Пример #1
    def handle_event(self, event, handler_config):

        Expects the event 'content' to be a dict with the following keys
        and values:

        NOTE:   perhaps all we need here is the message_id and lookup the
                rest of the required data from the message in the message store

        :param from_addr:
            the from_addr of the user interaction that triggered the event
        :param message_id:
            the id of the message that triggered the event, used to keep an
            audit trail of opt-outs and which messages they were triggered by.
        :param transport_type:
            the transport_type that the message was received on.

        account_key = event.payload['account_key']
        oo_store = OptOutStore(self.vumi_api.manager, account_key)

        event_data = event.payload['content']

        from_addr = event_data['from_addr']
        message_id = event_data['message_id']
        transport_type = event_data.get('transport_type')

        if transport_type != 'ussd':
            log.info("SNAUSSDOptOutHandler skipping non-ussd"
                     " message for %r" % (from_addr,))
        contact = yield self.find_contact(account_key, from_addr)
        if contact:
            opted_out = contact.extra['opted_out']
            if opted_out is not None and opted_out.isdigit():
                if int(opted_out) > 1:
                    yield oo_store.new_opt_out('msisdn', from_addr, {
                        'message_id': message_id,
                    yield oo_store.delete_opt_out('msisdn', from_addr)
Пример #2
    def consume_user_message(self, message):

        msg_mdh = self.get_metadata_helper(message)
        if not msg_mdh.has_user_account():
            # We don't have an account to opt out of.
            # Since this can only happen for redirected messages, assume we
            # aren't dealing with an API.
            yield self.reply_to(
                message, "Your opt-out was received but we failed to link it "
                "to a specific service, please try again later.")

        account_key = yield msg_mdh.get_account_key()
        opt_out_store = OptOutStore(self.manager, account_key)
        from_addr = message.get("from_addr")
        # Note: for now we are hardcoding addr_type as 'msisdn'
        # as only msisdn's are opting out currently
        yield opt_out_store.new_opt_out("msisdn", from_addr, message)

        if message.get('transport_type') == 'http_api':
            yield self.reply_to(
                message, '{"msisdn":"%s","opted_in": false}' % (from_addr, ))
            yield self.reply_to(message, "You have opted out")
Пример #3
    def consume_user_message(self, message):

        msg_mdh = self.get_metadata_helper(message)
        if not msg_mdh.has_user_account():
            # We don't have an account to opt out of.
            # Since this can only happen for redirected messages, assume we
            # aren't dealing with an API.
            yield self.reply_to(
                message, "Your opt-out was received but we failed to link it "
                "to a specific service, please try again later.")

        account_key = yield msg_mdh.get_account_key()
        opt_out_store = OptOutStore(self.manager, account_key)
        from_addr = message.get("from_addr")
        # Note: for now we are hardcoding addr_type as 'msisdn'
        # as only msisdn's are opting out currently
        yield opt_out_store.new_opt_out("msisdn", from_addr, message)

        if message.get('transport_type') == 'http_api':
            yield self.reply_to(
                message, '{"msisdn":"%s","opted_in": false}' % (from_addr,))
            yield self.reply_to(message, "You have opted out")
Пример #4
class TestUSSDOptOutHandler(VumiTestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.eh_helper = self.add_helper(EventHandlerHelper())
        yield self.eh_helper.setup_event_dispatcher(
            'sisi_ni_amani', USSDOptOutHandler, {
                'poll_manager_prefix': 'vumigo.',

        vumi_api = self.eh_helper.vumi_helper.get_vumi_api()
        user_helper = yield self.eh_helper.vumi_helper.get_or_create_user()
        self.contact_store = user_helper.user_api.contact_store
        self.oo_store = OptOutStore(vumi_api.manager, user_helper.account_key)

        self.pm = PollManager(vumi_api.redis, 'vumigo.')

        self.eh_helper.track_event('survey_completed', 'sisi_ni_amani')

    def test_opt_in(self):
        msisdn = u'+2345'
        message_id = u'message-id'
        event = self.eh_helper.make_event('survey_completed', {
            'from_addr': msisdn,
            'message_id': message_id,
            'transport_type': 'ussd',

        yield self.oo_store.new_opt_out('msisdn', msisdn, {
            'message_id': message_id})

        contact = yield self.contact_store.new_contact(msisdn=msisdn)
        contact.extra['opted_out'] = u'1'
        yield contact.save()

