Пример #1
def factor_bounded_pm1(n, b, degree='auto'):
    print 'start'
    a = 2
    i = 0
    q = 2
    if degree == 'auto':
        while q < b:
            i += 1
            if i % 1000 == 0:
                print 'Progress:', q, b
            base = q**int(math.floor(1 / math.log(q, n)))
            a = pow(a, base, n)
            g = gmpy.gcd(a - 1, n)
            if g != 1 and g != n:
                return int(g)
            q = gmpy.next_prime(q)
        return None
        while q < b:
            i += 1
            if i % 1000 == 0:
                print 'Progress:', q, b
            base = q**degree
            a = pow(a, base, n)
            g = gmpy.gcd(a - 1, n)
            if g != 1 and g != n:
                return int(g)
            q = gmpy.next_prime(q)
        return None
Пример #2
def factor(_m,_r,_n):
	for i in range(2,1000):
		if _r%i == 0:
			t = pow(_m,_r//i,_n)
			if gmpy.gcd(t-1,_n) != 1 and gmpy.gcd(t-1,_n) != _n:
				p = gmpy.gcd(t-1,_n)
				q = _n//gmpy.gcd(t-1,_n)
	return p,q
Пример #3
def is_prime_fermat(n,s): #n,s prirozena
	'1=prime, 0=sloz'
	for i in xrange(s):
		a = random.randint(2,n-2) #zvol nahodne cele cislo mezi 2 a n-2 vcetne
		print a,gmpy.gcd(a,n), pow(a,n-1,n)
		if gmpy.gcd(a,n) != 1:
			return (i, 0) #je slozene

		if pow(a,n-1,n) != 1: #pouzijeme modularni mocneni
			return (i, 0) #je slozene

	return (-1, 1) #proslo testem
Пример #4
def is_prime_fermat(n, s):  #n,s prirozena
    '1=prime, 0=sloz'
    for i in xrange(s):
        a = random.randint(2,
                           n - 2)  #zvol nahodne cele cislo mezi 2 a n-2 vcetne
        print a, gmpy.gcd(a, n), pow(a, n - 1, n)
        if gmpy.gcd(a, n) != 1:
            return (i, 0)  #je slozene

        if pow(a, n - 1, n) != 1:  #pouzijeme modularni mocneni
            return (i, 0)  #je slozene

    return (-1, 1)  #proslo testem
Пример #5
def gen_key(bits=1024):
    while True:
        p = get_random_prime(bits)
        q = get_random_prime(bits)
        if p != q and gmpy.gcd(p * q, (p - 1) * (q - 1)) == 1:
    n = p * q
    l = int(gmpy.lcm(p - 1, q - 1))
    while True:
        g = randint(1, n**2)
        if gmpy.gcd(g, n**2) == 1:
    u = gmpy.invert(L(pow(g, l, n**2), n), n)
    return (n, g), (l, u)
Пример #6
def main(max_base, separator='\t'):
  f = urllib.urlopen("http://bealstreasure.com/members/getwork.php?username="******"&max_base=" + str(max_base)).read()
  warning("f: ", f)
  tmp_vals = f.split(",")
  warning("tmp_vals: ", tmp_vals)
  (m, n, set_id) = (int(tmp_vals[0]),int(tmp_vals[1]),tmp_vals[2])

  max_exp = max([m, n])
  table = initial_data_table(max_base, m, n)
  if (max_exp < max([m, n]) + 10):
    table = initial_data_table(max_base, m, n)
    max_exp = max([m, n])
  powx, powy = initial_data_pow(max_base, m, n)

  for x in xrange(1, max_base):
    powx_tmp = powx[x]
    for y in xrange(1, x):
      if gcd(x,y) > 1: continue
      sum = powx_tmp + powy[y]
      zr = table.get(sum)
      if zr:
        report(x, m, y, n)

  f = urllib.urlopen("http://bealstreasure.com/members/savework.php?result=false&memory=" + str(memory) + "&id=" + str(set_id)).read()
  printing("(%d, %d, %s)" % (m, n, set_id))
Пример #7
def solve(A, low, high):
    A = sorted(set(A))
    N = len(A)

    G = [0] * N
    G[-1] = A[-1]
    for i in reversed(range(N-1)):
        G[i] = int(gmpy.gcd(G[i+1], A[i]))

    #print 'A:', A, ' low=%d high=%d' % (low, high)
    #print 'G:', G

    if low <= A[0]:
        x = solve1(low, A[0], 1, G[0])
        if x is not None:
            return x

    lcm = A[0]
    for i in xrange(N-1):
        x = solve1(max(low, A[i]), min(high, A[i+1]), lcm, G[i+1])
        if x is not None:
            return x
        lcm = int(gmpy.lcm(lcm, A[i+1]))
        if lcm > high:

    if low <= lcm <= high:
        return lcm

    return 'NO'
Пример #8
def recover_rsa_modulus_from_signatures(m1, s1, m2, s2, e=0x10001):
   Calculates the modulus used to produce RSA signatures from
   two known message/signature pairs and the public exponent.

   Since the most common public exponent is 65537, we default
   to that.
   m1 - (string) The first message
   s1 - (string) The signature of the first message
      as an unencoded string
   m2 - (string) The second message
   s2 - (string) The signature of the second message
   e - (int) The exponent to use

   Returns the modulus as an integer, or False upon failure.
   m1 = string_to_long(m1)
   s1 = string_to_long(s1)
   m2 = string_to_long(m2)
   s2 = string_to_long(s2)
   gcd_result = gmpy.gcd( s1 ** e - m1, s2 ** e - m2 )

   if gcd_result < s1 or gcd_result < s2:
      # The modulus can never be smaller than our signature.
      # If this happens, we have been fed bad data.
      return False

      return int(gcd_result)
Пример #9
def could_be_prime(n):
    '''Performs some trials to compute whether n could be prime. Run time is O(N^3 / (log N)^2) for N bits.

