Пример #1
def prime_gen(dimension):
    Используем алгоритм Диемитко для генерации чисел нужного порядка
    start_prime = chose_start_prime(dimension)

    current_prime = mpz(start_prime)

    p = mpz(start_prime)

    repit_flag = True

    U = 0

    while p.num_digits() <= dimension:
        if repit_flag:
            repit_flag = False
            N = f_div(mpz(10**(dimension - 1)), mpz(current_prime)) + \
                f_div(mpz(10**(dimension - 1) * mpfr(random())),
            N = N + 1 if N.is_odd() else N
            U = 0
        p = (N + U) * current_prime + 1
        if pow(2, p - 1, p) == 1 and pow(2, N + U, p) != 1:
            repit_flag = True
            U += 2

    return p
Пример #2
def dec_plaintext(c, secret_msg):
        brute forces plain text for LSB parity oracle 
        param1 -> cipher text 
        param2 -> secret_msg, here just to see if function is working wouldn't make 
                    sense for actual case
        returns -> brute forced plain text
    e, n = public

    # msg somewhere in between 0,n as it is mod n
    lower_bound = 0
    upper_bound = n

    # iterate througn log_2 (n)
    for i in range(1, int(math.log(n, 2) + 1)):

        # multiply cipher with 2^(ie) where i [0....log_2(N)]
        multiplier = pow(2, i * e, n)

        is_odd = parity_oracle(multiplier * cipher)

        if is_odd:
            lower_bound = int(f_div(upper_bound + lower_bound, 2).digits())
            upper_bound = int(f_div((upper_bound + lower_bound), 2).digits())

        if i % 10 == 0:
            print('upper_bound', long_to_bytes(upper_bound))

        if secret_msg in long_to_bytes(upper_bound):
    return (upper_bound)
    def _step2c_searching_with_one_interval_left(self):
        ## this is the hardest one.
        # You need to get the most recent interval set from M,
        # and then get the first interval of that set. Unpack
        # the interval tuple to variables a, b
        most_recent_interval_set = self.M[-1]
        (a, b) = most_recent_interval_set[0]
        # Next, compute ri = (2(b x s[-1] - 2B))/self.n
        #    (use gmpy2.c_div for these computations)
        div_ri = 2 * ((b * self.s[-1]) - self.B * 2)
        ri = gmpy2.c_div(div_ri, self.n)
        # Finally, search for an s between (2B+(ri x n))/b
        #   and (3B+(ri x n))/a

        low = gmpy2.f_div((self.B * 2 + (ri * self.n)), b)
        high = gmpy2.c_div((self.B * 3 + (ri * self.n)), a)
        si = self._find_s(low, high)
        # If no si is found, increase ri by one and try again.
        while not si:
            ri += 1
            low = gmpy2.f_div((self.B * 2 + (ri * self.n)), b)
            high = gmpy2.c_div((self.B * 3 + (ri * self.n)), a)
            si = self._find_s(low, high)

        return si
Пример #4
def decrypt(priv, pub, cipher):
    one = gmpy2.mpz(1)
    x = gmpy2.sub(gmpy2.powmod(cipher, priv.l, pub.n_sq), one)
    plain = gmpy2.f_mod(gmpy2.mul(gmpy2.f_div(x, pub.n), priv.m), pub.n)
    if plain >= gmpy2.f_div(pub.n, 2):
        plain = plain - pub.n
    return plain
Пример #5
    def biprimality_check(self):
        self.Q = gmpy2.powmod(self.gg, gmpy2.f_div(self.pi + self.qi, 4),

        self.send_data(self.Q, 1)
        self.send_data(33331111, 1)
        self.send_data(self.Q, 2)
        self.send_data(33332222, 2)
        while True:
            if self.flag_send_3_to_2.value == 0:
        Q_list = self.receive_Q_list()
        # print("Q_list = ", Q_list)
        # print("Q_list = ", Q_list)

