Пример #1
    def __init__(self,
        """Create a GeoNetFetcher instance.

            time (datetime): Origin time.
            lat (float): Origin latitude.
            lon (float): Origin longitude.
            depth (float): Origin depth.
            magnitude (float): Origin magnitude.
            user (str): (Optional) username for site.
            password (str): (Optional) password for site.
            radius (float): Search radius (km).
            dt (float): Search time window (sec).
            ddepth (float): Search depth window (km).
            dmag (float): Search magnitude window (magnitude units).
            rawdir (str): Path to location where raw data will be stored.
                          If not specified, raw data will be deleted.
            config (dict):
                Dictionary containing configuration. 
                If None, retrieve global config.
            drop_non_free (bool):
                Option to ignore non-free-field (borehole, sensors on structures, etc.)
        # what values do we use for search thresholds?
        # In order of priority:
        # 1) Not-None values passed in constructor
        # 2) Configured values
        # 3) DEFAULT values at top of the module
        if config is None:
            config = get_config()
        cfg_radius = None
        cfg_dt = None
        cfg_ddepth = None
        cfg_dmag = None

        if 'fetchers' in config:
            if 'GeoNetFetcher' in config['fetchers']:
                fetch_cfg = config['fetchers']['GeoNetFetcher']
                if 'radius' in fetch_cfg:
                    cfg_radius = float(fetch_cfg['radius'])
                if 'dt' in fetch_cfg:
                    cfg_dt = float(fetch_cfg['dt'])
                if 'ddepth' in fetch_cfg:
                    cfg_ddepth = float(fetch_cfg['ddepth'])
                if 'dmag' in fetch_cfg:
                    cfg_dmag = float(fetch_cfg['dmag'])

        radius = _get_first_value(radius, cfg_radius, RADIUS)
        dt = _get_first_value(dt, cfg_dt, DT)
        ddepth = _get_first_value(ddepth, cfg_ddepth, DDEPTH)
        dmag = _get_first_value(dmag, cfg_dmag, DMAG)

        tz = pytz.UTC
        if isinstance(time, UTCDateTime):
            time = time.datetime
        self.time = tz.localize(time)
        self.lat = lat
        self.lon = lon
        self.radius = radius
        self.dt = dt
        self.rawdir = rawdir
        self.depth = depth
        self.magnitude = magnitude
        self.ddepth = ddepth
        self.dmag = dmag
        xmin = 158.555
        xmax = 192.656
        ymin = -51.553
        ymax = -26.809
        # this announces to the world the valid bounds for this fetcher.
        self.BOUNDS = [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]
        self.drop_non_free = drop_non_free
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, time, lat, lon,
                 depth, magnitude,
                 user=None, password=None,
                 radius=None, dt=None, ddepth=None,
                 rawdir=None, config=None, drop_non_free=True):
        """Create a KNETFetcher instance.

        Download KNET/KikNet data from the Japanese NIED site:

            time (datetime): Origin time.
            lat (float): Origin latitude.
            lon (float): Origin longitude.
            depth (float): Origin depth.
            magnitude (float): Origin magnitude.
            user (str): username for KNET/KikNET site.
            password (str): (Optional) password for site.
            radius (float): Search radius (km).
            dt (float): Search time window (sec).
            ddepth (float): Search depth window (km).
            dmag (float): Search magnitude window (magnitude units).
            rawdir (str): Path to location where raw data will be stored.
                          If not specified, raw data will be deleted.
            config (dict):
                Dictionary containing configuration. 
                If None, retrieve global config.
            drop_non_free (bool):
                Option to ignore non-free-field (borehole, 
                sensors on structures, etc.)
        # what values do we use for search thresholds?
        # In order of priority:
        # 1) Not-None values passed in constructor
        # 2) Configured values
        # 3) DEFAULT values at top of the module
        if config is None:
            config = get_config()
        cfg_radius = None
        cfg_dt = None
        cfg_ddepth = None
        cfg_dmag = None
        cfg_user = None
        cfg_password = None
        if 'fetchers' in config:
            if 'KNETFetcher' in config['fetchers']:
                fetch_cfg = config['fetchers']['KNETFetcher']
                if 'radius' in fetch_cfg:
                    cfg_radius = float(fetch_cfg['radius'])
                if 'dt' in fetch_cfg:
                    cfg_dt = float(fetch_cfg['dt'])
                if 'ddepth' in fetch_cfg:
                    cfg_ddepth = float(fetch_cfg['ddepth'])
                if 'dmag' in fetch_cfg:
                    cfg_dmag = float(fetch_cfg['dmag'])
                if 'user' in fetch_cfg:
                    cfg_user = fetch_cfg['user']
                if 'password' in fetch_cfg:
                    cfg_password = fetch_cfg['password']

        radius = _get_first_value(radius, cfg_radius, RADIUS)
        dt = _get_first_value(dt, cfg_dt, DT)
        ddepth = _get_first_value(ddepth, cfg_ddepth, DDEPTH)
        dmag = _get_first_value(dmag, cfg_dmag, DMAG)

