Пример #1
 def getTrackView(self, region):
     #print 'get tv for reg: ',region
     #print str(type(self._origRegion)) + " and " + str(type(region))
     assert (not isIter(self._origRegion) and self._origRegion  == region) or (isIter(self._origRegion) and region in self._origRegion) 
     #if self._cachedTV is None:
     rawData = RawDataStat(region, self._origTrack, self._trackFormatReq)
     origTV = rawData.getResult()
     assert(not origTV.allowOverlaps)
     assert(origTV.borderHandling == 'crop')
     assert region == origTV.genomeAnchor
     starts, ends, vals, strands, ids, edges, weights, extras = \
         self._createRandomizedNumpyArrays(len(origTV.genomeAnchor), origTV.startsAsNumpyArray(), \
                                           origTV.endsAsNumpyArray(), origTV.valsAsNumpyArray(), \
                                           origTV.strandsAsNumpyArray(), origTV.idsAsNumpyArray(), \
                                           origTV.edgesAsNumpyArray(), origTV.weightsAsNumpyArray(), \
                                           origTV.allExtrasAsDictOfNumpyArrays(), origTV.trackFormat, region)
     from gold.util.CommonFunctions import getClassName
     self._cachedTV = TrackView(origTV.genomeAnchor, \
                                (starts + origTV.genomeAnchor.start if starts is not None else None), \
                                (ends + origTV.genomeAnchor.start if ends is not None else None), \
                                vals, strands, ids, edges, weights, origTV.borderHandling, origTV.allowOverlaps, extraLists=extras)
     assert self._trackFormatReq.isCompatibleWith(self._cachedTV.trackFormat), 'Incompatible track-format: '\
            + str(self._trackFormatReq) + ' VS ' + str(self._cachedTV.trackFormat)
     return self._cachedTV
Пример #2
 def getPresCollectionType(self):
     #print 'self.getGlobalResult(): ',self.getGlobalResult()
     if self.getStatClassName() == 'DataComparisonStat': #a bit ad hoc criterion. Also should check plotType...
         presCollectionType = 'scatter'
     elif 'BinScaled' in self.getStatClassName(): #a bit ad hoc criterion. Also should check plotType...
         presCollectionType = 'binscaled'
     elif self.getGlobalResult() not in [None,{}] and len(self.getGlobalResult())>0 and \
         isinstance(self.getGlobalResult().values()[0], LinePlotResultType):
             assert len(self.getGlobalResult().values()) == 1
             presCollectionType = 'lineplot'
     elif (self.getGlobalResult() not in [None,{}] and isinstance(self.getGlobalResult().values()[0], dict)):
         if self.getGlobalResult().values()[0].get('Matrix') is not None:
             presCollectionType = 'matrix'
             presCollectionType = 'dictofdicts'
     elif self.getGlobalResult() not in [None,{}] and len(self.getGlobalResult())>0 and \
         isinstance(self.getGlobalResult().values()[0], GlobalVisualizationResultType):
             assert len(self.getGlobalResult().values()) == 1, 'Should currently be one if this is visualization result'
             presCollectionType = 'visualization'
     elif self.getGlobalResult() not in [None,{}] and len(self.getGlobalResult())>0 and \
         isinstance(self.getGlobalResult().values()[0], RawVisualizationResultType):
             #assert len(self.getGlobalResult().values()) == 1, 'Should currently be one if this is visualization result'
