def main(): g_to_b = powmod(G, 1048576, P) g_invert = invert(G, P) map = {} time_start = time.time() calc_1 = t_mod(H * G, P) for i in range(1048576 + 1): calc_1 = t_mod(calc_1 * g_invert, P) map[calc_1] = i time_end = time.time() sys.stdout.write('\n\n') sys.stdout.write('Left side complete...\n') sys.stdout.write('Time: %0.3f ms\n' % ((time_end - time_start) * 1000.0)) sys.stdout.flush() time_start = time.time() calc_0 = invert(g_to_b, P) for j in range(1048576 + 1): calc_0 = t_mod(calc_0 * g_to_b, P) if calc_0 in map: calc = (j * 1048576) + map[calc_0] sys.stdout.write('\n\n') sys.stdout.write('Successfully found x with a value of %s\n' % calc) sys.stdout.flush() break time_end = time.time() sys.stdout.write('Time: %0.3f ms\n' % ((time_end - time_start) * 1000.0)) sys.stdout.flush()
def get_h_pwd(coordinates): x = map(lambda x: x[0], coordinates) # extract the x and y coordinates y = map(lambda x: x[1], coordinates) h_pwd_ = mpz() for i in xrange(config.max_features): h_pwd_ = gmpy2.add(h_pwd_, gmpy2.t_mod(gmpy2.mul(y[i], get_lambda_i(x, i)), config.q)) h_pwd_ = gmpy2.t_mod(h_pwd_, config.q) return h_pwd_
def get_lambda_i(x, i): lambda_i = mpz(1) for j in xrange(len(x)): if i != j: if x[i] == x[j] and __debug__: print x print i print j print config.q tmp = gmpy2.invert(gmpy2.sub(x[j], x[i]), config.q) tmp = gmpy2.t_mod(gmpy2.mul(x[j], tmp), config.q) lambda_i = gmpy2.t_mod(gmpy2.mul(lambda_i, tmp), config.q) return lambda_i
def _random_int(self, modulo): """Generate a random number modulo the supplied argument""" r_seed = int(os.urandom(32).encode('hex'), 16) r_state = gmp.random_state(r_seed) raw = gmp.mpz_urandomb(r_state, self.RANDOM_BITS) return gmp.t_mod(raw, modulo)
def compute_d(e, N, p, q): # d * e mod phi(N) = 1 # where phi(N) = N - p - q + 1 phiN = phi(N, p, q) d = invert(mpz(e), mpz(phiN)) x = mul(mpz(d), mpz(e)) assert t_mod(x, mpz(phiN)) == 1 return d.digits()
def discrete_log(P, G, H): lookup = {} g_to_b = powmod(G, 1048576, P) g_invert = invert(G, P) calc_1 = t_mod(H * G, P) for i in xrange(1048576 + 1): calc_1 = t_mod(calc_1 * g_invert, P) lookup[calc_1] = i calc_0 = invert(g_to_b, P) for j in xrange(1048576 + 1): calc_0 = t_mod(calc_0 * g_to_b, P) if calc_0 in lookup: return (j * 1048576) + lookup[calc_0] return None
def e_3_broadcast_attack(public_key1, public_key2, public_key3): enc1, e1, n1 = public_key1 enc2, e2, n2 = public_key2 enc3, e3, n3 = public_key3 N = n1 * n2 * n3 result = t_mod((enc1 * (N/n1) * invert(N/n1, n1)) + \ (enc2 * (N/n2) * invert(N/n2, n2)) + \ (enc3 * (N/n3) * invert(N/n3, n3)), N) result = iroot(result, 3) return result[0]
def encrypt(m, key): (n, g) = key #t = int(time()) t = 500 rand_state = gmpy2.random_state(t) r = gmpy2.mpz_random(rand_state, n - 1) + 1 c = gmpy2.t_mod(g**m * r**n, n**2) return c
def power(lst, exponent, modulo, redix=8): result = 1 while True: ind = exponent & (2**redix - 1) result = gmpy2.t_mod(gmpy2.mul(result, lst[ind]), modulo) exponent = exponent >> redix print(sys.getsizeof(exponent)) if exponent == 0: break return result
def BruteForceK(message, pub, r, s, k_min, k_max): (p, q, g, B) = pub H = mpz(getSHA1(message), base=16) for k in xrange(k_min, k_max): r_inv = invert(r, q) d = t_mod(((s * k) - H) * r_inv, q) if powmod(g, d, p) == B: print "[+] Found the Private Key." print "[+] Key(k) : %s, Priv(d) = %s" % (hex(k), hex(d)) return (k, d) return (None, None)