        # for knet/kiknet, username/password is required
        if user is None or password is None:
            # check to see if those values are configured
            if cfg_user and cfg_password:
                user = cfg_user
                password = cfg_password
                fmt = 'Username/password are required to retrieve KNET/KikNET data.'
                raise Exception(fmt)

        if user == 'USERNAME' or password == 'PASSWORD':
            fmt = ('Username/password are required to retrieve KNET/KikNET\n'
                   'data. This tool can download data from the Japanese NIED\n'
                   'website. However, for this to work you will first need \n'
                   'to obtain a username and password from this website:\n'
                   'Then create a custom config file by running the gmsetup\n'
                   'program, and edit the fetchers:KNETFetcher section\n'
                   'to use your username and password.')
            raise Exception(fmt)

        # allow user to turn restrict stations on or off. Restricting saves time,
        # probably will not ignore significant data.
        self.restrict_stations = config['fetchers']['KNETFetcher']['restrict_stations']

        self.user = user
        self.password = password
        tz = pytz.UTC
        if isinstance(time, UTCDateTime):
            time = time.datetime
        self.time = tz.localize(time)
        self.lat = lat
        self.lon = lon
        self.radius = radius
        self.dt = dt
        self.rawdir = rawdir
        self.depth = depth
        self.magnitude = magnitude
        self.ddepth = ddepth
        self.dmag = dmag
        self.jptime = self.time + timedelta(seconds=JST_OFFSET)
        xmin = 127.705
        xmax = 147.393
        ymin = 29.428
        ymax = 46.109
        # this announces to the world the valid bounds for this fetcher.
        self.BOUNDS = [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]
        self.drop_non_free = drop_non_free
    def __init__(self, time, lat, lon,
                 depth, magnitude,
                 user=None, password=None,
                 radius=100, dt=16, ddepth=30,
                 rawdir=None, config=None, drop_non_free=True):
        """Create a TurkeyFetcher instance.

        Download Turkish strong motion data from the Turkish NSMN site:

            time (datetime): Origin time.
            lat (float): Origin latitude.
            lon (float): Origin longitude.
            depth (float): Origin depth.
            magnitude (float): Origin magnitude.
            radius (float): Search radius (km).
            dt (float): Search time window (sec).
            ddepth (float): Search depth window (km).
            dmag (float): Search magnitude window (magnitude units).
            rawdir (str): Path to location where raw data will be stored.
                          If not specified, raw data will be deleted.
            config (dict):
                Dictionary containing configuration. 
                If None, retrieve global config.
            drop_non_free (bool):
                Option to ignore non-free-field (borehole, sensors on structures, etc.)
        # what values do we use for search thresholds?
        # In order of priority:
        # 1) Not-None values passed in constructor
        # 2) Configured values
        # 3) DEFAULT values at top of the module
        if config is None:
            config = get_config()
        cfg_radius = None
        cfg_dt = None
        cfg_ddepth = None
        cfg_dmag = None

        if 'fetchers' in config:
            if 'TurkeyFetcher' in config['fetchers']:
                fetch_cfg = config['fetchers']['KNETFetcher']
                if 'radius' in fetch_cfg:
                    cfg_radius = float(fetch_cfg['radius'])
                if 'dt' in fetch_cfg:
                    cfg_dt = float(fetch_cfg['dt'])
                if 'ddepth' in fetch_cfg:
                    cfg_ddepth = float(fetch_cfg['ddepth'])
                if 'dmag' in fetch_cfg:
                    cfg_dmag = float(fetch_cfg['dmag'])

        radius = _get_first_value(radius, cfg_radius, RADIUS)
        dt = _get_first_value(dt, cfg_dt, DT)
        ddepth = _get_first_value(ddepth, cfg_ddepth, DDEPTH)
        dmag = _get_first_value(dmag, cfg_dmag, DMAG)

        tz = pytz.UTC
        self.time = tz.localize(time)
        self.lat = lat
        self.lon = lon
        self.radius = radius
        self.dt = dt
        self.rawdir = rawdir
        self.depth = depth
        self.magnitude = magnitude
        self.ddepth = ddepth
        self.dmag = dmag
        xmin = 25.664
        xmax = 46.67
        ymin = 34.132
        ymax = 43.555
        # this announces to the world the valid bounds for this fetcher.
        self.BOUNDS = [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]
        self.drop_non_free = drop_non_free
    def __init__(self,
        """Create a CESMDFetcher instance.

