def test_get_instance(self): self.assertIsInstance(AuditLogger.get_instance(), AuditLogger) mocked_instance = MagicMock() AuditLogger.logger = mocked_instance self.assertEqual(mocked_instance, AuditLogger.get_instance())
def emit(self, record): """ Format the data received from the audit log middleware to match the current temporay storage in the database. The source and destination of the message are extracted and the msg is split in separate request and response logs. Once the audit logs can be stored in Elastic, the handler can be changed. The middleware logs message in the following format: { 'audit': { 'http_request': ...., 'http_response': ...., 'user': ...., ... } } """ try: msg = json.loads(self.format(record)) except (json.JSONDecodeError, TypeError) as exception: on_audit_log_exception(exception, record) return request_uuid = request.headers.get(CORRELATION_ID_HEADER, str(uuid.uuid4())) # Get the source and destination from the middleware log message source = get_nested_item(msg, 'audit', 'http_request', 'url') destination = get_nested_item(msg, 'audit', 'user', 'ip') # Strip the response data from the msg to create request only data and vice versa request_data = { k: v for k, v in msg.get('audit', {}).items() if k != 'http_response' } response_data = { k: v for k, v in msg.get('audit', {}).items() if k != 'http_request' } request_data.update({ CORRELATION_ID_HEADER: request.headers.get(CORRELATION_ID_HEADER), UNIQUE_ID_HEADER: request.headers.get(UNIQUE_ID_HEADER), }) audit_logger = AuditLogger.get_instance() try: audit_logger.log_request(source=source, destination=destination, extra_data=request_data, request_uuid=request_uuid) audit_logger.log_response(source=source, destination=destination, extra_data=response_data, request_uuid=request_uuid) except Exception as exception: on_audit_log_exception(exception, msg)
def emit(self, record): """ Format the data received from the audit log middleware to match the current temporay storage in the database. The source and destination of the message are extracted and the msg is split in separate request and response logs. Once the audit logs can be stored in Elastic, the handler can be changed. The middleware logs message in the following format: { 'audit': { 'http_request': ...., 'http_response': ...., 'user': ...., ... } } """ audit_logger = AuditLogger.get_instance() request_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) try: msg = json.loads(self.format(record)) except (json.JSONDecodeError, TypeError): # Error transforming msg to json. Logging as str source = 'Could not get source from msg' destination = 'Could not get destination from msg' request_data = response_data = None else: # Get the source and destination from the middleware log message source = get_nested_item(msg, 'audit', 'http_request', 'url') destination = get_nested_item(msg, 'audit', 'user', 'ip') # Strip the response data from the msg to create request only data and vice versa request_data = { k: v for k, v in msg.get('audit', {}).items() if k != 'http_response' } response_data = { k: v for k, v in msg.get('audit', {}).items() if k != 'http_response' } audit_logger.log_request(source=source, destination=destination, extra_data=request_data, request_uuid=request_uuid) audit_logger.log_response(source=source, destination=destination, extra_data=response_data, request_uuid=request_uuid)
def test_log_response(self, mock_datetime): audit_logger = AuditLogger() audit_logger._uuid = lambda: 'generated uuid' = 'timestamp now' audit_logger.log_response('the source', 'the destination', {'extra': 'data'}) audit_logger.publisher.publish_response.assert_called_with({ 'type': 'response', 'source': 'the source', 'destination': 'the destination', 'timestamp': 'timestamp now', 'data': { 'extra': 'data' }, 'request_uuid': 'generated uuid', }) audit_logger.log_response('the source', 'the destination', {'extra': 'data'}, 'passed uuid') audit_logger.publisher.publish_response.assert_called_with({ 'type': 'response', 'source': 'the source', 'destination': 'the destination', 'timestamp': 'timestamp now', 'data': { 'extra': 'data' }, 'request_uuid': 'passed uuid', })
def _stuf(): """ Handle StUF request :return: XML response """ audit_logger = AuditLogger.get_instance() request = flask.request url = _routed_url(request.url) request_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) request_log_data = { 'soapaction': request.headers.get('Soapaction'), 'original_url': request.url, 'method': request.method, } audit_logger.log_request(request.remote_addr, url, request_log_data, request_uuid) response_log_data = {**request_log_data} try: response = _handle_stuf_request(request, url) except HTTPException as e: # If Exception occurs, log exception and re-raise response_log_data['exception'] = str(e) audit_logger.log_response(request.remote_addr, url, response_log_data, request_uuid) raise e # Successful response_log_data['remote_response_code'] = response.status_code audit_logger.log_response(request.remote_addr, url, response_log_data, request_uuid) text = _update_response(response.text) return Response(text, mimetype="text/xml")
def test_uuid(self, mock_uuid4): mock_uuid4.return_value = "some uuid" audit_logger = AuditLogger() self.assertEqual("some uuid", audit_logger._uuid())
def test_init(self, mock_audit_log_publisher): audit_logger = AuditLogger() self.assertEqual(mock_audit_log_publisher.return_value, audit_logger.publisher)