Пример #1
def test_schedules():

    l1 = glm.load("./tests/data/appliance_schedules.glm")
    l2 = glm.load("./tests/data/schedule1.glm")

    assert l1 == json.load(open("./tests/data/appliance_schedules.json"))
    assert l2 == json.load(open("./tests/data/schedule1.json"))
Пример #2
def test_IEEE_13_glm():

    l1 = glm.load("./tests/data/IEEE-13.glm")
    l2 = glm.load("./tests/data/IEEE_13_Node_Test_Feeder.glm")
    l3 = glm.load("./tests/data/IEEE_13_Node_With_Houses.glm")

    assert l1 == json.load(open("./tests/data/IEEE-13.json"))
    assert l2 == json.load(open("./tests/data/IEEE_13_Node_Test_Feeder.json"))
    assert l3 == json.load(open("./tests/data/IEEE_13_Node_With_Houses.json"))
Пример #3
def test_4node():

    l1 = glm.load("./tests/data/4node.glm")
    l2 = glm.load("./tests/data/powerflow_IEEE_4node.glm")

    assert l1 == json.load(open("./tests/data/4node.json"))
    assert l2 == json.load(open("./tests/data/powerflow_IEEE_4node.json"))

    with open("./tests/data/4node.glm") as f:
        l1 = glm.load(f)
        assert l1 == json.load(open("./tests/data/4node.json"))

    with open("./tests/data/powerflow_IEEE_4node.glm") as f:
        l2 = glm.load(f)
        assert l2 == json.load(open("./tests/data/powerflow_IEEE_4node.json"))
def create(networkFile, excludedCapacitors):
    global EXCLUDED
    EXCLUDED = excludedCapacitors
    network = glm.load(networkFile)
    capacitors = extract_all_capacitors_from_network(network)
    allOptionsForWorkingCapacitors = generate_all_possible_options_for_capacity(
Пример #5
def makeMapNodeNameNominalVoltage():

    totalMap = {}
    network = glm.load(inputFile)
    for obj in network["objects"]:
        if (obj["name"] == "node" or obj["name"] == "triplex_node"):
                     ["name"]] = obj["attributes"]["nominal_voltage"]

    return totalMap
Пример #6
def glm_load(fn):
        Def: This function parses through a given glm file and returns the objects & modules of the passed glm file
        Input: name of of the glm file (string)
        Output: objects, modules (tuple of lists)
        Note: objs & mods are lists of DICTS!
            objs: {'name': ..., 'attributes':..., 'children':...}
            mods: {'name': ..., 'attributes':...}
    with open(fn, 'r') as f:
        G = glm.load(f)
    #del G['includes']
    #del G['schedules']
    return G
def addCapacitor(file, name, parent, phase, cap_nominal_voltage, A, B, C):
    network = glm.load(file)

    lstOfObj = network['objects']
    dictMap = {}
    dictMap["name"] = "capacitor"
    dictAttr = {}
    dictAttr["name"] = name
    dictAttr["parent"] = parent
    dictAttr["phases"] = phase
    dictAttr["phases_connected"] = phase
    dictAttr["cap_nominal_voltage"] = cap_nominal_voltage
    dictAttr["capacitor_B"] = B  # 'capacitor_B': '300000',
    dictAttr["capacitor_C"] = C
    dictAttr["capacitor_A"] = A
    dictAttr["switchA"] = "CLOSED"
    dictAttr["switchB"] = "CLOSED"
    dictAttr["switchC"] = "CLOSED"
    dictMap["attributes"] = dictAttr
    dictMap["children"] = []

    glm.dump(network, file)
Пример #8
def test_taxonomy_feeder_R1_12_47_1():

    l1 = glm.load("./tests/data/taxonomy_feeder_R1-12.47-1.glm")

    assert l1 == json.load(
Пример #9
def test_nested():
    len(glm.load("./tests/data/configuration.glm")) == 7
Пример #10
def addCapacitor(file, name, parent, phase, cap_nominal_voltage, A, B, C):
    network = glm.load(file)
    lstOfObj = network['objects']
    dictMap = {}
    dictMap["name"] = "capacitor"
    dictAttr = {}
    dictAttr["name"] = name
    dictAttr["parent"] = parent
    dictAttr["phases"] = phase
    dictAttr["phases_connected"] = phase
    dictAttr["cap_nominal_voltage"] = cap_nominal_voltage
    dictAttr["capacitor_B"] = B  # 'capacitor_B': '300000',
    dictAttr["capacitor_C"] = C
    dictAttr["capacitor_A"] = A
    dictAttr["switchA"] = "CLOSED"
    dictAttr["switchB"] = "CLOSED"
    dictAttr["switchC"] = "CLOSED"
    dictMap["attributes"] = dictAttr
    dictMap["children"] = []

    glm.dump(network, file)
    # replaceClock(file)

# def replaceClock(pathFile):
#     entries = os.scandir('analytic_data/folder1/')
#     counter = 0
#     lines=[]
#     for entry in entries:
#         if(entry.name == "myTest.glm"):
#             with open(entry) as f:
#                 lines = f.readlines()
#                 lines[1]= "	 timestamp '2000-01-01 0:00:00';"
#                 lines[2]= "	 stoptime '2000-01-01 0:02:00';"
#             f.close()
#             with open(entry, "w") as f:
#                 f.writelines(lines)
#             f.close()
#             # with open(entry, 'r+') as f:
#             #     content = f.read()
#             #     f.seek(0, 0)
#             #     line = "// European LV Test Feeder \n"
#             #     f.write(line + '\n' + content)
# # a = os.getcwd()
# os.chdir("./analytic_data/folder1/")
# os.system("gridlabd myTest.glm")
# os.chdir(a)
# checkAllOptions("output_voltage_1.csv",1)
# bestConfig(1)

# if __name__== "__main__":
#     network_capacitors_placement.addCapacitorText("./analytic_data/folder1/myTest.glm", "Test", "Bus32","ABC",240.177712,1000,1000,1000  )
#     network_capacitors_placement.addCapacitor("./analytic_data/folder1/gridLAB_D_Model.glm", "Test", "Bus32","ABC",240.177712,1000,1000,1000  )
# #
#     a = os.getcwd()
#     os.chdir("./analytic_data/folder1/")
#     os.system("gridlabd myTest.glm")
#     os.chdir(a)
#     checkAllOptions("output_voltage_1.csv",1)
#     bestConfig(1)