Пример #1
def check_remote_mailbox_identical_to_local(the_self, gmvaulter, extra_labels = []): #pylint: disable=C0103,R0912,R0914,R0915
       Check that the remote mailbox is identical to the local one attached
       to gmvaulter
       Need a connected gmvaulter
    # get all email data from gmvault-db
    pivot_dir  = None
    gmail_ids  = gmvaulter.gstorer.get_all_existing_gmail_ids(pivot_dir)

    print("gmail_ids = %s\n" % (gmail_ids))
    #need to check that all labels are there for emails in essential
    # check the number of id on disk 
    imap_ids = gmvaulter.src.search({ 'type' : 'imap', 'req' : 'ALL'}) #get everything
    the_self.assertEquals(len(imap_ids), \
                      len(gmail_ids), \
                      "Error. Should have the same number of emails: local nb of emails %d,"\
                      " remote nb of emails %d" % (len(gmail_ids), len(imap_ids)))

    for gm_id in gmail_ids:

        print("Fetching id %s with request %s" % (gm_id, imap_utils.GIMAPFetcher.GET_ALL_BUT_DATA))
        #get disk_metadata
        disk_metadata   = gmvaulter.gstorer.unbury_metadata(gm_id)

        print("disk metadata %s\n" % (disk_metadata))

        #date     = disk_metadata['internal_date'].strftime('"%d %b %Y"')
        subject  = disk_metadata.get('subject', None)
        msgid    = disk_metadata.get('msg_id', None)
        received = disk_metadata.get('x_gmail_received', None)

        req = "("
        has_something = False

        #if date:
        #    req += 'HEADER DATE {date}'.format(date=date)
        #    has_something = True

        if subject:
            #split on ' when contained in subject to keep only the first part
            subject = subject.split("'")[0]
            subject = subject.split('"')[0]
            if has_something: #add extra space if it has a date
                req += ' ' 
            req += 'SUBJECT "{subject}"'.format(subject=subject.strip().encode('utf-8'))
            has_something = True

        if msgid:
            if has_something: #add extra space if it has a date
                req += ' ' 
            req += 'HEADER MESSAGE-ID {msgid}'.format(msgid=msgid.strip())
            has_something = True
        if received:
            if has_something:
                req += ' '
                req += 'HEADER X-GMAIL-RECEIVED {received}'.format(received=received.strip())
                has_something = True
        req += ")"

        print("Req = %s\n" % (req))

        imap_ids = gmvaulter.src.search({ 'type' : 'imap', 'req': req, 'charset': 'utf-8'})

        print("imap_ids = %s\n" % (imap_ids))

        if len(imap_ids) != 1:
            the_self.fail("more than one imap_id (%s) retrieved for request %s" % (imap_ids, req))

        imap_id = imap_ids[0]
        # get online_metadata 
        online_metadata = gmvaulter.src.fetch(imap_id, \

        print("online_metadata = %s\n" % (online_metadata))
        print("disk_metadata = %s\n"   % (disk_metadata))

        header_fields = online_metadata[imap_id]['BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (MESSAGE-ID SUBJECT X-GMAIL-RECEIVED)]']
        subject, msgid, received = gmvault_db.GmailStorer.parse_header_fields(header_fields)

        #compare metadata
        the_self.assertEquals(subject, disk_metadata.get('subject', None))
        the_self.assertEquals(msgid,   disk_metadata.get('msg_id', None))
        the_self.assertEquals(received, disk_metadata.get('x_gmail_received', None))

        # check internal date it is plus or minus 1 hour
        online_date   = online_metadata[imap_id].get('INTERNALDATE', None) 
        disk_date     = disk_metadata.get('internal_date', None) 

        if online_date != disk_date:
            min_date = disk_date - datetime.timedelta(hours=1)
            max_date = disk_date + datetime.timedelta(hours=1)
            if min_date <= online_date <= max_date:
                print("online_date (%s) and disk_date (%s) differs but "\
                      "within one hour. This is OK (timezone pb) *****" % (online_date, disk_date))
                the_self.fail("online_date (%s) and disk_date (%s) are different" % (online_date, disk_date))

        #check labels
        disk_labels   = disk_metadata.get('labels', None)
        #add extra labels
        for x_lab in extra_labels:

        online_labels = imap_utils.decode_labels(online_metadata[imap_id].get('X-GM-LABELS', None)) 

        #clean potential labels with multiple spaces
        disk_labels   = [ gmvault_utils.remove_consecutive_spaces_and_strip(label) for label in disk_labels ]
        online_labels = [ gmvault_utils.remove_consecutive_spaces_and_strip(label) for label in online_labels ]

        if not disk_labels: #no disk_labels check that there are no online_labels
            the_self.assertTrue(not online_labels)

        print("disk_labels = %s\n" % (disk_labels))
        print("online_labels = %s\n" % (online_labels))
        the_self.assertEquals(len(disk_labels), len(online_labels))

        for label in disk_labels:
            #change label Migrated (lower and uppercase) to gmv-migrated because reserved by Gmail
            if label.lower() == "migrated":
                label = "gmv-migrated"
            elif label.lower() == r"\muted":
                label = "gmv-muted"
            if label not in online_labels:
                the_self.fail("label %s should be in online_labels %s as"\
                              " it is in disk_labels %s" % (label, online_labels, disk_labels))