        Download strong motion records from the CESMD site:

            time (datetime): Origin time.
            lat (float): Origin latitude.
            lon (float): Origin longitude.
            depth (float): Origin depth.
            magnitude (float): Origin magnitude.
            email (str): email address for CESMD site.
            process_type (str): One of 'raw' or 'processed'.
            station_type (str): One of "Array", "Ground", "Building",
                                "Bridge", "Dam", "Tunnel", "Wharf",
            eq_radius (float): Earthquake search radius (km).
            eq_dt (float): Earthquake search time window (sec).
            station_radius (float): Station search radius (km).
            rawdir (str): Path to location where raw data will be stored.
                          If not specified, raw data will be deleted.
            config (dict):
                Dictionary containing configuration.
                If None, retrieve global config.
            drop_non_free (bool):
                Option to ignore non-free-field (borehole, sensors on
                structures, etc.)
        # what values do we use for search thresholds?
        # In order of priority:
        # 1) Not-None values passed in constructor
        # 2) Configured values
        # 3) DEFAULT values at top of the module
        if config is None:
            config = get_config()
        cfg_eq_radius = None
        cfg_station_radius = None
        cfg_eq_dt = None
        cfg_email = None
        cfg_station_type = None
        cfg_process_type = None
        if 'fetchers' in config:
            if 'CESMDFetcher' in config['fetchers']:
                fetch_cfg = config['fetchers']['CESMDFetcher']
                if 'eq_radius' in fetch_cfg:
                    cfg_eq_radius = float(fetch_cfg['eq_radius'])
                if 'station_radius' in fetch_cfg:
                    cfg_station_radius = float(fetch_cfg['station_radius'])
                if 'dt' in fetch_cfg:
                    cfg_eq_dt = float(fetch_cfg['eq_dt'])
                if 'email' in fetch_cfg:
                    cfg_email = fetch_cfg['email']
                if 'process_type' in fetch_cfg:
                    cfg_process_type = fetch_cfg['process_type']
                if 'station_type' in fetch_cfg:
                    cfg_station_type = fetch_cfg['station_type']

        radius = _get_first_value(eq_radius, cfg_eq_radius, EQ_RADIUS)
        station_radius = _get_first_value(station_radius, cfg_station_radius,
        eq_dt = _get_first_value(eq_dt, cfg_eq_dt, EQ_DT)

        station_type = _get_first_value(station_type, cfg_station_type,
        process_type = _get_first_value(process_type, cfg_process_type,

        # for CESMD, user (email address) is required
        if email is None:
            # check to see if those values are configured
            if cfg_email:
                email = cfg_email
                fmt = 'Email address is required to retrieve CESMD data.'
                raise Exception(fmt)

        if email == 'EMAIL':
            fmt = ('Email address is required to retrieve CESMD\n'
                   'data. This tool can download data from the CESMD\n'
                   'website. However, for this to work you will first need \n'
                   'to register your email address using this website:\n'
                   'Then create a custom config file by running the gmsetup\n'
                   'program, and edit the fetchers:CESMDFetcher section\n'
                   'to use your email address.')
            raise Exception(fmt)

        self.metadata = None
        self.email = email
        self.process_type = process_type
        self.station_type = station_type
        tz = pytz.UTC
        if isinstance(time, UTCDateTime):
            time = time.datetime
        self.time = tz.localize(time)
        self.lat = lat
        self.lon = lon
        self.radius = radius
        self.station_radius = station_radius
        self.eq_dt = eq_dt
        self.rawdir = rawdir
        self.depth = depth
        self.magnitude = magnitude
        xmin = -199.528
        xmax = -63.473
        ymin = 17.44
        ymax = 73.571
        # this announces to the world the valid bounds for this fetcher.
        self.BOUNDS = [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]
        self.drop_non_free = drop_non_free
Пример #5
    def __init__(self,
        """Create an FDSNFetcher instance.

