def __init__(self, fft_length, cp_length, occupied_tones, snr, ks, carrier_map_bin, nc_filter, logging=False):
        gr.hier_block2.__init__(self, "ofdm_receiver",
                        gr.io_signature(1, 1, gr.sizeof_gr_complex), # Input signature
                        gr.io_signature4(4, 4, gr.sizeof_gr_complex*occupied_tones, gr.sizeof_char, gr.sizeof_char, gr.sizeof_float)) # Output signature

        self._fft_length = fft_length
        self._occupied_tones = occupied_tones
        self._cp_length = cp_length
        self._nc_filter = nc_filter
        self._carrier_map_bin = carrier_map_bin

        win = [1 for i in range(self._fft_length)]

        self.initialize(ks, self._carrier_map_bin)

        SYNC = "pn"
        if SYNC == "ml":
            nco_sensitivity = -1.0/fft_length                             # correct for fine frequency
            self.ofdm_sync = ofdm_sync_ml(fft_length, cp_length, snr, self._ks0time, logging)
        elif SYNC == "pn":
            nco_sensitivity = -2.0/fft_length                             # correct for fine frequency
            self.ofdm_sync = ofdm_sync_pn.ofdm_sync_pn(fft_length, cp_length, logging)
        elif SYNC == "pnac":
            nco_sensitivity = -2.0/fft_length                             # correct for fine frequency
            self.ofdm_sync = ofdm_sync_pnac(fft_length, cp_length, self._ks0time, logging)
        elif SYNC == "fixed":                                             # for testing only; do not user over the air
            self.chan_filt = gr.multiply_const_cc(1.0)                    # remove filter and filter delay for this
            nsymbols = 18                                                 # enter the number of symbols per packet
            freq_offset = 0.0                                             # if you use a frequency offset, enter it here
            nco_sensitivity = -2.0/fft_length                             # correct for fine frequency
            self.ofdm_sync = ofdm_sync_fixed(fft_length, cp_length, nsymbols, freq_offset, logging)


        # TODO: why? Create a delay line, linklab
        self.delay = gr.delay(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, fft_length)

        self.nco = gr.frequency_modulator_fc(nco_sensitivity)         # generate a signal proportional to frequency error of sync block
        self.sigmix = gr.multiply_cc()
        self.sampler = flex.ofdm_sampler(fft_length, fft_length+cp_length)
        self.fft_demod = gr.fft_vcc(fft_length, True, win, True)
        self.ofdm_frame_acq = flex.ofdm_frame_acquisition(self._occupied_tones, self._fft_length,
                                                                                                        self._cp_length, self._ks[0], 1)

        if self._nc_filter:
            print '\nMulti-band Filter Turned ON!'
            self.ncofdm_filt = ncofdm_filt(self._fft_length, self._occupied_tones, self._carrier_map_bin)
            self.connect(self, self.chan_filt, self.ncofdm_filt)
            self.connect(self.ncofdm_filt, self.ofdm_sync)             # into the synchronization alg.
            self.connect((self.ofdm_sync,0), self.nco, (self.sigmix,1))   # use sync freq. offset output to derotate input signal
            self.connect(self.ncofdm_filt, self.delay, (self.sigmix,0))                 # signal to be derotated
        else :
            print '\nMulti-band Filter Turned OFF!'
            self.connect(self, self.chan_filt)
            self.connect(self.chan_filt, self.ofdm_sync)             # into the synchronization alg.
            self.connect((self.ofdm_sync,0), self.nco, (self.sigmix,1))   # use sync freq. offset output to derotate input signal
            self.connect(self.chan_filt, self.delay, (self.sigmix,0))                 # signal to be derotated

        self.connect(self.sigmix, (self.sampler,0))                   # sample off timing signal detected in sync alg
        self.connect((self.ofdm_sync,1), (self.sampler,1))            # timing signal to sample at

        self.connect((self.sampler,0), self.fft_demod)                # send derotated sampled signal to FFT
        self.connect(self.fft_demod, (self.ofdm_frame_acq,0))         # find frame start and equalize signal
        # TODO: do we need a char delay for the timing signal?
        self.connect((self.sampler,1), (self.ofdm_frame_acq,1))       # send timing signal to signal frame start

