Пример #1
    def apply_roi(self, roi):

        if not isinstance(roi, PointROI):
            raise NotImplementedError("Only PointROI supported")

        if self._layout is None or self.display_data is None:

        x, y = roi.x, roi.y
        if not roi.defined():

        xs, ys = self._layout[:, ::3]
        parent_ys = self._layout[1, 1::3]

        delt = np.abs(x - xs)
        delt[y > ys] = np.nan
        delt[y < parent_ys] = np.nan

        if np.isfinite(delt).any():
            select = np.nanargmin(delt)
            if self.select_substruct:
                select = self._substructures(select)
            select = np.asarray(select, dtype=np.int)
            select = np.array([], dtype=np.int)

        state = CategorySubsetState(self.display_data.pixel_component_ids[0],

Пример #2
def update_selection(selection, viewer):
    """Called after an ImageJ selection keypress. Assumes first dataset contains the 
    'x' and 'y' components. Builds a Glue SubsetState and applies it using Glue's current settings.
	Selection consists of (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
    xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = selection
    roi = RectangularROI(xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax)
    xatt = lasagna.config.app.data_collection[0].data.find_component_id('x')
    yatt = lasagna.config.app.data_collection[0].data.find_component_id('y')
    xy_state = RoiSubsetState(xatt=xatt, yatt=yatt, roi=roi)
    file_state = CategorySubsetState(viewer.source_id, viewer.source_val)
    # selection only applies to data in displayed file
    subset_state = AndState(xy_state, file_state)

    data_collection = lasagna.config.app.data_collection

    # if no subset groups selected, make a new one
    layers = (lasagna.config.app._layer_widget.selected_layers())
    subset_groups = [s for s in layers if isinstance(s, SubsetGroup)]
    if len(subset_groups) == 0:
        global fiji_label
        new_label = 'Fiji %d' % fiji_label
        fiji_label += 1
        edit_mode = EditSubsetMode()
        edit_mode.update(data_collection, subset_state)
Пример #3
    def apply_roi(self, roi, override_mode=None):

        # Force redraw to get rid of ROI. We do this because applying the
        # subset state below might end up not having an effect on the viewer,
        # for example there may not be any layers, or the active subset may not
        # be one of the layers. So we just explicitly redraw here to make sure
        # a redraw will happen after this method is called.

        # TODO Does subset get applied to all data or just visible data?

        if self.state._layout is None:

        if not roi.defined():

        if len(self.layers) == 0:

        if isinstance(roi, PointROI):

            x, y = roi.x, roi.y

            xs, ys = self.state._layout.xy
            parent_ys = ys[1::3]
            xs, ys = xs[::3], ys[::3]

            delt = np.abs(x - xs)
            delt[y > ys] = np.nan
            delt[y < parent_ys] = np.nan

            if np.isfinite(delt).any():
                select = np.nanargmin(delt)
                if self.state.select_substruct:
                    parent = self.state.reference_data[self.state.parent_att]
                    select = _substructures(parent, select)
                select = np.asarray(select, dtype=np.int)
                select = np.array([], dtype=np.int)

            subset_state = CategorySubsetState(
                self.state.reference_data.pixel_component_ids[0], select)



            raise TypeError("Only PointROI selections are supported")
Пример #4
    def apply_roi(self, roi, use_current=False):

        # TODO Does subset get applied to all data or just visible data?

        if self.state._layout is None:

        if not roi.defined():

        if len(self.layers) == 0:  # Force redraw to get rid of ROI
            return self.redraw()

        if isinstance(roi, PointROI):

            x, y = roi.x, roi.y

            xs, ys = self.state._layout.xy
            parent_ys = ys[1::3]
            xs, ys = xs[::3], ys[::3]

            delt = np.abs(x - xs)
            delt[y > ys] = np.nan
            delt[y < parent_ys] = np.nan

            if np.isfinite(delt).any():
                select = np.nanargmin(delt)
                if self.state.select_substruct:
                    parent = self.state.reference_data[self.state.parent_att]
                    select = _substructures(parent, select)
                select = np.asarray(select, dtype=np.int)
                select = np.array([], dtype=np.int)

            subset_state = CategorySubsetState(
                self.state.reference_data.pixel_component_ids[0], select)



            raise TypeError("Only PointROI selections are supported")
Пример #5
    def apply_roi(self, roi, override_mode=None):

        # Force redraw to get rid of ROI. We do this because applying the
        # subset state below might end up not having an effect on the viewer,
        # for example there may not be any layers, or the active subset may not
        # be one of the layers. So we just explicitly redraw here to make sure
        # a redraw will happen after this method is called.

