def lme_summary(output_dir: str, model: LMEModel, ndim=10) -> None: """ Summarizes the ordinary linear mixed effects model. Parameters ---------- output_dir : str Directory where all of the regression results and summaries will be stored. model : LMEModel Linear Mixed Effects model that contains the model fit and the regression results. ndim : int The number of dimensions to summarize. """ # log likelihood loglike = pd.Series({ r.model.endog_names: r.model.loglike(r.params) for r in model.results }) # Summary object smry = model.summary(ndim=10) t = _decorate_tree(model.tree, -loglike) p1 = radialplot(t, edge_color='color', figsize=(800, 800)) p1.title.text = 'Loglikelihood of submodels' p1.title_location = 'above' p1.title.align = 'center' p1.title.text_font_size = '18pt' # 2D scatter plot for prediction on PB p2 = _projected_prediction(model) p3 = _projected_residuals(model) p23 = row(p2, p3) # Deposit all regression results _deposit_results(model, output_dir) index_fp = os.path.join(output_dir, 'index.html') with open(index_fp, 'w') as index_f: index_f.write('<html><body>\n') index_f.write('<h1>Simplicial Linear Mixed Effects Summary</h1>\n') index_f.write(smry.as_html()) _deposit_results_html(index_f) ess_tree_html = file_html(p1, CDN, 'Loglikelihood') index_f.write(ess_tree_html) reg_smry_html = file_html(p23, CDN, 'Prediction and Residual plot') index_f.write(reg_smry_html) index_f.write('</body></html>\n')
def test_basic_plot(self): self.maxDiff = None exp_edges = { 'dest_node': ['0', '1', '2', 'y3'], 'edge_color': ['#00FF00', '#00FF00', '#00FF00', '#FF0000'], 'edge_width': [2, 2, 2, 2], 'src_node': ['y3', 'y4', 'y3', 'y4'], 'x0': [ 338.2612593838583, 193.1688862557773, 338.2612593838583, 193.1688862557773 ], 'x1': [487.5, 12.499999999999972, 324.89684138234867, 338.2612593838583], 'y0': [ 271.7282256126416, 365.95231443706376, 271.7282256126416, 365.95231443706376 ], 'y1': [ 347.7691620070637, 483.2800610261029, 16.719938973897143, 271.7282256126416 ] } exp_nodes = { 'child0': [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, '0', '1'], 'child1': [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, '2', 'y3'], 'color': ['#1C9099', '#1C9099', '#1C9099', '#FF999F', '#FF999F'], 'hover_var': [None, None, None, None, None], 'is_tip': [True, True, True, False, False], 'node_size': [10, 10, 10, 10, 10], 'x': [ 12.499999999999972, 487.5, 324.89684138234867, 338.26125938385832, 193.16888625577729 ], 'y': [ 483.28006102610289, 347.7691620070637, 16.719938973897143, 271.72822561264161, 365.95231443706376 ] } np.random.seed(0) num_otus = 3 # otus x = np.random.rand(num_otus) dm = DistanceMatrix.from_iterable(x, lambda x, y: np.abs(x - y)) lm = ward(dm.condensed_form()) t = TreeNode.from_linkage_matrix(lm, np.arange(len(x)).astype(np.str)) t = UnrootedDendrogram.from_tree(t) # incorporate colors in tree for i, n in enumerate(t.postorder(include_self=True)): if not n.is_tip(): = "y%d" % i n.color = '#FF999F' n.edge_color = '#FF0000' n.node_size = 10 else: n.color = '#1C9099' n.edge_color = '#00FF00' n.node_size = 10 n.length = np.random.rand() * 3 n.edge_width = 2 p = radialplot(t, node_color='color', edge_color='edge_color', node_size='node_size', edge_width='edge_width') for e in exp_edges.keys(): if isinstance(exp_edges[e], float): npt.assert_allclose(p.renderers[0][e], np.array(exp_edges[e])) else: self.assertListEqual(list(p.renderers[0][e]), exp_edges[e]) for e in exp_nodes.keys(): self.assertListEqual(list(p.renderers[1][e]), exp_nodes[e]) self.assertTrue(isinstance(t, TreeNode))