def signcrypt(self, Reciever, params, m): # R = g ** w mod p, w <-- Zq w, R_value = random_pick(params.p, params.q, params.g) # h1_R = H1(ID_R, X_R, Y_R) <-- Zq h1_R = H1_hash(Reciever.uid, Reciever.X_u, Reciever.Y_u, bit_length(params.q)) # T = (X_R * Y_R * (p_pub**h1_R)) ** w mod p T_value = T_compute(Reciever.X_u, Reciever.Y_u, params.p_pub, h1_R, w, params.p) # C = m * T mod p C_value = t_mod(m * T_value, params.p) # h2 = H2(ID_S, T, m, C) <-- Zq h2_value = H2_hash(self.uid, T_value, m, C_value, bit_length(params.q)) # (x_S + y_S) ** -1 mod q x_y_invert = invert(self.x_u + self.y_u, params.q) # S = h2 * w * (x_S + y_S) ** -1 mod q S_value = t_mod(h2_value * w * x_y_invert, params.q) # signcryption_text = (R, C, S) Signcryption_text = (R_value, C_value, S_value) return Signcryption_text
def crt(n, x): """Chinese remainder. For n = [n1, n2, ...] and x = [x1, x2, ...] computes an r such that: r \equiv x1 mod n1 r \equiv x2 mod n2, etc.""" sum = 0 prod = reduce(lambda a, b: a * b, n) for n_i, x_i in zip(n, x): p = prod / n_i sum += x_i * gmpy2.invert(p, n_i) * p return gmpy2.t_mod(sum, prod)
def encrypt(self, m): """Returns g^mh^r mod n""" if m >= self.pub_key.d: gm = 1 elif m == 0: gm = self.pub_key.g else: gm = gmpy2.powmod(self.pub_key.g, self.pub_key.b ** m, self.pub_key.n) r = hr = gmpy2.powmod(self.pub_key.h, r, self.pub_key.n) return gmpy2.t_mod(gm * hr, self.pub_key.n)
def step2(p, g, A): q = mpz(236234353446506858198510045061214171961) B_knows['q'] = q B_knows['p'] = p B_knows['g'] = g B_knows['A'] = A b = t_mod(mpz_random(rstate, p - 2) + 2, q) B = pow(g, b, p) B_knows['b'] = b B_knows['B'] = B B_knows['k'] = getSHA1(format(pow(A, b, p), 'x'))[0:32] return B
def findDiscreteLog(self): x = -1 element_powB = gmpy2.powmod(mpz(self.element), mpz(self.B), mpz( for x0 in range (0, self.B + 1): right_x0 = gmpy2.powmod(element_powB, x0, mpz( if right_x0 in self.h_by_gx_hash: print("x0: %d" % (x0)) x1 = self.h_by_gx_hash[right_x0] print("x1: %d" % (x1)) x = gmpy2.t_mod(gmpy2.add(gmpy2.mul(x0, self.B), x1), mpz( print("x: %d" % (x)) return str(x) return x
def gen_keys(): rs = gmpy2.random_state(hash(gmpy2.random_state())) P = gmpy2.mpz_urandomb(rs, mpz('128')) P = gmpy2.next_prime(P) Q = gmpy2.mpz_urandomb(rs, mpz('128')) Q = gmpy2.next_prime(Q) N = P*Q Fi = (P-1)*(Q-1) Pkey = gmpy2.mpz_random(rs, Fi) while not (gmpy2.gcd(Fi, Pkey) == 1): Pkey = gmpy2.mpz_random(rs, Fi) Skey = gmpy2.invert(Pkey, Fi) assert gmpy2.t_mod(Skey*Pkey,Fi) == 1 return Pkey, Skey, N
def generate(pwd, stat): config.generate_r() pwd = mpz(crypt.get_bit_str_from_byte(pwd), base=2) global table table = [] # clear the table for i in xrange(config.max_features): x_0 = crypt.p(mpz((i + 1) << 1), config.r) # calculate x0, x1 and y0, y1 x_1 = crypt.p(mpz(((i + 1) << 1) + 1), config.r) y_0 = gmpy2.add(poly.calculate(x_0), crypt.g(mpz((i + 1) << 1), config.r ^ pwd)) # use r xor pwd as the key y_1 = gmpy2.add(poly.calculate(x_1), crypt.g(mpz(((i + 1) << 1) + 1), config.r ^ pwd)) if reader.if_init(): table.append((y_0, y_1)) # if in initialization phase, add correct value else: if stat[i][0] is None: table.append((y_0, y_1)) # if no statistic information is derived elif (stat[i][1] + stat[i][0] * config.k) < config.ti: # if fast rand_value = gmpy2.t_mod(config.generate_rand(), config.q) table.append((y_0, rand_value)) elif (stat[i][1] - stat[i][0] * config.k) > config.ti: # if slow rand_value = gmpy2.t_mod(config.generate_rand(), config.q) table.append((rand_value, y_1)) else: table.append((y_0, y_1))