        Q1 = Q_list[0]
        Q2 = Q_list[1]
        Q3 = Q_list[2]
        Q2_inv = gmpy2.invert(Q2, self.N)
        Q3_inv = gmpy2.invert(Q3, self.N)

        biprimality_check = gmpy2.f_mod(
            (Q1 * Q2_inv * Q3_inv), self.N) == gmpy2.f_mod(
                mpz(1), self.N) or gmpy2.f_mod(
                    (Q1 * Q2_inv * Q3_inv), self.N) == gmpy2.f_mod(
                        mpz(-1), self.N)
        return biprimality_check
    def initialize(self, num, den, Precision):
        num = mpz(num)
        den = mpz(den)
        self.precision = Precision
        quotient = gmpy2.f_div(num, den)
        if gmpy2.is_odd(quotient):
            self.decimal = 1
            self.decimal = 0
        remainder = gmpy2.fmod(num, den)

        self.value = []
        remainder *= 2
        i = 0
        while i < self.precision:
            if remainder < den:
                remainder *= 2
            elif remainder > den:
                remainder -= den
                remainder *= 2
            elif remainder == den:
                remainder -= den
            elif remainder == 0:
            i += 1
    def biprimality_check(self):
        ggt = self.gen_coprime(self.N)
        while gmpy2.jacobi(ggt, self.N) != 1:
            ggt = self.gen_coprime(self.N)
        self.gg = ggt
        self.send_data(self.gg, 2)
        self.send_data(11112222, 2)
        self.send_data(self.gg, 3)
        self.send_data(11113333, 3)
        self.Q = gmpy2.powmod(self.gg,
                              gmpy2.f_div((self.N + 1 - self.pi - self.qi), 4),

        self.send_data(self.Q, 2)
        self.send_data(11112222, 2)
        self.send_data(self.Q, 3)
        self.send_data(11113333, 3)
        while True:
            if self.flag_send_1_to_3.value == 0:
        Q_list = self.receive_Q_list()
        # print("Q_list = ", Q_list)
        # print("Q_list = ", Q_list)

        Q1 = Q_list[0]
        Q2 = Q_list[1]
        Q3 = Q_list[2]
        Q2_inv = gmpy2.invert(Q2, self.N)
        Q3_inv = gmpy2.invert(Q3, self.N)

        check_data = gmpy2.f_mod((Q1 * Q2_inv * Q3_inv), self.N)
        if check_data == gmpy2.f_mod(
                mpz(1), self.N) or check_data == gmpy2.f_mod(mpz(-1), self.N):
            return True
        return False
Пример #8
def factoring_challenge_3():
    Given |3p - 2q| < N^(1/4) and considering A = (3p + 2q) / 2 we can show that
    A - sqrt(6N) < 1 => A = ceil(sqrt(6N)).
    Let x be equal distance from A to 3p and 2q, then x = sqrt(A^2 - 6N)
    => we can calculate p and q based on this.
    modulus = mpz(
    a, rem = gmpy2.isqrt_rem(6 * modulus)
    if rem > 0:
        a += 1
    x = gmpy2.isqrt(a ** 2 - 6 * modulus)
    a_minus_x, a_plus_x = a - x, a + x

    # either p = (A - x) / 3 and q = (A + x) / 2
    p, rem = gmpy2.f_divmod(a_minus_x, 3)
    if rem == 0:
        q, rem = gmpy2.f_divmod(a_plus_x, 2)
        if gmpy2.mul(p, q) == modulus:
            return p if p < q else q

