Пример #1
    def _init_example_info_queue(self):
        Read index file and put example info into SAMPLE_INFO_QUEUE
        log.info('Start filling {:s} dataset sample information queue...'.format(self._dataset_flag))

        t_start = time.time()
        for annotation_info in tqdm.tqdm(self._annotation_infos):
            image_path = annotation_info[0]
            lexicon_index = annotation_info[1]

                lexicon_label = [self._lexicon_infos[lexicon_index]]
                encoded_label, _ = self.encode_labels(lexicon_label)

                _SAMPLE_INFO_QUEUE.put((image_path, encoded_label[0]))
            except IndexError:
                log.error('Lexicon doesn\'t contain lexicon index {:d}'.format(lexicon_index))
        for i in range(self._writer_process_nums):
        log.debug('Complete filling dataset sample information queue[current size: {:d}], cost time: {:.5f}s'.format(
            time.time() - t_start
Пример #2
    def removeDeadSuccessors(self):
        # Prune my successor's list for "alive" only

        # Track changes to successor for debugging
        origSuccessor = self.getSuccessor() # Solely for debugging when successors change

        subFromI = 0
        for i in range(len(self.theList)):
            newIndex = i - subFromI
            if newIndex < 0 or newIndex >= len(self.theList):
            currentSuccLocation = self.theList[newIndex]
            # We are always alive
            if currentSuccLocation.id == self.nodeLocation.id:
            alive = yield Utils.isAlive(currentSuccLocation)
            if not alive:
                # Successor wasn't alive, remove from my list of successors
                glog.debug("Removing dead successor location: ID %s" % currentSuccLocation.id, system=self.nodeLocation)
                subFromI = self.removeLocationFromList(currentSuccLocation)
        self.checkFinalSuccessor(origSuccessor, "removeDeadSuccessors") #DEBUG
    def move_output_files(self, pipeline_type, dataset):
        """ Moves all output files for a particular pipeline and dataset
            from their temporary logging location during runtime to the evaluation location.

                pipeline_type: a pipeline representing a set of parameters to use, as
                    defined in the experiments yaml file for the dataset in question.
                dataset: a dataset to run as defined in the experiments yaml file.
        dataset_name = dataset["name"]
        dataset_results_dir = os.path.join(self.results_dir, dataset_name)
        dataset_pipeline_result_dir = os.path.join(dataset_results_dir,

            "\033[1mMoving output dir:\033[0m \n %s \n \033[1m to destination:\033[0m \n %s"
            % (self.pipeline_output_dir, dataset_pipeline_result_dir))

                "\033[1mFailed copying output dir: \033[0m\n %s \n \033[1m to destination: %s \033[0m\n"
                % (self.pipeline_output_dir, dataset_pipeline_result_dir))
Пример #4
    def __init__(self,
        """Frames iterator constructor.

            video_cap (cv2.VideoCapture): video capture obj
            fps (float): The video fps.
            sample_rate (float): rate to sample video
            start_tstamp (float): start time for iterating
            end_tstamp (float): end time condition for iterating

        self.cap = video_cap
        self.period = max(1.0 / sample_rate, 1.0 / video_fps)
        log.debug("Period: {}".format(self.period))
        self.start_tstamp = start_tstamp
        self.end_tstamp = end_tstamp
        self.cur_tstamp = self.start_tstamp
        self.first_frame = True

            "Setting start_tstamp of iterator to {}".format(start_tstamp))
Пример #5
  def __init__(self, index, cursor, typ):
    self.index = index
    self.kind = None
    self.cursor = cursor
    self.internal_typ = typ

    self.desc = OpaType.get_key(self.cursor, self.internal_typ)
    self.name = self.desc
    if self.name is not None:
      assert isinstance(self.name, str)

    if self.internal_typ:
      self.kind = self.internal_typ.kind

    self.deps = []
    self.children = []

    self.forward_decl = False
    self.decl = False
    self.node = None
    self.parent = None
    self.mark = 0
    self.templates = []
    self.template_base = None
    self.template_ref = None
    self.args = []  # for function proto
    self.hash = None
Пример #6
    def process(self, job, data):

        hps = job.params
        inputs1 = []
        with open(data['data11']) as f:
            for line in f:
                if line[:-1]:

        inputs2 = []
        with open(data['data12']) as f:
            for line in f:
                if line[:-1]:

        inputs3 = []
        with open(data['data21']) as f:
            for line in f:
                if line[:-1]:

        inputs4 = []
        with open(data['data22']) as f:
            for line in f:
                if line[:-1]:

        ret = []
        for x in inputs1 + inputs2 + inputs3 + inputs4:
            x = x * hps['mult'] + hps['add']

        return ret
Пример #7
def decideHyperparameters(graphs: List[S2VGraph]) -> int:
    if cmd_args.hp_path == 'none':
        log.info(f'Using previous CV results to decide hyperparameters')
        optHp = parseHpTuning(cmd_args.data)
        log.info(f'Optimal hyperparameter setting: {optHp}')
        for (key, val) in optHp.items():
            if key not in gHP:
                log.debug(f'Add {key} = {val} to global HP')
            elif gHP[key] != val:
                log.debug(f'Replace {key} from {gHP[key]} to {val}')

            gHP[key] = val

        return gHP['optNumEpochs']
        log.info(f'Using 1st hyperparameter setting from {cmd_args.hp_path}')
        hpIter = HyperParameterIterator(cmd_args.hp_path)
        hp = next(hpIter)
        for (key, val) in hp.items():
            gHP[key] = val

        numNodesList = sorted([g.num_nodes for g in graphs])
        idx = int(math.ceil(hp['poolingRatio'] * len(graphs))) - 1
        gHP['poolingK'] = numNodesList[idx]
        return gHP['numEpochs']
Пример #8
    def append_regions(self, t, regions):
        """Append a list of regions given a timestamp

        If tstamp exists in frame_anns, appends regions, otherwise, creates new ImageAnns

            t (float): tstamp
            region (Region): region
        assert isinstance(t, float)
        assert isinstance(regions, list)
        for region in regions:
            assert isinstance(region, type(Region()))

        if t in self._tstamp2frameannsidx:
            log.debug(f"t: {t} in frame_anns, extending Regions")
            frame_anns_idx = self._tstamp2frameannsidx[t]
            log.debug(f"t: {t} NOT in frame_anns, appending ImageAnn")
            ia = ImageAnn(t=t, regions=regions)
            self._tstamp2frameannsidx[t] = len(self.frame_anns) - 1
Пример #9
def execute_cmd(cmd):
    if FLAGS.debug == True:
        log.info('Execute ' + ' '.join(cmd))
        return None
        log.debug('Execute ' + ' '.join(cmd))
        return subprocess.Popen(cmd)
Пример #10
    def push(self, responses, dst_url=None):
        """Pushes responses to a destination URL via the requests lib

            responses (List[Response]): list of Response objects
            dst_url (str): url for POST endpoint
        if not isinstance(responses, list):
            responses = [responses]

        log.debug(f"Pushing {len(responses)} items")
        for res in responses:
            assert isinstance(res, Response)
            if dst_url is None:
                dst_url = res.request.dst_url
            if dst_url:
                log.info(f"Pushing to {dst_url}")
                data = res.data
                log.info(f"data is of type {type(data)}")
                    ret = sender.post(dst_url,
                    log.info(f"requests.post(...) response: {ret}")
                except Exception as e:
                log.info("No dst_url field in request. Not pushing response.")
Пример #11
def convert_props_to_pandas_query(query_props):
    """Convert a list of query dicts to a boolean expression to be used in pandas.DataFrame.query

                {"property_type":"object", "value":"face"}, 
            is converted to
            '(property_type == "object") & (value == "face") | (value == "car")'
        query (list[dict]): list of dictionaries containing key/values of interest
        str: boolean expression
    assert isinstance(query_props, list)
    bool_exp = ""
    for i, q in enumerate(query_props):
        assert isinstance(q, dict)
        for j, (k, v) in enumerate(q.items()):
            bool_exp += f'({k} == "{v}")'
            if j != len(q) - 1:
                bool_exp += " & "
        if i != len(query_props) - 1:
            bool_exp += " | "
    log.debug(f"query: {query_props} transformed into boolean expression: {bool_exp}")
    return bool_exp
Пример #12
 def mouseDragEvent(self, ev):
     glog.debug('drag >> %s', ev.isAccepted())
     if ev.isAccepted():
     glog.debug('drag la')
Пример #13
 def branch(self, inst) -> None:
     """Conditional jump to another address or fall throught"""
     branchToAddr = inst.findAddrInInst()
     self.addr2Inst[inst.address].branchTo = branchToAddr
     log.debug(f'[Branch] From {inst.address:x} to {branchToAddr:x}')
     self.enter(inst, branchToAddr)
     self.enter(inst, inst.address + inst.size)
Пример #14
    def recv_until(self, matcher, timeout=None):
        timeout = self.normalize_timeout(timeout)
        matcher = PatternMatcher.Normalize(matcher)
        cur = self.buf
        while True:
            pos = matcher(cur)
            if pos is not None and pos != -1:
                self.buf = cur[pos:]
                return cur[:pos]
            if self.eof:
                raise EOFError

                tmp = self.recv_base(self.recv_size, timeout)
                self.buf = cur
                glog.debug('recv_until: %d >> got=%s, cur=%s', len(tmp), tmp,
                if len(tmp) == 0:
                self.buf = cur

            if tmp is None:
                self.buf = cur
                self.eof = 1
                raise EOFError
            cur += tmp
Пример #15
 def notify_mouse_drag(self, ev):
     glog.debug('notify drag')
     if ev.isAccepted():
     if self.isVisible():
Пример #16
    def _process_request(self, request):
        """Send request_message through all the modules

            request (Request): incoming request

            Response: outgoing response message
        if not isinstance(request, Request):
            raise ValueError(f"{request} is of type {type(request)},"
                             f" not {Request}")
        log.debug(f"Processing: {request}")

        response = Response(request, self.schema_registry_url)

        for module in self.modules:
            log.info(f"Processing {request} in module: {module}")
                response = module.process(response)
            except Exception as e:
                log.error(f"Processing {request} in {module} FAILED. "
                          f"Setting error code to {Codes.ERROR_PROCESSING}.")
                module.code = Codes.ERROR_PROCESSING
                response = module.update_and_return_response()

            log.info(f"Processing {request} in module: {module}"
                     f" ...Status: {module.code}")
            if response is not None:
                          f" {json.dumps(response.to_dict(), indent=2)}")
        return response
Пример #17
 def _start(self):
     """Start server. While loop that pulls requests from the input_comm,
     calls _process_request(request), and posts responses to output_comms
     while True:
             log.debug("Pulling requests")
             requests = self.input_comm.pull()
             for request in requests:
                     if request.kill_flag is True:
                         log.info("Incoming request with kill_flag == True,"
                                  " killing server")
                     response = self._process_request(request)
                         f"Pushing reponse for {request} to output_comms")
                     for output_comm in self.output_comms:
                             ret = output_comm.push(response)
                         except Exception as e:
                                 f"Error pushing response for {request}"
                                 f" to output_comm: {output_comm}")
                 except Exception:
                     log.error(f"Error processing request: {request}")
         except Exception as e:
             log.error("Error processing requests")
Пример #18
    def __init__(self,