def solver(): A, b, B, u, hash = srp("") fp = open("passwords.txt", "r") passwords = fp.readlines() for password in passwords: password = password.strip() print "[*] Trying Password: '******'" % (password) x = mpz(int(generate_hash("", password), 16)) S = t_mod(powmod(A, b, N) * powmod(B, u * x, N), N) K = hash_sha256(str(S)) h = hmac(K, "", hash_function=hash_sha256) if h == hash: print "[+] Got it. Password = '******'" % (password) return
def decrypt(self, pk, sk, vec, ct, max_innerprod): p = gp.mpz(pk['p']) g = gp.mpz(pk['g']) res = gp.mpz(1) for i in range(len(vec)): res = gp.mul( res, gp.powmod(gp.mpz(ct['ct_list'][i]), gp.mpz(vec[i]), p) ) res = gp.t_mod(res, p) g_f = gp.divm(res, gp.powmod(gp.mpz(ct['ct0']), gp.mpz(sk['sk']), p), p) f = self._solve_dlog(p, g, g_f, max_innerprod) return f
def step1(): p = mpz( 7199773997391911030609999317773941274322764333428698921736339643928346453700085358802973900485592910475480089726140708102474957429903531369589969318716771 ) g = mpz( 4565356397095740655436854503483826832136106141639563487732438195343690437606117828318042418238184896212352329118608100083187535033402010599512641674644143 ) q = mpz(236234353446506858198510045061214171961) a = t_mod(mpz_random(rstate, p - 2) + 2, q) A = pow(g, a, p) A_knows['q'] = q A_knows['p'] = p A_knows['g'] = g A_knows['a'] = a A_knows['A'] = A return (p, g, A)
def dlog(pgh): p = pgh[0] g = pgh[1] h = pgh[2] B = gmpy2.powmod(2,20,mpz(p)) B_low = 0 #B_low = gmpy2.powmod(2,18,mpz(p)) print "B: " + repr(B) # build the hash hash_table = {} for i in range(B_low,B): left = gmpy2.divm(mpz(h),gmpy2.powmod(mpz(g),i, mpz(p)),mpz(p)) try: hash_table[left] print "collision at " + i except KeyError: hash_table[left] = i continue print "Hash table built" #print "keys: " + repr(hash_table.keys()) counter = mpz(0) # meet in the middle x0 = mpz(0) x1 = mpz(0) for i in range(B_low,B): counter = gmpy2.add(counter,mpz(1)) right = gmpy2.powmod(gmpy2.powmod(mpz(g),mpz(B),mpz(p)),i,mpz(p)) try: h_entry = hash_table[right] print 'found x0 and x1...' x0 = i x1 = h_entry print 'x0=' + repr(x0) print 'x1=' + repr(x1) break except KeyError: continue print "counter: " + repr(counter) x = gmpy2.t_mod(gmpy2.add(gmpy2.mul(x0,B),x1), mpz(p)) return x
def generate_keypair(seed: int): rand_state = seed # m = bytes_to_long(input.encode('utf-8')) p, q = generate_prime(bit_count, rand_state), generate_prime(bit_count, rand_state) flag = good_pair(p, q) while not flag: p, q = generate_prime(bit_count, rand_state), generate_prime( bit_count, rand_state) flag = good_pair(p, q) n = gmpy2.mul(p, q) phi = gmpy2.mul(p - 1, q - 1) # print("p:", p) # print("q:", q) print("n:", n) # print("phi:", phi) e = gmpy2.mpz_random(rand_state, phi) while e <= 1 or gmpy2.gcd(e, phi) != 1: e = gmpy2.mpz_random(rand_state, phi) assert (e > 1) assert (gmpy2.gcd(e, phi) == 1) d = gmpy2.invert(e, phi) assert (d != 1) assert (gmpy2.t_mod(e * d, phi) == 1) # print("PK(e):", e) # print("SK(d):", d) return { 'public': { 'n': n, 'e': e, }, 'private': { 'n': n, 'd': d, } }
def deductPlaintext(c, e, d, N): plaintext = "" lowP = 0 highP = N - 1 k = pow(2, e, N) i = 0 while True: c = t_mod((c * k), N) p = parityOracle(c, d, N) if p == True: lowP += (highP - lowP) / 2 else: highP -= (highP - lowP + 1) / 2 if lowP == highP or lowP + 1 == highP: print "[+] Found Plaintext." plaintexts = (i2h(lowP).decode("hex"), i2h(lowP + 1).decode("hex")) break return plaintexts