    # or p = (A + x) / 3 and q = (A - x) / 2
    p, rem = gmpy2.f_divmod(a_plus_x, 3)
    if rem == 0:
        q = gmpy2.f_div(a_minus_x, 2)
        if gmpy2.mul(p, q) == modulus:
            return p if p < q else q
Пример #9
 def p_q_gen(self, bits):
     self.p = mpz(2)**(bits - 1) + mpz_urandomb(rand, bits - 1)
     while True:
         self.p = next_prime(self.p)
         self.q = f_div(self.p - 1, 2)
         if is_prime(self.q):
Пример #10
def output(s1, en1, en2):
    output_values = s1  #P1 initially set the output to be s1
    for i in range(0, len(s2)):
        a = decrypt(priv, pub, en1[i])
        b = decrypt(priv, pub, en2[i])
        if (a != 0) and (b != 0):
            output_values.append(int(gmpy2.f_div(a, b)))
    return output_values
    def _step3_narrowing_set_of_solutions(self, si):
        # This step reduces the number of possible solutions
        # It will start by iterating through all the Intervals in the
        #  most recent M. As you iterate through each Interval, unpack
        #  the Interval to variables a, b
        most_recent_M = self.M[-1]
        new_intervals = []
        # For each interval a,b
        for interval in most_recent_M:
            (a, b) = interval
            #    r_min is ((a x si) - 3B+1)/n (use gmpy2.c_div)
            div_a = (a * si) - ((self.B * 3) - 1)
            r_min = gmpy2.c_div(div_a, self.n)
            #    r_max is ((b x si) - 2B)/n (use **gmpy2.f_div**)
            div_b = (b * si) - (self.B * 2)
            r_max = gmpy2.f_div(div_b, self.n)
            #    For r in range (r_min, r_max):
            for r in range(r_min, r_max + 1):
                #        new_a = (2B + (r x n))/ si (use gmpy2.c_div)
                div_new_a = (self.B * 2) + (r * self.n)
                new_a = gmpy2.c_div(div_new_a, si)
                #        new_b = ((3B-1) + (r x n))/si (use **gmpy2.f_div**)
                div_new_b = ((self.B * 3) + 1) + (r * self.n)
                new_b = gmpy2.f_div(div_new_b, si)
                #        new_interval = Interval( max(a, new_a), min(b, new_b))
                new_interval = Interval(max(a, new_a), min(b, new_b))
                #        add interval to a set of intervals
        # append the new intervals to M (the new last element of M will
        #   be the list of intervals discovered)
        # append si to self.s

        # IF the length of new intervals is 1 AND this single Interval's
        # a == b, return True, otherwise False
        if len(new_intervals) == 1:
            (a, b) = new_intervals[0]
            if a == b:
                return True
        # For explanations on why to use c_div vs f_div, look up these
        # functions in gmpy2 and then see if you can figure out why one is
        # used over the other
        return False
 def _step3_narrowing_set_of_solutions(self, si):
     # This step reduces the number of possible solutions
     # It will start by iterating through all the Intervals in the
     #  most recent M. As you iterate through each Interval, unpack
     #  the Interval to variables a, b
     # For each interval a,b
     #    r_min is ((a x si) - 3B+1)/n (use gmpy2.c_div)
     #    r_max is ((b x si) - 2B)/n (use **gmpy2.f_div**)
     #    For r in range (r_min, r_max):
     #        new_a = (2B + (r x n))/ si (use gmpy2.c_div)
     #        new_b = ((3B-1) + (r x n))/si (use **gmpy2.f_div**)
     #        new_interval = Interval( max(a, new_a), min(b, new_b))
     #        add interval to a set of intervals
     # append the new intervals to M (the new last element of M will
     #   be the list of intervals discovered)
     # append si to self.s
     # IF the length of new intervals is 1 AND this single Interval's
     # a == b, return True, otherwise False
     # For explanations on why to use c_div vs f_div, look up these
     # functions in gmpy2 and then see if you can figure out why one is
     # used over the other
     mostRecentM = self.M[-1]
     intervals = []
     for a,b in mostRecentM:
         r_min = ((a * si) - 3 * self.B + 1) 
         r_min = gmpy2.c_div(r_min, self.n)
         r_max = ((b * si) - 2 * self.B)
         r_max = gmpy2.f_div(r_max, self.n)
         for r in range(r_min, r_max + 1):
             new_a = (2 * self.B + (r * self.n)) 
             new_a = gmpy2.c_div(new_a, si)
             new_b = ((3 * self.B-1) + (r * self.n))
             new_b = gmpy2.f_div(new_b, si)
             new_interval = Interval( max(a, new_a), min(b, new_b))
     if len(intervals) == 1 and intervals[0].a == intervals[0].b:
         return True
         return False
    def _step3_narrowing_set_of_solutions(self, si):
        new_intervals = set()
        for a,b in self.M[-1]:
            r_min = gmpy2.c_div((a*si - 3*self.B + 1),self.n)
            r_max = gmpy2.f_div((b*si - 2*self.B),self.n)