        ## The id of this job
        self.id = job_id
        ## The uri to the data file.
        self.input_uri = input_uri
        ## The base uri/db to save a new data file.
        self.output_base = output_base
        ## The path/key to save a new data file.
        self.output_path = output_path
        ## The params may be needed.
        self.params = params
        ## The timastampe when the object is created.
        self.timestamp = datetime.utcnow()
        ## The producer of the data obejct.
        self.producer = producer
        ## The consumer of the data obejct.
        self.consumer = consumer
        ## The time to process the data object.
        self.processing_time = processing_time

        log.debug('Creating data object: ' + str(self))
Пример #19
  def gets(self, indent=0, seen=set()):
    if len(seen) == 0:
      seen = set()
    prefix = '\t' * indent
    s = []
        'Struct: name={}, kind={}, size={}, align={}, ptr_count={} array_size={}, choices={}'.format(
            self.name, self.kind, self.size, self.align, self.ptr_count, self.array_size,
    if self in seen:
      s.append('already seen')
      s.append('        loc={}'.format(self.get_loc()))
      if self.get_base_typ() != self.typ:
        s.append('BaseType:\n{}'.format(self.get_base_typ().gets(indent + 1, seen)))
      if self.fields:
        s.append('Fields: (#{})'.format(len(self.ordered_fields)))
        for f in self.ordered_fields:
          glog.debug('got field %s', f)
          s.append('name={}, off={}, typ:\n{}'.format(f.name, f.off, f.typ.gets(indent + 1, seen)))

    s.append('=== DONE name={} ===='.format(self.name))

    return '\n'.join([prefix + x for x in s])
Пример #20
    def process(self, job, data):

        hps = job.params

        return [(x, hps['num']) for x in data]
Пример #21
def speaker_batch_generator(h5ref,

    glog.debug('Total speaker:: %s' % nb_speaker)

    lengths = {key: h5ref[key].shape[0] for key in keys}
    key_frames = _generate_all_frame_by_key(keys, lengths, frame_length,

    counter = 0
    while True:
        batch_inputs = []
        batch_outputs = []

        for (key, start, end) in key_frames[counter:counter + batch_size]:

        counter += batch_size
        if counter + batch_size >= len(key_frames):
            counter = 0

        yield np.array(batch_inputs), \
            one_hot(np.array(batch_outputs, dtype='uint8'), count=nb_speaker),
 def __init__(
     """Module that processes properties, not images
         server_name (str): server_name
         version (str): version
         prop_type (str, optional): Defaults to None. property_type
         prop_id_map (str, optional): Defaults to None. Map: property_type -> id
         module_id_map (str, optional): Defaults to None. Map: server_name -> id
     log.debug("Creating PropertiesModule")
Пример #23
    def build(self, extra_args=[], want_sysincludes=True, cpp_mode=True):
        args = []
        if want_sysincludes: args.append('-isystem/usr/include')
        if g_data.is_m32: args.append('-m32')

        code_content = '\n'.join(self.content)
        assert len(self.content) > 0
        glog.debug('Extracting >> %s', code_content)
        self.res = OpaIndex.create_index(file_content=code_content,
        for macro in self.res.macros:
            self.consts[macro.name] = macro.val

        for typedef in self.res.typedefs:
            glog.debug('GOT TYP %s', typedef.name)
            self.typs[typedef.name] = typedef.typedef_typ

        for struct in self.res.structs:
            glog.debug('GOT struct %s', struct.name)
            self.typs[struct.name] = struct

        for fname, function in self.res.functions.items():
            glog.debug('GOT function %s', function.name)
            self.functions[fname] = function

        for var in self.res.vars:
            glog.debug('GOT var %s', var.name)
            self.vars[var.name] = var

        for extractor in self.extractors:
Пример #24
    def __init__(self, binaryId: str, g: nx.Graph, label: int,
                 node_tags: int = None, node_features=None):
        g: a networkx graph
        label: an integer graph label
        node_tags: a list of integer node tags
        node_features: a numpy array of continuous node features
        self.bId = binaryId
        self.num_nodes = len(node_tags)
        self.node_tags = node_tags
        self.label = None if label == '?' else label
        self.node_features = node_features  # nparray (node_num * feature_dim)
        self.degs = list(dict(g.degree).values())

        if g.number_of_edges() != 0:
            x, y = zip(*g.edges())
            self.num_edges = len(x)
            self.edge_pairs = np.ndarray(shape=(self.num_edges, 2), dtype=np.int32)
            self.edge_pairs[:, 0] = x
            self.edge_pairs[:, 1] = y
            self.edge_pairs = self.edge_pairs.flatten()
            self.num_edges = 0
            self.edge_pairs = np.array([])
            log.warning(f'{binaryId} has no edge')
            log.debug(f'{binaryId} #nodes: {self.num_nodes}, label: {label}')
Пример #25
 def new_open(fullurl, *args, **kwargs):
     # "fullurl" to match the parent function's args
     log_url = fullurl
     if isinstance(fullurl, urllib2.Request):
         log_url = fullurl.get_full_url()
     log.debug("http request: %s", log_url)
     return orig_open(fullurl, *args, **kwargs)
Пример #26
    def process(self, job, data):

        # datalist = data

        # Functions to read in the corpus
        w2i = defaultdict(lambda: len(w2i))
        t2i = defaultdict(lambda: len(t2i))
        UNK = w2i["<unk>"]

        training_data = data["train"]
        validation_data = data["valid"]

        def read_dataset(dataset):
            for datapoint in dataset:
                tag, words, numtag = datapoint["tag"], datapoint["words"], len(
                yield ([w2i[x] for x in words.split(" ")], t2i[tag], numtag)

        # Read in the data
        basket = {}
        basket['train'] = list(read_dataset(training_data))
        basket['w2i'] = defaultdict(lambda: UNK, w2i)
        basket['t2i'] = t2i
        basket['dev'] = list(read_dataset(validation_data))
        basket['nwords'] = len(w2i)
        basket['ntags'] = len(t2i)

        return basket
def aggregate_all_results(results_dir, use_pgo=False):
    """ Aggregate APE results and draw APE boxplot as well as write latex table
    with results:
            - result_dir: path to the directory with results ordered as follows:
               \* dataset_name:
               |___\* pipeline_type:
               |   |___results.yaml
               |___\* pipeline_type:
               |   |___results.yaml
               \* dataset_name:
               |___\* pipeline_type:
               |   |___results.yaml
               Basically all subfolders with a results.yaml will be examined.
            - use_pgo: whether to aggregate all results for VIO or for PGO trajectory.
                set to True for PGO and False (default) for VIO
            - stats: a nested dictionary with the statistics and results of all pipelines:
                * First level ordered with dataset_name as keys:
                * Second level ordered with pipeline_type as keys:
                * Each stats[dataset_name][pipeline_type] value has:
                    * absolute_errors: an evo Result type with trajectory and APE stats.
                    * relative_errors: RPE stats.
    import fnmatch
    # Load results.
    log.info("Aggregate dataset results.")
    # Aggregate all stats for each pipeline and dataset
    yaml_filename = 'results_vio.yaml'
    if use_pgo:
        yaml_filename = 'results_pgo.yaml'
    stats = dict()
    for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(results_dir):
        for results_filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, yaml_filename):
            results_filepath = os.path.join(root, results_filename)
            # Get pipeline name
            pipeline_name = os.path.basename(root)
            # Get dataset name
            dataset_name = os.path.basename(os.path.split(root)[0])
            # Collect stats
            if stats.get(dataset_name) is None:
                stats[dataset_name] = dict()

                stats[dataset_name][pipeline_name] = yaml.load(
                    open(results_filepath, 'r'), Loader=yaml.Loader)
            except yaml.YAMLError as e:
                raise Exception("Error in results file: ", e)
                log.fatal("\033[1mFailed opening file: \033[0m\n %s" %

            log.debug("Check stats from: " + results_filepath)
            except Exception as e:

    return stats
Пример #28
 def jump(self, inst) -> None:
     """Unconditional jump to another address"""
     jumpAddr = inst.findAddrInInst()
     self.addr2Inst[inst.address].fallThrough = False
     self.addr2Inst[inst.address].branchTo = jumpAddr
     log.debug(f'[Jump] from {inst.address:x} to {jumpAddr:x}')
     self.enter(inst, jumpAddr)
     self.enter(inst, inst.address + inst.size)
Пример #29
    def __init__(self, port=None, **kwargs):
        super(Serial, self).__init__()
        glog.debug('Creating serial port with params %s', kwargs)
        #not setting port here because don't want to open write away
        self.serial = serial.Serial(**kwargs)
        self.serial.port = port

        self.closed = True
Пример #30
 def __init__(self):
     """Private implementation class for Avro IO of local files"""
     local_schema_file = pkg_resources.resource_filename(
         "multivitamin.data.response", config.SCHEMA_FILE)
     log.debug("Using local schema file {}".format(local_schema_file))
     if not os.path.exists(local_schema_file):
         raise FileNotFoundError("Schema file not found")
     self.schema = avro.schema.Parse(open(local_schema_file).read())
Пример #31
 def is_run_valid(self, run_id):
     is_valid = workflow.google_cloud_file_exists(
         self.filter_bucket, f"{run_id}/mlbf/filter"
     ) and workflow.google_cloud_file_exists(
         self.filter_bucket, f"{run_id}/mlbf/filter.stash"
     log.debug(f"{run_id} {'Is Valid' if is_valid else 'Is Not Valid'}")
     return is_valid
Пример #32
  def run_test(self, elevator, goal,
               iterations=200, controller_elevator=None,
    """Runs the Elevator plant with an initial condition and goal.