def test_q7(): print('Q7: ==========================') n = 17499773465348445792920245778216829006647453385259330219357028485009339534285848901056303646954491391679683201149457475018294979209780247445076066287733118072880749833035123036555662856645475638596385628573834790984467990658723961995703366235550395489042651541156795624703520341275891175096132549861970720533717778174765607441287991306500525167730683267118223430735800481287357200910002893229017814289348689888719981191560197481039522195361217272138225955508782933789348420624935802805864879225862644583960675404149266618669091214585922332101569324163212845768114082503107114837675455651614832959907134061262517385017 e = 3 c = 321654389616150513356556055740961926749898434643413371203975850424205544792983180728606431035587667962369136768769365708509839867803424784777024270115037479965629722196457158071998101133765058618875866760958071264023592635126229531 # The trick here is that e is so small you can just # get the (cubic root of c) % n to get m gc = gmpy2.mpz(c) gn = gmpy2.mpz(n) ge = gmpy2.mpz(e) root, _ = gmpy2.iroot(gc, ge) m = gmpy2.t_mod(root, gn) assert ( m == 68516708916360312322912544295994397317545815174959984970505961156625792081411 )
def rerandomize(self, c): return gmpy2.t_mod(c * self.encrypt(0), self.pub_key.n)
print "p_max= " print p_max.digits(10) # calculate p_min p_min = proot(1, dist, -(n - 1)) print "p_min= " print p_min.digits(10) # start finding prime if gmpy2.is_prime(p_min): p = p_min else: p = gmpy2.next_prime(p_min) # loop through prime numbers from p_min to p_max while p < p_max: # get remainder of div(n, p) rem = gmpy2.t_mod(n, p) if rem == 0: print "\nresult= " print "p= " print p.digits(10) print "q= " print gmpy2.c_div(n, p) sys.exit() p = gmpy2.next_prime(p)
def add_encrypted(a, b, pubkey): return gmpy2.t_mod(gmpy2.mul(a, b), pubkey.n)
def p(x, key): if not config.simple: mac =, msg=get_byte_str_from_mpz(x), digestmod=SHA).digest() return gmpy2.t_mod(mpz(get_bit_str_from_byte(mac), base=2), config.q) return x # if in simple mode, return x
B = mpz(2)**20 #p = mpz(104869) #g = mpz(103221) #h = mpz(82257) ### x = 52 #B = mpz(2)**3 dict = {} i = mpz(0) g_inv = gmpy2.invert(g, p) tmp = h while i < B: dict[tmp] = i tmp = gmpy2.t_mod(gmpy2.mul(tmp, g_inv), p) i += 1 print("done with dictionary") i = mpz(0) gb = gmpy2.powmod(g, B, p) tmp = mpz(1) while i < B: if tmp in dict: print("x=", i * B + dict[tmp]) break tmp = gmpy2.t_mod(gmpy2.mul(tmp, gb), p) i += 1 print("done")
B = gmpy2.powmod(mpz('2'), mpz('20'), p) step = B / 100 i = 0 gB = gmpy2.powmod(g, B, p) left_side = {} print 'Building hash table...' for x1 in xrange(0, B): if x1 > step * i: print '%s%%' % i i += 1 gx1 = gmpy2.powmod(g, x1, p) val = gmpy2.t_mod(gmpy2.mul(h, gmpy2.invert(gx1, p)), p) left_side[val] = x1 print 'Performing lookup...' for x0 in xrange(0, B): gBx0 = gmpy2.powmod(gB, x0, p) if gBx0 in left_side: x1 = left_side[gBx0] x = x0 * B + x1 h_guess = gmpy2.powmod(g, x, p) print 'x0 = %s, x1 = %s\nx = %s' % (x0, x1, x) print 'Guess is', h_guess == h break
p = gmpy2.mpz('13407807929942597099574024998205846127479365820592393377723561443721764030073546976801874298166903427690031858186486050853753882811946569946433649006084171') h = gmpy2.mpz('3239475104050450443565264378728065788649097520952449527834792452971981976143292558073856937958553180532878928001494706097394108577585732452307673444020333') g = gmpy2.mpz('11717829880366207009516117596335367088558084999998952205599979459063929499736583746670572176471460312928594829675428279466566527115212748467589894601965568') B = 2**20 #buidling the table tbl = {} x1 = 0 x0 = 0 for i in range(0, B): tmp = gmpy2.powmod(g, i, p) #get g^x1 tmp = gmpy2.invert(tmp, p) #get (g^x1)^-1 tmp = gmpy2.t_mod(gmpy2.mul(h, tmp), p) hash = tbl[hash.hexdigest()] = i #start bruteforcing for i in range(0, B): tmp = gmpy2.powmod(g, gmpy2.mul(B, i), p) hash = if hash.hexdigest() in tbl: x1 = tbl[hash.hexdigest()] x0 = i break res = (x0*B) + x1