        # TODO Does subset get applied to all data or just visible data?

        # if self.state._layout is None:
        #     return

        if self.state.x_att is None or self.state.y_att is None:

        if not roi.defined():

        if len(self.layers) == 0:

        if isinstance(roi, PointROI):

            x, y = roi.x, roi.y

            # calculate everything
            parent = self.state.layers_data[0][self.state.x_att]
            ys = self.state.layers_data[0][self.state.y_att]
            leafness = calculate_leafness(parent)
            children = calculate_children(parent, leafness)
            xs = calculate_xpos(parent, leafness, children)
            parent_ys = ys[parent]
            parent_ys[0] = ys[0]

            # sort everything
            sort_by_array = self.state.layers_data[0][self.state.sort_by]
            parent, ys, iter_array_updated = sort1Darrays(
                parent, ys, sort_by_array)
            leafness = calculate_leafness(parent)
            children = calculate_children(parent, leafness)
            xs = calculate_xpos(parent, leafness, children)
            parent_ys = parent_ys[np.asarray(iter_array_updated, dtype=np.int)]

            orientation = self.state.orientation

            if orientation in ['bottom-up', 'top-down']:
                delt = np.abs(x - xs)
                delt[y > ys] = np.nan
                delt[y < parent_ys] = np.nan
            elif orientation in ['left-right', 'right-left']:
                delt = np.abs(y - xs)
                delt[x > ys] = np.nan
                delt[x < parent_ys] = np.nan

            if np.isfinite(delt).any():
                select = np.nanargmin(delt)

                if self.state.select_substruct:
                    #leafness = calculate_leafness(parent)
                    subtree = calculate_subtree(parent, leafness)
                    select = np.concatenate([[int(select)],
                select = np.asarray(select, dtype=np.int)
                select = np.array([], dtype=np.int)

            select = iter_array_updated[select]
            subset_state = CategorySubsetState(
                self.state.layers_data[0].components[0], select)


        elif isinstance(roi, RectangularROI):

            xmin, xmax = roi.xmin, roi.xmax
            ymin, ymax = roi.ymin, roi.ymax

            # calculate everything
            parent = self.state.layers_data[0][self.state.x_att]
            ys = self.state.layers_data[0][self.state.y_att]
            leafness = calculate_leafness(parent)
            children = calculate_children(parent, leafness)
            xs = calculate_xpos(parent, leafness, children)
            parent_ys = ys[parent]
            parent_ys[0] = ys[0]

            # sort everything
            sort_by_array = self.state.layers_data[0][self.state.sort_by]
            parent, ys, iter_array_updated = sort1Darrays(
                parent, ys, sort_by_array)
            leafness = calculate_leafness(parent)
            children = calculate_children(parent, leafness)
            xs = calculate_xpos(parent, leafness, children)
            parent_ys = parent_ys[np.asarray(iter_array_updated, dtype=np.int)]

            orientation = self.state.orientation

            if orientation in ['bottom-up', 'top-down']:
                delt = np.arange(len(xs), dtype=np.float)
                delt[xs < xmin] = np.nan
                delt[xs > xmax] = np.nan
                delt[ymin > ys] = np.nan
                delt[ymax < parent_ys] = np.nan
            elif orientation in ['left-right', 'right-left']:
                delt = np.arange(len(xs), dtype=np.float)
                delt[xs < ymin] = np.nan
                delt[xs > ymax] = np.nan
                delt[xmin > ys] = np.nan
                delt[xmax < parent_ys] = np.nan

            if np.isfinite(delt).any():
                select = np.where(np.isfinite(delt))[0]

                if self.state.select_substruct:

                    subtree = calculate_subtree(parent, leafness)

                    for sl in select:

                        select = np.concatenate(
                             np.asarray(subtree[sl], dtype=np.int)])

                select = np.asarray(select, dtype=np.int)
                select = np.array([], dtype=np.int)

            select = iter_array_updated[select]
            subset_state = CategorySubsetState(
                self.state.layers_data[0].components[0], select)


        elif isinstance(roi, XRangeROI):

            xmin, xmax = roi.min, roi.max

            # calculate everything
            parent = self.state.layers_data[0][self.state.x_att]
            ys = self.state.layers_data[0][self.state.y_att]
            leafness = calculate_leafness(parent)
            children = calculate_children(parent, leafness)
            xs = calculate_xpos(parent, leafness, children)
            parent_ys = ys[parent]
            parent_ys[0] = ys[0]

            # sort everything
            sort_by_array = self.state.layers_data[0][self.state.sort_by]
            parent, ys, iter_array_updated = sort1Darrays(
                parent, ys, sort_by_array)
            leafness = calculate_leafness(parent)
            children = calculate_children(parent, leafness)
            xs = calculate_xpos(parent, leafness, children)
            parent_ys = parent_ys[np.asarray(iter_array_updated, dtype=np.int)]

            orientation = self.state.orientation

            if orientation in ['bottom-up', 'top-down']:
                delt = np.arange(len(xs), dtype=np.float)
                delt[xs < xmin] = np.nan
                delt[xs > xmax] = np.nan
            elif orientation in ['left-right', 'right-left']:
                delt = np.arange(len(xs), dtype=np.float)
                delt[xmin > ys] = np.nan
                delt[xmax < parent_ys] = np.nan

            if np.isfinite(delt).any():
                select = np.where(np.isfinite(delt))[0]

                if self.state.select_substruct:

                    subtree = calculate_subtree(parent, leafness)

                    for sl in select:

                        select = np.concatenate(
                             np.asarray(subtree[sl], dtype=np.int)])

                select = np.asarray(select, dtype=np.int)
                select = np.array([], dtype=np.int)

            select = iter_array_updated[select]
            subset_state = CategorySubsetState(
                self.state.layers_data[0].components[0], select)


        elif isinstance(roi, YRangeROI):

            ymin, ymax = roi.min, roi.max

            # calculate everything
            parent = self.state.layers_data[0][self.state.x_att]
            ys = self.state.layers_data[0][self.state.y_att]
            leafness = calculate_leafness(parent)
            children = calculate_children(parent, leafness)
            xs = calculate_xpos(parent, leafness, children)
            parent_ys = ys[parent]
            parent_ys[0] = ys[0]

            # sort everything
            sort_by_array = self.state.layers_data[0][self.state.sort_by]
            parent, ys, iter_array_updated = sort1Darrays(
                parent, ys, sort_by_array)
            leafness = calculate_leafness(parent)
            children = calculate_children(parent, leafness)
            xs = calculate_xpos(parent, leafness, children)
            parent_ys = parent_ys[np.asarray(iter_array_updated, dtype=np.int)]

            orientation = self.state.orientation

            if orientation in ['bottom-up', 'top-down']:
                delt = np.arange(len(xs), dtype=np.float)
                delt[ymin > ys] = np.nan
                delt[ymax < parent_ys] = np.nan
            elif orientation in ['left-right', 'right-left']:
                delt = np.arange(len(xs), dtype=np.float)
                delt[xs < ymin] = np.nan
                delt[xs > ymax] = np.nan

            if np.isfinite(delt).any():
                select = np.where(np.isfinite(delt))[0]

                if self.state.select_substruct:

                    subtree = calculate_subtree(parent, leafness)

                    for sl in select:

                        select = np.concatenate(
                             np.asarray(subtree[sl], dtype=np.int)])

                select = np.asarray(select, dtype=np.int)
                select = np.array([], dtype=np.int)

            select = iter_array_updated[select]
            subset_state = CategorySubsetState(
                self.state.layers_data[0].components[0], select)

            raise TypeError("Only PointROI selections are supported")