        Elevator: elevator object to use.
        initial_X: starting state.
        goal: goal state.
        iterations: Number of timesteps to run the model for.
        controller_Elevator: elevator object to get K from, or None if we should
            use Elevator.
        observer_Elevator: elevator object to use for the observer, or None if we should
            use the actual state.

    if controller_elevator is None:
      controller_elevator = elevator

    vbat = 10.0
    if self.t:
      initial_t = self.t[-1] + elevator.dt
      initial_t = 0
    for i in xrange(iterations):
      X_hat = elevator.X
      if observer_elevator is not None:
        X_hat = observer_elevator.X_hat
        self.x_hat.append(observer_elevator.X_hat[0, 0])
      gravity_compensation =  9.8 * elevator.mass * elevator.r / elevator.G / elevator.Kt * elevator.resistance

      U = controller_elevator.K * (goal - X_hat)
      U[0, 0] = numpy.clip(U[0, 0], -vbat , vbat )
      self.x.append(elevator.X[0, 0])
      if self.v:
        last_v = self.v[-1]
        last_v = 0
      self.v.append(elevator.X[1, 0])
      self.a.append((self.v[-1] - last_v) / elevator.dt)

      if observer_elevator is not None:
        observer_elevator.Y = elevator.Y

      elevator.Update(U - gravity_compensation)

      if observer_elevator is not None:

      self.t.append(initial_t + i * elevator.dt)
      self.u.append(U[0, 0])
#      if numpy.abs((goal - X_hat)[0:2, 0]).sum() < .025:
#        print "Time: ", self.t[-1]
#        break

    glog.debug('Time: %f', self.t[-1])
Пример #33
def getRemoteConnectionFromList(nodeLocationList, exclude=None, enclaveIDToFind='ANY', metricsMessageCounter=None):
    '''Given a list of nodeLocations, see if we can connect to any one of them!
       Do it randomly though to avoid burdening any one location.
       nodeLocationList is a list of node locations --> [nodeLoc1, nodeLoc2, etc...]
       exclude is a NodeLocation which will be skipped (so you don't connect to yourself).
       returns (theNode, factory, conn, nodeLocation) if successful or
               (False, False, False, False ) if not.

    if not nodeLocationList:
        defer.returnValue( (False, False, False, False ))
    orderedList = range(len(nodeLocationList))
    random.shuffle(orderedList) # Get a random order
    for index in orderedList:
        nodeLocation = nodeLocationList[index]
        # Skip?
        if exclude is not None and exclude.ip == nodeLocation.ip and exclude.port == nodeLocation.port:
            #log.msg("DEBUG: getRemoteConnectionFromList: %s" % nodeLocation)
            (factory, conn) = getRemoteConnection(nodeLocation, metricsMessageCounter)
            #log.msg("DEBUG: getting Root Node: %s" % factory._root)
            d = factory.getRootObject()
            #log.msg("DEBUG: getRemoteConnectionFromList: D is:%s " % d)
            theNode = yield d
            #log.msg("DEBUG: getRemoteConnectionFromList: GOT ROOT")
            # Check the enclave
            validEnclave = True
            if enclaveIDToFind is not 'ANY':
                validEnclave = yield theNode.callRemote("hasEnclaveId",enclaveIDToFind)                
            if validEnclave:
                # We succeeded, return it!
                defer.returnValue(  (theNode, factory, conn, nodeLocation) )
                yield disconnect(None, conn)
        except (error.ConnectionRefusedError, error.TimeoutError, error.ConnectError) as e:
            glog.debug("getRemoteConnectionFromList failed to connect to : %s. Trying another location." % nodeLocation)
        except Exception: 
    # We couldn't get there.
    defer.returnValue( (False, False, False, False) )
Пример #34
    def classMessageReceived(self, msg, inMyClass):
        testNum = msg["testNum"]

        if testNum not in self.classMsgs:
            # Initialize it
            self.classMsgs[testNum] = [0, 0]  # Good, Wasted

        if inMyClass:
            self.classMsgs[testNum][0] += 1
            glog.debug("%s got msg IN CLASS" % self.node.nodeLocation, system="MetricsMessageCounter")
            self.classMsgs[testNum][1] += 1
            glog.debug("%s got msg NOT IN CLASS" % self.node.nodeLocation, system="MetricsMessageCounter")
Пример #35
def findEnclaveNames(nodeLoc):
    '''Find the enclave names that the given nodeLoc knows about.'''
    names = None
        (factory, conn) = getRemoteConnection(nodeLoc)
        nodeRef = yield factory.getRootObject()
        names = yield nodeRef.callRemote("getEnclaveNames")
        yield disconnect(None, conn)

    except Exception, e:
        # Connection failed in some way
        glog.debug("findEnclaveNames failed to get names. %s" % e)
Пример #36
def remote_call(sub_svr_name, sub_svr_id, func, args, kwds):
    global call_data
    if not gnet.is_sub_server:
        call_id = _get_next_id()
        async_result = gevent.event.AsyncResult()
        call_data[call_id] = async_result 
        gnet.sends(sub_svr_name, sub_svr_id, [MSGID_REMOTE_CALL, call_id, func, args, kwds])
        # 等待返回
        is_seccess, return_data = async_result.get(True, REMOTE_CALL_TIMEOUT) 
        if is_seccess:
            glog.debug("remote_call>remote_call return:%s" % repr(return_data))
            return return_data
            glog.error("remote_call>remote_call return Exception:\n%s" % return_data)
Пример #37
def spawn(conn):
    while True:
            buff = _recv_package(conn.socket)
        except Exception, e:
            raise e
        if len(buff):
            _on_data(conn, buff)
            glog.debug("trans>recv EMPTY buff, main server disconected")

Пример #38
  def __init__(self, name='Column', disable_indexer=False):
    super(Column, self).__init__(name)
    A_continuous = numpy.matrix(numpy.zeros((4, 4)))
    B_continuous = numpy.matrix(numpy.zeros((4, 2)))

    A_continuous[0, 1] = 1
    A_continuous[1:, 1:] = self.A_continuous
    B_continuous[1:, :] = self.B_continuous

    self.A_continuous = A_continuous
    self.B_continuous = B_continuous

    self.A, self.B = self.ContinuousToDiscrete(
        self.A_continuous, self.B_continuous, self.dt)

    self.C = numpy.matrix([[1, 0, 0, 0], [-1, 0, 1, 0]])
    self.D = numpy.matrix([[0, 0], [0, 0]])

    orig_K = self.K
    self.K = numpy.matrix(numpy.zeros((2, 4)))
    self.K[:, 1:] = orig_K

    glog.debug('K is ' + repr(self.K))
    # TODO(austin): Do we want to damp velocity out or not when disabled?
    #if disable_indexer:
    #  self.K[0, 1] = 0.0
    #  self.K[1, 1] = 0.0

    orig_Kff = self.Kff
    self.Kff = numpy.matrix(numpy.zeros((2, 4)))
    self.Kff[:, 1:] = orig_Kff

    q_pos = 0.12
    q_vel = 2.00
    self.Q = numpy.matrix([[(q_pos ** 2.0), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                           [0.0, (q_vel ** 2.0), 0.0, 0.0],
                           [0.0, 0.0, (q_pos ** 2.0), 0.0],
                           [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, (q_vel ** 2.0)]])

    r_pos = 0.05
    self.R = numpy.matrix([[(r_pos ** 2.0), 0.0],
                           [0.0, (r_pos ** 2.0)]])

    self.KalmanGain, self.Q_steady = controls.kalman(
        A=self.A, B=self.B, C=self.C, Q=self.Q, R=self.R)
    self.L = self.A * self.KalmanGain

Пример #39
def spawn(socket, address):
    conn = _on_connect(socket, address)
    while True:
            buff = _recv_package(socket)
        except Exception, e:
            raise e

        if len(buff):
            _on_data(conn, buff)
            glog.debug("trans>recv EMPTY buff, client disconected")

Пример #40
  def __init__(self, name='IntegralShooter'):
    super(IntegralShooter, self).__init__(name=name)

    self.A_continuous_unaugmented = self.A_continuous
    self.B_continuous_unaugmented = self.B_continuous

    self.A_continuous = numpy.matrix(numpy.zeros((4, 4)))
    self.A_continuous[0:3, 0:3] = self.A_continuous_unaugmented
    self.A_continuous[0:3, 3] = self.B_continuous_unaugmented

    self.B_continuous = numpy.matrix(numpy.zeros((4, 1)))
    self.B_continuous[0:3, 0] = self.B_continuous_unaugmented

    self.C_unaugmented = self.C
    self.C = numpy.matrix(numpy.zeros((1, 4)))
    self.C[0:1, 0:3] = self.C_unaugmented

    # The states are [position, unfiltered_velocity, velocity, torque_error]
    self.A, self.B = self.ContinuousToDiscrete(
        self.A_continuous, self.B_continuous, self.dt)

    glog.debug('A: \n%s', repr(self.A_continuous))
    glog.debug('eig(A): \n%s', repr(scipy.linalg.eig(self.A_continuous)))
    glog.debug('schur(A): \n%s', repr(scipy.linalg.schur(self.A_continuous)))
    glog.debug('A_dt(A): \n%s', repr(self.A))

    q_pos = 0.01
    q_vel = 5.0
    q_velfilt = 1.5
    q_voltage = 2.0
    self.Q_continuous = numpy.matrix([[(q_pos ** 2.0), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                                      [0.0, (q_vel ** 2.0), 0.0, 0.0],
                                      [0.0, 0.0, (q_velfilt ** 2.0), 0.0],
                                      [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, (q_voltage ** 2.0)]])

    r_pos = 0.0003
    self.R_continuous = numpy.matrix([[(r_pos ** 2.0)]])

    _, _, self.Q, self.R = controls.kalmd(
        A_continuous=self.A_continuous, B_continuous=self.B_continuous,
        Q_continuous=self.Q_continuous, R_continuous=self.R_continuous,

    self.KalmanGain, self.P_steady_state = controls.kalman(
        A=self.A, B=self.B, C=self.C, Q=self.Q, R=self.R)
    self.L = self.A * self.KalmanGain

    self.K_unaugmented = self.K
    self.K = numpy.matrix(numpy.zeros((1, 4)))
    self.K[0, 0:3] = self.K_unaugmented
    self.K[0, 3] = 1
    self.Kff_unaugmented = self.Kff
    self.Kff = numpy.matrix(numpy.zeros((1, 4)))
    self.Kff[0, 0:3] = self.Kff_unaugmented