        Download waveform data from the all available FDSN sites
        using the Obspy mass downloader functionality.

            time (datetime):
                Origin time.
            lat (float):
                Origin latitude.
            lon (float):
                Origin longitude.
            depth (float):
                Origin depth.
            magnitude (float):
                Origin magnitude.
            radius (float):
                Search radius (km).
            time_before (float):
                Seconds before arrival time (sec).
            time_after (float):
                Seconds after arrival time (sec).
            rawdir (str):
                Path to location where raw data will be stored.
                If not specified, raw data will be deleted.
            config (dict):
                Dictionary containing configuration.
                If None, retrieve global config.
            drop_non_free (bool):
                Option to ignore non-free-field (borehole, sensors on
                structures, etc.)
        # what values do we use for search thresholds?
        # In order of priority:
        # 1) Not-None values passed in constructor
        # 2) Configured values
        # 3) DEFAULT values at top of the module
        if config is None:
            config = get_config()
        cfg_radius = None
        cfg_time_before = None
        cfg_time_after = None
        cfg_channels = None
        exclude_networks = EXCLUDE_NETWORKS
        exclude_stations = EXCLUDE_STATIONS
        reject_channels_with_gaps = REJECT_CHANNELS_WITH_GAPS
        minimum_length = MINIMUM_LENGTH
        sanitize = SANITIZE
        minimum_interstation_distance_in_m = MINIMUM_INTERSTATION_DISTANCE_IN_M
        network = NETWORK
        if 'fetchers' in config:
            if 'FDSNFetcher' in config['fetchers']:
                fetch_cfg = config['fetchers']['FDSNFetcher']
                if 'radius' in fetch_cfg:
                    cfg_radius = float(fetch_cfg['radius'])
                if 'time_before' in fetch_cfg:
                    cfg_time_before = float(fetch_cfg['time_before'])
                if 'time_after' in fetch_cfg:
                    cfg_time_after = float(fetch_cfg['time_after'])
                if 'channels' in fetch_cfg:
                    cfg_channels = fetch_cfg['channels']
                if 'exclude_networks' in fetch_cfg:
                    exclude_networks = fetch_cfg['exclude_networks']
                if 'exclude_stations' in fetch_cfg:
                    exclude_stations = fetch_cfg['exclude_stations']
                if 'reject_channels_with_gaps' in fetch_cfg:
                    reject_channels_with_gaps = \
                if 'minimum_length' in fetch_cfg:
                    minimum_length = fetch_cfg['minimum_length']
                if 'sanitize' in fetch_cfg:
                    sanitize = fetch_cfg['sanitize']
                if 'minimum_interstation_distance_in_m' in fetch_cfg:
                    minimum_interstation_distance_in_m = \
                if 'network' in fetch_cfg:
                    network = fetch_cfg['network']
        radius = _get_first_value(radius, cfg_radius, RADIUS)
        time_before = _get_first_value(time_before, cfg_time_before,
        time_after = _get_first_value(time_after, cfg_time_after, TIME_AFTER)
        channels = _get_first_value(channels, cfg_channels, CHANNELS)

        tz = pytz.UTC
        if isinstance(time, UTCDateTime):
            time = time.datetime
        self.time = tz.localize(time)
        self.lat = lat
        self.lon = lon
        self.radius = radius
        self.time_before = time_before
        self.time_after = time_after
        self.rawdir = rawdir
        self.depth = depth
        self.magnitude = magnitude
        self.channels = channels
        self.network = network

        self.exclude_networks = exclude_networks
        self.exclude_stations = exclude_stations
        self.reject_channels_with_gaps = reject_channels_with_gaps
        self.minimum_length = minimum_length
        self.sanitize = sanitize
        self.minimum_interstation_distance_in_m = \

        self.drop_non_free = drop_non_free
        self.BOUNDS = [-180, 180, -90, 90]
        self.config = config
    def __init__(self,
        """Create a TurkeyFetcher instance.

        Download Turkish strong motion data from the Turkish NSMN site:

            time (datetime): Origin time.
            lat (float): Origin latitude.
            lon (float): Origin longitude.
            depth (float): Origin depth.
            magnitude (float): Origin magnitude.
            radius (float): Search radius (km).
            dt (float): Search time window (sec).
            ddepth (float): Search depth window (km).
            dmag (float): Search magnitude window (magnitude units).
            rawdir (str): Path to location where raw data will be stored.
                          If not specified, raw data will be deleted.
            drop_non_free (bool):
                Option to ignore non-free-field (borehole, sensors on structures, etc.)
        # what values do we use for search thresholds?
        # In order of priority:
        # 1) Not-None values passed in constructor
        # 2) Configured values
        # 3) DEFAULT values at top of the module
        config = get_config()
        cfg_radius = None
        cfg_dt = None
        cfg_ddepth = None
        cfg_dmag = None

        if 'fetchers' in config:
            if 'TurkeyFetcher' in config['fetchers']:
                fetch_cfg = config['fetchers']['KNETFetcher']
                if 'radius' in fetch_cfg:
                    cfg_radius = float(fetch_cfg['radius'])
                if 'dt' in fetch_cfg:
                    cfg_dt = float(fetch_cfg['dt'])
                if 'ddepth' in fetch_cfg:
                    cfg_ddepth = float(fetch_cfg['ddepth'])
                if 'dmag' in fetch_cfg:
                    cfg_dmag = float(fetch_cfg['dmag'])