def ols_summary(output_dir: str, model: OLSModel, ndim=10) -> None: """ Summarizes the ordinary least squares fit. Parameters ---------- output_dir : str Directory where all of the regression results and summaries will be stored. model : OLSModel Ordinary Least Squares model that contains the model fit and the regression results. ndim : int The number of dimensions to summarize. """ # Cross validation cv = model.loo() # Relative importance of explanatory variables relimp = model.lovo() w, h = 400, 400 # plot width and height # Histogram of model mean squared error from cross validation mse_p = figure(title="Cross Validation Mean Squared Error", plot_width=w, plot_height=h) mse_hist, edges = np.histogram(cv.mse, density=True, bins=20) mse_p.quad(top=mse_hist, bottom=0, left=edges[:-1], right=edges[1:], fill_color="#FFFF00", line_color="#033649", fill_alpha=0.5, legend='CV Mean Squared Error') mse_p.ray(x=model.mse, y=0, length=h, angle=1.57079633, color='red', legend='Model Error', line_width=0.5) # Histogram of prediction error from cross validation pred_p = figure(title="Prediction Error", plot_width=w, plot_height=h) pred_hist, edges = np.histogram(cv.pred_err, density=True, bins=20) pred_p.quad(top=pred_hist, bottom=0, left=edges[:-1], right=edges[1:], fill_color="#00FFFF", line_color="#033649", fill_alpha=0.5, legend='Prediction Error') pred_p.ray(x=model.mse, y=0, length=h, angle=1.57079633, color='red', legend='Model Error', line_width=0.5) cvp = row(mse_p, pred_p) # Explained sum of squares ess = pd.Series({r.model.endog_names: r.ess for r in model.results}) # Summary object smry = model.summary(ndim=10) t = _decorate_tree(model.tree, ess) p1 = radialplot(t, edge_color='color', figsize=(800, 800)) p1.title.text = 'Explained Sum of Squares' p1.title_location = 'above' p1.title.align = 'center' p1.title.text_font_size = '18pt' # 2D scatter plot for prediction on PB p2 = _projected_prediction(model) p3 = _projected_residuals(model) p23 = row(p2, p3) _deposit_results(model, output_dir) index_fp = os.path.join(output_dir, 'index.html') with open(index_fp, 'w') as index_f: index_f.write('<html><body>\n') index_f.write('<h1>Simplicial Linear Regression Summary</h1>\n') index_f.write(smry.as_html()) index_f.write('<th>Relative importance</th>\n') index_f.write(relimp.to_html()) _deposit_results_html(index_f) index_f.write('<th>Cross Validation</th>') cv_html = file_html(cvp, CDN, 'Cross Validation') index_f.write(cv_html) ess_tree_html = file_html(p1, CDN, 'Explained Sum of Squares') index_f.write(ess_tree_html) reg_smry_html = file_html(p23, CDN, 'Prediction and Residual plot') index_f.write(reg_smry_html) index_f.write('</body></html>\n')
def test_basic_plot(self): self.maxDiff = None exp_edges = {'dest_node': ['0', '1', '2', 'y3'], 'edge_color': ['#00FF00', '#00FF00', '#00FF00', '#FF0000'], 'edge_width': [2, 2, 2, 2], 'src_node': ['y3', 'y4', 'y3', 'y4'], 'x0': [338.2612593838583, 193.1688862557773, 338.2612593838583, 193.1688862557773], 'x1': [487.5, 12.499999999999972, 324.89684138234867, 338.2612593838583], 'y0': [271.7282256126416, 365.95231443706376, 271.7282256126416, 365.95231443706376], 'y1': [347.7691620070637, 483.2800610261029, 16.719938973897143, 271.7282256126416]} exp_nodes = {'child0': [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, '0', '1'], 'child1': [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, '2', 'y3'], 'color': ['#1C9099', '#1C9099', '#1C9099', '#FF999F', '#FF999F'], 'hover_var': [None, None, None, None, None], 'is_tip': [True, True, True, False, False], 'node_size': [10, 10, 10, 10, 10], 'x': [487.5, 12.499999999999972, 324.89684138234867, 338.26125938385832, 193.16888625577729], 'y': [347.7691620070637, 483.28006102610289, 16.719938973897143, 271.72822561264161, 365.95231443706376]} np.random.seed(0) num_otus = 3 # otus x = np.random.rand(num_otus) dm = DistanceMatrix.from_iterable(x, lambda x, y: np.abs(x-y)) lm = ward(dm.condensed_form()) t = TreeNode.from_linkage_matrix(lm, np.arange(len(x)).astype(np.str)) t = UnrootedDendrogram.from_tree(t) # incorporate colors in tree for i, n in enumerate(t.postorder(include_self=True)): if not n.is_tip(): = "y%d" % i n.color = '#FF999F' n.edge_color = '#FF0000' n.node_size = 10 else: n.color = '#1C9099' n.edge_color = '#00FF00' n.node_size = 10 n.length = np.random.rand()*3 n.edge_width = 2 p = radialplot(t, node_color='color', edge_color='edge_color', node_size='node_size', edge_width='edge_width') for e in exp_edges.keys(): self.assertListEqual( list(p.renderers[0][e]), exp_edges[e]) for e in exp_nodes.keys(): self.assertListEqual( list(p.renderers[1][e]), exp_nodes[e]) self.assertTrue(isinstance(t, TreeNode))