            for r in range(r_min, r_max+1):
                a_candidate = gmpy2.c_div((2*self.B+r*self.n),si)
                b_candidate = gmpy2.f_div((3*self.B-1+r*self.n),si)

                new_interval = Interval(max(a, a_candidate), min(b,b_candidate))
        new_intervals = list(new_intervals)
        if len(new_intervals) == 1 and new_intervals[0].a == new_intervals[0].b:
            return True
        return False
Пример #14
    def decrypt(c, lbd, mu, n):
        Decrypts encrypted number c with respect to private keys
                 lambda and mu (and public key n)
            m: number to be encrypted
            lbd,mu: private keys used for the decryption
            n: public key necessary for decryption
            c: encrypted representation of m
        n2 = pow(n, 2)
        one = gmpy2.mpz(1)
        x = gmpy2.sub(gmpy2.powmod(c, lbd, n2), one)
        m = gmpy2.f_mod(gmpy2.mul(gmpy2.f_div(x, n), mu), n)

        if m >= gmpy2.f_div(n, 2):
            m = m - n
        return m
Пример #15
def cf(n, m):
    """Rational number ``n // m`` to continued fraction.

    :param n: numerator.
    :param m: denominator.
    res = []
    while m:
        x = gmpy2.f_div(n, m)
        n, m = m, n - m * x
    return res
Пример #16
def proot(a, b, c):
	tr = gmpy2.mul(b, b)
	ac = gmpy2.mul(a, c)
	tr -= gmpy2.mul(ac, 4)
	tr = gmpy2.isqrt(tr)
	ta = gmpy2.mul(a, 2)

	# +ve side
	ret1 = b + tr
	ret1 = gmpy2.f_div(ret1, ta)
	if 0 > ret1:
		return -ret1

	# -ve side
	ret2 = b - tr
	ret2 = gmpy2.f_div(ret2, ta)
	if 0 > ret2:
		return -ret2
		print "proot Error"
Пример #17
def proot(a, b, c):
    tr = gmpy2.mul(b, b)
    ac = gmpy2.mul(a, c)
    tr -= gmpy2.mul(ac, 4)
    tr = gmpy2.isqrt(tr)
    ta = gmpy2.mul(a, 2)

    # +ve side
    ret1 = b + tr
    ret1 = gmpy2.f_div(ret1, ta)
    if 0 > ret1:
        return -ret1

    # -ve side
    ret2 = b - tr
    ret2 = gmpy2.f_div(ret2, ta)
    if 0 > ret2:
        return -ret2
        print "proot Error"
Пример #18
def cf(n, m):
    """Rational number ``n / m`` to continued fraction.