Returns whether it is possible for n to be prime (True or False).
    if n < 2:
        return False
    if n == 2:
        return True
    if not n & 1:
        return False

    product = ONE
    log_n = int(math.log(n)) + 1
    bound = int(math.log(n) / (LOG_2 * math.log(math.log(n))**2)) + 1
    if bound * log_n >= n:
        bound = 1
        log_n = int(sqrt(n))
    prime_bound = 0
    prime = 3

    for _ in xrange(bound):
        p = []
        prime_bound += log_n
        while prime <= prime_bound:
            prime = next_prime(prime)
        if p != []:
            p = prod(p)
            product = (product * p) % n

    return gcd(n, product) == 1
Пример #10
def find_rpf_between(max_denominator, lo, hi):
    for denominator in tqdm(range(1, max_denominator + 1)):
        for numerator in range(int(denominator * lo),
                               int(denominator * hi) + 1):
            ratio = numerator / denominator
            if lo < ratio < hi and gcd(numerator, denominator) == 1:
                yield (numerator, denominator)
Пример #11
def beal_parallel(max_base, queue):
  max_exp = max([m, n])
  table = initial_data_table(max_base, m, n)

  (m, n, set_id) = queue.get()
    print '(%d, %d, %s)' % (m, n, set_id)
    if (max_exp < max([m, n]) + 10):
      table = initial_data_table(max_base, m, n)
      max_exp = max([m, n])
    powx, powy = initial_data_pow(max_base, m, n)

    for x in xrange(1, max_base):
      powx_tmp = powx[x]
      for y in xrange(1, x):
        if gcd(x,y) > 1: continue
        sum = powx_tmp + powy[y]
        zr = table.get(sum)
        if zr:
          report(x, m, y, n)

    f = urllib.urlopen("http://bealstreasure.com/members/savework.php?result=false&memory=" + str(memory) + "&id=" + str(set_id)).read()
    (m, n, set_id) = queue.get()
Пример #12
def recover_rsa_modulus_from_signatures(m1, s1, m2, s2, e=0x10001):
   Calculates the modulus used to produce RSA signatures from
   two known message/signature pairs and the public exponent.

   Since the most common public exponent is 65537, we default
   to that.
   m1 - (string) The first message
   s1 - (string) The signature of the first message
      as an unencoded string
   m2 - (string) The second message
   s2 - (string) The signature of the second message
   e - (int) The exponent to use

   Returns the modulus as an integer, or False upon failure.
   m1 = string_to_long(m1)
   s1 = string_to_long(s1)
   m2 = string_to_long(m2)
   s2 = string_to_long(s2)
   gcd_result = gmpy.gcd( s1 ** e - m1, s2 ** e - m2 )

   if gcd_result < s1 or gcd_result < s2:
      # The modulus can never be smaller than our signature.
      # If this happens, we have been fed bad data.
      return False

      return int(gcd_result)
Пример #13
def solve(A, low, high):
    A = sorted(set(A))
    N = len(A)

    G = [0] * N
    G[-1] = A[-1]
    for i in reversed(range(N - 1)):
        G[i] = int(gmpy.gcd(G[i + 1], A[i]))

    #print 'A:', A, ' low=%d high=%d' % (low, high)
    #print 'G:', G

    if low <= A[0]:
        x = solve1(low, A[0], 1, G[0])
        if x is not None:
            return x

    lcm = A[0]
    for i in xrange(N - 1):
        x = solve1(max(low, A[i]), min(high, A[i + 1]), lcm, G[i + 1])
        if x is not None:
            return x
        lcm = int(gmpy.lcm(lcm, A[i + 1]))
        if lcm > high:

    if low <= lcm <= high:
        return lcm

    return 'NO'
Пример #14
def could_be_prime(n):
	'''Performs some trials to compute whether n could be prime. Run time is O(N^3 / (log N)^2) for N bits.

Returns whether it is possible for n to be prime (True or False).
	if n < 2:
		return False
	if n == 2:
		return True
	if not n & 1:
		return False

	product = ONE
	log_n = int(math.log(n)) + 1
	bound = int(math.log(n) / (LOG_2 * math.log(math.log(n))**2)) + 1
	if bound * log_n >= n:
		bound = 1
		log_n = int(sqrt(n))
	prime_bound = 0
	prime = 3

	for _ in xrange(bound):
		p = []
		prime_bound += log_n
		while prime <= prime_bound:
			prime = next_prime(prime)
		if p != []:
			p = prod(p)
			product = (product * p) % n

	return gcd(n, product) == 1
Пример #15
def no_rand2(n=0):
    for i in range(n, 50000):
        print i
        p = number.getPrime(512, randfunction)
        if p == gmpy.gcd(p, n10):
            print 'success'
            return p
Пример #16
def pollard_pm1(n, B1=100, B2=1000):       # TODO: What are the best default bounds and way to increment them?
    if isprime(n): return n
    m = ispower(n)
    if m: return m
    while True:
        pg = primegen()
        q = 2           # TODO: what about other initial values of q?
        p = pg.next()
        while p <= B1: q, p = pow(q, p**ilog(B1, p), n), pg.next()
        g = gcd(q-1, n)
        if 1 < g < n: return g
        while p <= B2: q, p = pow(q, p, n), pg.next()
        g = gcd(q-1, n)
        if 1 < g < n: return g
        # These bounds failed.  Increase and try again.
        B1 *= 10
        B2 *= 10
Пример #17
def gcd(*args):
  Calculate GCD
    *args : Some Integers
  Return: GCD of *args
    return int(reduce(lambda x, y: gmpy.gcd(x, y), args[1:], args[0]))
Пример #18
def pollard(n):
    a = 2
    b = 2
    while True:
        a = pow(a, b, n)
        d = gmpy.gcd(n, a - 1)
        if d > 1:
            return d
        b += 1
Пример #19
def findN():
    m1 = 0xdead
    m2 = 0x1337
    m12 = m1**2
    m22 = m2**2

