Пример #1
def getProjectTemplateFile():
    " Provides the name of the project template file "
    project = GlobalData().project
    if project.isLoaded():
        # Project is loaded - use from the project dir
        projectDir = os.path.dirname( project.fileName )
        if not projectDir.endswith( os.path.sep ):
            projectDir += os.path.sep
        return projectDir + templateFileName
    return None
Пример #2
def getProjectTemplateFile():
    " Provides the name of the project template file "
    project = GlobalData().project
    if project.isLoaded():
        # Project is loaded - use from the project dir
        projectDir = os.path.dirname(project.fileName)
        if not projectDir.endswith(os.path.sep):
            projectDir += os.path.sep
        return projectDir + templateFileName
    return None
Пример #3
def getGraphvizVersion():
    " Provides the graphviz version "
    from globals import GlobalData
    if not GlobalData().graphvizAvailable:
        return "Not installed", None

    path = find_executable( "dot" )
    if not path:
        return "Not installed", None

    from misc import safeRunWithStderr
        stdOut, stdErr = safeRunWithStderr( [ path, "-V" ] )
        for line in stdErr.splitlines():
            # E.g. dot - graphviz version 2.26.3 (20100126.1600)
            line = line.strip()
            if line.startswith( "dot - graphviz version " ):
                line = line.replace( "dot - graphviz version ", "" )
                parts = line.split( " " )
                if len( parts ) == 2 and parts[ 0 ][ 0 ].isdigit():
                    return parts[ 0 ], path
        return "Not installed", None
    return "could not determine", path
Пример #4
def getTerminalCommandToProfile(fileName, workingDir, arguments, terminalType,
                                closeTerminal, port):
    " Provides a command to run a separate shell terminal "

    if os.name != 'posix':
        raise Exception("Cannot guess terminal command.")

    pythonExec = sys.executable
    shell = getUserShell()

    if terminalType == TERM_REDIRECT:
        logging.warning("Profiling with redirected IO to IDE has not been "
                        "implemented yet. Falling back to xterm...")
        terminalStartCmd = getStartTerminalCommand(TERM_XTERM)
        terminalStartCmd = getStartTerminalCommand(terminalType)

    args = ""
    for index in xrange(len(arguments)):
        args += ' "$CDM_ARG' + str(index) + '"'

    if closeTerminal:
        exit_if_ok = EXIT_IF_OK
        exit_if_ok = ""

    # Calculate the procfeedback.py path.
    procfeedbackPath = os.path.sep.join(
        [os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), "utils", "procfeedback.py"])

    # Decide where to store the profiling output
    from globals import GlobalData
    outputPath = GlobalData().getProfileOutputPath()

    if terminalStartCmd in __osSpawnForProfile:
        return __osSpawnForProfile[terminalStartCmd] % {
            'shell': shell,
            'wdir': workingDir,
            'exec': pythonExec,
            'options': fileName + args,
            'out': outputPath,
            'fb': procfeedbackPath,
            'port': port,
            'exit_if_ok': exit_if_ok
    return __osSpawnForProfile[os.name] % {
        'term': terminalStartCmd,
        'shell': shell,
        'wdir': workingDir,
        'exec': pythonExec,
        'options': fileName + args,
        'out': outputPath,
        'fb': procfeedbackPath,
        'port': port,
        'exit_if_ok': exit_if_ok
Пример #5
def getPyLintVersion():
    " Provides pylint version "
    from globals import GlobalData
    if not GlobalData().pylintAvailable:
        return "Not installed", None

    from pylintparser.pylintparser import Pylint
    lint = Pylint()
        version = lint.getVersion()
        if version:
            return version, lint.getPath()
        return "could not determine", lint.getPath()
        return "Not installed", None
Пример #6
def getCodimensionVersion():
    " Provides the IDE version "
    from globals import GlobalData
    import sys
    return GlobalData().version, abspath( sys.argv[ 0 ] )
Пример #7
def getNewFileTemplate():
    " Searches for the template file and fills fields in it "

    templateFile = getProjectTemplateFile()
    if templateFile is None:
        templateFile = getIDETemplateFile()
    elif not os.path.exists( templateFile ):
        templateFile = getIDETemplateFile()

    if not os.path.exists( templateFile ):
        return ""