        radius = _get_first_value(radius, cfg_radius, RADIUS)
        dt = _get_first_value(dt, cfg_dt, DT)
        ddepth = _get_first_value(ddepth, cfg_ddepth, DDEPTH)
        dmag = _get_first_value(dmag, cfg_dmag, DMAG)

        tz = pytz.UTC
        self.time = tz.localize(time)
        self.lat = lat
        self.lon = lon
        self.radius = radius
        self.dt = dt
        self.rawdir = rawdir
        self.depth = depth
        self.magnitude = magnitude
        self.ddepth = ddepth
        self.dmag = dmag
        xmin = 25.664
        xmax = 46.67
        ymin = 34.132
        ymax = 43.555
        # this announces to the world the valid bounds for this fetcher.
        self.BOUNDS = [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]
        self.drop_non_free = drop_non_free
    def __init__(
        """Create a GeoNetFetcher instance.

            time (datetime):
                Origin time.
            lat (float):
                Origin latitude.
            lon (float):
                Origin longitude.
            depth (float):
                Origin depth.
            magnitude (float):
                Origin magnitude.
            user (str):
                (Optional) username for site.
            password (str):
                (Optional) password for site.
            radius (float):
                Search radius (km).
            dt (float):
                Search time window (sec).
            ddepth (float):
                Search depth window (km).
            dmag (float):
                Search magnitude window (magnitude units).
            rawdir (str):
                Path to location where raw data will be stored. If not
                specified, raw data will be deleted.
            config (dict):
                Dictionary containing configuration.
                If None, retrieve global config.
            drop_non_free (bool):
                Option to ignore non-free-field (borehole, sensors on
                structures, etc.)
            stream_collection (bool):
                Construct and return a StreamCollection instance?
        # what values do we use for search thresholds?
        # In order of priority:
        # 1) Not-None values passed in constructor
        # 2) Configured values
        # 3) DEFAULT values at top of the module
        if config is None:
            config = get_config()
        cfg_radius = None
        cfg_dt = None
        cfg_ddepth = None
        cfg_dmag = None

        if "fetchers" in config:
            if "GeoNetFetcher" in config["fetchers"]:
                fetch_cfg = config["fetchers"]["GeoNetFetcher"]
                if "radius" in fetch_cfg:
                    cfg_radius = float(fetch_cfg["radius"])
                if "dt" in fetch_cfg:
                    cfg_dt = float(fetch_cfg["dt"])
                if "ddepth" in fetch_cfg:
                    cfg_ddepth = float(fetch_cfg["ddepth"])
                if "dmag" in fetch_cfg:
                    cfg_dmag = float(fetch_cfg["dmag"])

        radius = _get_first_value(radius, cfg_radius, RADIUS)
        dt = _get_first_value(dt, cfg_dt, DT)
        ddepth = _get_first_value(ddepth, cfg_ddepth, DDEPTH)
        dmag = _get_first_value(dmag, cfg_dmag, DMAG)

        tz = pytz.UTC
        if isinstance(time, UTCDateTime):
            time = time.datetime
        self.time = tz.localize(time)
        self.lat = lat
        self.lon = lon
        self.radius = radius
        self.dt = dt
        self.rawdir = rawdir
        self.depth = depth
        self.magnitude = magnitude
        self.ddepth = ddepth
        self.dmag = dmag
        self.drop_non_free = drop_non_free
        self.stream_collection = stream_collection
    def __init__(self, time, lat, lon,
                 depth, magnitude,
                 user=None, password=None,
                 radius=None, dt=None, ddepth=None,
                 rawdir=None, config=None, drop_non_free=True):
        """Create a KNETFetcher instance.

        Download KNET/KikNet data from the Japanese NIED site:

            time (datetime): Origin time.
            lat (float): Origin latitude.
            lon (float): Origin longitude.
            depth (float): Origin depth.
            magnitude (float): Origin magnitude.
            user (str): username for KNET/KikNET site.
            password (str): (Optional) password for site.
            radius (float): Search radius (km).
            dt (float): Search time window (sec).
            ddepth (float): Search depth window (km).
            dmag (float): Search magnitude window (magnitude units).
            rawdir (str): Path to location where raw data will be stored.
                          If not specified, raw data will be deleted.
            config (dict):
                Dictionary containing configuration. 
                If None, retrieve global config.
            drop_non_free (bool):
                Option to ignore non-free-field (borehole, sensors on structures, etc.)
        # what values do we use for search thresholds?
        # In order of priority:
        # 1) Not-None values passed in constructor
        # 2) Configured values
        # 3) DEFAULT values at top of the module
        if config is None:
            config = get_config()
        cfg_radius = None
        cfg_dt = None
        cfg_ddepth = None
        cfg_dmag = None
        cfg_user = None
        cfg_password = None
        if 'fetchers' in config:
            if 'KNETFetcher' in config['fetchers']:
                fetch_cfg = config['fetchers']['KNETFetcher']
                if 'radius' in fetch_cfg:
                    cfg_radius = float(fetch_cfg['radius'])
                if 'dt' in fetch_cfg:
                    cfg_dt = float(fetch_cfg['dt'])
                if 'ddepth' in fetch_cfg:
                    cfg_ddepth = float(fetch_cfg['ddepth'])
                if 'dmag' in fetch_cfg:
                    cfg_dmag = float(fetch_cfg['dmag'])
                if 'user' in fetch_cfg:
                    cfg_user = fetch_cfg['user']
                if 'password' in fetch_cfg:
                    cfg_password = fetch_cfg['password']

        radius = _get_first_value(radius, cfg_radius, RADIUS)
        dt = _get_first_value(dt, cfg_dt, DT)
        ddepth = _get_first_value(ddepth, cfg_ddepth, DDEPTH)
        dmag = _get_first_value(dmag, cfg_dmag, DMAG)

        # for knet/kiknet, username/password is required
        if user is None or password is None:
            # check to see if those values are configured
            if cfg_user and cfg_password:
                user = cfg_user
                password = cfg_password
                fmt = 'Username/password are required to retrieve KNET/KikNET data.'
                raise Exception(fmt)

        if user == 'USERNAME' or password == 'PASSWORD':
            fmt = ('Username/password are required to retrieve KNET/KikNET\n'
                   'data. This tool can download data from the Japanese NIED\n'
                   'website. However, for this to work you will first need \n'
                   'to obtain a username and password from this website:\n'
                   'Then create a custom config file by running the gmsetup\n'
                   'program, and edit the fetchers:KNETFetcher section\n'
                   'to use your username and password.')
            raise Exception(fmt)

        self.user = user
        self.password = password
        tz = pytz.UTC
        self.time = tz.localize(time)
        self.lat = lat
        self.lon = lon
        self.radius = radius
        self.dt = dt
        self.rawdir = rawdir
        self.depth = depth
        self.magnitude = magnitude
        self.ddepth = ddepth
        self.dmag = dmag
        self.jptime = self.time + timedelta(seconds=JST_OFFSET)
        xmin = 127.705
        xmax = 147.393
        ymin = 29.428
        ymax = 46.109
        # this announces to the world the valid bounds for this fetcher.
        self.BOUNDS = [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]
        self.drop_non_free = drop_non_free
    def __init__(self,
        """Create a KNETFetcher instance.

        Download KNET/KikNet data from the Japanese NIED site:

            time (datetime): Origin time.
            lat (float): Origin latitude.
            lon (float): Origin longitude.
            depth (float): Origin depth.
            magnitude (float): Origin magnitude.
            user (str): username for KNET/KikNET site.
            password (str): (Optional) password for site.
            radius (float): Search radius (km).
            dt (float): Search time window (sec).
            ddepth (float): Search depth window (km).
            dmag (float): Search magnitude window (magnitude units).
            rawdir (str): Path to location where raw data will be stored.
                          If not specified, raw data will be deleted.
            drop_non_free (bool):
                Option to ignore non-free-field (borehole, sensors on structures, etc.)
        # what values do we use for search thresholds?
        # In order of priority:
        # 1) Not-None values passed in constructor
        # 2) Configured values
        # 3) DEFAULT values at top of the module
        config = get_config()
        cfg_radius = None
        cfg_dt = None
        cfg_ddepth = None
        cfg_dmag = None
        cfg_user = None
        cfg_password = None
        if 'fetchers' in config:
            if 'KNETFetcher' in config['fetchers']:
                fetch_cfg = config['fetchers']['KNETFetcher']
                if 'radius' in fetch_cfg:
                    cfg_radius = float(fetch_cfg['radius'])
                if 'dt' in fetch_cfg:
                    cfg_dt = float(fetch_cfg['dt'])
                if 'ddepth' in fetch_cfg:
                    cfg_ddepth = float(fetch_cfg['ddepth'])
                if 'dmag' in fetch_cfg:
                    cfg_dmag = float(fetch_cfg['dmag'])
                if 'user' in fetch_cfg:
                    cfg_user = fetch_cfg['user']
                if 'password' in fetch_cfg:
                    cfg_password = fetch_cfg['password']

        radius = _get_first_value(radius, cfg_radius, RADIUS)
        dt = _get_first_value(dt, cfg_dt, DT)
        ddepth = _get_first_value(ddepth, cfg_ddepth, DDEPTH)
        dmag = _get_first_value(dmag, cfg_dmag, DMAG)