    c1, c2, c12, c22 = map(calcAx, (m1, m2, m12, m22))

    return int(gmpy.gcd(c2*c2-c22, c1*c1-c12))
Пример #20
def encrypt(pk, m):
    assert m < pk[0]
    while True:
        r = randint(1, pk[0])
        if gmpy.gcd(r, pk[0]) == 1:
    c1 = pow(pk[1], m, pk[0]**2)
    c2 = pow(r, pk[0], pk[0]**2)
    return (c1 * c2) % pk[0]**2
Пример #21
def find_rpf_less_than(max_denominator, fraction):
    greatest = 0
    rpf = (0, 1)
    for denominator in tqdm(range(1, max_denominator + 1)):
        numerator = int(denominator * fraction)
        ratio = numerator / denominator
        if greatest < ratio < 3 / 7 and gcd(numerator, denominator) == 1:
            greatest = ratio
            rpf = (numerator, denominator)
    return rpf
Пример #22
def find_close(n):
    sq = gmpy.sqrt(n)
    sq = sq - 10
    if sq % 2 == 0:
        sq = sq - 1
    for i in range(10000):
        sq = sq + 2
        if sq == gmpy.gcd(sq, n):
            return sq
    return None
Пример #23
	def run(self, key, testRun, keyReference, client, makePerm=True):
		res = gmp.gcd(self.product % key.n, key.n)
		if res == 1:
			status = 1
			outputText = 'No small prime factor up to ' + str(self.parameter) + ' found. '
			status = -2
			outputText = 'At least one small prime factor was found. '
		return status, outputText, []
Пример #24
def decode(NA, CA, NB):
	p = gmpy.gcd(NA, NB)
	q = NA / p 
	assert(p*q == NA)
	# print p 
	# print q 
	phi = (p-1)*(q-1)
	d = gmpy.invert(e, phi)
	m = pow(CA, d, NA)
	assert(pow(m, e, NA) == CA)
	print ("%01024x" % m).decode('hex')
Пример #25
 def apply(self, ns, evaluation):
     ns = ns.get_sequence()
     result = 0
     for n in ns:
         value = n.get_int_value()
         if value is None:
         result = gcd(result, value)
     return Integer(result)
Пример #26
def find_p_q():
    for i in range(16):
        for j in range(16):
            if i <> j:
                n1 = gmpy.mpz(ns[i])
                n2 = gmpy.mpz(ns[j])
                p = gmpy.gcd(n1, n2)
                if p <> 1:
                    q = n1 / p
                    print i
                    print 'p', p
                    print 'q', q
Пример #27
def williams_pp1(n):
    if isprime(n): return n
    m = ispower(n)
    if m: return m
    for v in count(1):
        for p in primegen():
            e = ilog(isqrt(n), p)
            if e == 0: break
            for _ in xrange(e): v = mlucas(v, p, n)
            g = gcd(v - 2, n)
            if 1 < g < n: return g
            if g == n: break
Пример #28
def pollardRho_brent(n):
    if isprime(n): return n
    g = n
    while g == n:
        y, c, m, g, r, q = randrange(1, n), randrange(1, n), randrange(1, n), 1, 1, 1
        while g==1:
            x, k = y, 0
            for i in xrange(r): y = (y**2 + c) % n
            while k < r and g == 1:
                ys = y
                for i in xrange(min(m, r-k)):
                    y = (y**2 + c) % n
                    q = q * abs(x-y) % n
                g, k = gcd(q, n), k+m
            r *= 2
        if g==n:
            while True:
                ys = (ys**2+c)%n
                g = gcd(abs(x-ys), n)
                if g > 1: break
    return g
Пример #29
def ecm(n, B1=10, B2=20):       # TODO: Determine the best defaults for B1 and B2 and the best way to increment them and iters
    # "Modern" ECM using Montgomery curves and an algorithm analogous to the two-phase variant of Pollard's p-1 method
    # TODO: We currently compute the prime lists from the sieve as we need them, but this means that we recompute them at every
    #       iteration.  While it would not be particularly efficient memory-wise, we might be able to increase time-efficiency
    #       by computing the primes we need ahead of time (say once at the beginning and then once each time we increase the
    #       bounds) and saving them in lists, and then iterate the inner while loops over those lists.
    if isprime(n): return n
    m = ispower(n)
    if m: return m
    iters = 1
    while True:
        for _ in xrange(iters):     # TODO: multiprocessing?
            # TODO: Do we really want to call the randomizer?  Why not have seed be a function of B1, B2, and iters?
            # TODO: Are some seeds better than others?
            seed = randrange(6, n)
            u, v = (seed**2 - 5) % n, 4*seed % n
            p = pow(u, 3, n)
            Q, C = (pow(v-u,3,n)*(3*u+v) % n, 4*p*v % n), (p, pow(v,3,n))
            pg = primegen()
            p = pg.next()
            while p <= B1: Q, p = ecmul(p**ilog(B1, p), Q, C, n), pg.next()
            g = gcd(Q[1], n)
            if 1 < g < n: return g
            while p <= B2:
                # "There is a simple coding trick that can speed up the second stage. Instead of multiplying each prime times Q,
                # we iterate over i from B1 + 1 to B2, adding 2Q at each step; when i is prime, the current Q can be accumulated
                # into the running solution. Again, we defer the calculation of the greatest common divisor until the end of the
                # iteration."                                                TODO: Implement this trick and compare performance.
                Q = ecmul(p, Q, C, n)
                g *= Q[1]
                g %= n
                p = pg.next()
            g = gcd(g, n)
            if 1 < g < n: return g
            # This seed failed.  Try again with a new one.
        # These bounds failed.  Increase and try again.
        B1 *= 3
        B2 *= 3
        iters *= 2
Пример #30
    def encrypt_r(self, value, player_id=None, random_elm=None):
        """Encryption of the given value.
        If player_id is given, encrypts using public key of that
        player, otherwise just use public key of the player itself.
        The encryption requires some randomness in the form of an
        element in Zn*. If random_elm is given, it is used as random
        element. Otherwise, a random element is generated using the
        pseudo-random generator given when the ModifiedPaillier object
        was constructed.
        assert isinstance(value, int) or isinstance(value, long), \
            "paillier: encrypts only integers and longs, got %s" % \
        if not player_id:
            player_id = self.runtime.id
        n = self.runtime.players[player_id].pubkey['n']
        min = -(n - 1) / 2
        max = (n - 1) / 2
        assert min <= value <= max, \
            "paillier: plaintext %d outside legal range [-(n-1)/2 " \
            "; (n-1)/2] = [%d ; %d]"  % (value, min, max)