def calculate(x): ans = mpz() for c_i in c[::-1]: ans = gmpy2.t_mod(gmpy2.add(gmpy2.mul(ans, x), c_i), config.q) return ans
from gmpy2 import mpz import random #bit_count = 64 rand_state = gmpy2.random_state() p = int(input("Enter p:")) q = int(input("Enter q:")) m = int(input("Enter m:")) #k1=int(input()) k1 = q - 1 n2 = p - 1 l = [] w = 1 rand_state = gmpy2.random_state(42) n1 = gmpy2.mul(p, q) #number(n) p1 = gmpy2.mul(k1, n2) #numberphi e = gmpy2.next_prime(q) if gmpy2.gcd(e, p1) == 1: d = gmpy2.invert(e, p1) #print("d:",d) if gmpy2.t_mod(e * d, p1) == w: m1 = mpz(m) c = gmpy2.powmod(m1, e, n1) m2 = gmpy2.powmod(c, d, n1) print(c) print(e) print(d) print(n1) #with open("copy.txt", "w") as file: #file.write(str(q))
f.write("\nm = " + m.digits(10)) f.write("\nj(right) = " + str(j)) f.write("\ni(left) = " + str(iCurr)) f.write("\nanswer = " + ansEx.digits(10)) f.write("\ncheck g = " + answer.digits(10)) f.close() fi = open("iCurr.txt", "w") fi.write(iCurr.digits(10)) fi.close() fv = open("iValue.txt", "a") fv.write(iCurr.digits(10) + "\n") fv.close() sys.exit() left = gmpy2.t_mod(gmpy2.mul(left, g), p) iCurr += 1 # pi = gmpy2.c_div(iCurr, 10000000000) # print "\r" + pi.digits(10) + " %", fi = open("iCurr.txt", "w") fi.write(iCurr.digits(10)) fi.close() fv = open("iValue.txt", "a") fv.write(iCurr.digits(10) + "\n") fv.close() # leftArray = [] # leftArray.append(-1)
def generate_poly(): global c c = [config.h_pwd] # first coefficient is the hardened password for i in xrange(config.max_features - 1): tmp = config.generate_rand() c.append(gmpy2.t_mod(tmp, config.q))
p=13407807929942597099574024998205846127479365820592393377723561443721764030073546976801874298166903427690031858186486050853753882811946569946433649006084171 g=11717829880366207009516117596335367088558084999998952205599979459063929499736583746670572176471460312928594829675428279466566527115212748467589894601965568 h=3239475104050450443565264378728065788649097520952449527834792452971981976143292558073856937958553180532878928001494706097394108577585732452307673444020333 import math # Use sqrt, floor import gmpy2 from gmpy2 import powmod, t_mod hash_table1 = set() hash_table2 = set() b = 2**20 for i in range(b): abc = t_mod(powmod(g,-1* i,p)*h,p) hash_table1.add(abc) if abc == 1514665690755317733976062484822790443518716440821123165374346884821466258735252188334799940590055744229602814470651184433499215002319025125450377832374754 : print "x1 = ", i print "1111111111111" temp = powmod(g,b,p) print "temp = ", temp for i in range(b): abc = powmod(temp,i,p) hash_table2.add(abc) if abc == 1514665690755317733976062484822790443518716440821123165374346884821466258735252188334799940590055744229602814470651184433499215002319025125450377832374754 : print "x0 = ", i print hash_table1.intersection(hash_table2)
import gmpy2 from gmpy2 import mpz x = mpz('1000000000000000000020000000') p = mpz('1000000000000000000001000000') while p < 1000000000000000000010000000: if gmpy2.is_prime(p): y = gmpy2.t_mod(x, p) p = gmpy2.next_prime(p)