        # TODO: reconnect properly
        self.connect((self.ofdm_frame_acq,0), (self,0))               # finished with fine/coarse freq correction,
        self.connect((self.ofdm_sync,1), gr.delay(gr.sizeof_char,1), (self,1))

        self.connect((self.ofdm_frame_acq,1), (self,2))               # frame and symbol timing, and equalization
        self.connect((self.ofdm_frame_acq,2), (self,3))               # snr estimates

        if logging:
            self.connect(self.chan_filt, gr.file_sink(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, "flex_ofdm_recv-chan_filt_c.dat"))
            self.connect(self.ncofdm_filt, gr.file_sink(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, "flex_ofdm_recv-ncofdm_filt_c.dat"))
            self.connect(self.nco, gr.file_sink(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, "flex_ofdm_recv-nco_c.dat"))
            self.connect(self.fft_demod, gr.file_sink(gr.sizeof_gr_complex*fft_length, "flex_ofdm_recv-fft_out_c.dat"))
            self.connect(self.ofdm_frame_acq, gr.file_sink(gr.sizeof_gr_complex*occupied_tones, "flex_ofdm_recv-frame_acq_data_c.dat"))
            self.connect((self.ofdm_frame_acq,3), gr.keep_one_in_n(gr.sizeof_float*occupied_tones, 32), gr.file_sink(gr.sizeof_float*occupied_tones, "flex_ofdm_recv-frame_acq_gain_f.dat"))
            self.connect((self.ofdm_frame_acq,1), gr.file_sink(1, "flex_ofdm_recv-frame_acq_signal_b.dat"))
            self.connect((self.ofdm_frame_acq,2), gr.file_sink(gr.sizeof_float, "flex_ofdm_recv-frame_acq_snr_f.dat"))
            self.connect(self.sampler, gr.file_sink(gr.sizeof_gr_complex*fft_length, "flex_ofdm_recv-sampler_data_c.dat"))
            self.connect(self.sampler, gr.file_sink(gr.sizeof_gr_complex*fft_length, "flex_ofdm_recv-sampler_data_c.dat"))
            self.connect((self.sampler, 1), gr.file_sink(1*fft_length, "flex_ofdm_recv-sampler_signal_b.dat"))
            self.connect((self.ofdm_sync, 1), gr.file_sink(1, "flex_ofdm_recv-sync_b.dat"))
            self.connect(self.sigmix, gr.file_sink(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, "flex_ofdm_recv-sigmix_c.dat"))
            self.connect((self.ofdm_frame_acq,3), gr.null_sink(gr.sizeof_float*self._occupied_tones))
    def __init__(self, ntxchans, nrxchans, fft_length, cp_length, occupied_tones, snr, ks, logging=False):
	Hierarchical block for receiving OFDM symbols.

	The input is the complex modulated signal at baseband.
        Synchronized packets are sent back to the demodulator.

        @param ntxchans: Number of transmitter MIMO channels (antennas)
        @type  ntxchans: int
        @param nrxchans: Number of reciever MIMO channels (antennas)
        @type  nrxchans: int
        @param fft_length: total number of subcarriers
        @type  fft_length: int
        @param cp_length: length of cyclic prefix as specified in subcarriers (<= fft_length)
        @type  cp_length: int
        @param occupied_tones: number of subcarriers used for data
        @type  occupied_tones: int
        @param snr: estimated signal to noise ratio used to guide cyclic prefix synchronizer
        @type  snr: float
        @param ks: known symbols used as preambles to each packet
        @type  ks: list of lists
        @param logging: turn file logging on or off
        @type  logging: bool