        # Here we verify that random_elm is either None or in Zn*. But
        # for realistical parameters, we can save time by not doing
        # this, since for large n = pq, it is extremely unlikely that
        # a random element in Zn is not also a member of Zn*.
        if random_elm == None:
            while True:
                random_elm = self.random.randint(1, long(n))
                if gcd(random_elm, n) == 1:
        elif not gcd(random_elm, n) == 1:
            raise Exception("Random element must be an element in Zn*")

        pubkey = self.runtime.players[player_id].pubkey
        return random_elm, pypaillier.encrypt_r(self._f(value, n), random_elm,
Пример #31
    def encrypt_r(self, value, player_id=None, random_elm=None):
        """Encryption of the given value.
        If player_id is given, encrypts using public key of that
        player, otherwise just use public key of the player itself.
        The encryption requires some randomness in the form of an
        element in Zn*. If random_elm is given, it is used as random
        element. Otherwise, a random element is generated using the
        pseudo-random generator given when the ModifiedPaillier object
        was constructed.
        assert isinstance(value, int) or isinstance(value, long), \
            "paillier: encrypts only integers and longs, got %s" % \
        if not player_id:
            player_id = self.runtime.id
        n = self.runtime.players[player_id].pubkey['n']
        min = -(n - 1) / 2
        max = (n - 1) / 2
        assert min <= value <= max, \
            "paillier: plaintext %d outside legal range [-(n-1)/2 " \
            "; (n-1)/2] = [%d ; %d]"  % (value, min, max)

        # Here we verify that random_elm is either None or in Zn*. But
        # for realistical parameters, we can save time by not doing
        # this, since for large n = pq, it is extremely unlikely that
        # a random element in Zn is not also a member of Zn*.
        if random_elm == None:
            while True:
                random_elm = self.random.randint(1, long(n))
                if gcd(random_elm, n) == 1:
        elif not gcd(random_elm, n) == 1:
            raise Exception("Random element must be an element in Zn*")

        pubkey = self.runtime.players[player_id].pubkey
        return random_elm, pypaillier.encrypt_r(
            self._f(value, n), random_elm, pubkey)
Пример #32
    def check_z(self, results):
        self.function_count[13] += 1
        z = results[0].value % self.n_revealed
        #print "z = " + str(z)

        z_n = gmpy.gcd(z, self.n_revealed)

        if z_n == 1:
            #print "gcd(z, N) = 1, start generating e,d"
            self.e = 2**16 + 1
            #print "e = " + str(self.e)
            #print "gcd(z, N) != 1, restart with generating p"
            self.prime_pointer = 0
Пример #33
	def run(self, keys, testRun, keyReferences, client, makePerm=True):
		moduli = []
		for key, keyReference in zip(keys, keyReferences):
			z = mpz(key.modulus)
			moduli.append((z, keyReference))

		while len(tree[-1])>1:
			for k in range(0,len(tree[-1]),2):
				if k+1<len(tree[-1]):	
		for k in range(len(tree)-2,-1,-1):
			for i in range(0,len(tree[k])):
				tree[k][i]= tree[k+1][i//2] % tree[k][i]**2 

		for k in range(0,len(tree[0])):
			res.append( gmp.gcd(moduli[k][0]**2, tree[0][k]) // moduli[k][0])	
		revokes = []
		for k in range(0,len(res)):
			if res[k]>1:
				#print 'CommonGCD  found'
				#print moduli[k][1]
				#print res[k] == moduli[k][0]
				#print res[k]
				#print '---------------------------------'
		if len(revokes) == 0:
			status = 1
			outputText = 'No common GCD found'
			status = -2
			outputText = 'Common GCDs found'
		return status, outputText, revokes
Пример #34
    def generateKeys(bit_length):
            Generate a Paillier keypair of desired bit length.
            *bitlength*    the desired bitlength for the generated key
        # Generate an RSA modulus
        if bit_length <= 2:
            bit_length = 3
        p = randomPrime(bit_length / 2)
        q = p
        n = p * q
        while p == q or gcd(n, (p - 1) * (q - 1)) != 1:
            q = randomPrime(bit_length / 2)
            n = p * q

        # lm = lambda
        lm = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
        # Generator g of Z*/n^2Z.
        g = n + 1
        # Precompute mu for decryption
        mu = invert(lm, n)

        # pubkey, privkey
        psq = p**2
        qsq = q**2
        qsq_inv = invert(qsq, psq)
        return {
            'n': n,
            'g': g,
            'nsq': n * n
        }, {
            'n': n,
            'nsq': n * n,
            'g': g,
            'lm': lm,
            'mu': mu,
            'p': p,
            'q': q,
            'psq': psq,
            'phi_psq': psq - p,
            'qsq': qsq,
            'phi_qsq': qsq - q,
            'qsq_inv': qsq_inv
Пример #35
def parallel_invert(l, n):
	'''Inverts all elements of a list modulo some number, using 3(n-1) modular multiplications and one inversion.