Пример #41
    def reBootstrap(self, bootstrapNodeLocList, enclaveId):
        '''Try to re-bootstrap into the network being managed by bootstrapNodeLoc'''
            glog.debug("SuccessorsList: all successors are dead... attempting to re-bootstrap", system=str(self.nodeLocation))
            # If I am my own successor but I'm not a bootstrap node, try to bootstrap
            # back into the network.
            # Try to get a connection to any of the bootstrap nodes.
#                 if bootstrapNodeLoc is not None and \
#                    bootstrapNodeLoc.id != self.nodeLocation.id:
            # We have no successors, so we'd better bootstrap back in.
            (bootstrapNode, factory, conn, nodeLocation) = yield Utils.getRemoteConnectionFromList(bootstrapNodeLocList, metricsMessageCounter=self.metricsMessageCounter)
            if bootstrapNode is False:
                # Could not get a connection
                # DPF - This is a change on Oct, 2014 -- even if I am NOT a bootstrapNode,
                #     - I will add myself as a successor. Need to see if this breaks stuff.
                #     - old version only did this for bootstrap nodes.
                succLoc = yield bootstrapNode.callRemote("findSuccessorLocation", self.nodeLocation.id, enclaveId)
                if succLoc is not None:
                    (factory, conn2) = Utils.getRemoteConnection(succLoc, self.metricsMessageCounter)
                    succNode = yield factory.getRootObject()
                    successorsSuccessorList = yield succNode.callRemote("getSuccessorList", enclaveId)
                    # Add the successor to my list
                    # Add the successorsList to my list also (for efficiency)
                    # Close connections
                    Utils.disconnect(None, conn2)
                # Close the connections
                Utils.disconnect(None, conn)

        except Exception, e: 
            log.msg("bootstrap node is dead. Try again later. [%s]" % e, system="SuccessorsList")
            log.err(e, "bootstrap node is dead. Try again later.", system="SuccessorsList")
Пример #42
  def __init__(self, name='IntegralArm', mass=None):
    super(IntegralArm, self).__init__(name=name, mass=mass)

    self.A_continuous_unaugmented = self.A_continuous
    self.A_continuous = numpy.matrix(numpy.zeros((5, 5)))
    self.A_continuous[0:4, 0:4] = self.A_continuous_unaugmented
    self.A_continuous[1, 4] = self.C2

    # Start with the unmodified input
    self.B_continuous_unaugmented = self.B_continuous
    self.B_continuous = numpy.matrix(numpy.zeros((5, 2)))
    self.B_continuous[0:4, 0:2] = self.B_continuous_unaugmented

    self.C_unaugmented = self.C
    self.C = numpy.matrix(numpy.zeros((2, 5)))
    self.C[0:2, 0:4] = self.C_unaugmented

    self.A, self.B = self.ContinuousToDiscrete(
        self.A_continuous, self.B_continuous, self.dt)
    glog.debug('A cont: %s', repr(self.A_continuous))
    glog.debug('B cont %s', repr(self.B_continuous))
    glog.debug('A discrete %s', repr(self.A))

    q_pos = 0.08
    q_vel = 0.40

    q_pos_diff = 0.08
    q_vel_diff = 0.40
    q_voltage = 6.0
    self.Q = numpy.matrix([[(q_pos ** 2.0), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                           [0.0, (q_vel ** 2.0), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                           [0.0, 0.0, (q_pos_diff ** 2.0), 0.0, 0.0],
                           [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, (q_vel_diff ** 2.0), 0.0],
                           [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, (q_voltage ** 2.0)]])

    r_volts = 0.05
    self.R = numpy.matrix([[(r_volts ** 2.0), 0.0],
                           [0.0, (r_volts ** 2.0)]])

    self.KalmanGain, self.Q_steady = controls.kalman(
        A=self.A, B=self.B, C=self.C, Q=self.Q, R=self.R)

    self.U_max = numpy.matrix([[12.0], [12.0]])
    self.U_min = numpy.matrix([[-12.0], [-12.0]])

    self.K_unaugmented = self.K
    self.K = numpy.matrix(numpy.zeros((2, 5)))
    self.K[0:2, 0:4] = self.K_unaugmented
    self.K[0, 4] = 1
    self.K[1, 4] = 1
    glog.debug('Kal: %s', repr(self.KalmanGain))
    self.L = self.A * self.KalmanGain

Пример #43
    def rebuildSuccessorList(self, enclaveId, bootstrapNodeLocList = None):
        # Track changes to successor for debugging
        origSuccessor = self.getSuccessor() # Solely for debugging when successors change
        # Prune my successor's list for "alive" only
        yield self.removeDeadSuccessors()
        subFromI = 0
        for i in range(len(self.theList)):
            currentSuccLocation = self.theList[i-subFromI]
                # Check if the succesor's pred is currentPred
                (factory, conn) = Utils.getRemoteConnection(currentSuccLocation, self.metricsMessageCounter)
                succ = yield factory.getRootObject()
                successorsSuccessorList = yield succ.callRemote("getSuccessorList", enclaveId)
                # Add them to my successorsList
                # Close the connection
                Utils.disconnect(None, conn)

                # Once we find one live successor list, it's good enough. We can go.
                #glog.debug("rebuildSuccessorList: connected successor is: %s" % currentSuccLocation)
            except Exception : 
                # Successor wasn't alive, remove from my list of successors
                glog.debug("Removing dead successor during rebuild location: ID %s" % currentSuccLocation.id, system='rebuildSuccessorList')
                subFromI = self.removeLocationFromList(currentSuccLocation)

        # Attempt to re-bootstrap in
        yield self.reBootstrap(bootstrapNodeLocList, enclaveId)
        self.checkFinalSuccessor(origSuccessor, "rebuildSuccessorList") #DEBUG
Пример #44
def disconnect(aDeferredResult, connection):
    '''Starts the connection disconnect and returns a defered 
       which fires once the disconnect is complete.
       Relies on the connection being opened using Utils.getRemoteConnection 
        # There is really no callback to call since the connection
        # truly isn't closed right away... it's cached.
        d= defer.Deferred()
        return d
            return connection.clientLostDefered
        except AttributeError:
            glog.debug("Connection was not made using GmuClientFactory... continuing.")
            d= defer.Deferred()
            return d
Пример #45
  def __init__(self, name='SecondOrderVelocityShooter'):
    super(SecondOrderVelocityShooter, self).__init__(name)

    self.A_continuous_unaugmented = self.A_continuous
    self.B_continuous_unaugmented = self.B_continuous

    self.A_continuous = numpy.matrix(numpy.zeros((2, 2)))
    self.A_continuous[0:1, 0:1] = self.A_continuous_unaugmented
    self.A_continuous[1, 0] = 175.0
    self.A_continuous[1, 1] = -self.A_continuous[1, 0]

    self.B_continuous = numpy.matrix(numpy.zeros((2, 1)))
    self.B_continuous[0:1, 0] = self.B_continuous_unaugmented

    self.C = numpy.matrix([[0, 1]])
    self.D = numpy.matrix([[0]])

    # The states are [unfiltered_velocity, velocity]
    self.A, self.B = self.ContinuousToDiscrete(
        self.A_continuous, self.B_continuous, self.dt)

    self.PlaceControllerPoles([.70, 0.60])

    q_vel = 40.0
    q_filteredvel = 30.0
    self.Q = numpy.matrix([[(1.0 / (q_vel ** 2.0)), 0.0],
                           [0.0, (1.0 / (q_filteredvel ** 2.0))]])

    self.R = numpy.matrix([[(1.0 / (3.0 ** 2.0))]])
    self.K = controls.dlqr(self.A, self.B, self.Q, self.R)

    glog.debug('K %s', repr(self.K))
    glog.debug('System poles are %s',
    glog.debug('Poles are %s',
               repr(numpy.linalg.eig(self.A - self.B * self.K)[0]))

    self.PlaceObserverPoles([0.3, 0.3])

    self.U_max = numpy.matrix([[12.0]])
    self.U_min = numpy.matrix([[-12.0]])

    qff_vel = 8.0
    self.Qff = numpy.matrix([[1.0 / (qff_vel ** 2.0), 0.0],
                             [0.0, 1.0 / (qff_vel ** 2.0)]])

    self.Kff = controls.TwoStateFeedForwards(self.B, self.Qff)
Пример #46
  def ComputeGear(self, wheel_velocity, should_print=False, current_gear=False, gear_name=None):
    high_omega = (wheel_velocity / self.CurrentDrivetrain().G_high /
    low_omega = (wheel_velocity / self.CurrentDrivetrain().G_low /
    #print gear_name, "Motor Energy Difference.", 0.5 * 0.000140032647 * (low_omega * low_omega - high_omega * high_omega), "joules"
    high_torque = ((12.0 - high_omega / self.CurrentDrivetrain().Kv) *
                   self.CurrentDrivetrain().Kt / self.CurrentDrivetrain().resistance)
    low_torque = ((12.0 - low_omega / self.CurrentDrivetrain().Kv) *
                  self.CurrentDrivetrain().Kt / self.CurrentDrivetrain().resistance)
    high_power = high_torque * high_omega
    low_power = low_torque * low_omega
    #if should_print:
    #  print gear_name, "High omega", high_omega, "Low omega", low_omega
    #  print gear_name, "High torque", high_torque, "Low torque", low_torque
    #  print gear_name, "High power", high_power, "Low power", low_power

    # Shift algorithm improvements.
    # TODO(aschuh):
    # It takes time to shift.  Shifting down for 1 cycle doesn't make sense
    # because you will end up slower than without shifting.  Figure out how
    # to include that info.
    # If the driver is still in high gear, but isn't asking for the extra power
    # from low gear, don't shift until he asks for it.
    goal_gear_is_high = high_power > low_power
    #goal_gear_is_high = True

    if not self.IsInGear(current_gear):
      glog.debug('%s Not in gear.', gear_name)
      return current_gear
      is_high = current_gear is VelocityDrivetrain.HIGH
      if is_high != goal_gear_is_high:
        if goal_gear_is_high:
          glog.debug('%s Shifting up.', gear_name)
          return VelocityDrivetrain.SHIFTING_UP
          glog.debug('%s Shifting down.', gear_name)
          return VelocityDrivetrain.SHIFTING_DOWN
        return current_gear
Пример #47
  def __init__(self, name='Shooter'):
    super(Shooter, self).__init__(name)

    self.A_continuous_unaugmented = self.A_continuous
    self.B_continuous_unaugmented = self.B_continuous

    self.A_continuous = numpy.matrix(numpy.zeros((3, 3)))
    self.A_continuous[1:3, 1:3] = self.A_continuous_unaugmented
    self.A_continuous[0, 2] = 1

    self.B_continuous = numpy.matrix(numpy.zeros((3, 1)))
    self.B_continuous[1:3, 0] = self.B_continuous_unaugmented

    # State feedback matrices
    # [position, unfiltered_velocity, angular velocity]
    self.C = numpy.matrix([[1, 0, 0]])
    self.D = numpy.matrix([[0]])

    self.A, self.B = self.ContinuousToDiscrete(
        self.A_continuous, self.B_continuous, self.dt)

    observeability = controls.ctrb(self.A.T, self.C.T)
    glog.debug('Rank of augmented observability matrix. %d', numpy.linalg.matrix_rank(

    self.PlaceObserverPoles([0.9, 0.8, 0.7])

    self.K_unaugmented = self.K
    self.K = numpy.matrix(numpy.zeros((1, 3)))
    self.K[0, 1:3] = self.K_unaugmented
    self.Kff_unaugmented = self.Kff
    self.Kff = numpy.matrix(numpy.zeros((1, 3)))
    self.Kff[0, 1:3] = self.Kff_unaugmented

Пример #48
def run_test(arm, initial_X, goal, max_separation_error=0.01,
             show_graph=True, iterations=200, controller_arm=None,
  """Runs the arm plant with an initial condition and goal.

