Пример #1
 def __init__(self, pos):
     Object.__init__(self, pos)
     self.hp = self.max_hp
     # ai is defined in the individual mob type's class
     # we need a new instance of it for the object
     if self.ai:
         self.ai = copy.copy(self.ai)
         self.ai.owner = self
Пример #2
 def __init__(self, pos, damage, color, dx, dy):
     Object.__init__(self, pos)
     self.damage = damage
     self.color = color
     self.dx = dx
     self.dy = dy
     self.char = self.chars[(self.dx, self.dy)]
     self.life = BULLET_LIFE
     # on creation, check for anyone directly in its way
     # so that if player fires a bullet at something adjacent to him,
     # it doesn't get a blow in before it dies
     # it feels better this way when playing
     # hackish way of doing it though: update, then roll back updates
     if not self.dead:
         self.x -= self.dx
         self.y -= self.dy
         self.life += 1
Пример #3
 def __init__(self, mob):
     Object.__init__(self, (mob.x, mob.y))
     self.name = 'remains of ' + mob.name