Returns the list with all elements inverted modulo 3(n-1).'''
	l_ = l[:]
	for i in xrange(len(l)-1):
		l[i+1] = (l[i] * l[i+1]) % n
	inv = invert(l[-1], n)
	if inv == 0:
		return gcd(l[-1], n)

	for i in xrange(len(l)-1, 0, -1):
		l[i] = (inv * l[i-1]) % n
		inv = (inv * l_[i]) % n
	l[0] = inv

	return l
Пример #36
def parallel_invert(l, n):
    '''Inverts all elements of a list modulo some number, using 3(n-1) modular multiplications and one inversion.

Returns the list with all elements inverted modulo 3(n-1).'''
    l_ = l[:]
    for i in xrange(len(l) - 1):
        l[i + 1] = (l[i] * l[i + 1]) % n

    inv = invert(l[-1], n)
    if inv == 0:
        return gcd(l[-1], n)

    for i in xrange(len(l) - 1, 0, -1):
        l[i] = (inv * l[i - 1]) % n
        inv = (inv * l_[i]) % n
    l[0] = inv

    return l
Пример #37
 def generate_keys(self):
     self.p = self.rand_prime(self.key_length/2)
     while True:
         self.q = self.rand_prime(self.key_length/2)
         if not (self.p == self.q):
     self.n = self.p * self.q
     self.nsq = self.n * self.n
     self.lam = lcm(self.p-1, self.q-1)
     while True:
         self.g = randint(1, self.nsq)
         if gcd(Paillier.L(pow(self.g, self.lam, self.n), self.n), self.n):
     self.public_key = {'n':self.n, 'g':self.g}
     self.private_key = {'n':self.n, 'g':self.g, 'lam':self.lam}
Пример #38
def is_prime_ss(n, s):  #n,s prirozena, n>3 liche
	return (rounds, res):
	- rounds is -1 if it passed all tests (ie: probably prime)
    for i in xrange(0, s):  # 0,1,...,s-1
        a = random.randint(2, n - 2)  #nah. c. mezi 2 a n-2

        if gmpy.gcd(a, n) != 1:
            return (i, 0)  #je slozene

        p = pow(a, (n - 1) / 2, n)
        if p == n - 1:
            p = -1

        if not gmpy.jacobi(a, n) == p:
            return (i, 0)  #je slozene

    return (-1, 1)  #n proslo testem
Пример #39
    def generate_keys(self):
        self.p = self.rand_prime(self.key_length / 2)

        while True:
            self.q = self.rand_prime(self.key_length / 2)
            if not (self.p == self.q):

        self.n = self.p * self.q
        self.nsq = self.n * self.n
        self.lam = lcm(self.p - 1, self.q - 1)

        while True:
            self.g = randint(1, self.nsq)
            if gcd(Paillier.L(pow(self.g, self.lam, self.n), self.n), self.n):

        self.public_key = {'n': self.n, 'g': self.g}
        self.private_key = {'n': self.n, 'g': self.g, 'lam': self.lam}
Пример #40
def generate_keys(bit_length):
    # Make an RSA modulus n.
    p = find_random_prime(bit_length / 2)
    while True:
        q = find_random_prime(bit_length / 2)
        if p <> q: break

    n = p * q
    nsq = n * n

    # Calculate Carmichael's function.
    lm = gmpy.lcm(p - 1, q - 1)

    # Generate a generator g in B.
    while True:
        g = rand.randint(1, long(nsq))
        if gmpy.gcd(L(pow(g, lm, nsq), n), n) == 1: break

    return {'n': n, 'g': g}, {'n': n, 'g': g, 'lm': lm}
Пример #41
def generate_keys(bit_length):
    # Make an RSA modulus n.
    p = find_random_prime(bit_length/2)
    while True:
        q = find_random_prime(bit_length/2)
        if p<>q: break

    n = p*q
    nsq = n*n

    # Calculate Carmichael's function.
    lm = gmpy.lcm(p-1, q-1)

    # Generate a generator g in B.
    while True:
        g = rand.randint(1, long(nsq))
        if gmpy.gcd(L(pow(g, lm, nsq), n), n) == 1: break

    return {'n':n, 'g': g}, {'n': n, 'g': g, 'lm': lm}
Пример #42
def is_prime_ss(n,s): #n,s prirozena, n>3 liche
	return (rounds, res):
	- rounds is -1 if it passed all tests (ie: probably prime)
	for i in xrange(0, s): # 0,1,...,s-1
		a = random.randint(2,n-2) #nah. c. mezi 2 a n-2

		if gmpy.gcd(a,n) != 1:
			return (i, 0) #je slozene

		p = pow(a,(n-1)/2,n)
		if p == n-1: 
			p = -1

		if not gmpy.jacobi(a,n) == p:
			return (i, 0) #je slozene
	return (-1, 1) #n proslo testem
Пример #43
def make_frac(n, d):
    a = n
    b = d % n
    x = 0
    y = 1
    lastx = 1
    lasty = 0
    nn = n.numdigits(2)
    stop = gmpy.mpz(1) << (nn / 2)
    while b > stop:
        q = a / b
        r = a % b
        a = b
        b = r
        (x, lastx) = (lastx - q * x, x)
        (y, lasty) = (lasty - q * y, y)
    (a, b) = (b, y % n)
    if gmpy.gcd(a, b) != 1:
        return (None, None)
        return (a, b)
Пример #44
def beal_parallel(max_base, max_power, queue):
  table = {}
  for i in xrange(1, max_base):
    for r in xrange(3, max_power):
      zr = long(i) ** r
      table[zr] = r

  (m, n) = queue.get()
  while ((m, n) <> (None, None)): 
    print '(%d, %d)' % (m, n)
    powx, powy = initial_data(max_base, m, n)
    for x in xrange(1, max_base):
      powx_tmp = powx[x]
      for y in xrange(1, x):
        if gcd(x,y) > 1: continue
        sum = powx_tmp + powy[y]
        zr = table.get(sum)
        if zr:
          print "Building Report... Possible Find" 
          report(x, m, y, n, nth_root(sum, zr), zr)        
    (m, n) = queue.get()
Пример #45
def mainloop(n, u, p1):
	''' Input:	n  -- an integer to (try) to factor.
			u  -- the phase 1 smoothness bound
			p1 -- a list of sigma parameters to try

	Output:	A factor of n. (1 is returned on faliure).