    The tests themselves are not terribly sophisticated; I just test for
    whether the goal has been reached and whether the separation goes
    outside of the initial and goal values by more than max_separation_error.
    Prints out something for a failure of either condition and returns
    False if tests fail.
      arm: arm object to use.
      initial_X: starting state.
      goal: goal state.
      show_graph: Whether or not to display a graph showing the changing
           states and voltages.
      iterations: Number of timesteps to run the model for.
      controller_arm: arm object to get K from, or None if we should
          use arm.
      observer_arm: arm object to use for the observer, or None if we should
          use the actual state.

  arm.X = initial_X

  if controller_arm is None:
    controller_arm = arm

  if observer_arm is not None:
    observer_arm.X_hat = initial_X + 0.01
    observer_arm.X_hat = initial_X

  # Various lists for graphing things.
  t = []
  x_avg = []
  x_sep = []
  x_hat_avg = []
  x_hat_sep = []
  v_avg = []
  v_sep = []
  u_left = []
  u_right = []

  sep_plot_gain = 100.0

  for i in xrange(iterations):
    X_hat = arm.X
    if observer_arm is not None:
      X_hat = observer_arm.X_hat
      x_hat_avg.append(observer_arm.X_hat[0, 0])
      x_hat_sep.append(observer_arm.X_hat[2, 0] * sep_plot_gain)
    U = controller_arm.K * (goal - X_hat)
    U = CapU(U)
    x_avg.append(arm.X[0, 0])
    v_avg.append(arm.X[1, 0])
    x_sep.append(arm.X[2, 0] * sep_plot_gain)
    v_sep.append(arm.X[3, 0])
    if observer_arm is not None:
    if observer_arm is not None:
      observer_arm.Y = arm.Y

    t.append(i * arm.dt)
    u_left.append(U[0, 0])
    u_right.append(U[1, 0])

  glog.debug('delta time is %f', arm.dt)
  glog.debug('Velocity at t=0 is %f %f %f %f', x_avg[0], v_avg[0], x_sep[0], v_sep[0])
  glog.debug('Velocity at t=1+dt is %f %f %f %f', x_avg[1], v_avg[1], x_sep[1], v_sep[1])

  if show_graph:
    pylab.subplot(2, 1, 1)
    pylab.plot(t, x_avg, label='x avg')
    pylab.plot(t, x_sep, label='x sep')
    if observer_arm is not None:
      pylab.plot(t, x_hat_avg, label='x_hat avg')
      pylab.plot(t, x_hat_sep, label='x_hat sep')

    pylab.subplot(2, 1, 2)
    pylab.plot(t, u_left, label='u left')
    pylab.plot(t, u_right, label='u right')
Пример #49
  def run_test(self, intake, end_goal,
    """Runs the intake plant with an initial condition and goal.

        intake: intake object to use.
        end_goal: end_goal state.
        controller_intake: Intake object to get K from, or None if we should
            use intake.
        observer_intake: Intake object to use for the observer, or None if we should
            use the actual state.
        iterations: Number of timesteps to run the model for.

    if controller_intake is None:
      controller_intake = intake

    vbat = 12.0

    if self.t:
      initial_t = self.t[-1] + intake.dt
      initial_t = 0

    goal = numpy.concatenate((intake.X, numpy.matrix(numpy.zeros((1, 1)))), axis=0)

    profile = TrapezoidProfile(intake.dt)
    profile.SetGoal(goal[0, 0])

    U_last = numpy.matrix(numpy.zeros((1, 1)))
    for i in xrange(iterations):
      observer_intake.Y = intake.Y

      self.offset.append(observer_intake.X_hat[2, 0])
      self.x_hat.append(observer_intake.X_hat[0, 0])

      next_goal = numpy.concatenate(
          (profile.Update(end_goal[0, 0], end_goal[1, 0]),
           numpy.matrix(numpy.zeros((1, 1)))),

      ff_U = controller_intake.Kff * (next_goal - observer_intake.A * goal)

      U_uncapped = controller_intake.K * (goal - observer_intake.X_hat) + ff_U
      U = U_uncapped.copy()
      U[0, 0] = numpy.clip(U[0, 0], -vbat, vbat)
      self.x.append(intake.X[0, 0])

      if self.v:
        last_v = self.v[-1]
        last_v = 0

      self.v.append(intake.X[1, 0])
      self.a.append((self.v[-1] - last_v) / intake.dt)

      offset = 0.0
      if i > 100:
        offset = 2.0
      intake.Update(U + offset)


      self.t.append(initial_t + i * intake.dt)
      self.u.append(U[0, 0])

      ff_U -= U_uncapped - U
      goal = controller_intake.A * goal + controller_intake.B * ff_U

      if U[0, 0] != U_uncapped[0, 0]:
            numpy.matrix([[goal[0, 0]], [goal[1, 0]]]))

    glog.debug('Time: %f', self.t[-1])
    glog.debug('goal_error %s', repr(end_goal - goal))
    glog.debug('error %s', repr(observer_intake.X_hat - end_goal))
Пример #50
  def __init__(self, name='Claw', mass=None):
    super(Claw, self).__init__(name)
    # Stall Torque in N m
    self.stall_torque = 0.476
    # Stall Current in Amps
    self.stall_current = 80.730
    # Free Speed in RPM
    self.free_speed = 13906.0
    # Free Current in Amps
    self.free_current = 5.820
    # Mass of the claw
    if mass is None:
      self.mass = 5.0
      self.mass = mass

    # Resistance of the motor
    self.R = 12.0 / self.stall_current
    # Motor velocity constant
    self.Kv = ((self.free_speed / 60.0 * 2.0 * numpy.pi) /
               (12.0 - self.R * self.free_current))
    # Torque constant
    self.Kt = self.stall_torque / self.stall_current
    # Gear ratio
    self.G = (56.0 / 12.0) * (54.0 / 14.0) * (64.0 / 14.0) * (72.0 / 18.0)
    # Claw length
    self.r = 18 * 0.0254

    self.J = self.r * self.mass

    # Control loop time step
    self.dt = 0.005

    # State is [position, velocity]
    # Input is [Voltage]

    C1 = self.G * self.G * self.Kt / (self.R  * self.J * self.Kv)
    C2 = self.Kt * self.G / (self.J * self.R)

    self.A_continuous = numpy.matrix(
        [[0, 1],
         [0, -C1]])

    # Start with the unmodified input
    self.B_continuous = numpy.matrix(

    self.C = numpy.matrix([[1, 0]])
    self.D = numpy.matrix([[0]])

    self.A, self.B = self.ContinuousToDiscrete(
        self.A_continuous, self.B_continuous, self.dt)

    controllability = controls.ctrb(self.A, self.B)

    glog.debug('Free speed is %f', self.free_speed * numpy.pi * 2.0 / 60.0 / self.G)

    q_pos = 0.15
    q_vel = 2.5
    self.Q = numpy.matrix([[(1.0 / (q_pos ** 2.0)), 0.0],
                           [0.0, (1.0 / (q_vel ** 2.0))]])

    self.R = numpy.matrix([[(1.0 / (12.0 ** 2.0))]])
    self.K = controls.dlqr(self.A, self.B, self.Q, self.R)

    glog.debug('K: %s', repr(self.K))
    glog.debug('Poles are: %s', repr(numpy.linalg.eig(self.A - self.B * self.K)[0]))

    self.rpl = 0.30
    self.ipl = 0.10
    self.PlaceObserverPoles([self.rpl + 1j * self.ipl,
                             self.rpl - 1j * self.ipl])

    glog.debug('L is: %s', repr(self.L))

    q_pos = 0.05
    q_vel = 2.65
    self.Q = numpy.matrix([[(q_pos ** 2.0), 0.0],
                           [0.0, (q_vel ** 2.0)]])

    r_volts = 0.025
    self.R = numpy.matrix([[(r_volts ** 2.0)]])

    self.KalmanGain, self.Q_steady = controls.kalman(
        A=self.A, B=self.B, C=self.C, Q=self.Q, R=self.R)

    glog.debug('Kal: %s', repr(self.KalmanGain))
    self.L = self.A * self.KalmanGain
    glog.debug('KalL is: %s', repr(self.L))

    # The box formed by U_min and U_max must encompass all possible values,
    # or else Austin's code gets angry.
    self.U_max = numpy.matrix([[12.0]])
    self.U_min = numpy.matrix([[-12.0]])

Пример #51
  def __init__(self, name="Drivetrain", left_low=True, right_low=True):
    super(Drivetrain, self).__init__(name)
    # Number of motors per side
    self.num_motors = 2
    # Stall Torque in N m
    self.stall_torque = 2.42 * self.num_motors * 0.60
    # Stall Current in Amps
    self.stall_current = 133.0 * self.num_motors
    # Free Speed in RPM. Used number from last year.
    self.free_speed = 5500.0
    # Free Current in Amps
    self.free_current = 4.7 * self.num_motors
    # Moment of inertia of the drivetrain in kg m^2
    self.J = 8.0
    # Mass of the robot, in kg.
    self.m = 45
    # Radius of the robot, in meters (requires tuning by hand)
    self.rb = 0.601 / 2.0
    # Radius of the wheels, in meters.
    self.r = 0.097155 * 0.9811158901447808 / 118.0 * 115.75
    # Resistance of the motor, divided by the number of motors.
    self.resistance = 12.0 / self.stall_current
    # Motor velocity constant
    self.Kv = ((self.free_speed / 60.0 * 2.0 * numpy.pi) /
               (12.0 - self.resistance * self.free_current))
    # Torque constant
    self.Kt = self.stall_torque / self.stall_current
    # Gear ratios
    self.G_low = 14.0 / 48.0 * 18.0 / 60.0 * 18.0 / 36.0
    self.G_high = 14.0 / 48.0 * 28.0 / 50.0 * 18.0 / 36.0
    if left_low:
      self.Gl = self.G_low
      self.Gl = self.G_high
    if right_low:
      self.Gr = self.G_low
      self.Gr = self.G_high