             presCollectionType = 'rawDataVisualization'        #elif self.getGlobalResult() not in [None,{}] and len(self.getGlobalResult())==1 and \
     #    hasattr(self.getGlobalResult().values()[0], '__iter__'):
     elif self.getGlobalResult() not in [None,{}] and \
         isIter(self.getGlobalResult().values()[0]):#and len(self.getGlobalResult().values()[0])>1:
         #or type(self.getGlobalResult().values()[0])==numpy.ndarray):
             #print 'TYPE: ',type(self.getGlobalResult().values()[0])
             presCollectionType = 'distribution'
         presCollectionType = 'standard'
     #print 'presCollectionType: ',presCollectionType
     #print isinstance(self.getGlobalResult(), GlobalVisualizationResultType), type(self.getGlobalResult()), str(type(self.getGlobalResult().values()[0])).replace('<','')
     return presCollectionType
 def __init__(self, region, track, track2, tail='more', globalSource='chrs', minimal=False, **kwArgs):
     if isIter(region):
         raise SplittableStatNotAvailableError()
     self._globalSource = GenericRelativeToGlobalStatUnsplittable.getGlobalSource(globalSource, region.genome, minimal)        
     #if minimal == True:
     #    self._globalSource = MinimalBinSource(region.genome)
     #elif globalSource == 'test':
     #    self._globalSource = UserBinSource('TestGenome:chr21:10000000-15000000','1000000')
     #elif globalSource == 'chrs':
     #    self._globalSource = GenomeInfo.getChrRegs(region.genome)
     #elif globalSource == 'chrarms':
     #    self._globalSource = GenomeInfo.getChrArmRegs(region.genome)
     #elif globalSource == 'ensembl':
     #    self._globalSource = GenomeInfo.getStdGeneRegs(region.genome)
     #elif globalSource == 'userbins':
     #    from gold.application.StatRunner import StatJob
     #    assert StatJob.USER_BIN_SOURCE is not None
     #    self._globalSource = StatJob.USER_BIN_SOURCE
     #    #self._globalSource = kwArgs['userBins']
     #    raise ShouldNotOccurError('globalSource not recognized')
     #    #self._globalSource = GlobalBinSource(region.genome)
     assert tail in ['more', 'less', 'different']
     self._tail = tail
     super(self.__class__, self).__init__(region, track, track2, tail=tail, globalSource=globalSource, minimal=minimal, **kwArgs)
Пример #4
 def _getSubCls(origCls, region):
     #print "with class: ",origCls.__name__,'and region: ',region,"<br>"
     if isIter(region) or CompBinManager.canBeSplitted(region):
             splittableClass = MagicStatFactory._getClass(origCls.__name__, 'Splittable')
             #print "FOUND SPLITTABLE: ", <splittableClass
             if isIter(region):
                 #Always use splittableClass if a global region
                 return splittableClass
                 #Use only if splittableClass also accepts splitting of userbins
                 if not issubclass(splittableClass, OnlyGloballySplittable):
                     return splittableClass                    
         #except (KeyError, SplittableStatNotAvailableError), e:
         except KeyError, e:
             if DebugConfig.VERBOSE:
                 logException(e, message="In MagicStatFactory._getSubCls: ")
Пример #5
    def constructUniqueKey(cls, region, track, track2=None, *args, **kwArgs):
        #If only one track is provided to a stat, other params may turn up as track2 above. Then set to None..
        if track2!=None and not isinstance(track2, Track):
            track2 = None
        reg = id(region) if isIter(region) else region