    :param n: numerator.
    :param m: denominator.
    res = []
    while m:
        x = gmpy2.f_div(n, m)
        n, m = m, n - m * x
    return res
Пример #19
def get_prime(dimension : int):
    dim = dimension
    start_prime = 1351
    repit_flag = True
    p = mpz(start_prime)
    while p.num_digits() <= dim:
        if repit_flag:
            repit_flag = False
            # Используется теорема Диемитко https://studfile.net/preview/6268704/page:28/
            # Она позволяет строить большие числа на основе существуюших меньших простых чисел
            # n=qR+1, где q – простое число, R – четное, R<4(q+1).
            # Высчитаем число N
            N = f_div(mpz(10 ** (dim - 1)), mpz(start_prime)) + f_div(mpz(10 ** (dim - 1) * mpfr(random())),mpz(start_prime))
            # Если оно нечетное, то добавляем 1
            N = N + 1 if is_odd(N) else N
            U = 0
            # получаем число и проверяем его на условие теоремы
        p = (N + U) * start_prime + 1
        # если условия выполнены, то ищем новое простое число для расчета
        if pow(2, p - 1, p) == 1 and pow(2, N + U, p) != 1:
            return int(p)
            U += 2
Пример #20
def findAVulnerablePrime(bitSize):
    generator = 65537
    m = nt.primorial(prime_default(bitSize), False)

    max_order = nt.totient(m)
    max_order_factors = nt.factorint(max_order)

    order = element_order_general(generator, m, max_order, max_order_factors)
    order_factors = nt.factorint(order)

    power_range = [0, order - 1]
    min_prime = g.bit_set(
        g.bit_set(g.mpz(0), bitSize // 2 - 1), bitSize // 2 - 2
    )  # g.add(pow(g.mpz(2), (length / 2 - 1)), pow(g.mpz(2), (length / 2 - 2)))
    max_prime = g.bit_set(
        min_prime, bitSize // 2 - 4
    )  # g.sub(g.add(min_prime, pow(g.mpz(2), (length / 2 - 4))), g.mpz(1))
    multiple_range = [g.f_div(min_prime, m), g.c_div(max_prime, m)]

    random_state = g.random_state(random.SystemRandom().randint(0, 2**256))

    return random_prime(random_state,
                        nt.primorial(prime_default(bitSize), False), generator,
                        power_range, multiple_range)
Пример #21
 def findFactorsCaseThree(self):
     print("Modulus N is: " + str(self.N))
     #A = ceil(2 * sqrt(6N))
     A = gmpy2.ceil(gmpy2.mul(mpz(2), gmpy2.sqrt(gmpy2.mul(mpz(6), self.N))))
     print("A is: " + str(A))
     #X = sqrt(A^2 - 24N)
     A_square = gmpy2.mul(A, A)
     X = gmpy2.sqrt(gmpy2.sub(A_square, gmpy2.mul(mpz(24), self.N)))
     print("X is: " + str(X))
     #q = (A + X)/4 AND p = N/q
     self.q = gmpy2.f_div(mpz(gmpy2.add(A, X)), mpz(4))
     self.p = gmpy2.div(self.N, self.q)
     prod = gmpy2.mul(self.p, self.q)
     print("Product of pq is: " + str(prod))
     if prod == self.N:
         print("We have got the factors RIGHT")
         print("We didn't get the factors")
         self.p = 0
         self.q = 0
    def biprimality_check(self, flag_send_2_to_1, flag_send_2_to_3, data_2_to_1_queue, data_2_to_3_queue, q21, q23):
        self.Q = gmpy2.powmod(self.gg, gmpy2.f_div(self.pi + self.qi, 4), self.N)

        self.send_data(self.Q, 1, flag_send_2_to_1, flag_send_2_to_3, data_2_to_1_queue, data_2_to_3_queue)
        self.send_data(22221111, 1, flag_send_2_to_1, flag_send_2_to_3, data_2_to_1_queue, data_2_to_3_queue)
        self.send_data(self.Q, 3, flag_send_2_to_1, flag_send_2_to_3, data_2_to_1_queue, data_2_to_3_queue)
        self.send_data(22223333, 3, flag_send_2_to_1, flag_send_2_to_3, data_2_to_1_queue, data_2_to_3_queue)
        while True:
            if flag_send_2_to_3.value == 0:
        Q_list = self.receive_Q_list(q21, q23)
        # print("Q_list = ", Q_list)
        # print("Q_list = ", Q_list)