		1. Other parameters, such as the phase 2 smoothness bound are selected by the mainloop function.
		2. This function uses batch algorithms, so if p1 is not long enough, there will be a loss in efficiency.
		3. Of course, if p1 is too long, then the mainloop will have to use more memory.
		      [The memory is polynomial in the length of p1, log u, and log n].'''
	k = inv_const(n)
	log_u = math.log(u)
	log_log_u = math.log(log_u)
	log_n = math.log(n)
	u2 = int(_7_OVER_LOG_2 * u * log_u / log_log_u)
	ncurves = len(p1)
	w = int(math.sqrt(_3_OVER_LOG_2 * ncurves / k) - 0.5)
	number_of_primes = int((ncurves << w) * math.sqrt(LOG_4_OVER_9 * log_n / k) / log_u) # Lagrange multipliers!
	number_of_primes = min(number_of_primes, int((log_n / math.log(log_n))**2 * ncurves / log_u), int(u / log_u))
	number_of_primes = max(number_of_primes, 1)
	m = math.log(number_of_primes) + log_log_u
	w = min(w, int((m - 2 * math.log(m) + LOG_3_MINUS_LOG_LOG_2) / LOG_2))
	w = max(w, 1)
	max_order = n + sqrt(n << 2) + 1 # By Hasse's theorem.
	det_bound = ((1 << w) - 1 + ((w & 1) << 1)) / 3
	log_mo = math.log(max_order)
	p = range(number_of_primes)
	prime = mpz(2)

	p1 = get_points(p1, n)
	if not isinstance(p1, list):
		return p1

	for _ in xrange(int(log_mo / LOG_2)):
		p1 = double(p1, n)
		if not isinstance(p1, list):
			return p1
	for i in xrange(1, det_bound):
		prime  = (i << 1) + 1
		if isprime(prime):
			for _ in xrange(int(log_mo / math.log(prime))):
				p1 = multiply(p1, prime, n)
				if not isinstance(p1, list):
					return p1

	while prime < sqrt(u) and isinstance(p1, list):
		for i in xrange(number_of_primes):
			prime = next_prime(prime)
			p[i] = prime ** max(1, int(log_u / math.log(prime)))
		p1 = fast_multiply(p1, prod(p),  n, w)

	if not isinstance(p1, list):
		return p1

	while prime < u and isinstance(p1, list):
		for i in xrange(number_of_primes):
			prime = next_prime(prime)
			p[i] = prime
		p1 = fast_multiply(p1, prod(p),  n, w)

	if not isinstance(p1, list):
		return p1

	del p

	small_jump = int(greatest_n((1 << (w + 2)) / 3))
	small_jump = max(120, small_jump)
	big_jump = 1 + (int(sqrt((5 << w) / 21)) << 1)
	total_jump = small_jump * big_jump
	big_multiple = max(total_jump << 1, ((int(next_prime(prime)) - (total_jump >> 1)) / total_jump) * total_jump)
	big_jump_2 = big_jump >> 1
	small_jump_2 = small_jump >> 1
	product = ONE

	psmall_jump = multiply(p1, small_jump, n)
	if not isinstance(psmall_jump, list):
		return psmall_jump

	ptotal_jump = multiply(psmall_jump, big_jump, n)
	if not isinstance(ptotal_jump, list):
		return ptotal_jump

	pgiant_step = multiply(p1, big_multiple, n)
	if not isinstance(pgiant_step, list):
		return pgiant_step

	small_multiples = [None]
	for i in xrange(1, small_jump >> 1):
		if gcd(i, small_jump) == 1:
			tmp = multiply(p1, i, n)
			if not isinstance(tmp, list):
				return tmp
			for i in xrange(len(tmp)):
				tmp[i] = tmp[i][0]
	small_multiples = tuple(small_multiples)

	big_multiples = [None]
	for i in xrange(1, (big_jump + 1) >> 1):
		tmp = multiply(psmall_jump, i, n)
		if not isinstance(tmp, list):
			return tmp
	big_multiples = tuple(big_multiples)

	psmall_jump = to_tuple(psmall_jump)
	ptotal_jump = to_tuple(ptotal_jump)
	while big_multiple < u2:
		big_multiple += total_jump
		center_up = big_multiple
		center_down = big_multiple
		pgiant_step = add(ptotal_jump, pgiant_step, n)
		if not isinstance(pgiant_step, list):
			return pgiant_step

		prime_up = next_prime(big_multiple - small_jump_2)
		while prime_up < big_multiple + small_jump_2:
			s = small_multiples[abs(int(prime_up) - big_multiple)]
			for j in xrange(ncurves):
				product *= pgiant_step[j][0] - s[j]
				product %= n
			prime_up = next_prime(prime_up)
		for i in xrange(1, big_jump_2 + 1):
			center_up += small_jump
			center_down -= small_jump
			pmed_step_up, pmed_step_down = add_sub_x_only(big_multiples[i], pgiant_step, n)
			if pmed_step_down == None:
				return pmed_step_up

			while prime_up < center_up + small_jump_2:
				s = small_multiples[abs(int(prime_up) - center_up)]
				for j in xrange(ncurves):
					product *= pmed_step_up[j] - s[j]
					product %= n
				prime_up = next_prime(prime_up)

			prime_down = next_prime(center_down - small_jump_2)
			while prime_down < center_down + small_jump_2:
				s = small_multiples[abs(int(prime_down) - center_down)]
				for j in xrange(ncurves):
					product *= pmed_step_down[j] - s[j]
					product %= n
				prime_down = next_prime(prime_down)

	if gcd(product, n) != 1:
		return gcd(product, n)