        #logMessage('%s, %s, %s, %s, %s' % (str(cls), Statistic._constructConfigKey(kwArgs), (str([str(x) for x in reg]) if hasattr(reg, '__iter__') else str(reg)), tuple(track.trackName), tuple(track2.trackName) if track2 != None else ''))
        return (hash(str(cls)), Statistic._constructConfigKey(kwArgs), hash(reg), tuple(track.trackName), tuple(track2.trackName) if track2 != None else '')
Пример #6
 def _createExtraLists(target, dtype, size):
    if type(target) == bool:
       if target == True:
          return OrderedDict([('extra1', getRandExtraList(size)), ('extra2', getRandExtraList(size))])
          return OrderedDict()
    elif isinstance(target, dict):
       return OrderedDict([(name, array(content, dtype=dtype)) for name, content in target.items()])
    elif isIter(target):
       return OrderedDict([(name, getRandExtraList(size)) for name in target])
       raise ShouldNotOccurError
 def __init__(self, region, track, track2, tail='more', globalSource='', minimal=False, **kwArgs):
     if isIter(region):
         raise SplittableStatNotAvailableError()
     #if minimal == True:
     #    self._globalSource = MinimalBinSource(region.genome)
     #elif globalSource == 'test':
     #    self._globalSource = UserBinSource('TestGenome:chr21:10000000-15000000','1000000')
     #    self._globalSource = GlobalBinSource(region.genome)
     self._globalSource = GenericRelativeToGlobalStatUnsplittable.getGlobalSource(globalSource, region.genome, minimal)
     assert tail in ['more', 'less', 'different']
     self._tail = tail
     super(self.__class__, self).__init__(region, track, track2, tail=tail, globalSource=globalSource, minimal=minimal, **kwArgs)
 def _getNewContentsOfPrev(self, x, y, prefix):
     if x is not None and y is not None:
         if isIter(x):
             if x != y:
                 if len(x) != len(y):
                     return []
                     return [self._getMissingValue(prefix) for i,item in enumerate(x)]
             valDataType = self._geSource.getValDataType()
             if prefix == 'val' and valDataType[0] == 'S' and valDataType != 'S1':
                 return self._getConcatContent(x, y, prefix, sorted=True)
             elif prefix in ['id'] + self._prevEl.orderedExtraKeys:
                 return self._getConcatContent(x, y, prefix, sorted=False)
             elif x != y:
                 return self._getMissingValue(prefix)
 def _init(self, globalSource=None, weightThreshold=None, **kwArgs):
     if isIter(self._region):
         raise SplittableStatNotAvailableError()
     assert globalSource is not None
     assert weightThreshold is not None
     self._weightThreshold = float(weightThreshold)
Пример #10
   def __init__(self, segments=None, starts=True, ends=True, vals=True, strands=False, ids=False, edges=False, weights=False, \
                extras=False, anchor=None, numElements=None, valDType='float64', borderHandling='crop', allowOverlaps=False):
      if type(starts) != bool and ends == True:
        ends = False
      if type(ends) != bool and starts == True:
        starts = False
      assert not (starts==False and ends==False)
      assert segments!=False and segments!=True
      assert starts!=None and ends!=None and vals!=None and strands!=None
      assert segments==None or (starts==True and ends==True)
      assert not (isIter(weights) and not isIter(edges))
      assert (any( type(x) not in [bool,type(None)] for x in [segments,starts,ends,vals,strands,ids,edges,weights,extras]) and numElements==None) \
             or numElements!=None
      #assert(( (type(segments)!=bool or type(starts)!=bool or type(ends)!=bool or \
      #       type(vals)!=bool or type(strands)!=bool) and numElements==None )\
      #       or numElements!=None)
      if anchor==None:
          anchor = [10,1000]
      if segments != None:
          starts = []
          ends = []        
          for seg in segments:
      if isIter(edges):
         maxNumEdges = self._findMaxNumEls(edges)
         edges = self._appendEmptyToEnd(edges, '', maxNumEdges)
         if isIter(weights):
            weights = self._appendEmptyToEnd(weights, numpy.nan, maxNumEdges)
      [starts, ends, vals, strands, ids, edges, weights] + ([x for x in extras.values()] if isinstance(extras, dict) else [])
      for list in [starts, ends, vals, strands, ids, edges, weights] + ([x for x in extras.values()] if isinstance(extras, dict) else []):
          if type(list) != bool  and numElements == None:
              numElements = len(list)
          assert(type(list) == bool or len(list) == numElements)
      for coordList in [starts, ends]:
          if type(coordList) != bool:
              for j in range(len(coordList)):
                  coordList[j] += anchor[0]
      randSegmentLists = getRandSegments(numElements, anchor[0], anchor[1])
      starts = self._createList(starts, randSegmentLists[0], 'int32')
      ends = self._createList(ends, randSegmentLists[1], 'int32')
      vals = self._createList(vals, getRandValList(numElements, valDType), valDType)
      strands = self._createList(strands, getRandStrandList(numElements), 'bool8')
      randIds, randEdges, randWeights = getRandGraphLists(numElements)
      ids = self._createList(ids, randIds, randIds.dtype)
      edges = self._createList(edges, randEdges, randEdges.dtype)
      weights = self._createList(weights, randWeights, 'float64')
      if weights is not None and len(weights.shape) == 1:
         weights = weights.reshape(weights.shape + (0,))
      extras = self._createExtraLists(extras, 'S', numElements)