from gmpy2 import mpz p = mpz('13407807929942597099574024998205846127479365820592393377723561443721764030073546976801874298166903427690031858186486050853753882811946569946433649006084171') g = mpz('11717829880366207009516117596335367088558084999998952205599979459063929499736583746670572176471460312928594829675428279466566527115212748467589894601965568') h = mpz('3239475104050450443565264378728065788649097520952449527834792452971981976143292558073856937958553180532878928001494706097394108577585732452307673444020333'); end = (1<<20) table = {} print('Populating table...') for x1 in range(0, end): print(x1 * 100 // end, end="%\r") gx1 = gmpy2.powmod(g, x1, p) gx1_invert = gmpy2.invert(gx1, p) value = gmpy2.t_mod(gmpy2.mul(h, gx1_invert), p) table[value] = x1 print('Finding x0...') for x0 in range(0, end): print(x0 * 100 // end, end='%\r') gb = gmpy2.powmod(g, end, p) gbx0 = gmpy2.powmod(gb, x0, p) if gbx0 in table: x1 = table[gbx0] x = gmpy2.t_mod(gmpy2.add(x1, gmpy2.mul(x0, end)), p) print("x={0}".format(str(x))) break
# set up left hand side of comparison i = 0 leftArray = [] # get iCurr fi = open('iCurr.txt', 'r') iCurr = mpz(fi.readline()) fi.close() # calculate first item leftArray.append(gmpy2.powmod(g, iCurr, p)) i += 1 while i < m and i < maxList: leftArray.append(gmpy2.t_mod(gmpy2.mul(leftArray[i - 1], g), p)) i += 1 # leftArray = [] # leftArray.append(-1) # right hand side loop # j = 0 j = 0 i = 0 for left in leftArray: if y == left: ansEx = gmpy2.mul(m, j) + i answer = gmpy2.powmod(g, ansEx, p)
def generate_h_pwd(): assert q, "prime not initialized!" global h_pwd h_pwd = gmpy2.t_mod(generate_rand(), q)
def findfactor(x, bitlength): factor = [] for i in xrange(2, 2**bitlength): if t_mod(x, i) == 0: factor.append(i) return factor
def mod(x, m): remainder = gmpy2.t_mod(gmpy2.mpz(x), gmpy2.mpz(m)) # gmpy2.t_mod can return negative values, but we want positive ones. if remainder < 0: remainder = gmpy2.add(remainder, m) return remainder
B = mpz(2)**20 #p = mpz(104869) #g = mpz(103221) #h = mpz(82257) ### x = 52 #B = mpz(2)**3 dict = {} i = mpz(0) g_inv = gmpy2.invert(g,p) tmp = h while i < B: dict[tmp] = i tmp = gmpy2.t_mod(gmpy2.mul(tmp,g_inv),p) i+=1 print("done with dictionary") i = mpz(0) gb = gmpy2.powmod(g,B,p) tmp = mpz(1) while i < B: if tmp in dict: print("x=",i*B + dict[tmp]) break tmp = gmpy2.t_mod(gmpy2.mul(tmp,gb),p) i+=1 print("done")
def findprimefactor(numtofactor): for primenum in primelist2M.primelist: if (gmpy2.t_mod(numtofactor, primenum) == 0): return (primenum) return (0)
g = mpz( '11717829880366207009516117596335367088558084999998952205599979459063929499736583746670572176471460312928594829675428279466566527115212748467589894601965568' ) h = mpz( '3239475104050450443565264378728065788649097520952449527834792452971981976143292558073856937958553180532878928001494706097394108577585732452307673444020333' ) B = 2**20 print("Building table") hash_table = defaultdict(list) # build table for x1 in range(0, B + 1): ginv = powmod(g, -x1, p) mult = mul(h, ginv) left_side = t_mod(mult, p) hashvalue = hash(left_side) hash_table[hashvalue] += [(left_side, x1)] print("Table built") g_pow_B = powmod(g, B, p) for x0 in range(0, B + 1): right_side = powmod(g_pow_B, x0, p) hashvalue = hash(right_side) if (hashvalue in hash_table): for (left_side, x1) in hash_table[hashvalue]: if (left_side == right_side): print("Found value")