	gr.hier_block2.__init__(self, "ofdm_mimo_receiver",
				gr.io_signature(1, 1, gr.sizeof_gr_complex), # Input signature
                                gr.io_signature2(2, 2, gr.sizeof_gr_complex*occupied_tones, gr.sizeof_char)) # Output signature
        bw = (float(occupied_tones) / float(fft_length)) / 2.0
        tb = bw*0.08
        chan_coeffs = gr.firdes.low_pass (1.0,                     # gain
                                          1.0,                     # sampling rate
                                          bw+tb,                   # midpoint of trans. band
                                          tb,                      # width of trans. band
                                          gr.firdes.WIN_HAMMING)   # filter type

        # For starters, run Sync on channel 0 and use it to clock and retime all channels
        win = [1 for i in range(fft_length)]

        zeros_on_left = int(math.ceil((fft_length - occupied_tones)/2.0))
        ks0 = fft_length*[0,]
        ks0[zeros_on_left : zeros_on_left + occupied_tones] = ks[0][0:]
        ks0 = fft.ifftshift(ks0)
        ks0time = fft.ifft(ks0)
        ks0time = ks0time.tolist()

        SYNC = "pn"
        if SYNC == "ml":
            nco_sensitivity = -1.0/fft_length                             # correct for fine frequency
            self.ofdm_sync = ofdm_sync_ml(fft_length, cp_length, snr, ks0time, logging)
        elif SYNC == "pn":
            nco_sensitivity = -2.0/fft_length                             # correct for fine frequency
            self.ofdm_sync = ofdm_sync_pn(fft_length, cp_length, logging)
        elif SYNC == "pnac":
            nco_sensitivity = -2.0/fft_length                             # correct for fine frequency
            self.ofdm_sync = ofdm_sync_pnac(fft_length, cp_length, ks0time, logging)
        elif SYNC == "fixed":                                             # for testing only; do not user over the air
            self.chan_filt = gr.multiply_const_cc(1.0)                    # remove filter and filter delay for this
            nsymbols = 18                                                 # enter the number of symbols per packet
            freq_offset = 0.0                                             # if you use a frequency offset, enter it here
            nco_sensitivity = -2.0/fft_length                             # correct for fine frequency
            self.ofdm_sync = ofdm_sync_fixed(fft_length, cp_length, nsymbols, freq_offset, logging)

        # Set up blocks
        self.chan_filt = list()
        self.sigmix = list()
        self.sampler = list()
        self.fft_demod = list()

        # Deinterleave the incoming stream into separate channels
        self.deint = gr.deinterleave(gr.sizeof_gr_complex)

        # generate a signal proportional to frequency error of sync block
        self.nco = gr.frequency_modulator_fc(nco_sensitivity)

        # Manage and combine all channels
        if 0:
            self.ofdm_frame_acq = gr.ofdm_mrc_frame_acquisition(nrxchans, occupied_tones, fft_length,
                                                                cp_length, ks[0])
            print "Transmitter using ", ntxchans
            print "Receiver using    ", nrxchans
            if(ntxchans == 1):
                self.ofdm_frame_acq = gr.ofdm_alamouti_frame_acquisition(ntxchans, occupied_tones, fft_length,
                                                                         cp_length, ks[0], occupied_tones*[0,])
                self.ofdm_frame_acq = gr.ofdm_alamouti_frame_acquisition(ntxchans, occupied_tones, fft_length,
                                                                         cp_length, ks[0], ks[1])

        self.connect(self, self.deint)               # deinterleave channels
        self.connect((self.ofdm_sync,0), self.nco)   # use sync freq. offset to derotate signal

        for i in xrange(nrxchans):
            self.chan_filt.append(gr.fft_filter_ccc(1, chan_coeffs))
            self.sampler.append(gr.ofdm_sampler(fft_length, fft_length+cp_length))
            self.fft_demod.append(gr.fft_vcc(fft_length, True, win, True))