        [opt_out] = yield self.oo_store.list_opt_outs()

        yield self.eh_helper.dispatch_event(event)

        opt_outs = yield self.oo_store.list_opt_outs()
        self.assertEqual(opt_outs, [])

    def test_opt_out(self):
        msisdn = u'+2345'
        message_id = u'message-id'
        event = self.eh_helper.make_event('survey_completed', {
            'from_addr': msisdn,
            'message_id': message_id,
            'transport_type': 'ussd',

        contact = yield self.contact_store.new_contact(msisdn=msisdn)
        contact.extra['opted_out'] = u'2'
        yield contact.save()

        opt_outs = yield self.oo_store.list_opt_outs()
        self.assertEqual(opt_outs, [])

        yield self.eh_helper.dispatch_event(event)

        [opt_out] = yield self.oo_store.list_opt_outs()

    def test_opt_out_for_empty_outed_out_value(self):
        msisdn = u'+2345'
        message_id = u'message-id'
        event = self.eh_helper.make_event('survey_completed', {
            'from_addr': msisdn,
            'message_id': message_id,
            'transport_type': 'ussd',

        contact = yield self.contact_store.new_contact(msisdn=msisdn)
        contact.extra['opted_out'] = u''
        yield contact.save()

        opt_outs = yield self.oo_store.list_opt_outs()
        self.assertEqual(opt_outs, [])

        yield self.eh_helper.dispatch_event(event)

        opt_outs = yield self.oo_store.list_opt_outs()
        self.assertEqual(opt_outs, [])
Пример #5
class TestUSSDOptOutHandler(VumiTestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.eh_helper = self.add_helper(EventHandlerHelper())
        yield self.eh_helper.setup_event_dispatcher(
            'sisi_ni_amani', USSDOptOutHandler, {
                'poll_manager_prefix': 'vumigo.',

        vumi_api = self.eh_helper.vumi_helper.get_vumi_api()
        user_helper = yield self.eh_helper.vumi_helper.get_or_create_user()
        self.contact_store = user_helper.user_api.contact_store
        self.oo_store = OptOutStore(vumi_api.manager, user_helper.account_key)

        self.pm = PollManager(vumi_api.redis, 'vumigo.')

        self.eh_helper.track_event('survey_completed', 'sisi_ni_amani')

    def test_opt_in(self):
        msisdn = u'+2345'
        message_id = u'message-id'
        event = self.eh_helper.make_event(
            'survey_completed', {
                'from_addr': msisdn,
                'message_id': message_id,
                'transport_type': 'ussd',

        yield self.oo_store.new_opt_out('msisdn', msisdn,
                                        {'message_id': message_id})

        contact = yield self.contact_store.new_contact(msisdn=msisdn)
        contact.extra['opted_out'] = u'1'
        yield contact.save()

        [opt_out] = yield self.oo_store.list_opt_outs()

        yield self.eh_helper.dispatch_event(event)

        opt_outs = yield self.oo_store.list_opt_outs()
        self.assertEqual(opt_outs, [])

    def test_opt_out(self):
        msisdn = u'+2345'
        message_id = u'message-id'
        event = self.eh_helper.make_event(
            'survey_completed', {
                'from_addr': msisdn,
                'message_id': message_id,
                'transport_type': 'ussd',

        contact = yield self.contact_store.new_contact(msisdn=msisdn)
        contact.extra['opted_out'] = u'2'
        yield contact.save()

        opt_outs = yield self.oo_store.list_opt_outs()
        self.assertEqual(opt_outs, [])

        yield self.eh_helper.dispatch_event(event)

        [opt_out] = yield self.oo_store.list_opt_outs()

    def test_opt_out_for_empty_outed_out_value(self):
        msisdn = u'+2345'
        message_id = u'message-id'
        event = self.eh_helper.make_event(
            'survey_completed', {
                'from_addr': msisdn,
                'message_id': message_id,
                'transport_type': 'ussd',

        contact = yield self.contact_store.new_contact(msisdn=msisdn)
        contact.extra['opted_out'] = u''
        yield contact.save()

        opt_outs = yield self.oo_store.list_opt_outs()
        self.assertEqual(opt_outs, [])

        yield self.eh_helper.dispatch_event(event)

        opt_outs = yield self.oo_store.list_opt_outs()
        self.assertEqual(opt_outs, [])