def change_song_metadata(self, songs): """Changes the metadata of tracks. Returns a list of the song ids changed. :param songs: a list of song dictionaries or a single song dictionary. Currently, only the ``rating`` key can be changed. Set it to ``'0'`` (no thumb), ``'1'`` (down thumb), or ``'5'`` (up thumb) unless you're using the 5-star ratings lab. You can also use this to rate All Access tracks that aren't in your library, eg:: song = mc.get_track_info('<some store track id>') song['rating'] = '5' mc.change_song_metadata(song) """ mutate_call = mobileclient.BatchMutateTracks mutations = [{'update': s} for s in songs] self._make_call(mutate_call, mutations) # TODO # store tracks don't send back their id, so we're # forced to spoof this return [utils.id_or_nid(d) for d in songs]
def _assert_song_rating(method, sid, rating): """ :param method: eg :param sid: song id :param rating: a string """ songs = method() if not isinstance(songs, list): # kind of a hack to support get_track_info as well songs = [songs] found = [s for s in songs if id_or_nid(s) == sid] assert_equal(len(found), 1) assert_equal(found[0]['rating'], rating) return found[0]
def getStationTracks(self,station_id): import gmusicapi.utils.utils as utils listItems = [] tracks = self.api.getStationTracks(station_id) for track in tracks: li = self.xbmcgui.ListItem(track['title']) li.setProperty('IsPlayable', 'true') li.setProperty('Music', 'true') url = '%s?action=play_song&song_id=%s' % (sys.argv[0],utils.id_or_nid(track).encode('utf8')) infos = {} for k,v in track.iteritems(): if k in ('title','album','artist'): url = url+'&'+repr(k)+'='+repr(v) infos[k] = v li.setInfo(type='music', infoLabels=infos) li.setPath(url) listItems.append([url,li]) return listItems
def change_song_metadata(self, songs): """Changes the metadata of tracks. Returns a list of the song ids changed. :param songs: a list of song dictionaries or a single song dictionary. Not all keys can be changed. These keys are known to work: * ``rating``: this is a string! set to '0' (no thumb), '1' (down thumb), or '5' (up thumb) unless you're using the 5-star ratings lab * ``album`` * ``albumArtist`` * ``artist`` * ``comment`` * ``composer`` * ``discNumber`` * ``genre`` * ``playCount`` * ``title`` * ``totalDiscCount`` * ``totalTrackCount`` * ``trackNumber`` * ``year`` You can also use this to rate All Access tracks that aren't in your library, eg:: song = mc.get_track_info('<some store track id>') song['rating'] = '5' mc.change_song_metadata(song) """ mutate_call = mobileclient.BatchMutateTracks mutations = [{'update': s} for s in songs] self._make_call(mutate_call, mutations) #TODO # store tracks don't send back their id, so we're # forced to spoof this return [utils.id_or_nid(d) for d in songs]
def _assert_song_key_equal_to(method, sid, key, value): """ :param method: eg :param sid: song id :param key: eg 'rating' :param value: eg '1' """ songs = method() if not isinstance(songs, list): # kind of a hack to support get_track_info as well songs = [songs] found = [s for s in songs if id_or_nid(s) == sid] assert_equal(len(found), 1) assert_equal(found[0][key], value) return found[0]
def getStationTracks(self, station_id): import gmusicapi.utils.utils as utils listItems = [] tracks = self.api.getStationTracks(station_id) for track in tracks: li = self.xbmcgui.ListItem(track['title']) li.setProperty('IsPlayable', 'true') li.setProperty('Music', 'true') url = '%s?action=play_song&song_id=%s' % ( sys.argv[0], utils.id_or_nid(track).encode('utf8')) infos = {} for k, v in track.iteritems(): if k in ('title', 'album', 'artist'): url = url + '&' + repr(k) + '=' + repr(v) infos[k] = v li.setInfo(type='music', infoLabels=infos) li.setPath(url) listItems.append([url, li]) return listItems