Пример #1
def test_ticker_time():
    Tstart = time.now()
    tx = time.Ticker(3 * dt)
    tnow = tx.c.recv()
    Tend = time.now()

    assert type(tnow) is type(Tstart)
    assert Tstart < tnow < Tend
    assert ((tnow - Tstart) / dt) >= 3
Пример #2
def waitfor(cond):
    tstart = time.now()
    while 1:
        if cond():
        t = time.now()
        if (t - tstart) > 1*time.second:
            raise AssertionError("timeout waiting")
        time.sleep(1E-6) # NOTE sleep(0) consumes lot of CPU under gevent
Пример #3
def test_already_canceled():
    parent, pcancel = context.with_cancel(bg)
    assertCtx(parent, Z)
    assertCtx(parent, Z, err=C, done=Y)

    ctxC, _ = context.with_cancel(parent)
    assert ctxC.done() != parent.done()
    assertCtx(parent, Z, err=C, done=Y)  # no ctxC in children
    assertCtx(ctxC, Z, err=C, done=Y)

    ctxT, _ = context.with_timeout(parent, 10 * dt)
    d = ctxT.deadline()
    assert ctxT.done() != parent.done()
    assertCtx(parent, Z, err=C, done=Y)  # no ctxT in children
    assertCtx(ctxT, Z, deadline=d, err=C, done=Y)

    d = time.now() + 10 * dt
    ctxD, _ = context.with_deadline(parent, d)
    assert ctxD.done() != parent.done()
    assertCtx(parent, Z, err=C, done=Y)  # no ctxD in children
    assertCtx(ctxD, Z, deadline=d, err=C, done=Y)

    ctxM, _ = context.merge(parent, bg)
    assert ctxM.done() != parent.done()
    assertCtx(parent, Z, err=C, done=Y)  # no ctxM in children
    assertCtx(ctxM, Z, err=C, done=Y)

    ctxV = context.with_value(parent, kHello, "world")
    assert ctxV.done() == parent.done()
    assert ctxV.value(kHello) == "world"
    assertCtx(parent, Z, err=C, done=Y)  # no ctxV in children
    assertCtx(ctxV, Z, err=C, done=Y)
Пример #4
    def stop_timer(self):
        if self._t_start is None:

        t = time.now()
        self._t_total += t - self._t_start
        self._t_start = None
Пример #5
def test_now():
    import time as stdtime
    assert stdtime is not time

    def tick():  # cpython 2.7 time.time uses max microsecond precision
        time.sleep(1 * time.microsecond)

    t1 = stdtime.time()
    t2 = time.now()
    t3 = stdtime.time()
    t4 = time.now()
    assert t1 < t2
    assert t2 < t3
    assert t3 < t4
Пример #6
def test_timer():
    # start timers at x5, x7 and x11 intervals an verify that the timers fire
    # in expected sequence. The times when the timers fire do not overlap in
    # checked range because intervals are prime and chosen so that they start
    # overlapping only after 35 (=5·7).
    tv = []  # timer events
    Tstart = time.now()

    t23 = time.Timer(23 * dt)
    t5 = time.Timer(5 * dt)

    def _():
        t7f.reset(7 * dt)

    t7f = time.Timer(7 * dt, f=_)

    tx11 = time.Ticker(11 * dt)

    while 1:
        _, _rx = select(
            t23.c.recv,  # 0
            t5.c.recv,  # 1
            t7f.c.recv,  # 2
            tx11.c.recv,  # 3
        if _ == 0:
        if _ == 1:
            t5.reset(5 * dt)
        if _ == 2:
            assert False, "t7f sent to channel; must only call func"
        if _ == 3:

    Tend = time.now()
    assert (Tend - Tstart) >= 23 * dt
    assert tv == [5, 7, 5, 11, 7, 5, 5, 7, 11, 23]
Пример #7
def test_timer_misc():
    tv = []
    Tstart = time.now()

    c23 = time.after(23 * dt)
    c5 = time.after(5 * dt)

    def _():
        t7f.reset(7 * dt)

    t7f = time.after_func(7 * dt, _)

    cx11 = time.tick(11 * dt)

    while 1:
        _, _rx = select(
            c23.recv,  # 0
            c5.recv,  # 1
            t7f.c.recv,  # 2
            cx11.recv,  # 3
        if _ == 0:
        if _ == 1:
            # NOTE 5 does not rearm in this test because there is no way to
            # rearm timer create by time.after().
        if _ == 2:
            assert False, "t7f sent to channel; must only call func"
        if _ == 3:

    Tend = time.now()
    assert (Tend - Tstart) >= 23 * dt
    assert tv == [5, 7, 11, 7, 7, 11, 23]
Пример #8
def test_deadline():
    t0 = time.now()
    d1 = t0 + 10 * dt
    d2 = t0 + 20 * dt
    d3 = t0 + 30 * dt

    ctx1, cancel1 = context.with_deadline(bg, d2)
    assert ctx1.done() != bg.done()
    assertCtx(ctx1, Z, deadline=d2)

    ctx11 = context.with_value(ctx1, kA, "b")
    assert ctx11.done() == ctx1.done()
    assert ctx11.value(kA) == "b"
    assertCtx(ctx1, {ctx11}, deadline=d2)
    assertCtx(ctx11, Z, deadline=d2)

    ctx111, cancel111 = context.with_cancel(ctx11)
    assert ctx111.done() != ctx11.done
    assertCtx(ctx1, {ctx11}, deadline=d2)
    assertCtx(ctx11, {ctx111}, deadline=d2)
    assertCtx(ctx111, Z, deadline=d2)

    ctx1111, cancel1111 = context.with_deadline(ctx111,
                                                d3)  # NOTE deadline > parent
    assert ctx1111.done() != ctx111.done()
    assertCtx(ctx1, {ctx11}, deadline=d2)
    assertCtx(ctx11, {ctx111}, deadline=d2)
    assertCtx(ctx111, {ctx1111}, deadline=d2)
    assertCtx(ctx1111, Z, deadline=d2)  # NOTE not d3

    ctx12, cancel12 = context.with_deadline(ctx1, d1)
    assert ctx12.done() != ctx1.done()
    assertCtx(ctx1, {ctx11, ctx12}, deadline=d2)
    assertCtx(ctx11, {ctx111}, deadline=d2)
    assertCtx(ctx111, {ctx1111}, deadline=d2)
    assertCtx(ctx1111, Z, deadline=d2)
    assertCtx(ctx12, Z, deadline=d1)

    ctxM, cancelM = context.merge(ctx1111, ctx12)
    assert ctxM.done() != ctx1111.done()
    assert ctxM.done() != ctx12.done()
    assert ctxM.value(kA) == "b"
    assertCtx(ctx1, {ctx11, ctx12}, deadline=d2)
    assertCtx(ctx11, {ctx111}, deadline=d2)
    assertCtx(ctx111, {ctx1111}, deadline=d2)
    assertCtx(ctx1111, {ctxM}, deadline=d2)
    assertCtx(ctx12, {ctxM}, deadline=d1)
    assertCtx(ctxM, Z, deadline=d1)

    time.sleep(11 * dt)

    assertCtx(ctx1, {ctx11}, deadline=d2)
    assertCtx(ctx11, {ctx111}, deadline=d2)
    assertCtx(ctx111, {ctx1111}, deadline=d2)
    assertCtx(ctx1111, Z, deadline=d2)
    assertCtx(ctx12, Z, deadline=d1, err=D, done=Y)
    assertCtx(ctxM, Z, deadline=d1, err=D, done=Y)

    # explicit cancel first -> err=canceled instead of deadlineExceeded
    for i in range(2):
        assertCtx(ctx1, Z, deadline=d2, err=C, done=Y)
        assertCtx(ctx11, Z, deadline=d2, err=C, done=Y)
        assertCtx(ctx111, Z, deadline=d2, err=C, done=Y)
        assertCtx(ctx1111, Z, deadline=d2, err=C, done=Y)
        assertCtx(ctx12, Z, deadline=d1, err=D, done=Y)
        assertCtx(ctxM, Z, deadline=d1, err=D, done=Y)

    # with_timeout
    ctx, cancel = context.with_timeout(bg, 10 * dt)
    assert ctx.done() != bg.done()
    d = ctx.deadline()
    assert abs(d - (time.now() + 10 * dt)) < 1 * dt
    assertCtx(ctx, Z, deadline=d)

    time.sleep(11 * dt)
    assertCtx(ctx, Z, deadline=d, err=D, done=Y)
Пример #9
    def start_timer(self):
        if self._t_start is not None:

        self._t_start = time.now()