Пример #1
def test_set_colors():

    mc = MapCanvas((400, 300))

    colors = [('blue', (0, 0, 255)), ('red', (255, 0, 0))]


    assert mc.fore_image.get_color_names() == mc.back_image.get_color_names()

    colors = mc.get_color_names()

    assert colors == ['transparent', 'black', 'white', 'blue', 'red']
Пример #2
def test_set_colors():

    mc = MapCanvas((400, 300))

    colors = [('blue', (0, 0, 255)),
              ('red', (255, 0, 0))]


    assert mc.fore_image.get_color_names() == mc.back_image.get_color_names()

    colors = mc.get_color_names()

    assert colors == ['transparent', 'black', 'white', 'blue', 'red']
Пример #3
class IceImageOutput(Outputter):
        Class that outputs ice data as an image for each ice mover.

        The image is PNG encoded, then Base64 encoded to include in a
        JSON response.
    _schema = IceImageSchema

    def __init__(self,
                 image_size=(800, 600),
            :param ice_movers: ice_movers associated with this outputter.
            :type ice_movers: An ice_mover object or sequence of ice_mover

            Use super to pass optional \*\*kwargs to base class __init__ method
        # this is a place where we store our gradient color infomration
        self.gradient_lu = {}

        self.map_canvas = MapCanvas(image_size,
        self.map_canvas.add_colors([('black', (0, 0, 0))])

                (0, 0, 0x7f, 0x7f),  # dark blue
                (0, 0, 0x7f, 0x3f),  # dark blue
                (0, 0, 0x7f, 0x00),  # dark blue
                (0xff, 0, 0, 0x00)),  # red
            scale=(0.0, 6.0),

                (0x80, 0xc0, 0xd0, 0x7f),  # sky blue
                (0, 0x40, 0x60, 0x00)),  # dark blue
            scale=(0.0, 1.0),

        super(IceImageOutput, self).__init__(**kwargs)

        if (isinstance(ice_movers, collections.Iterable)
                and not isinstance(ice_movers, str)):
            self.ice_movers = ice_movers
        elif ice_movers is not None:
            self.ice_movers = (ice_movers, )
            self.ice_movers = tuple()

    def set_gradient_colors(
                (0, 0, 0x7f),  # dark blue
                (0, 0xff, 0xff)),  # cyan
            scale=(0.0, 10.0),
            Add a color gradient to our palette representing the colors we
            will use for our ice thickness

            :param gradient_name: The name of the gradient.
            :type gradient_name: str

            :param color_range: The colors we will build our gradient with.
            :type color_range: A 2 element sequence of 3-tuples containing
                               8-bit RGB values.

            :param scale: A range of values representing the low and high end
                          of our gradient.
            :type scale: A 2 element sequence of float

            :param num_colors: The number of colors to use for the gradient.
            :type num_colors: Number
        color_names = self.add_gradient_to_canvas(color_range, gradient_name,

        self.gradient_lu[gradient_name] = (scale, np.array(color_names))

    def add_gradient_to_canvas(self, color_range, color_prefix, num_colors):
            Add a color gradient to our palette

            NOTE: Probably not the most efficient way to do this.

            :param color_range: The colors that we would like to use to
                                generate our gradient
            :type color_range: A sequence of 2 or more 3-tuples

            :param color_prefix: The prefix that will be used in the naming
                                 of the colors in the gradient
            :type color_prefix: str

            :param num_colors: The number of gradient colors to generate
            :type num_colors: Number
        color_range_idx = range(len(color_range))
        color_space = np.linspace(color_range_idx[0],

        r_grad = np.interp(color_space, color_range_idx,
                           [c[0] for c in color_range])
        g_grad = np.interp(color_space, color_range_idx,
                           [c[1] for c in color_range])
        b_grad = np.interp(color_space, color_range_idx,
                           [c[2] for c in color_range])

        if all([len(c) >= 4 for c in color_range]):
            a_grad = np.interp(color_space, color_range_idx,
                               [c[3] for c in color_range])
            a_grad = np.array([0.] * num_colors)