        # for knet/kiknet, username/password is required
        if user is None or password is None:
            # check to see if those values are configured
            if cfg_user and cfg_password:
                user = cfg_user
                password = cfg_password
                fmt = 'Username/password are required to retrieve KNET/KikNET data.'
                raise Exception(fmt)

        self.user = user
        self.password = password
        tz = pytz.UTC
        self.time = tz.localize(time)
        self.lat = lat
        self.lon = lon
        self.radius = radius
        self.dt = dt
        self.rawdir = rawdir
        self.depth = depth
        self.magnitude = magnitude
        self.ddepth = ddepth
        self.dmag = dmag
        self.jptime = self.time + timedelta(seconds=JST_OFFSET)
        xmin = 127.705
        xmax = 147.393
        ymin = 29.428
        ymax = 46.109
        # this announces to the world the valid bounds for this fetcher.
        self.BOUNDS = [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]
        self.drop_non_free = drop_non_free
Пример #10
    def __init__(
        """Create a KNETFetcher instance.

        Download KNET/KikNet data from the Japanese NIED site:

            time (datetime):
                Origin time.
            lat (float):
                Origin latitude.
            lon (float):
                Origin longitude.
            depth (float):
                Origin depth.
            magnitude (float):
                Origin magnitude.
            user (str):
                username for KNET/KikNET site.
            password (str):
                (Optional) password for site.
            radius (float):
                Search radius (km).
            dt (float):
                Search time window (sec).
            ddepth (float):
                Search depth window (km).
            dmag (float):
                Search magnitude window (magnitude units).
            rawdir (str):
                Path to location where raw data will be stored. If not
                specified, raw data will be deleted.
            config (dict):
                Dictionary containing configuration.
                If None, retrieve global config.
            drop_non_free (bool):
                Option to ignore non-free-field (borehole, sensors on
                structures, etc.)
            stream_collection (bool):
                Construct and return a StreamCollection instance?

        # what values do we use for search thresholds?
        # In order of priority:
        # 1) Not-None values passed in constructor
        # 2) Configured values
        # 3) DEFAULT values at top of the module
        if config is None:
            config = get_config()
        cfg_radius = None
        cfg_dt = None
        cfg_ddepth = None
        cfg_dmag = None
        cfg_user = None
        cfg_password = None
        if "fetchers" in config:
            if "KNETFetcher" in config["fetchers"]:
                fetch_cfg = config["fetchers"]["KNETFetcher"]
                if "radius" in fetch_cfg:
                    cfg_radius = float(fetch_cfg["radius"])
                if "dt" in fetch_cfg:
                    cfg_dt = float(fetch_cfg["dt"])
                if "ddepth" in fetch_cfg:
                    cfg_ddepth = float(fetch_cfg["ddepth"])
                if "dmag" in fetch_cfg:
                    cfg_dmag = float(fetch_cfg["dmag"])
                if "user" in fetch_cfg:
                    cfg_user = fetch_cfg["user"]
                if "password" in fetch_cfg:
                    cfg_password = fetch_cfg["password"]

        radius = _get_first_value(radius, cfg_radius, RADIUS)
        dt = _get_first_value(dt, cfg_dt, DT)
        ddepth = _get_first_value(ddepth, cfg_ddepth, DDEPTH)
        dmag = _get_first_value(dmag, cfg_dmag, DMAG)

        # for knet/kiknet, username/password is required
        if user is None or password is None:
            # check to see if those values are configured
            if cfg_user and cfg_password:
                user = cfg_user
                password = cfg_password
                fmt = "Username/password are required to retrieve KNET/KikNET data."
                raise Exception(fmt)

        if user == "USERNAME" or password == "PASSWORD":
            fmt = (
                "Username/password are required to retrieve KNET/KikNET\n"
                "data. This tool can download data from the Japanese NIED\n"
                "website. However, for this to work you will first need \n"
                "to obtain a username and password from this website:\n"
                "Then create a custom config file by running the gmsetup\n"
                "program, and edit the fetchers:KNETFetcher section\n"
                "to use your username and password."
            raise Exception(fmt)