from gmpy2 import mpz P = mpz(13407807929942597099574024998205846127479365820592393377723561443721764030073546976801874298166903427690031858186486050853753882811946569946433649006084171) G = mpz(11717829880366207009516117596335367088558084999998952205599979459063929499736583746670572176471460312928594829675428279466566527115212748467589894601965568) H = mpz(3239475104050450443565264378728065788649097520952449527834792452971981976143292558073856937958553180532878928001494706097394108577585732452307673444020333) if __name__ == '__main__': print('hello') table = dict() low, high = 0, 2 ** 20 B = high # 1. populate table with values of the left part of equation for x1 in range(low, high + 1): left = gmpy2.t_mod(gmpy2.mul(H, gmpy2.invert(gmpy2.powmod(G, x1, P), P)), P) table[left] = x1 print('step 1 done') # 2. check each value of the right part of equation for x0 in range(low, high + 1): right = gmpy2.powmod(gmpy2.powmod(G, B, P), x0, P) if right in table: x1 = table[right] x = x0 * B + x1 print('solution: {0}'.format(x)) print('step 2 done') print('done')
import gmpy2, time from gmpy2 import mpz p = mpz(13407807929942597099574024998205846127479365820592393377723561443721764030073546976801874298166903427690031858186486050853753882811946569946433649006084171) g = mpz(11717829880366207009516117596335367088558084999998952205599979459063929499736583746670572176471460312928594829675428279466566527115212748467589894601965568) h = mpz(3239475104050450443565264378728065788649097520952449527834792452971981976143292558073856937958553180532878928001494706097394108577585732452307673444020333) B = mpz(2**20) gB = pow(g,B,p) x0, x1 = 0, 0 d = {} i = 2**19 start1 = time.clock() tmp = gmpy2.invert(pow(g,i,p), p) elapsed1 = (time.clock() - start1) start2 = time.clock() d[gmpy2.t_mod(gmpy2.mul(h,tmp),p)] = i elapsed2 = (time.clock() - start2) start3 = time.clock() d[gmpy2.divm(h, pow(g,i,p), p)] = i elapsed3 = (time.clock() - start2) print(elapsed1, elapsed2, elapsed3)
m += 1 # Inverse of m invgm = gmpy2.powmod(g, -m, p) # to track progress pj = mpz('0') # pi = mpz('0') # right hand side loop j = 0 # Loop through right hand side while j < m: if j == 0: rightpow = gmpy2.t_mod(gmpy2.mul(1, y), p) right = rightpow elif j == 1: base = invgm rightpow = invgm right = gmpy2.t_mod(gmpy2.mul(base, y), p) else: rightpow = gmpy2.t_mod(gmpy2.mul(rightpow, base), p) right = gmpy2.t_mod(gmpy2.mul(rightpow, y), p) # set up left hand side for comparison i = 0 while i < m: if i == 0: left = 1 elif i == 1:
def partialkey_compute(self, User): r_u, User.Y_u = random_pick(self.p, self.q, self.g) User.y_u = t_mod((r_u + t_mod( self.s * H1_hash(User.uid, User.X_u, User.Y_u, bit_length(self.q)), self.q)), self.q)
indexY = random.randint(0, MAX_N - 1) X = arr[indexX] Y = arr[indexY] ans = gmpy2.add(X, Y) addition_content += generate_exp(indexX, indexY, '+') addition_content += generate_equal(ans) ans = gmpy2.sub(X, Y) subtraction_content += generate_exp(indexX, indexY, '-') subtraction_content += generate_equal(ans) ans = gmpy2.mul(X, Y) multiple_content += generate_exp(indexX, indexY, '*') multiple_content += generate_equal(ans) ans = gmpy2.t_div(X, Y) division_content += generate_exp(indexX, indexY, '/') division_content += generate_equal(ans) ans = gmpy2.t_mod(X, Y) division_content += generate_exp(indexX, indexY, '%') division_content += generate_equal(ans) def write_longer(test_case_name, file_name, content): test_case = generate_test_case(test_case_name, 'Longer', init_content + content) output = open(file_name, 'w') output.write(generate_header()) output.write(test_case) output.close() write_longer('Addition', 'addition_longer.h', addition_content) write_longer('Subtraction', 'subtraction_longer.h', subtraction_content)