        new_colors = []
        for i, (r, g, b, a) in enumerate(zip(r_grad, g_grad, b_grad, a_grad)):
            new_colors.append(('{}{}'.format(color_prefix, i), (r, g, b, a)))


        return [c[0] for c in new_colors]

    def lookup_gradient_color(self, gradient_name, values):
            (low_val, high_val), color_names = self.gradient_lu[gradient_name]
        except IndexError:
            return None

        scale_range = high_val - low_val
        q_step_range = scale_range / len(color_names)

        idx = (np.floor(values / q_step_range).astype(int).clip(
            len(color_names) - 1))

        return color_names[idx]

    def write_output(self, step_num, islast_step=False):
            Generate image from data
        # I don't think we need this for this outputter:
        #   - it does stuff with cache initialization
        super(IceImageOutput, self).write_output(step_num, islast_step)

        if (self.on is False or not self._write_step
                or len(self.ice_movers) == 0):
            return None

        # fixme -- doing all this cache stuff just to get the timestep..
        # maybe timestep should be passed in.
        for sc in self.cache.load_timestep(step_num).items():
            model_time = date_to_sec(sc.current_time_stamp)
            iso_time = sc.current_time_stamp.isoformat()

        thick_image, conc_image, bb = self.render_images(model_time)

        # web_mercator = 'EPSG:3857'
        equirectangular = 'EPSG:32662'

        # info to return to the caller
        output_dict = {
            'step_num': step_num,
            'time_stamp': iso_time,
            'thickness_image': thick_image,
            'concentration_image': conc_image,
            'bounding_box': bb,
            'projection': equirectangular,

        return output_dict

    def get_sample_image(self):
            This returns a base 64 encoded PNG image for testing,
            just so we have something

            This should be removed when we have real functionality
        # hard-coding the base64 really confused my editor..
        image_file_file_path = os.path.join(
            os.path.split(__file__)[0], 'sample.b64')

        return open(image_file_file_path).read()

    def render_images(self, model_time):
            render the actual images
            This uses the MapCanvas code to do the actual rendering

            returns: thickness_image, concentration_image
        canvas = self.map_canvas

        # We kinda need to figure our our bounding box before doing the
        # rendering.  We will try to be efficient about it mainly by not
        # grabbing our grid data twice.
        mover_grid_bb = None
        mover_grids = []

        for mover in self.ice_movers:
            mover_grid_bb = mover.get_grid_bounding_box(
                mover_grids[-1], mover_grid_bb)

        canvas.viewport = mover_grid_bb

        # Here is where we draw our grid data....
        for mover, mover_grid in zip(self.ice_movers, mover_grids):
            mover_grid_bb = mover.get_grid_bounding_box(
                mover_grid, mover_grid_bb)

            concentration, thickness = mover.get_ice_fields(model_time)

            thickness_colors = self.lookup_gradient_color(
                'thickness', thickness)
            concentration_colors = self.lookup_gradient_color(
                'concentration', concentration)

            dtype = mover_grid.dtype.descr
            unstructured_type = dtype[0][1]
            new_shape = mover_grid.shape + (len(dtype), )
            mover_grid = (mover_grid.view(dtype=unstructured_type).reshape(

            for poly, tc, cc in zip(mover_grid, thickness_colors,
                canvas.draw_polygon(poly, fill_color=tc)
                canvas.draw_polygon(poly, fill_color=cc, background=True)

        # py_gd does not currently have the capability to generate a .png
        # formatted buffer in memory. (libgd can be made to do this, but
        # the wrapper is yet to be written)
        # So we will just write to a tempfile and then read it back.
        # If we ever have to do this anywhere else, a context manger would be good.
        tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        tempfilename = os.path.join(tempdir, "gnome_temp_image_file.png")

        thickness_image = open(tempfilename, 'rb').read().encode('base64')

        coverage_image = open(tempfilename, 'rb').read().encode('base64')


        return ("data:image/png;base64,{}".format(thickness_image),

    def ice_movers_to_dict(self):
        a dict containing 'obj_type' and 'id' for each object in
        return self._collection_to_dict(self.ice_movers)
Пример #4
class IceImageOutput(Outputter):
        Class that outputs ice data as an image for each ice mover.

