Пример #1
    def __init__(self, auth, host=DEFAULT_MOJANG_API_HOST):
        self.auth = auth
        self.api = APIHost(host)

        if self.auth.accessToken:
            bearer =  "Bearer " + self.auth.accessToken
            self.api.headers["Authorization"] = bearer
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, username, clientToken=None, accessToken=None,
                 host=HOST_YGGDRASIL, agent=MINECRAFT_AGENT_V1):

        self.api = APIHost(host)
        self.username = username
        self.user = None
        self.agent = agent
        self.clientToken = clientToken
        self.accessToken = accessToken
        self.selectedProfile = None
Пример #3
    def __init__(self, auth, host=DEFAULT_REALMS_HOST,

        # compose the necessary cookies from data in the auth object
        self.auth = auth
        sid =  "token:%s:%s" % (auth.accessToken, auth.selectedProfile["id"])
        user = auth.selectedProfile["name"]

        self.api = APIHost(host)
        self.api.cookies.set("sid", sid)
        self.api.cookies.set("user", user)
        self.api.cookies.set("version", version)
Пример #4
class SessionAPI(object):
    A thin wrapper for the the session portion of the Mojang API

    * http://wiki.vg/Mojang_API

    def __init__(self, auth, host=DEFAULT_MOJANG_SESSION_HOST):
        self.auth = auth
        self.api = APIHost(host)

        if self.auth.accessToken:
            bearer =  "Bearer " + self.auth.accessToken
            self.api.headers["Authorization"] = bearer

    def profile_info(self, uuid):
        data = self.api.get("/session/minecraft/profile/%s" % uuid)

        if data:
            props = data.get("properties", ())
            for prop in props:
                if prop["name"] == "textures":
                    # we'll transform this particular named property
                    # value since we know it's actually JSON
                    val = prop.get("value")
                    val = b64decode(val)
                    val = loads(val)
                    prop["value"] = val

        return data

    def blocked_servers(self):
        return self.api.get("/blockedservers")
Пример #5
    def load(self, filename):
        set the state of this session to the what is represented in the
        JSON data stored in filename. Errors (access, malformed JSON,
        etc) while loading will be propagated.

        with open(filename) as fd:
            session = load(fd)

        if "host" in session:
            host = session.pop("host")
            self.api = APIHost(host)

Пример #6
class StatusAPI(object):
    A thin wrapper for the the status portion of the Mojang API

    * http://wiki.vg/Mojang_API

    def __init__(self, auth, host=DEFAULT_MOJANG_STATUS_HOST):
        self.auth = auth # unused, maybe useful in the future.
        self.api = APIHost(host)

    def check(self):
        resp = self.api.get("/check")
        return resp
Пример #7
class Authentication(object):
    A thin wrapper for the Mojang authentiation scheme, 'Yggdrasil'

    * http://wiki.vg/Authentication

    def __init__(self, username, clientToken=None, accessToken=None,
                 host=HOST_YGGDRASIL, agent=MINECRAFT_AGENT_V1):

        self.api = APIHost(host)
        self.username = username
        self.user = None
        self.agent = agent
        self.clientToken = clientToken
        self.accessToken = accessToken
        self.selectedProfile = None

    def authenticate(self, password):
        generate an accessToken for this session

        payload = { "username": self.username,
                    "password": password,
                    "requestUser": True }

        if self.agent:
            payload["agent"] = self.agent

        if self.clientToken:
            payload["clientToken"] = self.clientToken

            ret = self.api.post("/authenticate", payload)

        except HTTPError as err:
            # if it's just a 403, that means the auth was wrong, so
            # it's simple failure. Any other kind of error is a
            # different kind of problem, so we'll propagate it up.

            if err.response.status_code == 403:
                return False

            self.clientToken = ret["clientToken"]
            self.accessToken = ret["accessToken"]
            self.selectedProfile = ret.get("selectedProfile")
            self.user = ret.get("user")

            return True

    def refresh(self):
        ensure that this session remains valid. May result in a new

        payload = { "accessToken": self.accessToken,
                    "clientToken": self.clientToken,
                    "requestUser": True }

            ret = self.api.post("/refresh", payload)

        except HTTPError as err:
            # a 403 just means the session was completely invalid,
            # which is expected behavior in many circumstances. In
            # that case, we just return False. Any other error gets
            # propagated up.

            if err.response.status_code == 403:
                return False

            self.clientToken = ret["clientToken"]
            self.accessToken = ret["accessToken"]
            self.selectedProfile = ret.get("selectedProfile")
            self.user = ret.get("user")

            return True

    def validate(self):
        check that the session is currently valid, and can be used to
        perform other actions. An invalid session will need to be
        renewed or a full re-auth may be required.

        if not self.accessToken:
            return False

        payload = { "accessToken": self.accessToken, }

            ret = self.api.post("/validate", payload)

        except HTTPError as err:
            # one again, 403 is an expected possibility. Everything
            # else is wonky.