    # read the file content
    content = []
    f = open( templateFile, "r" )
    for line in f:
        content.append( line.rstrip() )

    # substitute the fields
    project = GlobalData().project
    projectLoaded = project.isLoaded()
    if projectLoaded:
        subs = [ ( re.compile( re.escape( '$projectdate' ), re.I ),
                   project.creationDate ),
                 ( re.compile( re.escape( '$author' ), re.I ),
                   project.author ),
                 ( re.compile( re.escape( '$license' ), re.I ),
                   project.license ),
                 ( re.compile( re.escape( '$copyright' ), re.I ),
                   project.copyright ),
                 ( re.compile( re.escape( '$version' ), re.I ),
                   project.version ),
                 ( re.compile( re.escape( '$email' ), re.I ),
                   project.email ) ]
        subs = []

    # Common substitutions
    subs.append( ( re.compile( re.escape( '$date' ), re.I ),
                   getLocaleDate() ) )
    subs.append( ( re.compile( re.escape( '$time' ), re.I ),
                   getLocaleTime() ) )
    subs.append( ( re.compile( re.escape( '$user' ), re.I ),
                   getpass.getuser() ) )

    if projectLoaded:
        # description could be multilined so it is a different story
        descriptionRegexp = re.compile( re.escape( '$description' ), re.I )
        description = project.description.split( '\n' )

    result = []
    for line in content:
        for key, value in subs:
            line = re.sub( key, value, line )
        if projectLoaded:
            # description part if so
            match = re.search( descriptionRegexp, line )
            if match is not None:
                # description is in the line
                leadingPart = line[ : match.start() ]
                trailingPart = line[ match.end() : ]
                for dline in description:
                    result.append( leadingPart + dline + trailingPart )
                result.append( line )
            result.append( line )

    return "\n".join( result )
Пример #8
def getNewFileTemplate():
    " Searches for the template file and fills fields in it "

    templateFile = getProjectTemplateFile()
    if templateFile is None:
        templateFile = getIDETemplateFile()
    elif not os.path.exists(templateFile):
        templateFile = getIDETemplateFile()

    if not os.path.exists(templateFile):
        return ""

    # read the file content
    content = []
    f = open(templateFile, "r")
    for line in f:

    # substitute the fields
    project = GlobalData().project
    projectLoaded = project.isLoaded()
    if projectLoaded:
        subs = [(re.compile(re.escape('$projectdate'),
                            re.I), project.creationDate),
                (re.compile(re.escape('$author'), re.I), project.author),
                (re.compile(re.escape('$license'), re.I), project.license),
                (re.compile(re.escape('$copyright'), re.I), project.copyright),
                (re.compile(re.escape('$version'), re.I), project.version),
                (re.compile(re.escape('$email'), re.I), project.email)]
        subs = []

    # Common substitutions
    subs.append((re.compile(re.escape('$date'), re.I), getLocaleDate()))
    subs.append((re.compile(re.escape('$time'), re.I), getLocaleTime()))
    subs.append((re.compile(re.escape('$user'), re.I), getpass.getuser()))

    if projectLoaded:
        # description could be multilined so it is a different story
        descriptionRegexp = re.compile(re.escape('$description'), re.I)
        description = project.description.split('\n')

    result = []
    for line in content:
        for key, value in subs:
            line = re.sub(key, value, line)
        if projectLoaded:
            # description part if so
            match = re.search(descriptionRegexp, line)
            if match is not None:
                # description is in the line
                leadingPart = line[:match.start()]
                trailingPart = line[match.end():]
                for dline in description:
                    result.append(leadingPart + dline + trailingPart)

    return "\n".join(result)