	return 1
Пример #46
def sub_sub_sure_factors(f, u, curve_parameter):
	'''Finds all factors that can be found using ECM with a smoothness bound of u and sigma and give curve parameters. If that fails, checks for being a prime power and does Fermat factoring as well.
Yields factors.'''
	while not (f & 1):
		yield 2
		f >>= 1
	while not (f % 3):
		yield 3
		f /= 3

	if isprime(f):
		yield f

	log_u = math.log(u)
	u2 = int(_7_OVER_LOG_2 * u * log_u / math.log(log_u))
	primes = []
	still_a_chance = True
	log_mo = math.log(f + 1 + sqrt(f << 2))

	g = gcd(curve_parameter, f)
	if g not in (1, f):
		for factor in sub_sub_sure_factors(g, u, curve_parameter):
			yield factor
		for factor in sub_sub_sure_factors(f/g, u, curve_parameter):
			yield factor

	g2 = gcd(curve_parameter**2 - 5, f)
	if g2 not in (1, f):
		for factor in sub_sub_sure_factors(g2, u, curve_parameter):
			yield factor
		for factor in sub_sub_sure_factors(f / g2, u, curve_parameter):
			yield factor

	if f in (g, g2):
		yield f

	while still_a_chance:
		p1 = get_points([curve_parameter], f)
		for prime in primes:
			p1 = multiply(p1, prime, f)
			if not isinstance(p1, list):
				if p1 != f:
					for factor in sub_sub_sure_factors(p1, u, curve_parameter):
						yield factor
					for factor in sub_sub_sure_factors(f/p1, u, curve_parameter):
						yield factor
					still_a_chance = False

		if not still_a_chance:

		prime = 1
		still_a_chance = False
		while prime < u2:
			prime = next_prime(prime)
			should_break = False
			for _ in xrange(int(log_mo / math.log(prime))):
				p1 = multiply(p1, prime, f)
				if not isinstance(p1, list):
					if p1 != f:
						for factor in sub_sub_sure_factors(p1, u, curve_parameter):
							yield factor
						for factor in sub_sub_sure_factors(f/p1, u, curve_parameter):
							yield factor

						still_a_chance = True
						should_break = True
			if should_break:

	for i in xrange(2, int(math.log(f) / LOG_2) + 2):
		r = root(f, i)
		if r[1]:
			for factor in sub_sub_sure_factors(r[0], u, curve_parameter):
				for _ in xrange(i):
					yield factor
	a = 1 + sqrt(f)
	bsq = a * a - f
	iter = 0

	while bsq != sqrt(bsq)**2 and iter < 3:
		a += 1
		iter += 1
		bsq += a + a - 1

	if bsq == sqrt(bsq)**2:
		b = sqrt(bsq)
		for factor in sub_sub_sure_factors(a - b, u, curve_parameter):
			yield factor
		for factor in sub_sub_sure_factors(a + b, u, curve_parameter):
			yield factor

	yield f
Пример #47
def primefac(n, trial_limit=1000, rho_rounds=42000, verbose=False,
             methods=(pollardRho_brent, pollard_pm1, williams_pp1, ecm, mpqs)):
    # Obtains a complete factorization of n, yielding the prime factors as they are obtained.
    # If the user explicitly specifies a splitting method, use that method.  Otherwise,
    # 1.  Pull out small factors with trial division.
    # TODO: a few rounds of Fermat's method?
    # 2.  Do a few rounds of Pollard's Rho algorithm.
    # TODO: a few rounds of ECM by itself?
    # TODO: a certain amount of P-1?
    # 3.  Launch multifactor on the remainder.  Multifactor has enough overhead that we want to be fairly sure that rho isn't
    #     likely to yield new factors soon.  The default value of rho_rounds=42000 seems good for that but is probably overkill.
    if n < 2: return
    if isprime(n): yield n; return
    factors, nroot = [], isqrt(n)
    for p in primegen(): # Note that we remove factors of 2 whether the user wants to or not.
        if n%p == 0:
            while n%p == 0:
                yield p
                n /= p
            nroot = isqrt(n)
            if isprime(n):
                yield n
        if p > nroot:
            if n != 1: yield n
        if p >= trial_limit: break
    if isprime(n): yield n; return
    if rho_rounds == "inf":
        factors = [n]
        while len(factors) != 0:
            n = min(factors)
            f = pollardRho_brent(n)
            if isprime(f): yield f
            else: factors.append(f)
            n /= f
            if isprime(n): yield n
            else: factors.append(n)
    factors, difficult = [n], []
    while len(factors) != 0:
        rhocount = 0
        n = factors.pop()
            g = n
            while g == n:
                x, c, g = randrange(1, n), randrange(1, n), 1
                y = x
                while g==1:
                    if rhocount >= rho_rounds: raise Exception
                    rhocount += 1
                    x = (x**2 + c) % n
                    y = (y**2 + c) % n
                    y = (y**2 + c) % n
                    g = gcd(x-y, n)
            # We now have a nontrivial factor g of n.  If we took too long to get here, we're actually at the except statement.
            if isprime(g): yield g
            else: factors.append(g)
            n /= g
            if isprime(n): yield n
            else: factors.append(n)
        except Exception: difficult.append(n) # Factoring n took too long.  We'll have multifactor chug on it.
    factors = difficult
    while len(factors) != 0:
        n = min(factors)
        f = multifactor(n, methods=methods, verbose=verbose)
        if isprime(f): yield f
        else: factors.append(f)
        n /= f
        if isprime(n): yield n
        else: factors.append(n)
Пример #48
#!/usr/bin/env python2.6

from time import time
from gmpy import gcd   # much faster than homecoded or fractions.gcd()
start = time()

# Section 1: preliminary definitions
p = 1009; pm1 = p - 1
q = 3643; qm1 = q - 1
n = p * q
phi = pm1 * qm1

# Section 2: building our list of usable e values, as an iterator object
es = (e for e in xrange(1, phi, 2) if gcd(e, phi) == 1)

