Пример #1
def test_rewind():
    Test rewinding spill containter rewinds the spills.
    - SpillContainer should reset its the data_arrays to empty and num_released
      to 0
    - it should reset num_released = 0 for all spills and reset
      start_time_invalid flag to True. Basically all spills are rewound
    num_elements = 100
    release_time = datetime(2012, 1, 1, 12)
    release_time2 = release_time + timedelta(hours=24)
    start_position = (23.0, -78.5, 0.0)
    sc = SpillContainer()

    spills = [
        point_line_release_spill(num_elements, start_position, release_time),
        point_line_release_spill(num_elements, start_position, release_time2)


    for time in [release_time, release_time2]:
        sc.release_elements(3600, time)

    assert sc.num_released == num_elements * len(spills)
    for spill in spills:
        assert spill.get('num_released') == spill.release.num_elements

    assert sc.num_released == 0
    for spill in spills:
        assert spill.get('num_released') == 0
        assert spill.release.start_time_invalid is None
Пример #2
def test_rewind():
    Test rewinding spill containter rewinds the spills.
    - SpillContainer should reset its the data_arrays to empty and num_released
      to 0
    - it should reset num_released = 0 for all spills and reset
      start_time_invalid flag to True. Basically all spills are rewound
    num_elements = 100
    release_time = datetime(2012, 1, 1, 12)
    release_time2 = release_time + timedelta(hours=24)
    start_position = (23.0, -78.5, 0.0)
    sc = SpillContainer()

    spills = [point_line_release_spill(num_elements, start_position,
              point_line_release_spill(num_elements, start_position,


    for time in [release_time, release_time2]:
        sc.release_elements(3600, time)

    assert sc.num_released == num_elements * len(spills)
    for spill in spills:
        assert spill.num_released == spill.release.num_elements

    assert sc.num_released == 0
    for spill in spills:
        assert spill.num_released == 0
        assert spill.release.start_time_invalid is None
Пример #3
def test_SpillContainer_add_array_types():
    Test an array_type is dynamically added/subtracted from SpillContainer if
    it is contained in Initailizer's array_types property.

    For example:

        Add 'rise_vel' initializer, InitRiseVelFromDropletSizeFromDist()) is
        added to Spill's element_type object. Now, the array_types for this
        initailizer are 'rise_vel' and 'droplet_diameter'. Only if a
        RiseVelocityMover is added to the model in which case the Model
        provides 'rise_vel' as an array_type to the SpillContainer to append
        it to its own list, then the SpillContainer will also add the
        'droplet_diameter' array_type that is additionally set by the
        Initializer but is not explicitly required by the Mover.
    sc = SpillContainer()
    s = Spill(Release(datetime(2014, 1, 1, 12, 0), 0))
    sc.spills += s
    assert 'rise_vel' not in sc.array_types
    assert 'droplet_diameter' not in sc.array_types

    # Now say you added RiseVelocityMover and the Model collects ArrayTypes
    # from all movers and passes it into SpillContainer's prepare_for_model_run
    assert 'rise_vel' in sc.array_types
    assert 'droplet_diameter' in sc.array_types

    # calling prepare_for_model_run without different array_types keeps the
    # previously added 'rise_vel' array_types - always rewind if you want to
    # clear out the state and reset array_types to original data
    assert 'rise_vel' in sc.array_types
    assert 'droplet_diameter' in sc.array_types

    # Now let's rewind array_types and these extra properties should disappear
    # they are only added after the prepare_for_model_run step
    assert 'rise_vel' not in sc.array_types
    assert 'droplet_diameter' not in sc.array_types
Пример #4
def test_SpillContainer_add_array_types():
    Test an array_type is dynamically added/subtracted from SpillContainer if
    it is contained in Initailizer's array_types property.

    For example:

        Add 'rise_vel' initializer, InitRiseVelFromDropletSizeFromDist()) is
        added to Spill's element_type object. Now, the array_types for this
        initailizer are 'rise_vel' and 'droplet_diameter'. Only if a
        RiseVelocityMover is added to the model in which case the Model
        provides 'rise_vel' as an array_type to the SpillContainer to append
        it to its own list, then the SpillContainer will also add the
        'droplet_diameter' array_type that is additionally set by the
        Initializer but is not explicitly required by the Mover.
    sc = SpillContainer()
    s = Spill(Release(datetime(2014, 1, 1, 12, 0), 0))
    s.set_initializer(InitRiseVelFromDropletSizeFromDist(distribution = UniformDistribution()))
    sc.spills += s
    assert 'rise_vel' not in sc.array_types
    assert 'droplet_diameter' not in sc.array_types

    # Now say you added RiseVelocityMover and the Model collects ArrayTypes
    # from all movers and passes it into SpillContainer's prepare_for_model_run
    assert 'rise_vel' in sc.array_types
    assert 'droplet_diameter' in sc.array_types

    # calling prepare_for_model_run without different array_types keeps the
    # previously added 'rise_vel' array_types - always rewind if you want to
    # clear out the state and reset array_types to original data
    assert 'rise_vel' in sc.array_types
    assert 'droplet_diameter' in sc.array_types

    # Now let's rewind array_types and these extra properties should disappear
    # they are only added after the prepare_for_model_run step
    assert 'rise_vel' not in sc.array_types
    assert 'droplet_diameter' not in sc.array_types
Пример #5
def test_array_types_reset():
    check the array_types are reset on rewind() only
    sc = SpillContainer()

    assert 'windages' in sc.array_types

    assert 'windages' not in sc.array_types
    assert sc.array_types == sc_default_array_types

    assert 'windages' in sc.array_types

    # now if we invoke prepare_for_model_run without giving it any array_types
    # it should not reset the dict to default
    sc.prepare_for_model_run()  # set to any datetime
    assert 'windages' in sc.array_types
Пример #6
def test_array_types_reset():
    check the array_types are reset on rewind() only
    sc = SpillContainer()

    assert 'windages' in sc.array_types

    assert 'windages' not in sc.array_types
    assert sc.array_types == sc_default_array_types

    assert 'windages' in sc.array_types

    # now if we invoke prepare_for_model_run without giving it any array_types
    # it should not reset the dict to default
    sc.prepare_for_model_run()   # set to any datetime
    assert 'windages' in sc.array_types