            self.connect((self.deint, i), self.chan_filt[i])              # filter the input channel
            self.connect(self.nco, (self.sigmix[i],1))                    # use sync freq. offset to derotate signal
            self.connect(self.chan_filt[i], (self.sigmix[i],0))           # signal to be derotated
            self.connect(self.sigmix[i], (self.sampler[i],0))             # sample off timing signal detected in sync alg
            self.connect((self.ofdm_sync,1), (self.sampler[i],1))         # timing signal to sample at
            self.connect((self.sampler[i],0), self.fft_demod[i])          # send derotated sampled signal to FFT
            self.connect(self.fft_demod[i], (self.ofdm_frame_acq,1+i))    # find frame start and equalize signal

            if logging:
                             gr.file_sink(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, ("ofdm_mimo-receiver-chan%02d-chan_filt_c.dat" % i)))
                             gr.file_sink(gr.sizeof_gr_complex*fft_length, ("ofdm_mimo-receiver-chan%02d-fft_out_c.dat" % i)))
                             gr.file_sink(gr.sizeof_gr_complex*fft_length, ("ofdm_mimo-receiver-chan%02d-sampler_c.dat" % i)))
                             gr.file_sink(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, ("ofdm_mimo-receiver-chan%02d-sigmix_c.dat" % i)))
        if logging:
                         gr.file_sink(gr.sizeof_gr_complex*occupied_tones, "ofdm_mimo-receiver-frame_acq_c.dat"))
            self.connect((self.ofdm_frame_acq,1), gr.file_sink(1, "ofdm_mimo-receiver-found_corr_b.dat"))
            self.connect(self.nco, gr.file_sink(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, "ofdm_mimo-receiver-nco_c.dat"))
        self.connect(self.chan_filt[0], self.ofdm_sync)               # into the synchronization alg.
        self.connect((self.sampler[0],1), (self.ofdm_frame_acq,0))    # send timing signal to signal frame start
        self.connect((self.sampler[i],1), gr.null_sink(fft_length*gr.sizeof_char))
        self.connect((self.ofdm_frame_acq,0), (self,0))               # finished with fine/coarse freq correction,
        self.connect((self.ofdm_frame_acq,1), (self,1))               # frame and symbol timing, and equalization
Пример #3
    def __init__(self, fft_length, cp_length, occupied_tones, snr, ks, logging=False):
	Hierarchical block for receiving OFDM symbols.

	The input is the complex modulated signal at baseband.
        Synchronized packets are sent back to the demodulator.

        @param fft_length: total number of subcarriers
        @type  fft_length: int
        @param cp_length: length of cyclic prefix as specified in subcarriers (<= fft_length)
        @type  cp_length: int
        @param occupied_tones: number of subcarriers used for data
        @type  occupied_tones: int
        @param snr: estimated signal to noise ratio used to guide cyclic prefix synchronizer
        @type  snr: float
        @param ks: known symbols used as preambles to each packet
        @type  ks: list of lists
        @param logging: turn file logging on or off
        @type  logging: bool

	gr.hier_block2.__init__(self, "ofdm_receiver",
				gr.io_signature(1, 1, gr.sizeof_gr_complex), # Input signature
                                gr.io_signature2(2, 2, gr.sizeof_gr_complex*occupied_tones, gr.sizeof_char)) # Output signature
        bw = (float(occupied_tones) / float(fft_length)) / 2.0
        tb = bw*0.08
        chan_coeffs = gr.firdes.low_pass (1.0,                     # gain
                                          1.0,                     # sampling rate
                                          bw+tb,                   # midpoint of trans. band
                                          tb,                      # width of trans. band
                                          gr.firdes.WIN_HAMMING)   # filter type
        self.chan_filt = gr.fft_filter_ccc(1, chan_coeffs)
        win = [1 for i in range(fft_length)]

        zeros_on_left = int(math.ceil((fft_length - occupied_tones)/2.0))
        ks0 = fft_length*[0,]
        ks0[zeros_on_left : zeros_on_left + occupied_tones] = ks[0]
        ks0 = fft.ifftshift(ks0)
        ks0time = fft.ifft(ks0)
        ks0time = ks0time.tolist()