# Section 3: building a dict of # unconcealed messages
n_unc = {}
for e in es:
    u = (1 + gcd(e - 1, pm1)) * (1 + gcd(e - 1, qm1))
    if u in n_unc:
        n_unc[u] = [e]

# Section 4: printing sum of es that give min # unc. messages
m = min(n_unc.iterkeys())
print(time() - start)
Пример #49
def report(x, m, y, n):
  x, y = map(long, (x, y))
  if (min(x, y) > 0 and min(m, n) > 2 ):
    if gcd(x,y) == 1: 
      printing('We might have a solution!!  Contact bealstreasure.com for details: %d ^ %d + %d ^ %d' % ( x,   m,   y,   n))
      f = urllib.urlopen("http://bealstreasure.com/members/savework.php?&result=true&x=" + str(x) + "&m=" + str(m) + "&y=" + str(y) + "&n=" + str(n)).read()
Пример #50
Файл: q33.py Проект: mwcz/euler
            common_digits = True

    if not common_digits: return False

    n_number = int( "".join( [ c for c in n ] ) )
    d_number = int( "".join( [ c for c in d ] ) )

    if d_number == 0: return False

    return True if float( n_number ) / float( d_number ) == ratio else False

if __name__ == "__main__":

    numers = []
    denoms = []

    for numer in range(10,100):
        for denom in range(numer+1,100):
            if badfrac( numer, denom ):

    numer = reduce( mul, numers )
    denom = reduce( mul, denoms )

    divisor = gcd( numer, denom )

    print( denom / divisor )
Пример #51
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   GNU General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#   You can contact me at [email protected]
#   Visit my wiki at http://blog.san-ss.com.ar

import gmpy

if __name__ == '__main__':
    p = 1009
    q = 3643
    n = p * q
    phi_n = n - p - q + 1
    result = 0
    min_res = 9999999999999
    for e in range(1, phi_n):
        if gmpy.gcd(e, phi_n) != 1:
        num_unconcealed = (gmpy.gcd(e-1, p-1) + 1) * (gmpy.gcd(e-1, q-1) + 1)
        if num_unconcealed < min_res:
            min_res = num_unconcealed
            result = e
        elif num_unconcealed == min_res:
            result += e
    print("The result is: {0}".format(result))
Пример #52
from Crypto.Util.number import *
import gmpy

n = 0x7fe8cafec59886e9318830f33747cafd200588406e7c42741859e15994ab62410438991ab5d9fc94f386219e3c27d6ffc73754f791e7b2c565611f8fe5054dd132b8c4f3eadcf1180cd8f2a3cc756b06996f2d5b67c390adcba9d444697b13d12b2badfc3c7d5459df16a047ca25f4d18570cd6fa727aed46394576cfdb56b41
e = 0x10001
c = 0x5233da71cc1dc1c5f21039f51eb51c80657e1af217d563aa25a8104a4e84a42379040ecdfdd5afa191156ccb40b6f188f4ad96c58922428c4c0bc17fd5384456853e139afde40c3f95988879629297f48d0efa6b335716a4c24bfee36f714d34a4e810a9689e93a0af8502528844ae578100b0188a2790518c695c095c9d677b

m = bytes_to_long(bytes.fromhex("372f0e88f6f7189da7c06ed49e87e0664b988ecbee583586dfd1c6af99bf20345ae7442012c6807b3493d8936f5b48e553f614754deb3da6230fa1e16a8d5953a94c886699fc2bf409556264d5dced76a1780a90fd22f3701fdbcb183ddab4046affdc4dc6379090f79f4cd50673b24d0b08458cdbe509d60a4ad88a7b4e2921"))

r = e-1
p = gmpy.gcd(pow(m, r//2, n) - 1, n)
q = gmpy.gcd(pow(m, r//2, n) + 1, n)

def factor(_m,_r,_n):
	for i in range(2,1000):
		if _r%i == 0:
			t = pow(_m,_r//i,_n)
			if gmpy.gcd(t-1,_n) != 1 and gmpy.gcd(t-1,_n) != _n:
				p = gmpy.gcd(t-1,_n)
				q = _n//gmpy.gcd(t-1,_n)
	return p,q

p, q = factor(m , e-1, n)
phi = (p-1)*(q-1)
d = inverse(e, phi)
flag = long_to_bytes(pow(c, d, n)).decode()

print (flag)
Пример #53
def report(x, m, y, n, z, r):
  x, y, z = map(long, (x, y, z))
  if (min(x, y, z) > 0 and min(m, n, r) > 2 ):
    if (x ** m + y ** n == z ** r):  
      if gcd(x,y) == gcd(x,z) == gcd(y, z) == 1: 
        print 'Yay!!!: %d ^ %d + %d ^ %d = %d ^ %d = %s' % ( x,   m,   y,   n,   z,   r,  z**r)
Пример #54
def try_decrypt(k):
    for c in range(5):
        x = decrypt(k, open('ciphertext-{}.bin'.format(c+1)).read())
        if x is not None:
            plaintexts[c] = x
            print "Got plaintext:", x

def load_key(n):
    return RSA.importKey(open('key-{}.pem'.format(n)).read())

print "Stage 1 - GCD"
for i in range(10):
    k1 = load_key(i)
    for j in range(i+1, 10):
        k2 = load_key(j)
        g = gmpy.gcd(k1.n, k2.n)
        if g != 1:
            p = long(g)
            q = long(k1.n / p)
            phi = (p-1) * (q-1)
            keys[i] = RSA.construct((k1.n, k1.e, long(gmpy.invert(k1.e, phi)), p, q))

            q = long(k2.n / p)
            phi = (p-1) * (q-1)
            keys[j] = RSA.construct((k2.n, k2.e, long(gmpy.invert(k2.e, phi)), p, q))

print "Stage 2 - Wiener"