def calc_amp2(self, img, phase=0): # 対称形 x2 を考慮して確率計算 amp_prob =[phase], feed_dict={self.x_placeholder: img}) prob = np.zeros(go.IMAGE_SIZE, dtype=np.float32) for x in range(go.IMAGE_LENGTH): for y in range(go.IMAGE_LENGTH): pb = 0 pb += amp_prob[0][go.XYtoZ(x, y)] pb += amp_prob[1][go.XYtoZ(go.IMAGE_LENGTH - 1 - x, go.IMAGE_LENGTH - 1 - y)] prob[go.XYtoZ(x, y)] = pb / 2 return prob
def __init__(self, l): super().__init__(l) self.blockturn = 0 self.blockcell = np.zeros((go.IMAGE_SIZE), dtype=np.int32) self.blocks = np.zeros((2, BlockType.NUM), dtype=np.int32) self.z_star = [ go.XYtoZ(self.padding + 3, self.padding + 3), go.XYtoZ(self.padding + 3, self.padding + self.length - 4), go.XYtoZ(self.padding + self.length - 4, self.padding + 3), go.XYtoZ(self.padding + self.length - 4, self.padding + self.length - 4) ] self.clear()
def to_string(self): s = "" for x in range(self.length): for y in range(self.length): s += str(self.blockcell[go.XYtoZ(x + self.padding, self.padding + y)]) + " " s += "\n" return s + super().to_string() + "Block Turn : " + str( self.blockturn) + "\n"
def test(img_file, mdl_file): # 精度テスト policy = PolicyClient(mdl_file) # 画像ログの読み込み middle_image_logs = go.load_middle_image_logs(img_file) phase_index_vector = [[] for _ in range(N_PHASES)] for i, il in enumerate(middle_image_logs): phase_index_vector[0].append(i) phase_data_num = [len(v) for v in phase_index_vector] for ph in range(N_PHASES): np.random.shuffle(phase_index_vector[ph]) image_vector = [ np.empty((phase_data_num[ph], go.IMAGE_LENGTH, go.IMAGE_LENGTH, go.IMAGE_PLAINS), dtype=np.float32) for ph in range(N_PHASES) ] move_vector = [ np.zeros((phase_data_num[ph], go.IMAGE_SIZE), dtype=np.float32) for ph in range(N_PHASES) ] for ph in range(N_PHASES): for i in range(phase_data_num[ph]): il = middle_image_logs[phase_index_vector[ph][i]] for x in range(go.IMAGE_LENGTH): for y in range(go.IMAGE_LENGTH): val = il['img'][x][y] for p in range(go.IMAGE_PLAINS): b = (val >> p) & 1 image_vector[ph][i][x][y][p] = b move_vector[ph][i][il['mv']] = 1 for ph in range(N_PHASES): for i, img in enumerate(image_vector[ph]): prob = policy.calc(img) print(i) for x in range(go.IMAGE_LENGTH): print([ int(prob[go.XYtoZ(x, y)] * 100) for y in range(go.IMAGE_LENGTH) ])
def play(self, my_color): print_error('') print_error("remained time = %s" % self.time_limit) tstart = time.time() sc2 = self.board.count_chinese_score2() print_error("current chinese score x 2 = %d" % sc2) if self.board.lastZ == go.PASS: if self.board.turn >= 200: return blockgo.BlockType.NONE, -1, go.PASS if my_color == go.BLACK and sc2 > 0: self.time_limit -= time.time() - tstart return blockgo.BlockType.NONE, -1, go.PASS elif my_color == go.WHITE and sc2 < 0: self.time_limit -= time.time() - tstart return blockgo.BlockType.NONE, -1, go.PASS img = go.to_image(self.board, my_color) amp_img = go.amplify_image8(img) prob = self.policy.calc_amp8(amp_img) print_error(go.colorString[my_color]) for ix in range(self.board.length): print_error( str([ int(prob[go.XYtoZ(ix + self.board.padding, iy + self.board.padding)] * 100) for iy in range(self.board.length) ])) vlist = [] for bt in range(blockgo.BlockType.NUM): for dir in range(4): for z in range(1, go.IMAGE_SIZE): validity = self.board.check_block(my_color, bt, dir, z) if validity == go.VALID: # 合法である # このブロックのスコアを計算 psum, pprod = 0, 1 for dz in blockgo.BLOCK_COMPONENTS_ZD[bt][dir]: p = prob[z + dz] psum += p pprod *= p pmean, ppmean = psum / blockgo.BLOCK_NUM[bt], pprod**( 1 / blockgo.BLOCK_NUM[bt]) score = (0.3 * pmean + 0.7 * ppmean) * blockgo.BLOCK_STONES[bt] # 初期の手に対するヒューリスティクス ix = go.ZtoX(z) - self.board.padding iy = go.ZtoY(z) - self.board.padding ixmin, ixmax, iymin, iymax = blockgo.bt_dir_range( bt, dir, ix, iy) if self.board.blockturn < 6: if ixmax < 3 or self.board.length - 4 < ixmin or iymax < 3 or self.board.length - 4 < iymin: score = 0 elif self.board.blockturn < 8: if ixmax < 2 or self.board.length - 3 < ixmin or iymax < 2 or self.board.length - 3 < iymin: score = 0 # 地を確定させる手 """tbd = copy.deepcopy(self.board) tbd.move_block(my_color, bt, dir, z + dz) tsc2 = tbd.count_chinese_score2() if my_color == go.BLACK: score += max(tsc2 - sc2, 0) else: score += max(sc2 - tsc2, 0)""" vlist.append((bt, dir, z, score)) if len(vlist) == 0: print_error("no valid move.") self.time_limit -= time.time() - tstart return blockgo.BlockType.NONE, -1, go.PASS np.random.shuffle(vlist) # 同一局面を避けるために先にランダムに並べ替え sorted_vlist = sorted(vlist, key=lambda x: -x[3]) self.time_limit -= time.time() - tstart return sorted_vlist[0][0], sorted_vlist[0][1], sorted_vlist[0][2]
def gtp_main(my_id, my_version, config_directory, model_path): engine = Engine(1800) ingame = False end = False engine.init_all([model_path]) while not end: rmsg_str = recv_msg() if len(rmsg_str) == 0: print_error("disconnected...") end = True rmsg_list = str(rmsg_str).split('\n') for command in rmsg_list: if len(command) == 0: continue print_error("Server >> %s" % command) com_list = command.split(' ') com = com_list[0].lower() # メッセージが複雑なのでこちらで分岐する if com == "boardsize": l = int(com_list[1]) engine.set_length(l) ingame = False send_msg("= \n\n") elif com == "clear_board": # ログアウト判定 #if ingame and os.path.isfile(config_directory + "stop_signal"): # end = True engine.init_game([]) send_msg("= \n\n") elif com == "name": send_msg("= " + my_id + "\n\n") elif com == "version": send_msg("= " + my_version + "\n\n") elif com == "genmove": bt, dir, move_z = blockgo.BlockType.NONE, -1, go.RESIGN if com_list[1].lower() == "b": bt, dir, move_z = engine.recv_play(go.BLACK, bt, dir, move_z) elif com_list[1].lower() == "w": bt, dir, move_z = engine.recv_play(go.WHITE, bt, dir, move_z) send_msg("= " + to_GTP_move_string(engine.length, move_z) + "\n\n") elif com == "play": move_z = go.RESIGN if com_list[2].lower().find("resign") >= 0: end = True else: if com_list[2].lower().find("pass") >= 0: bt = blockgo.BlockType.NONE dir = -1 move_z = go.PASS else: bt = blockgo.char_to_bt(com_list[2]) dir = int(com_list[3]) padding = go.PADDING + (go.MAX_LENGTH - engine.length) // 2 x = go.char_to_ix(com_list[4][0].upper()) + padding y = int(com_list[4][1:]) - 1 + padding move_z = go.XYtoZ(x, y) if com_list[1].lower() == "b": engine.recv_play(go.BLACK, bt, dir, move_z) elif com_list[1].lower() == "w": engine.recv_play(go.WHITE, bt, dir, move_z) send_msg("= \n\n") elif com == "final_status_list": send_msg("= \n\n") elif com == "list_commands": lst = [ "boardsize", "clear_board", "name", "version", "genmove", "play", "list_commands" ] send_msg("= " + '\n'.join(lst) + "\n\n") else: send_msg("= \n\n") return