Пример #1
 def normalize_atom_elem(_atom_elem):
     res = _atom_elem
     if is_tensor(res):
         f_atom_elem = tf.gather(
             _atom_elem, tf.reshape(f_top_indices, [-1]))
         f_atom_shp = scores_shp.concatenate([embedding_size])
         res = tf.reshape(f_atom_elem, f_atom_shp)
     return res
Пример #2
def tile_left(atom_elem, target_shp):
    Given a tensor of shape [D_1, D_2, .., D_n, E], and a shape
    [X, D_1, D_2, .., D_n], add the extra dimension via tiling and
    create a new tensor with shape [X, D_1, D_2, .., D_n, E].

    :param atom_elem: Tensor with shape [D_1, D_2, .., D_n, E]
    :param target_shp: Shape [X, D_1, D_2, .., D_n,]
    :return: Tensor with shape [X, D_1, D_2, .., D_n, E]
    res = atom_elem
    if is_tensor(atom_elem):
        tensor_shp = atom_elem.get_shape()
        nb_vectors = np.prod(tensor_shp[:-1])
        nb_target_vectors = np.prod(target_shp)
        embedding_size = tensor_shp[-1]
        res_3d = tf.reshape(atom_elem, [1, -1, embedding_size])
        res_3d = tf.tile(res_3d, [nb_target_vectors // nb_vectors, 1, 1])
        final_shp = target_shp.concatenate([embedding_size])
        res = tf.reshape(res_3d, final_shp)
    return res
Пример #3
def joint_unify(
    atom: List[Union[tf.Tensor, str]],
    goal: List[Union[tf.Tensor, str]],
    proof_state: ProofState,
    ntp_params: NTPParams,
    is_fact: bool = False,
    top_indices: Optional[tf.Tensor] = None,
    goal_indices: Optional[List[Union[SymbolIndices,
                                      str]]] = None) -> ProofState:

    # symbol-wise unify and min-pooling
    substitutions = copy.copy(proof_state.substitutions)
    index_substitutions = copy.copy(proof_state.index_substitutions)

    scores = proof_state.scores

    f_k = top_indices.shape[0] if top_indices is not None else None

    initial_scores_shp = scores.get_shape()
    goal = [tile_left(elem, initial_scores_shp) for elem in goal]

    if goal_indices is not None:
        goal_indices = [
            tile_left_np(elem, initial_scores_shp) for elem in goal_indices

    atom_tensors_lst = []
    goal_tensors_lst = []

    for atom_index, (atom_elem, goal_elem) in enumerate(zip(atom, goal)):
        goal_indices_elem = goal_indices[
            atom_index] if goal_indices is not None else None

        if is_variable(atom_elem):
            if atom_elem not in substitutions:
                substitutions.update({atom_elem: goal_elem})

                if index_substitutions is not None and goal_indices_elem is not None:
                    # print('XXX', type(goal_indices_elem))
                    index_substitutions.update({atom_elem: goal_indices_elem})

        elif is_variable(goal_elem):
            if is_tensor(atom_elem):
                atom_shp = atom_elem.get_shape()
                scores_shp = scores.get_shape()

                embedding_size = atom_shp[-1]
                substitution_shp = scores_shp.concatenate([embedding_size])

                if top_indices is None:
                    atom_elem = tile_right(atom_elem, scores_shp)
                    f_atom_elem = tf.gather(atom_elem,
                                            tf.reshape(top_indices, [-1]))
                    atom_elem = tf.reshape(f_atom_elem, substitution_shp)

            if goal_elem not in substitutions:
                substitutions.update({goal_elem: atom_elem})

                if index_substitutions is not None and goal_indices_elem is not None:
                    # print('XXY', type(top_indices))
                        {goal_indices_elem: top_indices})

        elif is_tensor(atom_elem) and is_tensor(goal_elem):
            atom_tensors_lst += [atom_elem]
            goal_tensors_lst += [goal_elem]

        atom_elem = tf.concat(atom_tensors_lst, axis=-1)
        goal_elem = tf.concat(goal_tensors_lst, axis=-1)

        goal_elem_shp = goal_elem.get_shape()
        embedding_size = goal_elem_shp[-1]

        if top_indices is None:
            similarities = ntp_params.kernel.pairwise(atom_elem, goal_elem)
            # Replicate each sub-goal by the number of facts it will be unified with
            f_goal_elem = tf.reshape(goal_elem, [-1, 1, embedding_size])
            f_goal_elem = tf.tile(f_goal_elem, [1, f_k, 1])
            f_goal_elem = tf.reshape(f_goal_elem, [-1, embedding_size])

            # Move the "most relevant fact dimension per sub-goal" dimension from first to last (IIRC)
            f_top_indices = tf.transpose(
                list(range(1, len(top_indices.shape))) + [0])