    # Control loop time step
    self.dt = 0.005

    # These describe the way that a given side of a robot will be influenced
    # by the other side. Units of 1 / kg.
    self.msp = 1.0 / self.m + self.rb * self.rb / self.J
    self.msn = 1.0 / self.m - self.rb * self.rb / self.J
    # The calculations which we will need for A and B.
    self.tcl = -self.Kt / self.Kv / (self.Gl * self.Gl * self.resistance * self.r * self.r)
    self.tcr = -self.Kt / self.Kv / (self.Gr * self.Gr * self.resistance * self.r * self.r)
    self.mpl = self.Kt / (self.Gl * self.resistance * self.r)
    self.mpr = self.Kt / (self.Gr * self.resistance * self.r)

    # State feedback matrices
    # X will be of the format
    # [[positionl], [velocityl], [positionr], velocityr]]
    self.A_continuous = numpy.matrix(
        [[0, 1, 0, 0],
         [0, self.msp * self.tcl, 0, self.msn * self.tcr],
         [0, 0, 0, 1],
         [0, self.msn * self.tcl, 0, self.msp * self.tcr]])
    self.B_continuous = numpy.matrix(
        [[0, 0],
         [self.msp * self.mpl, self.msn * self.mpr],
         [0, 0],
         [self.msn * self.mpl, self.msp * self.mpr]])
    self.C = numpy.matrix([[1, 0, 0, 0],
                           [0, 0, 1, 0]])
    self.D = numpy.matrix([[0, 0],
                           [0, 0]])

    self.A, self.B = self.ContinuousToDiscrete(
        self.A_continuous, self.B_continuous, self.dt)

    if left_low or right_low:
      q_pos = 0.12
      q_vel = 1.0
      q_pos = 0.14
      q_vel = 0.95

    # Tune the LQR controller
    self.Q = numpy.matrix([[(1.0 / (q_pos ** 2.0)), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                           [0.0, (1.0 / (q_vel ** 2.0)), 0.0, 0.0],
                           [0.0, 0.0, (1.0 / (q_pos ** 2.0)), 0.0],
                           [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, (1.0 / (q_vel ** 2.0))]])

    self.R = numpy.matrix([[(1.0 / (12.0 ** 2.0)), 0.0],
                           [0.0, (1.0 / (12.0 ** 2.0))]])
    self.K = controls.dlqr(self.A, self.B, self.Q, self.R)

    glog.debug('DT q_pos %f q_vel %s %s', q_pos, q_vel, name)
    glog.debug(str(numpy.linalg.eig(self.A - self.B * self.K)[0]))
    glog.debug('K %s', repr(self.K))

    self.hlp = 0.3
    self.llp = 0.4
    self.PlaceObserverPoles([self.hlp, self.hlp, self.llp, self.llp])

    self.U_max = numpy.matrix([[12.0], [12.0]])
    self.U_min = numpy.matrix([[-12.0], [-12.0]])

Пример #52
  def __init__(self, name="Elevator", mass=None):
    super(Elevator, self).__init__(name)
    # Stall Torque in N m
    self.stall_torque = 0.476
    # Stall Current in Amps
    self.stall_current = 80.730
    # Free Speed in RPM
    self.free_speed = 13906.0
    # Free Current in Amps
    self.free_current = 5.820
    # Mass of the elevator
    if mass is None:
      self.mass = 13.0
      self.mass = mass

    # Resistance of the motor
    self.R = 12.0 / self.stall_current
    # Motor velocity constant
    self.Kv = ((self.free_speed / 60.0 * 2.0 * numpy.pi) /
               (12.0 - self.R * self.free_current))
    # Torque constant
    self.Kt = self.stall_torque / self.stall_current
    # Gear ratio
    self.G = (56.0 / 12.0) * (84.0 / 14.0)
    # Pulley diameter
    self.r = 32 * 0.005 / numpy.pi / 2.0
    # Control loop time step
    self.dt = 0.005

    # Elevator left/right spring constant (N/m)
    self.spring = 800.0

    # State is [average position, average velocity,
    #           position difference/2, velocity difference/2]
    # Input is [V_left, V_right]

    C1 = self.spring / (self.mass * 0.5)
    C2 = self.Kt * self.G / (self.mass * 0.5 * self.r * self.R)
    C3 = self.G * self.G * self.Kt / (
        self.R  * self.r * self.r * self.mass * 0.5 * self.Kv)

    self.A_continuous = numpy.matrix(
        [[0, 1, 0, 0],
         [0, -C3, 0, 0],
         [0, 0, 0, 1],
         [0, 0, -C1 * 2.0, -C3]])

    glog.debug('Full speed is', C2 / C3 * 12.0)

    # Start with the unmodified input
    self.B_continuous = numpy.matrix(
        [[0, 0],
         [C2 / 2.0, C2 / 2.0],
         [0, 0],
         [C2 / 2.0, -C2 / 2.0]])

    self.C = numpy.matrix([[1, 0, 1, 0],
                           [1, 0, -1, 0]])
    self.D = numpy.matrix([[0, 0],
                           [0, 0]])

    self.A, self.B = self.ContinuousToDiscrete(
        self.A_continuous, self.B_continuous, self.dt)


    controllability = controls.ctrb(self.A, self.B)
    glog.debug('Rank of augmented controllability matrix: %d',

    q_pos = 0.02
    q_vel = 0.400
    q_pos_diff = 0.01
    q_vel_diff = 0.45
    self.Q = numpy.matrix([[(1.0 / (q_pos ** 2.0)), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                           [0.0, (1.0 / (q_vel ** 2.0)), 0.0, 0.0],
                           [0.0, 0.0, (1.0 / (q_pos_diff ** 2.0)), 0.0],
                           [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, (1.0 / (q_vel_diff ** 2.0))]])

    self.R = numpy.matrix([[(1.0 / (12.0 ** 2.0)), 0.0],
                           [0.0, 1.0 / (12.0 ** 2.0)]])
    self.K = controls.dlqr(self.A, self.B, self.Q, self.R)

    glog.debug(repr(numpy.linalg.eig(self.A - self.B * self.K)[0]))

    self.rpl = 0.20
    self.ipl = 0.05
    self.PlaceObserverPoles([self.rpl + 1j * self.ipl,
                             self.rpl + 1j * self.ipl,
                             self.rpl - 1j * self.ipl,
                             self.rpl - 1j * self.ipl])

    # The box formed by U_min and U_max must encompass all possible values,
    # or else Austin's code gets angry.
    self.U_max = numpy.matrix([[12.0], [12.0]])
    self.U_min = numpy.matrix([[-12.0], [-12.0]])

Пример #53
  def __init__(self, name="Wrist"):
    super(Wrist, self).__init__(name)
    # TODO(constants): Update all of these & retune poles.
    # Stall Torque in N m
    self.stall_torque = 0.71
    # Stall Current in Amps
    self.stall_current = 134
    # Free Speed in RPM
    self.free_speed = 18730
    # Free Current in Amps
    self.free_current = 0.7

    # Resistance of the motor
    self.R = 12.0 / self.stall_current
    # Motor velocity constant
    self.Kv = ((self.free_speed / 60.0 * 2.0 * numpy.pi) /
               (12.0 - self.R * self.free_current))
    # Torque constant
    self.Kt = self.stall_torque / self.stall_current
    # Gear ratio
    self.G = (56.0 / 12.0) * (54.0 / 14.0) * (64.0 / 18.0) * (48.0 / 16.0)

    self.J = 0.35

    # Control loop time step
    self.dt = 0.005

    # State is [position, velocity]
    # Input is [Voltage]

    C1 = self.G * self.G * self.Kt / (self.R  * self.J * self.Kv)
    C2 = self.Kt * self.G / (self.J * self.R)

    self.A_continuous = numpy.matrix(
        [[0, 1],
         [0, -C1]])

    # Start with the unmodified input
    self.B_continuous = numpy.matrix(

    self.C = numpy.matrix([[1, 0]])
    self.D = numpy.matrix([[0]])

    self.A, self.B = self.ContinuousToDiscrete(
        self.A_continuous, self.B_continuous, self.dt)

    controllability = controls.ctrb(self.A, self.B)

    q_pos = 0.20
    q_vel = 8.0
    self.Q = numpy.matrix([[(1.0 / (q_pos ** 2.0)), 0.0],
                           [0.0, (1.0 / (q_vel ** 2.0))]])

    self.R = numpy.matrix([[(1.0 / (12.0 ** 2.0))]])
    self.K = controls.dlqr(self.A, self.B, self.Q, self.R)

    glog.debug('Poles are %s for %s',
               repr(numpy.linalg.eig(self.A - self.B * self.K)[0]), self._name)

    q_pos = 0.05
    q_vel = 2.65
    self.Q = numpy.matrix([[(q_pos ** 2.0), 0.0],
                           [0.0, (q_vel ** 2.0)]])

    r_volts = 0.025
    self.R = numpy.matrix([[(r_volts ** 2.0)]])

    self.KalmanGain, self.Q_steady = controls.kalman(
        A=self.A, B=self.B, C=self.C, Q=self.Q, R=self.R)

    self.L = self.A * self.KalmanGain

    # The box formed by U_min and U_max must encompass all possible values,
    # or else Austin's code gets angry.
    self.U_max = numpy.matrix([[12.0]])
    self.U_min = numpy.matrix([[-12.0]])

    self.Kff = controls.TwoStateFeedForwards(self.B, self.Q)

Пример #54
  def __init__(self, name="Intake"):
    super(Intake, self).__init__(name)
    # TODO(constants): Update all of these & retune poles.
    # Stall Torque in N m
    self.stall_torque = 0.71
    # Stall Current in Amps
    self.stall_current = 134
    # Free Speed in RPM
    self.free_speed = 18730
    # Free Current in Amps
    self.free_current = 0.7