        # allow user to turn restrict stations on or off. Restricting saves
        # time, probably will not ignore significant data.
        self.restrict_stations = config["fetchers"]["KNETFetcher"]["restrict_stations"]

        self.user = user
        self.password = password
        tz = pytz.UTC
        if isinstance(time, UTCDateTime):
            time = time.datetime
        self.time = tz.localize(time)
        self.lat = lat
        self.lon = lon
        self.radius = radius
        self.dt = dt
        self.rawdir = rawdir
        self.depth = depth
        self.magnitude = magnitude
        self.ddepth = ddepth
        self.dmag = dmag
        self.jptime = self.time + timedelta(seconds=JST_OFFSET)
        self.drop_non_free = drop_non_free
        self.stream_collection = stream_collection
    def __init__(self, time, lat, lon,
                 depth, magnitude,
                 radius=None, time_before=None,
                 time_after=None, channels=None,
                 rawdir=None, config=None, drop_non_free=True):
        """Create an FDSNFetcher instance.

        Download waveform data from the all available FDSN sites
        using the Obspy mass downloader functionality.

            time (datetime): Origin time.
            lat (float): Origin latitude.
            lon (float): Origin longitude.
            depth (float): Origin depth.
            magnitude (float): Origin magnitude.
            radius (float): Search radius (km).
            time_before (float): Seconds before arrival time (sec).
            time_after (float): Seconds after arrival time (sec).
            rawdir (str): Path to location where raw data will be stored.
                          If not specified, raw data will be deleted.
            config (dict):
                Dictionary containing configuration. 
                If None, retrieve global config.
            drop_non_free (bool):
                Option to ignore non-free-field (borehole, sensors on structures, etc.)
        # what values do we use for search thresholds?
        # In order of priority:
        # 1) Not-None values passed in constructor
        # 2) Configured values
        # 3) DEFAULT values at top of the module
        if config is None:
            config = get_config()
        cfg_radius = None
        cfg_time_before = None
        cfg_time_after = None
        cfg_channels = None
        exclude_networks = EXCLUDE_NETWORKS
        exclude_stations = EXCLUDE_STATIONS
        reject_channels_with_gaps = REJECT_CHANNELS_WITH_GAPS
        minimum_length = MINIMUM_LENGTH
        sanitize = SANITIZE
        minimum_interstation_distance_in_m = MINIMUM_INTERSTATION_DISTANCE_IN_M
        network = NETWORK
        if 'fetchers' in config:
            if 'FDSNFetcher' in config['fetchers']:
                fetch_cfg = config['fetchers']['FDSNFetcher']
                if 'radius' in fetch_cfg:
                    cfg_radius = float(fetch_cfg['radius'])
                if 'time_before' in fetch_cfg:
                    cfg_time_before = float(fetch_cfg['time_before'])
                if 'time_after' in fetch_cfg:
                    cfg_time_after = float(fetch_cfg['time_after'])
                if 'channels' in fetch_cfg:
                    cfg_channels = fetch_cfg['channels']
                if 'exclude_networks' in fetch_cfg:
                    exclude_networks = fetch_cfg['exclude_networks']
                if 'exclude_stations' in fetch_cfg:
                    exclude_stations = fetch_cfg['exclude_stations']
                if 'reject_channels_with_gaps' in fetch_cfg:
                    reject_channels_with_gaps = fetch_cfg['reject_channels_with_gaps']
                if 'minimum_length' in fetch_cfg:
                    minimum_length = fetch_cfg['minimum_length']
                if 'sanitize' in fetch_cfg:
                    sanitize = fetch_cfg['sanitize']
                if 'minimum_interstation_distance_in_m' in fetch_cfg:
                    minimum_interstation_distance_in_m = fetch_cfg['minimum_interstation_distance_in_m']
                if 'network' in fetch_cfg:
                    network = fetch_cfg['network']
        radius = _get_first_value(radius, cfg_radius, RADIUS)
        time_before = _get_first_value(time_before,
        time_after = _get_first_value(time_after,
        channels = _get_first_value(channels, cfg_channels, CHANNELS)

        tz = pytz.UTC
        self.time = tz.localize(time)
        self.lat = lat
        self.lon = lon
        self.radius = radius
        self.time_before = time_before
        self.time_after = time_after
        self.rawdir = rawdir
        self.depth = depth
        self.magnitude = magnitude
        self.channels = channels
        self.network = network

        self.exclude_networks = exclude_networks
        self.exclude_stations = exclude_stations
        self.reject_channels_with_gaps = reject_channels_with_gaps
        self.minimum_length = minimum_length
        self.sanitize = sanitize
        self.minimum_interstation_distance_in_m = minimum_interstation_distance_in_m

        self.drop_non_free = drop_non_free
        self.BOUNDS = [-180, 180, -90, 90]