G = mpz( 11717829880366207009516117596335367088558084999998952205599979459063929499736583746670572176471460312928594829675428279466566527115212748467589894601965568 ) H = mpz( 3239475104050450443565264378728065788649097520952449527834792452971981976143292558073856937958553180532878928001494706097394108577585732452307673444020333 ) if __name__ == '__main__': print('hello') table = dict() low, high = 0, 2**20 B = high # 1. populate table with values of the left part of equation for x1 in range(low, high + 1): left = gmpy2.t_mod( gmpy2.mul(H, gmpy2.invert(gmpy2.powmod(G, x1, P), P)), P) table[left] = x1 print('step 1 done') # 2. check each value of the right part of equation for x0 in range(low, high + 1): right = gmpy2.powmod(gmpy2.powmod(G, B, P), x0, P) if right in table: x1 = table[right] x = x0 * B + x1 print('solution: {0}'.format(x)) print('step 2 done') print('done')
# set up left hand side of comparison i = 0 leftArray = [] # get iCurr fi = open('iCurr.txt', 'r') iCurr = mpz(fi.readline()) fi.close() # calculate first item leftArray.append(gmpy2.powmod(g, iCurr, p)) i += 1 while i < m and i < maxList: leftArray.append(gmpy2.t_mod(gmpy2.mul(leftArray[i - 1], g), p)) i += 1; # leftArray = [] # leftArray.append(-1) # right hand side loop # j = 0 j = 0 i = 0 for left in leftArray: if y == left: ansEx = gmpy2.mul(m, j) + i answer = gmpy2.powmod(g, ansEx, p)
p = mpz(13407807929942597099574024998205846127479365820592393377723561443721764030073546976801874298166903427690031858186486050853753882811946569946433649006084171) g = mpz(11717829880366207009516117596335367088558084999998952205599979459063929499736583746670572176471460312928594829675428279466566527115212748467589894601965568) h = mpz(3239475104050450443565264378728065788649097520952449527834792452971981976143292558073856937958553180532878928001494706097394108577585732452307673444020333) B = mpz(2**20) gB = powmod(g,B,p) g_inv = gmpy2.invert(powmod(g,1,p), p) x0, x1 = 0, 0 d = {} start1 = time.clock() for i in range(B): tmp = t_mod(mul(h ,powmod(g_inv,i,p)), p) d[tmp] = i ## d[gmpy2.divm(h, pow(g,i,p), p)] = i elapsed1 = (time.clock() - start1) test = 0 start2 = time.clock() for i in range(B): test = powmod(gB, i, p) # search in hash table if test in d: x0, x1 = i, d[test]
def T_compute(x, y, p_pub, h1_b, w, p): T_temp = t_mod(x * y * powmod(p_pub, h1_b, p), p) T_value = powmod(T_temp, w, p) return T_value
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) n = mpz('179769313486231590772930519078902473361797697894230657273430081157732675805505620686985379449212982959585501387537164015710139858647833778606925583497541085196591615128057575940752635007475935288710823649949940771895617054361149474865046711015101563940680527540071584560878577663743040086340742855278549092581') # n = mpz('2129754913199') # get p value fi = open('pCurr2.txt', 'r') p = mpz(fi.readline()) fi.close() print p.digits(10) # loop for prime while p < 15000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000: # get remainder of div(n, p) rem = gmpy2.t_mod(n, p) if rem == 0: q = gmpy2.c_div(n, p) f = open('pResult.txt', 'a') f.write("p = " + p.digits(10) + "\n") f.write("q = " + q.digits(10) + "\n") f.write("n = " + n.digits(10) + "\n") f.close() fi = open('pCurr2.txt', 'w') fi.write(p.digits(10)) fi.close() fv = open('pValue2.txt', 'a') fv.write(p.digits(10) + "\n")
def buildHash_h_by_gx(self): for x1 in range (0, self.B + 1): expo_gx1 = gmpy2.powmod(mpz(self.element), x1, mpz( inv_gx1 = gmpy2.invert(mpz(expo_gx1), mpz( left_x1 = gmpy2.t_mod(gmpy2.mul(mpz(self.exponent), inv_gx1), mpz( self.h_by_gx_hash[left_x1] = x1