            # For each sub-goal, lookup the most relevant facts
            f_new_atom_elem = tf.gather(atom_elem,
                                        tf.reshape(f_top_indices, [-1]))

            # Compute the kernel between each (repeated) sub-goal and its most relevant facts
            f_values = ntp_params.kernel.elementwise(f_new_atom_elem,

            # New shape that similarities should acquire (i.e. [k, g1, .., gn])
            f_scatter_shp = tf.TensorShape(f_k).concatenate(

            # Here similarities have shape [g1 .. gn, k]
            f_values = tf.reshape(f_values, [-1, f_k])
            # Transpose and move the k dimension such that we have [k, g1 .. gn]
            f_values = tf.transpose(f_values, (1, 0))

            # Reshape similarity values
            similarities = tf.reshape(f_values, f_scatter_shp)

        # Reshape the kernel accordingly
        similarities_shp = similarities.get_shape()

        goal_shp = goal_elem.get_shape()[:-1]
        k_shp = atom_elem.get_shape(
        )[:-1] if top_indices is None else tf.TensorShape([f_k])

        target_shp = k_shp.concatenate(initial_scores_shp)

        if similarities_shp != target_shp:
            nb_similarities = tf.size(similarities)

            # nb_targets = tf.reduce_prod(target_shp)
            # nb_goals = tf.reduce_prod(goal_shp)
            nb_targets = np.prod(target_shp)
            nb_goals = np.prod(goal_shp)

            similarities = tf.reshape(similarities, [-1, 1, nb_goals])
            similarities = tf.tile(similarities,
                                   [1, nb_targets // nb_similarities, 1])

        similarities = tf.reshape(similarities, target_shp)

        if ntp_params.mask_indices is not None and is_fact:
            # Mask away the similarities to facts that correspond to goals (used for the LOO loss)
            mask_indices = ntp_params.mask_indices
            mask = gntp.create_mask(mask_indices=mask_indices,

            if mask is not None:
                similarities *= mask

        similarities_shp = similarities.get_shape()
        scores_shp = scores.get_shape()

        if similarities_shp != scores_shp:
            new_scores_shp = tf.TensorShape([1]).concatenate(scores_shp)
            scores = tf.reshape(scores, new_scores_shp)

        if ntp_params.unification_score_aggregation == 'min':
            scores = tf.minimum(similarities, scores)
        elif ntp_params.unification_score_aggregation == 'mul':
            scores = similarities * scores
        elif ntp_params.unification_score_aggregation == 'minmul':
            scores = (tf.minimum(similarities, scores) +
                      similarities * scores) / 2

    index_mappers = copy.deepcopy(proof_state.index_mappers)
    if top_indices is not None and index_mappers is not None:
        index_mappers[-len(top_indices.shape)] = top_indices

    index_kb = proof_state.index_kb[:] if proof_state.index_kb is not None else proof_state.index_kb

    proof_state = ProofState(substitutions=substitutions,

    return proof_state
Пример #4
def neural_or(
    neural_kb: List[List[List[Union[tf.Tensor, str]]]],
    goals: List[Union[tf.Tensor, str]],
    proof_state: ProofState,
    ntp_params: NTPParams,
    depth: int = 0,
    no_ntp0: bool = False,
    only_ntp0: bool = False,
    print_depth: int = 0,
    goal_indices: Optional[List[Union[SymbolIndices, str]]] = None
) -> List[ProofState]:
    Implements the neural OR operator.

    It is defined as follows:

    OR(G, d, S) = [ S' | S' \in AND(HEAD, d, UNIFY(HEAD, GOAL, S))
                         for HEAD <- BODY in KB ]

    Assume we have a goal of shape [GE, GE, GE],
    and a rule such as [[RE, X, Y], [RE, X, Z], [RE, Z, Y]].

    This method iterates through all rules (note - facts are just rules with an empty body),
    and unifies the goal (e.g. [GE, GE, GE]) with the head of the rule (e.g. [RE, X, Y]).

    The result of unification is a [RG] tensor of proof scores, and a new set of substitutions
    compatible with the proof scores, i.e. X/RGE and Y/RGE.

    Then, the body of the rule (if present) is reshaped so to match the new proof scores [RG].
    For instance, if the body was [[RE, X, Z], [RE, Z, Y]], the RE tensors are reshaped to GE.