        The image is PNG encoded, then Base64 encoded to include in a
        JSON response.
    _state = copy.deepcopy(Outputter._state)

    # need a schema and also need to override save so output_dir
    # is saved correctly - maybe point it to saveloc
                           save=True, update=True, iscollection=True))

    _schema = IceImageSchema

    def __init__(self, ice_movers=None,
                 image_size=(800, 600),
            :param ice_movers: ice_movers associated with this outputter.
            :type ice_movers: An ice_mover object or sequence of ice_mover

            Use super to pass optional \*\*kwargs to base class __init__ method
        # this is a place where we store our gradient color infomration
        self.gradient_lu = {}

        self.map_canvas = MapCanvas(image_size,
        self.map_canvas.add_colors([('black', (0, 0, 0))])

                                 color_range=((0, 0, 0x7f, 0x7f),  # dark blue
                                              (0, 0, 0x7f, 0x3f),  # dark blue
                                              (0, 0, 0x7f, 0x00),  # dark blue
                                              (0xff, 0, 0, 0x00)),  # red
                                 scale=(0.0, 6.0),

                                 color_range=((0x80, 0xc0, 0xd0, 0x7f),  # sky blue
                                              (0, 0x40, 0x60, 0x00)),  # dark blue
                                 scale=(0.0, 1.0),

        super(IceImageOutput, self).__init__(**kwargs)

        if (isinstance(ice_movers, collections.Iterable) and
                not isinstance(ice_movers, str)):
            self.ice_movers = ice_movers
        elif ice_movers is not None:
            self.ice_movers = (ice_movers,)
            self.ice_movers = tuple()

    def set_gradient_colors(self, gradient_name,
                            color_range=((0, 0, 0x7f),  # dark blue
                                         (0, 0xff, 0xff)),  # cyan
                            scale=(0.0, 10.0),
            Add a color gradient to our palette representing the colors we
            will use for our ice thickness

            :param gradient_name: The name of the gradient.
            :type gradient_name: str

            :param color_range: The colors we will build our gradient with.
            :type color_range: A 2 element sequence of 3-tuples containing
                               8-bit RGB values.

            :param scale: A range of values representing the low and high end
                          of our gradient.
            :type scale: A 2 element sequence of float

            :param num_colors: The number of colors to use for the gradient.
            :type num_colors: Number
        color_names = self.add_gradient_to_canvas(color_range,
                                                  gradient_name, num_colors)

        self.gradient_lu[gradient_name] = (scale, np.array(color_names))

    def add_gradient_to_canvas(self, color_range, color_prefix, num_colors):
            Add a color gradient to our palette

            NOTE: Probably not the most efficient way to do this.

            :param color_range: The colors that we would like to use to
                                generate our gradient
            :type color_range: A sequence of 2 or more 3-tuples

            :param color_prefix: The prefix that will be used in the naming
                                 of the colors in the gradient
            :type color_prefix: str

            :param num_colors: The number of gradient colors to generate
            :type num_colors: Number
        color_range_idx = range(len(color_range))
        color_space = np.linspace(color_range_idx[0], color_range_idx[-1],

        r_grad = np.interp(color_space, color_range_idx,
                           [c[0] for c in color_range])
        g_grad = np.interp(color_space, color_range_idx,
                           [c[1] for c in color_range])
        b_grad = np.interp(color_space, color_range_idx,
                           [c[2] for c in color_range])

        if all([len(c) >= 4 for c in color_range]):
            a_grad = np.interp(color_space, color_range_idx,
                               [c[3] for c in color_range])
            a_grad = np.array([0.] * num_colors)

        new_colors = []
        for i, (r, g, b, a) in enumerate(zip(r_grad, g_grad, b_grad, a_grad)):
            new_colors.append(('{}{}'.format(color_prefix, i), (r, g, b, a)))


        return [c[0] for c in new_colors]

    def lookup_gradient_color(self, gradient_name, values):
            (low_val, high_val), color_names = self.gradient_lu[gradient_name]
        except IndexError:
            return None

        scale_range = high_val - low_val
        q_step_range = scale_range / len(color_names)

        idx = (np.floor(values / q_step_range)
               .clip(0, len(color_names) - 1))

        return color_names[idx]

    def write_output(self, step_num, islast_step=False):
            Generate image from data
        # I don't think we need this for this outputter:
        #   - it does stuff with cache initialization
        super(IceImageOutput, self).write_output(step_num, islast_step)

        if (self.on is False or
                not self._write_step or
                len(self.ice_movers) == 0):
            return None

