Пример #1
    def validate_inputs(input_dict: dict) -> None:
        Validates the input objects against the schema.

        :param input_dict: input object

        :raises ValidationError if the input object is not correct
        :raises SchemaError is the schema is not correct

        # shortcut
        fpath = os.path.join

        for key, value in input_dict.items():
            # load proper the schema
            schema_path = fpath(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
            schema = load_json(fpath(schema_path, '{}.jsonschema'.format(key)))

            # validate
                validate(lower_obj(value), lower_obj(schema))
            except ValidationError:
                raise ValidationError(
                    "Input object '{}' is not valid.".format(key))
            except SchemaError:  # pragma: no cover
                raise SchemaError(
                    "Schema for object '{}' is not valid.".format(
                        key))  # pragma: no cover
Пример #2
def write_no_agg_json_input(run_dir, time, path_to_load, path_to_g, path_to_output):
    f = load_json(norm(join(cwd, '../base', 'base_case.json')))
    f['flow-profile']['external']['path'] = path_to_load
    f['load-profile']['external']['path'] = path_to_load
    f['g-functions']['file'] = path_to_g
    f['simulation']['runtime'] = time
    f['simulation']['output-path'] = path_to_output
    write_json(join(run_dir, 'in.json'), f)
Пример #3
    def test_write_json(self):
        temp_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        temp_file = os.path.join(temp_directory, 'temp.json')

        d = {"key": "value", "key 2": 2}

        write_json(temp_file, d)
        loaded = load_json(temp_file)
        self.assertEqual(d, loaded)
Пример #4
    def test_load_json(self):
        temp_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        temp_json_file = os.path.join(temp_directory, 'temp.json')
        with open(temp_json_file, 'w') as f:
            f.write('{"key": "value", "key 2": 1}')

        d = load_json(temp_json_file)

        self.assertEqual(d["key"], "value")
        self.assertEqual(d["key 2"], 1)
Пример #5
 def test_simulate(self):
     temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
     temp_file = join(temp_dir, 'in.json')
     input_path = norm(
         join(self.this_file_directory, '..', '..', 'test_files',
     d = load_json(input_path)
     g_path = norm(
         join(self.this_file_directory, '..', '..', 'test_files',
     d['ground-heat-exchanger'][0]['g-function-path'] = g_path
     d['simulation']['output-path'] = temp_dir
     write_json(temp_file, d)
     p = PlantLoop(temp_file)
Пример #6
def get_base_run_file_path(path):
    d = load_json(path)
    load_path_str = d['flow-profile']['external']['path']
    load = os_path_split_asunder(load_path_str)[-1].split(".")[0]
    time = int(d['simulation']['runtime'] / SEC_IN_YEAR)

    this_file_path = os.path.dirname(__file__)

    path_to_base_run_file = norm(
        join(this_file_path, '..', 'none', 'runs', '{}_{}'.format(load, time)))

    if not os.path.exists(path_to_base_run_file):
        raise FileNotFoundError

    return path_to_base_run_file, load, time
Пример #7
def write_dynamic_json_input(run_dir, time, path_to_load, path_to_g, path_to_output, other):
    f = load_json(norm(join(cwd, '../base', 'base_case.json')))
    f['flow-profile']['external']['path'] = path_to_load
    f['load-profile']['external']['path'] = path_to_load
    f['g-functions']['file'] = path_to_g
    f['simulation']['runtime'] = time
    f['simulation']['output-path'] = path_to_output

    f['load-aggregation']['type'] = 'dynamic'
    f['load-aggregation']['dynamic']['depth'] = other['depth']
    f['load-aggregation']['dynamic']['expansion rate'] = other['expansion rate']
    f['load-aggregation']['dynamic']['start width'] = other['start width']
    f['load-aggregation']['dynamic']['end width'] = other['end width']

    write_json(join(run_dir, 'in.json'), f)
Пример #8
def write_static_json_input(run_dir, time, path_to_load, path_to_g,
                            path_to_output, other):
    f = load_json(norm(join(cwd, '../base', 'base_case.json')))
    f['flow-profile']['external']['path'] = path_to_load
    f['load-profile']['external']['path'] = path_to_load
    f['g-functions']['file'] = path_to_g
    f['simulation']['runtime'] = time
    f['simulation']['output-path'] = path_to_output

    f['load-aggregation']['type'] = 'static'
    f['load-aggregation']['static']['min number bins'] = other[
        'min number bins']
    f['load-aggregation']['static']['bin widths in hours'] = other[
        'bin widths in hours']

    write_json(join(run_dir, 'in.json'), f)
Пример #9
def write_annual_json_input(run_dir, time, path_to_load, path_to_g,
                            path_to_output, other):
    f = load_json(norm(join(cwd, '../base', 'base_case.json')))
    f['flow-profile']['external']['path'] = path_to_load
    f['load-profile']['external']['path'] = path_to_load
    f['g-functions']['file'] = path_to_g
    f['simulation']['runtime'] = time
    f['simulation']['output-path'] = path_to_output

    f['load-aggregation']['type'] = 'none'

    f['soil']['conductivity'] = other['k']
    f['soil']['density'] = other['rho']
    f['soil']['specific heat'] = other['cp']

    write_json(join(run_dir, 'in.json'), f)
Пример #10
    def __init__(self, json_input_path: str) -> None:
        Initialize the input processor, process input file, and store the input information.

        :raises FileNotFoundError when input file not found.

        :param json_input_path: input file path

        # check if file exists
        if not os.path.exists(json_input_path):
            raise FileNotFoundError(
                "Input file: '{}' does not exist.".format(json_input_path))

        # load the input file
        self.input_dict = lower_obj(load_json(json_input_path))

        # validate the inputs

        # load properties for later use
        self.props_mgr = PropsMGR()