            if err.response.status_code == 403:
                return False

            return True

    def signout(self, password):
        invalidates all sessions against the specified account

        payload = { "username": self.username,
                    "password": password, }

            ret = self.api.post("/signout", payload)

        except HTTPError as err:
            # 403 means bad username/password in this case
            if err.response.status_code == 403:
                return False

            return True

    def invalidate(self):
        invalidates the current session

        if not self.accessToken:
            return None

        payload = { "accessToken": self.accessToken,
                    "clientToken": self.clientToken, }

        # even if we're already invalidated, this won't raise an
        # HTTPError, so we won't try to filter out a 403
        ret = self.api.post("/invalidate", payload)

        self.accessToken = None
        return True

    def load(self, filename):
        set the state of this session to the what is represented in the
        JSON data stored in filename. Errors (access, malformed JSON,
        etc) while loading will be propagated.

        with open(filename) as fd:
            session = load(fd)

        if "host" in session:
            host = session.pop("host")
            self.api = APIHost(host)


    def save(self, filename):
        save the state of this session to JSON data and write it to

        session = dict(self.__dict__)
        session["host"] = self.api._host
        del session["api"]

        with open(filename, "w") as fd:
            dump(session, fd)

    def ensureClientToken(self):
        generate a clientToken for this session if one doesn't already

        if not self.clientToken:
            self.clientToken = generate_clientToken()
Пример #8
class MojangAPI(object):
    A thin wrapper for the the core portion of the Mojang API

    * http://wiki.vg/Mojang_API

    def __init__(self, auth, host=DEFAULT_MOJANG_API_HOST):
        self.auth = auth
        self.api = APIHost(host)

        if self.auth.accessToken:
            bearer =  "Bearer " + self.auth.accessToken
            self.api.headers["Authorization"] = bearer

    def username_to_uuid(self, username, at_time=0):
        return self.api.get("/users/profiles/minecraft/%s?at=%i" %
                            (username, at_time))

    def uuid_name_history(self, uuid):
        return self.api.get("/user/profiles/%s/names" % uuid)

    def playernames_to_uuids(self, playernames):
        return self.api.post("/profiles/minecraft", list(playernames))

    def change_skin(self, uuid, skin_url, slim=False):
        payload = {"model": "slim" if slim else "",
                   "url": skin_url}

        return self.api.post_encoded("/user/profile/%s/skin" % uuid)

    def upload_skin(self, uuid, skin_stream, slim=False):
        payload = {"model": "slim" if slim else "",
                   "file": ("harambe.png", skin_stream, "image/png")}

        return self.api.post_form("/user/profile/%s/skin" % uuid, payload)

    def upload_skin_filename(self, uuid, skin_filename, slim=False):
        with open(skin_filename) as skin_stream:
            return upload_skin(self, uuid, skin_stream, slim)

    def reset_skin(self, uuid):
        return self.api.delete("/user/profile/%s/skin" % uuid)

    def whoami(self):
        return self.api.get("/user")

    def statistics(self, which=DEFAULT_STATISTICS):
        which = {"metricKeys": list(which)}
        return self.api.post("/orders/statistics", which)
Пример #9
 def __init__(self, auth, host=DEFAULT_MOJANG_STATUS_HOST):
     self.auth = auth # unused, maybe useful in the future.
     self.api = APIHost(host)
Пример #10
class RealmsAPI(object):
    A thin wrapper for the Mojang Realms API

    * http://wiki.vg/Realms_API

    def __init__(self, auth, host=DEFAULT_REALMS_HOST,

        # compose the necessary cookies from data in the auth object
        self.auth = auth
        sid =  "token:%s:%s" % (auth.accessToken, auth.selectedProfile["id"])
        user = auth.selectedProfile["name"]

        self.api = APIHost(host)
        self.api.cookies.set("sid", sid)
        self.api.cookies.set("user", user)
        self.api.cookies.set("version", version)

    def mco_available(self):
        return self.api.get("/mco/available")

    def mco_client_outdated(self):
        return self.api.get("/mco/client/outdated")

    def mco_tos_agree(self):
        return self.api.post("/mco/tos/agreed")

    def realm_list(self):
        List the realms available for the given account auth

        return self.api.get("/worlds")

    def realm_info(self, realm_id):
        Information about a specific realm by ID

        return self.api.get("/worlds/%i" % realm_id)

    def realm_join(self, realm_id):
        Wakes up a realm so that it can be joined, returns a string
        specifying the IP_ADDRESS:PORT of the running server

        return self.api.get("/worlds/%i/join" % realm_id)

    def realm_backups(self, realm_id):
        Show the backups available for the given realm ID

        return self.api.get("/worlds/%i/backups" % realm_id)

    def realm_world_url(self, realm_id, world):
        Show the download URL for the latest world backup for the given
        realm ID

        return self.api.get("/worlds/%i/slot/%i/download" % (realm_id, world))

    def realm_ops_list(self, realm_id):
        return self.api.get("/ops/%i" % realm_id)

    def realm_subscription(self, realm_id):
        return self.api.get("/subscriptions/%i" % realm_id)