _, _, _ = compute_distance_matrix(gram_matrix) print('done.') """**4. Find the candidate graph.**""" from gklearn.preimage.utils import compute_k_dis # Number of the nearest neighbors. k_neighbors = 10 # For each graph G in dataset, compute the distance between its image \Phi(G) and the mean of its neighbors' images. dis_min = np.inf # the minimum distance between possible \Phi(G) and the mean of its neighbors. for idx, G in enumerate(dataset.graphs): # Find the k nearest neighbors of G. dis_list = dis_mat[ idx] # distance between \Phi(G) and image of each graphs. idx_sort = np.argsort( dis_list) # sort distances and get the sorted indices. idx_nearest = idx_sort[1:k_neighbors + 1] # indices of the k-nearest neighbors. dis_k_nearest = [dis_list[i] for i in idx_nearest ] # k-nearest distances, except the 0. G_k_nearest = [dataset.graphs[i] for i in idx_nearest] # k-nearest neighbors. # Compute the distance between \Phi(G) and the mean of its neighbors. dis_tmp = compute_k_dis( idx, # the index of G in Gram matrix. idx_nearest, # the indices of the neighbors [1 / k_neighbors] * k_neighbors, # coefficients for neighbors. gram_matrix, withterm3=False) # Check if the new distance is smallers. if dis_tmp < dis_min: dis_min = dis_tmp G_cand = G G_neighbors = G_k_nearest print('The minimum distance is', dis_min) """**5. Run median preimage generator.**""" from gklearn.preimage import MedianPreimageGenerator # Set the dataset as the k-nearest neighbors. dataset.load_graphs(G_neighbors) # Create median preimage generator instance. mpg = MedianPreimageGenerator() # Add dataset. mpg.dataset = dataset # Set parameters. mpg.set_options(**mpg_options.copy()) mpg.kernel_options = kernel_options.copy() mpg.ged_options = ged_options.copy() mpg.mge_options = mge_options.copy() # Run. """**4. Get results.**""" # Get results. import pprint pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) # pretty print results = mpg.get_results() pp.pprint(results) draw_graph(mpg.set_median) draw_graph(mpg.gen_median) draw_graph(G_cand)
# Compute Gram matrix. gram_matrix, run_time = graph_kernel.compute( dataset.graphs, parallel='imap_unordered', # or None. n_jobs=multiprocessing.cpu_count(), # number of parallel jobs. normalize=True, # whether to return normalized Gram matrix. verbose=2 # whether to print out results. ) """**3. Compute distance in kernel space.** Given a dataset $\mathcal{G}_N$, compute the distance in kernel space between the image of $G_1 \in \mathcal{G}_N$ and the mean of images of $\mathcal{G}_k \subset \mathcal{G}_N$. """ from gklearn.preimage.utils import compute_k_dis # Index of $G_1$. idx_1 = 10 # Indices of graphs in $\mathcal{G}_k$. idx_graphs = range(0, 10) # Compute the distance in kernel space. dis_k = compute_k_dis( idx_1, idx_graphs, [1 / len(idx_graphs)] * len( idx_graphs ), # weights for images of graphs in $\mathcal{G}_k$; all equal when computing the mean. gram_matrix, # gram matrix of al graphs. withterm3=False) print(dis_k)