    # Resistance of the motor
    self.R = 12.0 / self.stall_current
    # Motor velocity constant
    self.Kv = ((self.free_speed / 60.0 * 2.0 * numpy.pi) /
               (12.0 - self.R * self.free_current))
    # Torque constant
    self.Kt = self.stall_torque / self.stall_current
    # Gear ratio
    self.G = (56.0 / 12.0) * (64.0 / 14.0) * (72.0 / 18.0) * (48.0 / 15.0)

    # Moment of inertia, measured in CAD.
    # Extra mass to compensate for friction is added on.
    self.J = 0.34 + 0.40

    # Control loop time step
    self.dt = 0.005

    # State is [position, velocity]
    # Input is [Voltage]

    C1 = self.G * self.G * self.Kt / (self.R  * self.J * self.Kv)
    C2 = self.Kt * self.G / (self.J * self.R)

    self.A_continuous = numpy.matrix(
        [[0, 1],
         [0, -C1]])

    # Start with the unmodified input
    self.B_continuous = numpy.matrix(

    self.C = numpy.matrix([[1, 0]])
    self.D = numpy.matrix([[0]])

    self.A, self.B = self.ContinuousToDiscrete(
        self.A_continuous, self.B_continuous, self.dt)

    controllability = controls.ctrb(self.A, self.B)

    glog.debug("Free speed is %f", self.free_speed * numpy.pi * 2.0 / 60.0 / self.G)

    q_pos = 0.20
    q_vel = 5.0
    self.Q = numpy.matrix([[(1.0 / (q_pos ** 2.0)), 0.0],
                           [0.0, (1.0 / (q_vel ** 2.0))]])

    self.R = numpy.matrix([[(1.0 / (12.0 ** 2.0))]])
    self.K = controls.dlqr(self.A, self.B, self.Q, self.R)

    q_pos_ff = 0.005
    q_vel_ff = 1.0
    self.Qff = numpy.matrix([[(1.0 / (q_pos_ff ** 2.0)), 0.0],
                             [0.0, (1.0 / (q_vel_ff ** 2.0))]])

    self.Kff = controls.TwoStateFeedForwards(self.B, self.Qff)

    glog.debug('K %s', repr(self.K))
    glog.debug('Poles are %s',
              repr(numpy.linalg.eig(self.A - self.B * self.K)[0]))

    self.rpl = 0.30
    self.ipl = 0.10
    self.PlaceObserverPoles([self.rpl + 1j * self.ipl,
                             self.rpl - 1j * self.ipl])

    glog.debug('L is %s', repr(self.L))

    q_pos = 0.10
    q_vel = 1.65
    self.Q = numpy.matrix([[(q_pos ** 2.0), 0.0],
                           [0.0, (q_vel ** 2.0)]])

    r_volts = 0.025
    self.R = numpy.matrix([[(r_volts ** 2.0)]])

    self.KalmanGain, self.Q_steady = controls.kalman(
        A=self.A, B=self.B, C=self.C, Q=self.Q, R=self.R)

    glog.debug('Kal %s', repr(self.KalmanGain))
    self.L = self.A * self.KalmanGain
    glog.debug('KalL is %s', repr(self.L))

    # The box formed by U_min and U_max must encompass all possible values,
    # or else Austin's code gets angry.
    self.U_max = numpy.matrix([[12.0]])
    self.U_min = numpy.matrix([[-12.0]])

Пример #55
  def Update(self, throttle, steering):
    # Shift into the gear which sends the most power to the floor.
    # This is the same as sending the most torque down to the floor at the
    # wheel.

    self.left_gear = self.right_gear = True
    if True:
      self.left_gear = self.ComputeGear(self.X[0, 0], should_print=True,
      self.right_gear = self.ComputeGear(self.X[1, 0], should_print=True,
      if self.IsInGear(self.left_gear):
        self.left_cim.X[0, 0] = self.MotorRPM(self.left_shifter_position, self.X[0, 0])

      if self.IsInGear(self.right_gear):
        self.right_cim.X[0, 0] = self.MotorRPM(self.right_shifter_position, self.X[0, 0])

    if self.IsInGear(self.left_gear) and self.IsInGear(self.right_gear):
      # Filter the throttle to provide a nicer response.
      fvel = self.FilterVelocity(throttle)

      # Constant radius means that angualar_velocity / linear_velocity = constant.
      # Compute the left and right velocities.
      steering_velocity = numpy.abs(fvel) * steering
      left_velocity = fvel - steering_velocity
      right_velocity = fvel + steering_velocity

      # Write this constraint in the form of K * R = w
      # angular velocity / linear velocity = constant
      # (left - right) / (left + right) = constant
      # left - right = constant * left + constant * right

      # (fvel - steering * numpy.abs(fvel) - fvel - steering * numpy.abs(fvel)) /
      #  (fvel - steering * numpy.abs(fvel) + fvel + steering * numpy.abs(fvel)) =
      #       constant
      # (- 2 * steering * numpy.abs(fvel)) / (2 * fvel) = constant
      # (-steering * sign(fvel)) = constant
      # (-steering * sign(fvel)) * (left + right) = left - right
      # (steering * sign(fvel) + 1) * left + (steering * sign(fvel) - 1) * right = 0

      equality_k = numpy.matrix(
          [[1 + steering * numpy.sign(fvel), -(1 - steering * numpy.sign(fvel))]])
      equality_w = 0.0

      self.R[0, 0] = left_velocity
      self.R[1, 0] = right_velocity

      # Construct a constraint on R by manipulating the constraint on U
      # Start out with H * U <= k
      # U = FF * R + K * (R - X)
      # H * (FF * R + K * R - K * X) <= k
      # H * (FF + K) * R <= k + H * K * X
      R_poly = polytope.HPolytope(
          self.U_poly.H * (self.CurrentDrivetrain().K + self.CurrentDrivetrain().FF),
          self.U_poly.k + self.U_poly.H * self.CurrentDrivetrain().K * self.X)

      # Limit R back inside the box.
      self.boxed_R = CoerceGoal(R_poly, equality_k, equality_w, self.R)

      FF_volts = self.CurrentDrivetrain().FF * self.boxed_R
      self.U_ideal = self.CurrentDrivetrain().K * (self.boxed_R - self.X) + FF_volts
      glog.debug('Not all in gear')
      if not self.IsInGear(self.left_gear) and not self.IsInGear(self.right_gear):
        # TODO(austin): Use battery volts here.
        R_left = self.MotorRPM(self.left_shifter_position, self.X[0, 0])
        self.U_ideal[0, 0] = numpy.clip(
            self.left_cim.K * (R_left - self.left_cim.X) + R_left / self.left_cim.Kv,
            self.left_cim.U_min, self.left_cim.U_max)
        self.left_cim.Update(self.U_ideal[0, 0])

        R_right = self.MotorRPM(self.right_shifter_position, self.X[1, 0])
        self.U_ideal[1, 0] = numpy.clip(
            self.right_cim.K * (R_right - self.right_cim.X) + R_right / self.right_cim.Kv,
            self.right_cim.U_min, self.right_cim.U_max)
        self.right_cim.Update(self.U_ideal[1, 0])
        assert False

    self.U = numpy.clip(self.U_ideal, self.U_min, self.U_max)

    # TODO(austin): Model the robot as not accelerating when you shift...
    # This hack only works when you shift at the same time.
    if self.IsInGear(self.left_gear) and self.IsInGear(self.right_gear):
      self.X = self.CurrentDrivetrain().A * self.X + self.CurrentDrivetrain().B * self.U

    self.left_gear, self.left_shifter_position = self.SimShifter(
        self.left_gear, self.left_shifter_position)
    self.right_gear, self.right_shifter_position = self.SimShifter(
        self.right_gear, self.right_shifter_position)

    glog.debug('U is %s %s', str(self.U[0, 0]), str(self.U[1, 0]))
    glog.debug('Left shifter %s %d Right shifter %s %d',
               self.left_gear, self.left_shifter_position,
               self.right_gear, self.right_shifter_position)
Пример #56
  def __init__(self, name='Arm', mass=None):
    super(Arm, self).__init__(name)
    # Stall Torque in N m
    self.stall_torque = 0.476
    # Stall Current in Amps
    self.stall_current = 80.730
    # Free Speed in RPM
    self.free_speed = 13906.0
    # Free Current in Amps
    self.free_current = 5.820
    # Mass of the arm
    if mass is None:
      self.mass = 13.0
      self.mass = mass

    # Resistance of the motor
    self.R = 12.0 / self.stall_current
    # Motor velocity constant
    self.Kv = ((self.free_speed / 60.0 * 2.0 * numpy.pi) /
               (12.0 - self.R * self.free_current))
    # Torque constant
    self.Kt = self.stall_torque / self.stall_current
    # Gear ratio
    self.G = (44.0 / 12.0) * (54.0 / 14.0) * (54.0 / 14.0) * (44.0 / 20.0) * (72.0 / 16.0)
    # Fridge arm length
    self.r = 32 * 0.0254
    # Control loop time step
    self.dt = 0.005

    # Arm moment of inertia
    self.J = self.r * self.mass

    # Arm left/right spring constant (N*m / radian)
    self.spring = 100.0

    # State is [average position, average velocity,
    #           position difference/2, velocity difference/2]
    # Position difference is 1 - 2
    # Input is [Voltage 1, Voltage 2]

    self.C1 = self.spring / (self.J * 0.5)
    self.C2 = self.Kt * self.G / (self.J * 0.5 * self.R)
    self.C3 = self.G * self.G * self.Kt / (self.R  * self.J * 0.5 * self.Kv)

    self.A_continuous = numpy.matrix(
        [[0, 1, 0, 0],
         [0, -self.C3, 0, 0],
         [0, 0, 0, 1],
         [0, 0, -self.C1 * 2.0, -self.C3]])

    glog.debug('Full speed is %f', self.C2 / self.C3 * 12.0)

    glog.debug('Stall arm difference is %f', 12.0 * self.C2 / self.C1)
    glog.debug('Stall arm difference first principles is %f', self.stall_torque * self.G / self.spring)

    glog.debug('5 degrees of arm error is %f', self.spring / self.r * (math.pi * 5.0 / 180.0))

