def new(self, received_dict): store = self.getStore() self.files = [] self.receivers = [] self.mark = self._marker[0] # 'incomplete' self.creation_time = gltime.utcDateNow() # TODO with gltimes completed, just gltime.utcTimeNow(associated_c.submission_expire) self.expiration_time = gltime.utcFutureDate(seconds=1, minutes=1, hours=1) try: self._import_dict(received_dict) except KeyError, e: raise InvalidInputFormat("Submission initialization failed (missing %s)" % e)
def force_execution(self, aps=None, seconds=0): """ @aps: Advanced Python Scheduler object seconds: number of seconds to await before operation start """ if not seconds: self.operation() else: # this hours=1 need to be managed with CEST/CET timezone checks plan_exec = gltime.utcFutureDate(hours=1, seconds=seconds) print "Stored execution of %s postpone to %s" % \ (self.__class__.__name__, gltime.prettyDateTime(plan_exec) ) aps.add_date_job(self.operation, plan_exec)
def new(self, context_gus): store = self.getStore('new submission') try: associated_c = store.find(Context, Context.context_gus == context_gus).one() except NotOneError: store.close() raise ContextGusNotFound if associated_c is None: store.close() raise ContextGusNotFound submission = Submission() submission.submission_gus = idops.random_submission_gus(False) submission.context_gus = context_gus submission.context = associated_c # XXX this was important and actually IS bugged -- review that /me vecna # submission.receivers = associated_c.get_receivers('public') submission.receivers = associated_c.receivers # XXX this was important and actually IS bugged -- review that /me vecna submission.files = {} # TODO submission.context.update_stats() submission.creation_time = gltime.utcDateNow() submission.expiration_time = gltime.utcFutureDate(seconds=1, minutes=1, hours=1) store.add(submission) store.commit() submissionDesc = submission._description_dict() log.debug("[D] submission created", submission._description_dict()) store.close() return submissionDesc
except KeyError, e: raise InvalidInputFormat("InternalTip initialization failed (missing %s)" % e) except TypeError, e: raise InvalidInputFormat("InternalTip initialization failed (wrong %s)" % e) # Align the References self.context =, Context.context_gus == self.context_gus).one() # these value are copied from self.context, and are the only of internaltip # that can be changed (by the admin them using update_inner_values() ) self.escalation_threshold = self.context.escalation_threshold self.access_limit = self.context.tip_max_access self.download_limit = self.context.file_max_download self.expiration_date = gltime.utcFutureDate(hours=(self.context.tip_timetolive * 24)) # self.expiration_date = gltime.utcFutureDate(self.context.tip_timetolive) # TODO issue #36: # Initialization values self.pertinence_counter = 0 self.mark = self._marker[0] # new return self._description_dict() # And "update" ? NO! no one can update an InternalTip - NEVER!!1! #