        # check flags
        disk_flags   = disk_metadata.get('flags', None)
        online_flags = online_metadata[imap_id].get('FLAGS', None) 

        if not disk_flags: #no disk flags
            the_self.assertTrue(not online_flags)

        the_self.assertEquals(len(disk_flags), len(online_flags))

        for flag in disk_flags:
            if flag not in online_flags:
                the_self.fail("flag %s should be in "\
                              "online_flags %s as it is in disk_flags %s" \
                              % (flag, online_flags, disk_flags))        
Пример #2
def check_remote_mailbox_identical_to_local(the_self,
                                            extra_labels=[]):  #pylint: disable=C0103,R0912,R0914,R0915
       Check that the remote mailbox is identical to the local one attached
       to gmvaulter
       Need a connected gmvaulter
    # get all email data from gmvault-db
    pivot_dir = None
    gmail_ids = gmvaulter.gstorer.get_all_existing_gmail_ids(pivot_dir)

    print("gmail_ids = %s\n" % (gmail_ids))

    #need to check that all labels are there for emails in essential

    # check the number of id on disk
    imap_ids = gmvaulter.src.search({
        'type': 'imap',
        'req': 'ALL'
    })  #get everything

    the_self.assertEquals(len(imap_ids), \
                      len(gmail_ids), \
                      "Error. Should have the same number of emails: local nb of emails %d,"\
                      " remote nb of emails %d" % (len(gmail_ids), len(imap_ids)))

    for gm_id in gmail_ids:

        print("Fetching id %s with request %s" %
              (gm_id, imap_utils.GIMAPFetcher.GET_ALL_BUT_DATA))
        #get disk_metadata
        disk_metadata = gmvaulter.gstorer.unbury_metadata(gm_id)

        print("disk metadata %s\n" % (disk_metadata))

        #date     = disk_metadata['internal_date'].strftime('"%d %b %Y"')
        subject = disk_metadata.get('subject', None)
        msgid = disk_metadata.get('msg_id', None)
        received = disk_metadata.get('x_gmail_received', None)

        req = "("
        has_something = False

        #if date:
        #    req += 'HEADER DATE {date}'.format(date=date)
        #    has_something = True

        if subject:
            #split on ' when contained in subject to keep only the first part
            subject = subject.split("'")[0]
            subject = subject.split('"')[0]
            if has_something:  #add extra space if it has a date
                req += ' '
            req += 'SUBJECT "{subject}"'.format(
            has_something = True

        if msgid:
            if has_something:  #add extra space if it has a date
                req += ' '
            req += 'HEADER MESSAGE-ID {msgid}'.format(msgid=msgid.strip())
            has_something = True

        if received:
            if has_something:
                req += ' '
                req += 'HEADER X-GMAIL-RECEIVED {received}'.format(
                has_something = True

        req += ")"

        print("Req = %s\n" % (req))

        imap_ids = gmvaulter.src.search({
            'type': 'imap',
            'req': req,
            'charset': 'utf-8'

        print("imap_ids = %s\n" % (imap_ids))

        if len(imap_ids) != 1:
                "more than one imap_id (%s) retrieved for request %s" %
                (imap_ids, req))

        imap_id = imap_ids[0]

        # get online_metadata
        online_metadata = gmvaulter.src.fetch(imap_id, \

        print("online_metadata = %s\n" % (online_metadata))
        print("disk_metadata = %s\n" % (disk_metadata))

        header_fields = online_metadata[imap_id][

        subject, msgid, received = gmvault_db.GmailStorer.parse_header_fields(

        #compare metadata
        the_self.assertEquals(subject, disk_metadata.get('subject', None))
        the_self.assertEquals(msgid, disk_metadata.get('msg_id', None))
                              disk_metadata.get('x_gmail_received', None))

        # check internal date it is plus or minus 1 hour
        online_date = online_metadata[imap_id].get('INTERNALDATE', None)
        disk_date = disk_metadata.get('internal_date', None)

        if online_date != disk_date:
            min_date = disk_date - datetime.timedelta(hours=1)
            max_date = disk_date + datetime.timedelta(hours=1)

            if min_date <= online_date <= max_date:
                print("online_date (%s) and disk_date (%s) differs but "\
                      "within one hour. This is OK (timezone pb) *****" % (online_date, disk_date))
                    "online_date (%s) and disk_date (%s) are different" %
                    (online_date, disk_date))

        #check labels
        disk_labels = disk_metadata.get('labels', None)
        #add extra labels
        for x_lab in extra_labels:

        online_labels = imap_utils.decode_labels(online_metadata[imap_id].get(
            'X-GM-LABELS', None))

        #clean potential labels with multiple spaces
        disk_labels = [
            for label in disk_labels
        online_labels = [
            for label in online_labels

        if not disk_labels:  #no disk_labels check that there are no online_labels
            the_self.assertTrue(not online_labels)

        print("disk_labels = %s\n" % (disk_labels))
        print("online_labels = %s\n" % (online_labels))
        the_self.assertEquals(len(disk_labels), len(online_labels))

        for label in disk_labels:
            #change label Migrated (lower and uppercase) to gmv-migrated because reserved by Gmail
            if label.lower() == "migrated":
                label = "gmv-migrated"
            elif label.lower() == r"\muted":
                label = "gmv-muted"
            if label not in online_labels:
                the_self.fail("label %s should be in online_labels %s as"\
                              " it is in disk_labels %s" % (label, online_labels, disk_labels))

        # check flags
        disk_flags = disk_metadata.get('flags', None)
        online_flags = online_metadata[imap_id].get('FLAGS', None)

        if not disk_flags:  #no disk flags
            the_self.assertTrue(not online_flags)

        the_self.assertEquals(len(disk_flags), len(online_flags))

        for flag in disk_flags:
            if flag not in online_flags:
                the_self.fail("flag %s should be in "\
                              "online_flags %s as it is in disk_flags %s" \
                              % (flag, online_flags, disk_flags))