def take_turn( self, **kwargs ): name = kwargs[ 'name' ] game_doc = self.game_collection.find_one( { 'name' : name } ) if not game_doc: return { 'error' : 'A game by the name "%s" was not found.' % name } color = kwargs[ 'color' ] if color == 'white': color = GoBoard.WHITE elif color == 'black': color = GoBoard.BLACK else: return { 'error' : 'Bogus color given.' } row = int( kwargs[ 'row' ] ) col = int( kwargs[ 'col' ] ) go_game = GoGame() go_game.Deserialize( game_doc[ 'data' ] ) if go_game.whose_turn != color: return { 'error' : 'It is not yet your turn.' } move = None if row < 0 or col < 0 or go_game.CurrentBoard().GetState( ( row, col ) ) == GoBoard.EMPTY: try: go_game.PlaceStone( row, col ) except Exception as ex: return { 'error' : str(ex) } move = { 'row' : row, 'col' : col } if 'respond' in kwargs and kwargs[ 'respond' ] == 'true': move = go_game.CalculateReasonableMove() go_game.PlaceStone( move[0], move[1] ) move = { 'row' : move[0], 'col' : move[1] } elif go_game.CurrentBoard().GetState( ( row, col ) ) == color: try: go_game.RelinquishStone( row, col ) except Exception as ex: return { 'error' : str(ex) } data = go_game.Serialize() update = { 'data' : data } if move: update[ 'most_recent_move' ] = move result = self.game_collection.update_one( { 'name' : name }, { '$set' : update } ) if result.modified_count != 1: return { 'error' : 'Failed to update game in database.' } return {}
def game( self, **kwargs ): name = kwargs[ 'name' ] color = kwargs[ 'color' ] game_doc = self.game_collection.find_one( { 'name' : name } ) if not game_doc: return self.MakeErrorPage( 'Failed to find game: %s', name ) go_game = GoGame() go_game.Deserialize( game_doc[ 'data' ] ) whose_turn = 'white' if go_game.whose_turn == GoBoard.WHITE else 'black' color_id = GoBoard.WHITE if color == 'white' else GoBoard.BLACK move = { 'row' : -1, 'col' : -1 } if 'most_recent_move' in game_doc: move = game_doc[ 'most_recent_move' ] board = go_game.CurrentBoard() group_list = { GoBoard.WHITE : board.AnalyzeGroups( GoBoard.WHITE ), GoBoard.BLACK : board.AnalyzeGroups( GoBoard.BLACK ) } html_board_table = '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">\n' for i in range( board.size ): html_board_table += '<tr>' for j in range( board.size ): html_board_table += '<td class="cell" style="height: 64px; width: 64px;">\n' board_back_image = self.DetermineBoardImage( i, j, board.size ) state = board.GetState( ( i, j ) ) if state == GoBoard.EMPTY: html_board_table += '<img src="images/%s" onclick="OnPlaceStoneClicked( \'%s\', \'%s\', %d, %d )">\n' % ( board_back_image, name, color, i, j ) if any( [ board.GetState( adj_location ) != GoBoard.EMPTY for adj_location in board.AdjacentLocations( ( i, j ) ) ] ): html_board_table += '<img class="lib_img" id="liberty_%d_%d" src="images/liberty.png" style="visibility:hidden"/>\n' % ( i, j ) else: if state == GoBoard.WHITE: board_fore_image = 'white_stone.png' elif state == GoBoard.BLACK: board_fore_image = 'black_stone.png' hover_calls = self.FormulateLibertyHoverJSCalls( group_list[ state ], i, j ) click_calls = 'onclick="OnGiveUpStoneClicked( \'%s\', \'%s\', %d, %d )"' % ( name, color, i, j ) if state == color_id else '' html_board_table += '<img class="back_img" src="images/%s"/>\n' % board_back_image html_board_table += '<img class="fore_img" src="images/%s" %s %s/>\n' % ( board_fore_image, hover_calls, click_calls ) if move[ 'row' ] == i and move[ 'col' ] == j: html_board_table += '<img class="high_img" src="images/highlight.png" %s/>\n' % hover_calls html_board_table += '</td>\n' html_board_table += '</tr>\n' html_board_table += '</table>\n' html_message = '<p>It is %s\'s turn. You are %s.</p>' % ( whose_turn, color ) html_white_info = self.GenerateInfoForColor( go_game, 'white' ) html_black_info = self.GenerateInfoForColor( go_game, 'black' ) scores = go_game.CalculateScores() html_score_info = '<center><table border="2">\n' html_score_info += '<tr><th></th><th>white</th><th>black</th></tr>\n' html_score_info += '<tr><td>score</td><td>%d</td><td>%d</td></tr>\n' % ( scores[ GoBoard.WHITE ][ 'score' ], scores[ GoBoard.BLACK ][ 'score' ] ) html_score_info += '<tr><td>captures</td><td>%d</td><td>%d</td></tr>\n' % ( scores[ GoBoard.WHITE ][ 'captures' ], scores[ GoBoard.BLACK ][ 'captures' ] ) html_score_info += '<tr><td>territory</td><td>%d</td><td>%d</td></tr>\n' % ( scores[ GoBoard.WHITE ][ 'territory' ], scores[ GoBoard.BLACK ][ 'territory' ] ) html_score_info += '</table></center>\n' html_pass_button = '<p><center><button type="button" onclick="OnPlaceStoneClicked( \'%s\', \'%s\', -1, -1 )">forfeit turn</button>' % ( name, color ) return ''' <html lang="en-US"> <head> <title>Go Game: %s</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/go.css"> <script src=""></script> <script src="scripts/go.js"></script> </head> <body onload="OnPageLoad(%s, '%s', '%s')"> <div> <p><center>%s</center></p> <p><center>%s</center></p> <!--<center><input type="checkbox" id="respond">Have computer respond.</input></center>--> <center>%s</center> %s <p><center>Click an empty board intersection to place a stone. Click on your own stone to give it up as a prisoner (at end of game.)</center></p> </div> <div> %s %s </div> </body> </html> ''' % ( name, ('true' if whose_turn == color else 'false'), color, name, html_message, html_score_info, html_board_table, html_pass_button, html_white_info, html_black_info )