        Q1 = Q_list[0]
        Q2 = Q_list[1]
        Q3 = Q_list[2]
        Q2_inv = gmpy2.invert(Q2, self.N)
        Q3_inv = gmpy2.invert(Q3, self.N)

        biprimality_check = gmpy2.f_mod((Q1 * Q2_inv * Q3_inv), self.N) == gmpy2.f_mod(mpz(1), self.N) or gmpy2.f_mod(
            (Q1 * Q2_inv * Q3_inv), self.N) == gmpy2.f_mod(mpz(-1), self.N)
        return biprimality_check
Пример #23
import gmpy2
from gmpy2 import mpz
p=input("enter p") #input a prime number (len(p))<=10^18, p>=3
q=input("enter q") #input a prime number (len(q))<=10^18, q>p
m=input("enter m") #The string to be encrypted
n=gmpy2.mul(mpz(p),mpz(q)) #product of p, q
phi=gmpy2.mul(mpz(mpz(p)-1),mpz(mpz(q)-1)) #product of p-1 and q-1
e=gmpy2.next_prime(mpz(gmpy2.f_div(phi,2))) #divide phi by 2, then find the next prime
# e=mpz(2)
# e=next_prime(mpz(q))

# while (e<phi):
# 	if (phi%e!=0):
# 		break
# 	else:
# 		e=gmpy2.next_prime(e)

d=mpz(gmpy2.invert(e,phi)) # e*d=1modphi, therefore calculate d which is the secret key
# c=mpz((mpz(mpz(m))**e)%mpz(n))
c=mpz(gmpy2.powmod(m,e,n)) # c is the encrypted value.
# m_d=mpz((mpz(mpz(c))**d)%mpz(n))
# m_d=gmpy2.powmod(c,d,n)
# print (m_d)
print (c)
print (e)
print (d)
print (n)
Пример #24
list_primes = []

p = mpz(start_prime)

repit_flag = True

U = 0

for i in range(1):

    while p.num_digits() <= dimension:
        if repit_flag:
            repit_flag = False
            N = f_div(mpz(10**(dimension - 1)), mpz(current_prime)) + \
                f_div(mpz(10**(dimension - 1) * mpfr(random())),
            N = N + 1 if N.is_odd() else N
            U = 0

        p = mul((N + U), current_prime) + 1

        if powmod(2, p - 1, p) == 1 and powmod(2, N + U, p) != 1:
            repit_flag = True
            U += 2
Пример #25
def dec(priv, pub, cipher):  #(private key, public key, cipher) #to do
    x = powmod(cipher, priv.l, pub.n_sq)
    L = f_div(x - 1, pub.n)
    plain = mpz(L * priv.m) % pub.n
    return plain
Пример #26
def decimal_round(q: Decimal) -> Decimal:
    # Implements the workaround by
    # https://gmplib.org/list-archives/gmp-discuss/2009-May/003767.html *)
    return f_div(2 * q.numerator + q.denominator,
                 2 * q.denominator)  # type:ignore
Пример #27
#задаем порядок чисел для поиска
dim = 10**20000