    # Start with the unmodified input
    self.B_continuous = numpy.matrix(
        [[0, 0],
         [self.C2 / 2.0, self.C2 / 2.0],
         [0, 0],
         [self.C2 / 2.0, -self.C2 / 2.0]])

    self.C = numpy.matrix([[1, 0, 1, 0],
                           [1, 0, -1, 0]])
    self.D = numpy.matrix([[0, 0],
                           [0, 0]])

    self.A, self.B = self.ContinuousToDiscrete(
        self.A_continuous, self.B_continuous, self.dt)

    controllability = controls.ctrb(self.A, self.B)
    glog.debug('Rank of augmented controllability matrix. %d', numpy.linalg.matrix_rank(

    q_pos = 0.02
    q_vel = 0.300
    q_pos_diff = 0.005
    q_vel_diff = 0.13
    self.Q = numpy.matrix([[(1.0 / (q_pos ** 2.0)), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                           [0.0, (1.0 / (q_vel ** 2.0)), 0.0, 0.0],
                           [0.0, 0.0, (1.0 / (q_pos_diff ** 2.0)), 0.0],
                           [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, (1.0 / (q_vel_diff ** 2.0))]])

    self.R = numpy.matrix([[(1.0 / (12.0 ** 2.0)), 0.0],
                           [0.0, 1.0 / (12.0 ** 2.0)]])
    self.K = controls.dlqr(self.A, self.B, self.Q, self.R)
    glog.debug('Controller\n %s', repr(self.K))

    glog.debug('Controller Poles\n %s',
               numpy.linalg.eig(self.A - self.B * self.K)[0])

    self.rpl = 0.20
    self.ipl = 0.05
    self.PlaceObserverPoles([self.rpl + 1j * self.ipl,
                             self.rpl + 1j * self.ipl,
                             self.rpl - 1j * self.ipl,
                             self.rpl - 1j * self.ipl])

    # The box formed by U_min and U_max must encompass all possible values,
    # or else Austin's code gets angry.
    self.U_max = numpy.matrix([[12.0], [12.0]])
    self.U_min = numpy.matrix([[-12.0], [-12.0]])

    glog.debug('Observer (Converted to a KF):\n%s',
               repr(numpy.linalg.inv(self.A) * self.L))

Пример #57
def run_integral_test(arm, initial_X, goal, observer_arm, disturbance,
                      max_separation_error=0.01, show_graph=True,
  """Runs the integral control arm plant with an initial condition and goal.

    The tests themselves are not terribly sophisticated; I just test for
    whether the goal has been reached and whether the separation goes
    outside of the initial and goal values by more than max_separation_error.
    Prints out something for a failure of either condition and returns
    False if tests fail.
      arm: arm object to use.
      initial_X: starting state.
      goal: goal state.
      observer_arm: arm object to use for the observer.
      show_graph: Whether or not to display a graph showing the changing
           states and voltages.
      iterations: Number of timesteps to run the model for.
      disturbance: Voltage missmatch between controller and model.

  arm.X = initial_X

  # Various lists for graphing things.
  t = []
  x_avg = []
  x_sep = []
  x_hat_avg = []
  x_hat_sep = []
  v_avg = []
  v_sep = []
  u_left = []
  u_right = []
  u_error = []

  sep_plot_gain = 100.0

  unaugmented_goal = goal
  goal = numpy.matrix(numpy.zeros((5, 1)))
  goal[0:4, 0] = unaugmented_goal

  for i in xrange(iterations):
    X_hat = observer_arm.X_hat[0:4]

    x_hat_avg.append(observer_arm.X_hat[0, 0])
    x_hat_sep.append(observer_arm.X_hat[2, 0] * sep_plot_gain)

    U = observer_arm.K * (goal - observer_arm.X_hat)
    U = CapU(U)
    x_avg.append(arm.X[0, 0])
    v_avg.append(arm.X[1, 0])
    x_sep.append(arm.X[2, 0] * sep_plot_gain)
    v_sep.append(arm.X[3, 0])


    arm.Update(U + disturbance)
    observer_arm.Y = arm.Y

    t.append(i * arm.dt)
    u_left.append(U[0, 0])
    u_right.append(U[1, 0])

  glog.debug('End is %f', observer_arm.X_hat[4, 0])

  if show_graph:
    pylab.subplot(2, 1, 1)
    pylab.plot(t, x_avg, label='x avg')
    pylab.plot(t, x_sep, label='x sep')
    if observer_arm is not None:
      pylab.plot(t, x_hat_avg, label='x_hat avg')
      pylab.plot(t, x_hat_sep, label='x_hat sep')

    pylab.subplot(2, 1, 2)
    pylab.plot(t, u_left, label='u left')
    pylab.plot(t, u_right, label='u right')
    pylab.plot(t, u_error, label='u error')
Пример #58
  def __init__(self, name='VelocityIndexer'):
    super(VelocityIndexer, self).__init__(name)
    # Stall Torque in N m
    self.stall_torque = 0.71
    # Stall Current in Amps
    self.stall_current = 134
    self.free_speed_rpm = 18730.0
    # Free Speed in rotations/second.
    self.free_speed = self.free_speed_rpm / 60.0
    # Free Current in Amps
    self.free_current = 0.7
    # Moment of inertia of the indexer halves in kg m^2
    # This is measured as Iyy in CAD (the moment of inertia around the Y axis).
    # Inner part of indexer -> Iyy = 59500 lb * mm * mm
    # Inner spins with 12 / 48 * 18 / 48 * 24 / 36 * 16 / 72
    # Outer part of indexer -> Iyy = 210000 lb * mm * mm
    # 1 775 pro -> 12 / 48 * 18 / 48 * 30 / 422

    self.J_inner = 0.0269
    self.J_outer = 0.0952
    # Gear ratios for the inner and outer parts.
    self.G_inner = (12.0 / 48.0) * (20.0 / 34.0) * (18.0 / 36.0) * (12.0 / 84.0)
    self.G_outer = (12.0 / 48.0) * (20.0 / 34.0) * (18.0 / 36.0) * (24.0 / 420.0)

    # Motor inertia in kg m^2
    self.motor_inertia = 0.00001187

    # The output coordinate system is in radians for the inner part of the
    # indexer.
    # Compute the effective moment of inertia assuming all the mass is in that
    # coordinate system.
    self.J = (
        self.J_inner * self.G_inner * self.G_inner +
        self.J_outer * self.G_outer * self.G_outer) / (self.G_inner * self.G_inner) + \
        self.motor_inertia * ((1.0 / self.G_inner) ** 2.0)
    glog.debug('Indexer J is %f', self.J)
    self.G = self.G_inner

    # Resistance of the motor, divided by 2 to account for the 2 motors
    self.resistance = 12.0 / self.stall_current
    # Motor velocity constant
    self.Kv = ((self.free_speed * 2.0 * numpy.pi) /
              (12.0 - self.resistance * self.free_current))
    # Torque constant
    self.Kt = self.stall_torque / self.stall_current
    # Control loop time step
    self.dt = 0.005

    # State feedback matrices
    # [angular velocity]
    self.A_continuous = numpy.matrix(
        [[-self.Kt / self.Kv / (self.J * self.G * self.G * self.resistance)]])
    self.B_continuous = numpy.matrix(
        [[self.Kt / (self.J * self.G * self.resistance)]])
    self.C = numpy.matrix([[1]])
    self.D = numpy.matrix([[0]])

    self.A, self.B = self.ContinuousToDiscrete(
        self.A_continuous, self.B_continuous, self.dt)



    self.U_max = numpy.matrix([[12.0]])
    self.U_min = numpy.matrix([[-12.0]])

    qff_vel = 8.0
    self.Qff = numpy.matrix([[1.0 / (qff_vel ** 2.0)]])

    self.Kff = controls.TwoStateFeedForwards(self.B, self.Qff)
Пример #59
def main(argv):
  vdrivetrain = VelocityDrivetrain()

  if not FLAGS.plot:
    if len(argv) != 5:
      glog.fatal('Expected .h file name and .cc file name')
      namespaces = ['y2014_bot3', 'control_loops', 'drivetrain']
      dog_loop_writer = control_loop.ControlLoopWriter(
          "VelocityDrivetrain", [vdrivetrain.drivetrain_low_low,

      dog_loop_writer.Write(argv[1], argv[2])

      cim_writer = control_loop.ControlLoopWriter("CIM", [CIM()])

      cim_writer.Write(argv[3], argv[4])

  vl_plot = []
  vr_plot = []
  ul_plot = []
  ur_plot = []
  radius_plot = []
  t_plot = []
  left_gear_plot = []
  right_gear_plot = []
  vdrivetrain.left_shifter_position = 0.0
  vdrivetrain.right_shifter_position = 0.0
  vdrivetrain.left_gear = VelocityDrivetrain.LOW
  vdrivetrain.right_gear = VelocityDrivetrain.LOW

  glog.debug('K is %s', str(vdrivetrain.CurrentDrivetrain().K))

  if vdrivetrain.left_gear is VelocityDrivetrain.HIGH:
    glog.debug('Left is high')
    glog.debug('Left is low')
  if vdrivetrain.right_gear is VelocityDrivetrain.HIGH:
    glog.debug('Right is high')
    glog.debug('Right is low')

  for t in numpy.arange(0, 1.7, vdrivetrain.dt):
    if t < 0.5:
      vdrivetrain.Update(throttle=0.00, steering=1.0)
    elif t < 1.2:
      vdrivetrain.Update(throttle=0.5, steering=1.0)
      vdrivetrain.Update(throttle=0.00, steering=1.0)
    vl_plot.append(vdrivetrain.X[0, 0])
    vr_plot.append(vdrivetrain.X[1, 0])
    ul_plot.append(vdrivetrain.U[0, 0])
    ur_plot.append(vdrivetrain.U[1, 0])
    left_gear_plot.append((vdrivetrain.left_gear is VelocityDrivetrain.HIGH) * 2.0 - 10.0)
    right_gear_plot.append((vdrivetrain.right_gear is VelocityDrivetrain.HIGH) * 2.0 - 10.0)

    fwd_velocity = (vdrivetrain.X[1, 0] + vdrivetrain.X[0, 0]) / 2
    turn_velocity = (vdrivetrain.X[1, 0] - vdrivetrain.X[0, 0])
    if abs(fwd_velocity) < 0.0000001:
      radius_plot.append(turn_velocity / fwd_velocity)

  # TODO(austin):
  # Shifting compensation.

  # Tighten the turn.
  # Closed loop drive.

  pylab.plot(t_plot, vl_plot, label='left velocity')
  pylab.plot(t_plot, vr_plot, label='right velocity')
  pylab.plot(t_plot, ul_plot, label='left voltage')
  pylab.plot(t_plot, ur_plot, label='right voltage')
  pylab.plot(t_plot, radius_plot, label='radius')
  pylab.plot(t_plot, left_gear_plot, label='left gear high')
  pylab.plot(t_plot, right_gear_plot, label='right gear high')
  return 0
Пример #60
 def test_debug(self):