    :param neural_kb: Neural Knowledge Base.
    :param goals: Atom, e.g. [GE, GE, GE].
    :param proof_state: Proof state.
    :param ntp_params: NTP Parameters.
    :param depth: Current depth in the proof tree [default: 0].
    :param no_ntp0: Boolean, decide whether not to unify with facts or not.
    :param only_ntp0: Boolean, decide whether only unify with facts or not.
    :param print_depth: an auxiliary variable used to print out the depth of the call
    :param goal_indices: [[int], [int], [int]] goal indices.
    :return: List of proof states.
    print_debug(print_depth, 'OR')

    if proof_state.scores is None:
        index_mappers = index_kb = None
        if ntp_params.support_explanations:
            index_mappers = dict()
            index_kb = []

        initial_scores = tf.ones(shape=goals[0].get_shape()[:-1],

        proof_state = ProofState(

    scores_shp = proof_state.scores.get_shape()
    embedding_size = goals[0].get_shape()[-1]

    goals = [tile_left(elem, scores_shp) for elem in goals]
    goal_shp = scores_shp.concatenate([embedding_size])

    if goal_indices is not None:
        goal_indices = [
            tile_left_np(elem, scores_shp) for elem in goal_indices

    proof_states = []

    for rule_index, rule in enumerate(neural_kb):
        # Assume we unify with a rule, e.g. [[RE X Y], [RE Y X]]
        heads, bodies = rule[0], rule[1:]

        is_fact = len(bodies) == 0

        if is_fact and no_ntp0:

        if not is_fact and only_ntp0:

        k = ntp_params.retrieve_k_facts if is_fact else ntp_params.retrieve_k_rules
        top_indices = None

        if k is not None:
            index_store = ntp_params.index_store
            index = index_store.get_or_create(

            top_indices = gntp.lookup.find_best_heads(

            k = top_indices.shape[0]

        rule_vars = {e for atom in rule for e in atom if is_variable(e)}
        applied_before = bool(proof_state.substitutions.keys() & rule_vars)

        # In case we reached the maximum recursion depth, do not proceed
        # Also, avoid cycles
        if (depth < ntp_params.max_depth or is_fact) and not applied_before:
            # Unify the goal, e.g. [GE GE GE], with the head of the rule [RE X Y]
            unification_op = ntp_params._unification_op if ntp_params._unification_op else unify

            new_proof_state = unification_op(atom=heads,

            # Differentiable k-max
            # if k-max-ing is on, and we're processing facts (empty body)
            if ntp_params.k_max and is_fact:
                # Check whether k is < than the number of facts
                if ntp_params.k_max < new_proof_state.scores.get_shape()[0]:
                    new_proof_state = gntp.k_max(goals,

            # The new proof state will be of shape [RG]
            # We now need the body [RE Y X] to match the new proof state as well
            scores_shp = new_proof_state.scores.get_shape()

            # Reshape the rest of the body, so it matches the shape of the head,
            # the current substitutions, and the proof score.
            if k is None:

                def normalize_atom(atom):
                    return [tile_right(elem, scores_shp) for elem in atom]

                new_bodies = [
                    normalize_atom(body_atom) for body_atom in bodies
                f_top_indices = tf.transpose(
                    list(range(1, len(top_indices.shape))) + [0])

                def normalize_atom_elem(_atom_elem):
                    res = _atom_elem
                    if is_tensor(res):
                        f_atom_elem = tf.gather(
                            _atom_elem, tf.reshape(f_top_indices, [-1]))
                        f_atom_shp = scores_shp.concatenate([embedding_size])
                        res = tf.reshape(f_atom_elem, f_atom_shp)
                    return res

                def normalize_atom(_atom):
                    return [normalize_atom_elem(elem) for elem in _atom]

                new_bodies = [
                    normalize_atom(body_atom) for body_atom in bodies

            print_facts_or_rules = 'facts' if rule_index + 1 == len(
                neural_kb) else 'rules {}'.format(rule_index)
            print_debug(print_depth + 1,
                        'AND - {}'.format(print_facts_or_rules))

            # I really dislike coding fact position as -1, but well...it is
            if new_proof_state.index_kb is not None:
                new_proof_state.index_kb += [
                    -1 if rule_index + 1 == len(neural_kb) else rule_index

            new_body_indices = []
            for atom in new_bodies:
                atom_indices = []
                # Enumeration starts at 1 because the atom indexed at 0 is the one in the head of the rule
                for atom_idx, atom_elem in enumerate(atom, 1):
                    sym_atom_indices = atom_elem

                    def npy(tensor: Any) -> np.ndarray:
                        return tensor.numpy() if gntp.is_tensor(
                            tensor) else tensor

                    if is_tensor(atom_elem):
                        sym_atom_indices = SymbolIndices(

                    atom_indices += [sym_atom_indices]
                new_body_indices += [atom_indices]

            body_proof_states = neural_and(neural_kb=neural_kb,
                                           print_depth=print_depth + 1,

            if body_proof_states:
                proof_states += body_proof_states
    return proof_states
Пример #5
def to_show(atom_elem):
    return atom_elem.get_shape() if is_tensor(atom_elem) else atom_elem