def svm_glassy_hog_entry(gpath): elmlist = gcom_glassylist(gpath) for elm in elmlist: if svm_hog_is_svm_aviable(gpath,elm) ==False: continue svm_hog_elm_train(gpath,elm)
def smfex_create_hog_filelist(gpath): a = gcom_glassylist(gpath) for elm in a: gcom_svm_filelist(gpath, elm) print elm, '.....'
def ttext_redis_load(r, ttpath): glassylist = gcom_glassylist(ttpath) for i in range(1, 5): r.delete('%s_%d' % (set_ttext_pfix, i)) for text in glassylist: textlen = len(text) if textlen > 4: continue text_set = '%s_%d' % (set_ttext_pfix, textlen) r.sadd(text_set, text) subpath = '%s%s\\' % (ttpath, text) ttext_addto_redis(subpath, text, r) textfilelist = gcom_getfilelist(subpath) htablename = 'h_%s_title' % (text) #先删除 r.delete(htablename) print htablename for txfile in textfilelist: ttext_title_addto_redis(subpath, txfile, r, htablename)
def tup_png_elms(r, srcpath, dstpath): elmlist = gcom_glassylist(srcpath) for elm in elmlist: print elm tup_png_elm(r, srcpath, elm, dstpath)
def smfex_test_glassy_Entry(gpath, fextype): elmlist = gcom_glassylist(gpath) for elm in elmlist: if smfex_is_avisiable(gpath, elm, fextype, 1) == False: continue smfex_svm_elm(gpath, elm, fextype) break
def smfex_train_glassy_Entry(gpath): elmlist = gcom_glassylist(gpath) for elm in elmlist: for fextype in g_svm_fex_list: if smfex_is_avisiable(gpath, elm, fextype, 1) == False: continue smfex_elm_train_find_opt(gpath, elm, fextype)
def hog_svm_create_filelist(gpath): a = gcom_glassylist(gpath); for elm in a: gcom_svm_filelist(gpath,elm) print elm ,'filish ....'
def hog_svm_create_hog(gpath): a = gcom_glassylist(gpath); for elm in a: if svm_hog_is_svm_aviable(gpath,elm) ==False: continue hog_create_hog_elm(gpath,elm) print elm ,'filish ....'
def tool_match_text(patha,pathb): aelmlist = gcom_glassylist(patha) belmlist = gcom_glassylist(pathb) for a in aelmlist: if a in belmlist : num = gcom_getfilelist(os.path.join(pathb,a)) print a, len(num) else : print ' ..... ',a cpath = os.path.join('E:\\picdog\\glassy',a) if os.path.isdir(cpath) ==False: continue cfilelist = gcom_getfilelist(cpath) for cfl in cfilelist: baidu_rg_singleimage(cpath,cfl)
def fex_redis_load(r, gpath): glassylist = gcom_glassylist(gpath) fex_update_glassylist(glassylist, r) for elm in glassylist: for key in statfexture: fexstat_addto_redis('%s%s\\' % (gpath, elm), elm, r, key, statfexture[key]) for key in basefexture: fexbase_addto_redis('%s%s\\' % (gpath, elm), elm, r, key, basefexture[key])
def smfex_create_vector(gpath, fextype): a = gcom_glassylist(gpath) for elm in a: if smfex_is_avisiable(gpath, elm, fextype, 0) == False: continue print elm, fextype, '.....' if cmp(fextype, svm_fex_hog) == 0: smfex_create_elm_hog(gpath, elm) else: gcom_svm_fexture_vector(gpath, elm, fextype)
def rgim_search_inAllElm(r, fname, simage_fexture, tagflag, excuelms): pointst = time.clock() glassylist = gcom_glassylist(gl_glassy_entry_path) negaflag = np.zeros(8, 'int8') minphash = 64 + np.zeros(8, 'int') mphashelm = [''] * 8 for elm in glassylist: bconflag = 0 for telm in excuelms: if cmp(elm, telm) == 0: bconflag = 1 break if bconflag == 1: continue elmfexture = fex_read_elm(r, elm) for i in range(8): if tagflag[i] == 1 and negaflag[i] == 0: key = '%d' % (i + 1) opt = rgim_Afile_Cut_in_elm( simage_fexture[key], elm, elmfexture) # 调用精简版的api 函数只 计算phash if minphash[i] > opt[fex_phash][vector_opt]: minphash[i] = opt[fex_phash][vector_opt] mphashelm[i] = elm if rgim_phash_makesure(opt[fex_phash][vector_opt]): #### 重要参数 negaflag[i] = 1 # 该图像可以被排除,其它类别中有该图片的更合适的匹配 gcom_log_pscode_rg( fname, elm, key + ' should be more like *************') break pointgap = time.clock() - pointst print 'time gap .....', pointgap gcom_log_pscode_rg( fname, '', mphashelm[0] + mphashelm[1] + mphashelm[2] + mphashelm[3] + mphashelm[4] + mphashelm[5] + mphashelm[6] + mphashelm[7]) return [negaflag, minphash]