U = 0

# пока число имеет порядок меньше задаваемого
while p.num_digits() <= dim:
    if repit_flag:
        repit_flag = False
        # Используется теорема Диемитко https://studfile.net/preview/6268704/page:28/
        # Она позволяет строить большие числа на основе существуюших меньших простых чисел
        # n=qR+1, где q – простое число, R – четное, R<4(q+1).
        # Высчитаем число N
        N = f_div(mpz(10**(dim - 1)), mpz(current_prime)) + f_div(
            mpz(10**(dim - 1) * mpfr(random())), mpz(current_prime))
        # Если оно нечетное, то добавляем 1
        N = N + 1 if is_odd(N) else N
        U = 0
        # получаем число и проверяем его на условие теоремы
    p = (N + U) * current_prime + 1
    # если условия выполнены, то ищем новое простое число для расчета
    if pow(2, p - 1, p) == 1 and pow(2, N + U, p) != 1:
        repit_flag = True
        U += 2
Пример #28
import gmpy2
from gmpy2 import mpz
c1 = input()
c2 = input()
e = input()
d = input()
n = input()
c1 = mpz(c1)
c2 = mpz(c2)
e = mpz(e)
d = mpz(d)
n = mpz(n)
m_k = mpz(mpz(gmpy2.powmod(c1, d, n)) - 1)  # c1^d mod n
m_d = gmpy2.f_div(c2, gmpy2.powmod(m_k, e, n))  #c2/(m_k^e mod(n))
    def __init__(self):
        self.sk = mpz(0)
        self.pk = [mpz(0) for i in range(2 * beta + 1)]
        self.seed = 0
        self.u_1 = mpz(0)
        self.modified_secret_key = [mpz(0) for i in range(Theta)]
        self.encrypted_sk = [mpz(0) for i in range(Theta)]

        sk_file_check = Path('secret_key.txt')
        if not sk_file_check.is_file():
            print('generating secret key')
            sk_file = open('secret_key.txt', 'w')
            print('loading secret key')
            sk_file = open('secret_key.txt', 'r')
            self.sk = mpz(sk_file.read())
        print('secret key:', self.sk)

        pk_file_check = Path('short_public_key.txt')
        if not pk_file_check.is_file():
            pk_file = open('short_public_key.txt', 'w')
            pk_file.writelines("%s\n" % str(pk_i.digits()) for pk_i in self.pk)
            print('public key generated,', len(self.pk), 'elements')
            #print([str(pk_i) for pk_i in self.pk])
            pk_file = open('short_public_key.txt', 'r')
            self.pk = [mpz(element.rstrip()) for element in pk_file.readlines()]
            print('public key loaded,', len(self.pk), 'elements')

        enc_sk_file_check = Path('encrypted_sk_and_seed.txt')
        if not enc_sk_file_check.is_file():
            x_p = mpz(gmpy2.mul_2exp(1, kappa))
            x_p = mpz(gmpy2.f_div(x_p, self.sk))
            self.seed, self.u_1 = generate_sparse_matrix(self.u_1, self.modified_secret_key, x_p)
            for i in range(Theta):
                if self.modified_secret_key[i] is True:
                    self.encrypted_sk[i] = self.symmetric_encryption(self.encrypted_sk[i], 1)
                    self.encrypted_sk[i] = self.symmetric_encryption(self.encrypted_sk[i], 0)
            enc_sk_file = open('encrypted_sk_and_seed.txt', 'w')
            enc_sk_file.write('%s\n' %  str(self.seed))
            enc_sk_file.write('%s\n' % str(self.u_1))
            for i in range(Theta):
                enc_sk_file.write('%s\n' % str(self.encrypted_sk[i]))
            enc_sk_file = open('encrypted_sk_and_seed.txt', 'r')
            file_contents = [element.rstrip() for element in enc_sk_file.readlines()]
            self.seed = int(file_contents[0])
            self.u_1 = mpz(file_contents[1])
            temp = mpz()
            for i in range(Theta):
                self.encrypted_sk[i] = mpz(file_contents[i+2])
                temp = self.decrypt_bit(self.encrypted_sk[i])
                if temp == 1:
                    self.modified_secret_key[i] = True
                    self.modified_secret_key[i] = False
Пример #30
def mpz_mod_modified(op1, op2):
    rop = gmpy2.f_mod(mpz(op1), mpz(op2))
    temp = gmpy2.f_div(mpz(op2), two)
    if rop > temp:
        rop = gmpy2.sub(rop, mpz(op2))
    return rop
Пример #31
def floor_divide(x, y):
    return gmpy2.f_div(gmpy2.mpz(x), gmpy2.mpz(y))