        SYNC = "pn"
        if SYNC == "ml":
            nco_sensitivity = -1.0/fft_length                             # correct for fine frequency
            self.ofdm_sync = ofdm_sync_ml(fft_length, cp_length, snr, ks0time, logging)
        elif SYNC == "pn":
            nco_sensitivity = -2.0/fft_length                             # correct for fine frequency
            self.ofdm_sync = ofdm_sync_pn(fft_length, cp_length, logging)
        elif SYNC == "pnac":
            nco_sensitivity = -2.0/fft_length                             # correct for fine frequency
            self.ofdm_sync = ofdm_sync_pnac(fft_length, cp_length, ks0time, logging)
        elif SYNC == "fixed":                                             # for testing only; do not user over the air
            self.chan_filt = gr.multiply_const_cc(1.0)                    # remove filter and filter delay for this
            nsymbols = 18                                                 # enter the number of symbols per packet
            freq_offset = 0.0                                             # if you use a frequency offset, enter it here
            nco_sensitivity = -2.0/fft_length                             # correct for fine frequency
            self.ofdm_sync = ofdm_sync_fixed(fft_length, cp_length, nsymbols, freq_offset, logging)

        # Set up blocks

        self.nco = gr.frequency_modulator_fc(nco_sensitivity)         # generate a signal proportional to frequency error of sync block
        self.sigmix = gr.multiply_cc()
        self.sampler = gr.ofdm_sampler(fft_length, fft_length+cp_length)
        self.fft_demod = gr.fft_vcc(fft_length, True, win, True)
        self.ofdm_frame_acq = gr.ofdm_frame_acquisition(occupied_tones, fft_length,
                                                        cp_length, ks[0])

        self.connect(self, self.chan_filt)                            # filter the input channel
        self.connect(self.chan_filt, self.ofdm_sync)                  # into the synchronization alg.
        self.connect((self.ofdm_sync,0), self.nco, (self.sigmix,1))   # use sync freq. offset output to derotate input signal
        self.connect(self.chan_filt, (self.sigmix,0))                 # signal to be derotated
        self.connect(self.sigmix, (self.sampler,0))                   # sample off timing signal detected in sync alg
        self.connect((self.ofdm_sync,1), (self.sampler,1))            # timing signal to sample at

        self.connect((self.sampler,0), self.fft_demod)                # send derotated sampled signal to FFT
        self.connect(self.fft_demod, (self.ofdm_frame_acq,0))         # find frame start and equalize signal
        self.connect((self.sampler,1), (self.ofdm_frame_acq,1))       # send timing signal to signal frame start
        self.connect((self.ofdm_frame_acq,0), (self,0))               # finished with fine/coarse freq correction,
        self.connect((self.ofdm_frame_acq,1), (self,1))               # frame and symbol timing, and equalization

        if logging:
            self.connect(self.chan_filt, gr.file_sink(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, "ofdm_receiver-chan_filt_c.dat"))
            self.connect(self.fft_demod, gr.file_sink(gr.sizeof_gr_complex*fft_length, "ofdm_receiver-fft_out_c.dat"))
                         gr.file_sink(gr.sizeof_gr_complex*occupied_tones, "ofdm_receiver-frame_acq_c.dat"))
            self.connect((self.ofdm_frame_acq,1), gr.file_sink(1, "ofdm_receiver-found_corr_b.dat"))
            self.connect(self.sampler, gr.file_sink(gr.sizeof_gr_complex*fft_length, "ofdm_receiver-sampler_c.dat"))
            self.connect(self.sigmix, gr.file_sink(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, "ofdm_receiver-sigmix_c.dat"))
            self.connect(self.nco, gr.file_sink(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, "ofdm_receiver-nco_c.dat"))