        # fixme -- doing all this cache stuff just to get the timestep..
        # maybe timestep should be passed in.
        for sc in self.cache.load_timestep(step_num).items():
            model_time = date_to_sec(sc.current_time_stamp)
            iso_time = sc.current_time_stamp.isoformat()

        thick_image, conc_image, bb = self.render_images(model_time)

        # info to return to the caller
        web_mercator = 'EPSG:3857'
        equirectangular = 'EPSG:32662'
        output_dict = {'step_num': step_num,
                       'time_stamp': iso_time,
                       'thickness_image': thick_image,
                       'concentration_image': conc_image,
                       'bounding_box': bb,
                       'projection': equirectangular,

        return output_dict

    def get_sample_image(self):
            This returns a base 64 encoded PNG image for testing,
            just so we have something

            This should be removed when we have real functionality
        # hard-coding the base64 really confused my editor..
        image_file_file_path = os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0],

        return open(image_file_file_path).read()

    def render_images(self, model_time):
            render the actual images
            This uses the MapCanvas code to do the actual rendering

            returns: thickness_image, concentration_image
        canvas = self.map_canvas

        # We kinda need to figure our our bounding box before doing the
        # rendering.  We will try to be efficient about it mainly by not
        # grabbing our grid data twice.
        mover_grid_bb = None
        mover_grids = []
        for mover in self.ice_movers:
            mover_grid_bb = mover.get_grid_bounding_box(mover_grids[-1],

        canvas.viewport = mover_grid_bb

        # Here is where we draw our grid data....
        for mover, mover_grid in zip(self.ice_movers, mover_grids):
            mover_grid_bb = mover.get_grid_bounding_box(mover_grid,

            concentration, thickness = mover.get_ice_fields(model_time)

            thickness_colors = self.lookup_gradient_color('thickness',
            concentration_colors = self.lookup_gradient_color('concentration',

            dtype = mover_grid.dtype.descr
            unstructured_type = dtype[0][1]
            new_shape = mover_grid.shape + (len(dtype),)
            mover_grid = (mover_grid

            for poly, tc, cc in zip(mover_grid,
                                    thickness_colors, concentration_colors):
                canvas.draw_polygon(poly, fill_color=tc)
                canvas.draw_polygon(poly, fill_color=cc, background=True)

        # diagnostic so we can see what we have rendered.
        # print '\ndrawing reference objects...'
        # canvas.draw_graticule(False)
        # canvas.draw_tags(False)
        # canvas.save_background('background.png')
        # canvas.save_foreground('foreground.png')

        # py_gd does not currently have the capability to generate a .png
        # formatted buffer in memory. (libgd can be made to do this, but
        # the wrapper is yet to be written)
        # So we will just write to a tempfile and then read it back.
        with NamedTemporaryFile() as fp:
            thickness_image = fp.read().encode('base64')

        with NamedTemporaryFile() as fp:
            coverage_image = fp.read().encode('base64')

        return ("data:image/png;base64,{}".format(thickness_image),

    def rewind(self):
        'remove previously written files'
        super(IceImageOutput, self).rewind()

    def ice_movers_to_dict(self):
        a dict containing 'obj_type' and 'id' for each object in
        return self._collection_to_dict(self.ice_movers)

    def deserialize(cls, json_):
        append correct schema for current mover
        schema = cls._schema()
        _to_dict = schema.deserialize(json_)

        if 'ice_movers' in json_:
            _to_dict['ice_movers'] = []
            for i, cm in enumerate(json_['ice_movers']):
                cm_cls = class_from_objtype(cm['obj_type'])
                cm_dict = cm_cls.deserialize(json_['ice_movers'][i])


        return _to_dict