def lme_summary(output_dir: str, model: LMEModel, tree: TreeNode) -> None: """ Summarizes the ordinary linear mixed effects model. Parameters ---------- output_dir : str Directory where all of the regression results and summaries will be stored. model : LMEModel Linear Mixed Effects model that contains the model fit and the regression results. tree : TreeNode Tree object that defines the partitions of the features. Each of the leaves correspond to the balances in the model. """ # log likelihood loglike = pd.Series({ r.model.endog_names: r.model.loglike(r.params) for r in model.results }) w, h = 500, 300 # plot width and height # Summary object smry = model.summary() t = _decorate_tree(tree, -loglike) p1 = radialplot(t, figsize=(800, 800)) p1.title.text = 'Loglikelihood of submodels' p1.title_location = 'above' p1.title.align = 'center' p1.title.text_font_size = '18pt' # 2D scatter plot for prediction on PB p2 = _projected_prediction(model, plot_width=w, plot_height=h) p3 = _projected_residuals(model, plot_width=w, plot_height=h) hm_p = _heatmap_summary(model.pvalues.T, model.coefficients().T, plot_width=900, plot_height=400) # combine the cross validation, explained sum of squares tree and # residual plots into a single plot p = row(column(p2, p3), p1) p = column(hm_p, p) # Deposit all regression results _deposit_results(model, output_dir) index_fp = os.path.join(output_dir, 'index.html') with open(index_fp, 'w') as index_f: index_f.write('<html><body>\n') index_f.write('<h1>Simplicial Linear Mixed Effects Summary</h1>\n') index_f.write(smry.as_html()) index_f.write(('<th>Coefficients</th>\n' '<a href="coefficients.csv">' 'Download as CSV</a><br>\n' '<th>Coefficient pvalues</th>\n' '<a href="pvalues.csv">' 'Download as CSV</a><br>\n' '<th>Predicted Balances</th>\n' '<a href="predicted.csv">' 'Download as CSV</a><br>\n' '<th>Residuals</th>\n' '<a href="residuals.csv">' 'Download as CSV</a><br>\n')) diag_html = file_html(p, CDN, 'Diagnostic plots') index_f.write(diag_html) index_f.write('</body></html>\n')
def ols_summary(output_dir: str, model: OLSModel, tree: TreeNode) -> None: """ Summarizes the ordinary least squares fit. Parameters ---------- output_dir : str Directory where all of the regression results and summaries will be stored. model : OLSModel Ordinary Least Squares model that contains the model fit and the regression results. tree : TreeNode Tree object that defines the partitions of the features. Each of the leaves correspond to the balances in the model. """ # Cross validation w, h = 500, 300 # plot width and height # Explained sum of squares ess = model.ess # Summary object _k, _l = model.kfold(), model.lovo() smry = model.summary(_k, _l) _deposit_results(model, output_dir) t = _decorate_tree(tree, ess) p1 = radialplot(t, figsize=(800, 800)) p1.title.text = 'Explained Sum of Squares' p1.title_location = 'above' p1.title.align = 'center' p1.title.text_font_size = '18pt' # 2D scatter plot for prediction on PB p2 = _projected_prediction(model, plot_width=w, plot_height=h) p3 = _projected_residuals(model, plot_width=w, plot_height=h) hm_p = _heatmap_summary(model.pvalues.T, model.coefficients().T) # combine the cross validation, explained sum of squares tree and # residual plots into a single plot p = row(column(p2, p3), p1) p = column(hm_p, p) index_fp = os.path.join(output_dir, 'index.html') with open(index_fp, 'w') as index_f: index_f.write('<html><body>\n') index_f.write('<h1>Simplicial Linear Regression Summary</h1>\n') index_f.write(smry.as_html()) index_f.write(('<th>Coefficients</th>\n' '<a href="coefficients.csv">' 'Download as CSV</a><br>\n' '<th>Coefficient pvalues</th>\n' '<a href="pvalues.csv">' 'Download as CSV</a><br>\n' '<th>Predicted Balances</th>\n' '<a href="predicted.csv">' 'Download as CSV</a><br>\n' '<th>Residuals</th>\n' '<a href="residuals.csv">' 'Download as CSV</a><br>\n')) plot_html = file_html(p, CDN, 'Diagnostics') index_f.write(plot_html) index_f.write('</body></html>\n')
def lme_summary(output_dir: str, model: LMEModel, tree: TreeNode) -> None: """ Summarizes the ordinary linear mixed effects model. Parameters ---------- output_dir : str Directory where all of the regression results and summaries will be stored. model : LMEModel Linear Mixed Effects model that contains the model fit and the regression results. tree : TreeNode Tree object that defines the partitions of the features. Each of the leaves correspond to the balances in the model. """ # log likelihood loglike = pd.Series({r.model.endog_names: r.model.loglike(r.params) for r in model.results}) w, h = 500, 300 # plot width and height # Summary object smry = model.summary() t = _decorate_tree(tree, -loglike) p1 = radialplot(t, figsize=(800, 800)) p1.title.text = 'Loglikelihood of submodels' p1.title_location = 'above' p1.title.align = 'center' p1.title.text_font_size = '18pt' # 2D scatter plot for prediction on PB p2 = _projected_prediction(model, plot_width=w, plot_height=h) p3 = _projected_residuals(model, plot_width=w, plot_height=h) hm_p = _heatmap_summary(model.pvalues.T, model.coefficients().T, plot_width=900, plot_height=400) # combine the cross validation, explained sum of squares tree and # residual plots into a single plot p = row(column(p2, p3), p1) p = column(hm_p, p) # Deposit all regression results _deposit_results(model, output_dir) index_fp = os.path.join(output_dir, 'index.html') with open(index_fp, 'w') as index_f: index_f.write('<html><body>\n') index_f.write('<h1>Simplicial Linear Mixed Effects Summary</h1>\n') index_f.write(smry.as_html()) index_f.write( ('<th>Coefficients</th>\n' '<a href="coefficients.csv">' 'Download as CSV</a><br>\n' '<th>Coefficient pvalues</th>\n' '<a href="pvalues.csv">' 'Download as CSV</a><br>\n' '<th>FDR corrected coefficient pvalues</th>\n' '<a href="fdr-corrected-pvalues.csv">' 'Download as CSV</a><br>\n' '<th>Predicted Balances</th>\n' '<a href="predicted.csv">' 'Download as CSV</a><br>\n' '<th>Residuals</th>\n' '<a href="residuals.csv">' 'Download as CSV</a><br>\n') ) diag_html = file_html(p, CDN, 'Diagnostic plots') index_f.write(diag_html) index_f.write('</body></html>\n')
def ols_summary(output_dir: str, model: OLSModel, tree: TreeNode) -> None: """ Summarizes the ordinary least squares fit. Parameters ---------- output_dir : str Directory where all of the regression results and summaries will be stored. model : OLSModel Ordinary Least Squares model that contains the model fit and the regression results. tree : TreeNode Tree object that defines the partitions of the features. Each of the leaves correspond to the balances in the model. """ # Cross validation w, h = 500, 300 # plot width and height # Explained sum of squares ess = model.ess # Summary object _k, _l = model.kfold(), model.lovo() smry = model.summary(_k, _l) _deposit_results(model, output_dir) t = _decorate_tree(tree, ess) p1 = radialplot(t, figsize=(800, 800)) p1.title.text = 'Explained Sum of Squares' p1.title_location = 'above' p1.title.align = 'center' p1.title.text_font_size = '18pt' # 2D scatter plot for prediction on PB p2 = _projected_prediction(model, plot_width=w, plot_height=h) p3 = _projected_residuals(model, plot_width=w, plot_height=h) hm_p = _heatmap_summary(model.pvalues.T, model.coefficients().T) # combine the cross validation, explained sum of squares tree and # residual plots into a single plot p = row(column(p2, p3), p1) p = column(hm_p, p) index_fp = os.path.join(output_dir, 'index.html') with open(index_fp, 'w') as index_f: index_f.write('<html><body>\n') index_f.write('<h1>Simplicial Linear Regression Summary</h1>\n') index_f.write(smry.as_html()) index_f.write( ('<th>Coefficients</th>\n' '<a href="coefficients.csv">' 'Download as CSV</a><br>\n' '<th>Coefficient pvalues</th>\n' '<a href="pvalues.csv">' 'Download as CSV</a><br>\n' '<th>FDR corrected coefficient pvalues</th>\n' '<a href="fdr-corrected-pvalues.csv">' 'Download as CSV</a><br>\n' '<th>Predicted Balances</th>\n' '<a href="predicted.csv">' 'Download as CSV</a><br>\n' '<th>Residuals</th>\n' '<a href="residuals.csv">' 'Download as CSV</a><br>\n') ) plot_html = file_html(p, CDN, 'Diagnostics') index_f.write(plot_html) index_f.write('</body></html>\n')