      if starts == None:
          if ends[0] != 0:
             ends = numpy.append([anchor[0]], ends)
             if vals != None:
                vals = numpy.append([nan], vals)
             if strands != None:
                strands = numpy.append([True], strands)
          if ends[-1] != anchor[1]:
              ends[-1] = anchor[1]
#        print (starts, ends, vals, strands, anchor)
      TrackView.__init__(self, GenomeRegion('TestGenome', 'chr21', anchor[0], anchor[1]), starts, ends, vals, \
                         strands, ids, edges, weights, borderHandling, allowOverlaps, extraLists=extras)
Пример #11
    def __init__(self,
        if type(starts) != bool and ends == True:
            ends = False
        if type(ends) != bool and starts == True:
            starts = False

        assert not (starts == False and ends == False)
        assert segments != False and segments != True
        assert starts is not None and ends is not None and vals is not None and strands is not None
        assert segments is None or (starts == True and ends == True)
        assert not (isIter(weights) and not isIter(edges))

        assert (any( type(x) not in [bool,type(None)] for x in [segments,starts,ends,vals,strands,ids,edges,weights,extras]) and numElements==None) \
            or numElements is not None
        #assert(( (type(segments)!=bool or type(starts)!=bool or type(ends)!=bool or \
        #        type(vals)!=bool or type(strands)!=bool) and numElements==None )\
        #        or numElements!=None)
        if anchor is None:
            anchor = [10, 1000]

        if segments is not None:
            starts = []
            ends = []
            for seg in segments:

        if isIter(edges):
            maxNumEdges = self._findMaxNumEls(edges)
            edges = self._appendEmptyToEnd(edges, '', maxNumEdges)
            if isIter(weights):
                weights = self._appendEmptyToEnd(weights, numpy.nan,

        [starts, ends, vals, strands, ids, edges, weights
         ] + ([x for x in extras.values()] if isinstance(extras, dict) else [])
        for list in [starts, ends, vals, strands, ids, edges, weights] + (
            [x for x in extras.values()] if isinstance(extras, dict) else []):
            if type(list) != bool and numElements is None:
                numElements = len(list)
            assert (type(list) == bool or len(list) == numElements)

        for coordList in [starts, ends]:
            if type(coordList) != bool:
                for j in range(len(coordList)):
                    coordList[j] += anchor[0]

        randSegmentLists = getRandSegments(numElements, anchor[0], anchor[1])
        starts = self._createList(starts, randSegmentLists[0], 'int32')
        ends = self._createList(ends, randSegmentLists[1], 'int32')

        vals = self._createList(vals, getRandValList(numElements, valDType),
        strands = self._createList(strands, getRandStrandList(numElements),

        randIds, randEdges, randWeights = getRandGraphLists(numElements)
        ids = self._createList(ids, randIds, randIds.dtype)
        edges = self._createList(edges, randEdges, randEdges.dtype)
        weights = self._createList(weights, randWeights, 'float64')

        if weights is not None and len(weights.shape) == 1:
            weights = weights.reshape(weights.shape + (0, ))

        extras = self._createExtraLists(extras, 'S', numElements)

        if starts is None:
            if ends[0] != 0:
                ends = numpy.append([anchor[0]], ends)
                if vals is not None:
                    vals = numpy.append([nan], vals)
                if strands is not None:
                    strands = numpy.append([True], strands)
            if ends[-1] != anchor[1]:
                ends[-1] = anchor[1]

#        print (starts, ends, vals, strands, anchor)
        TrackView.__init__(self, GenomeRegion('TestGenome', 'chr21', anchor[0], anchor[1]), starts, ends, vals, \
                           strands, ids, edges, weights, borderHandling, allowOverlaps, extraLists=extras)
    def _init(self, rawStatistic, globalSource='', minimal=False, **kwArgs):
        if isIter(self._region):
            raise SplittableStatNotAvailableError()

        self._rawStatistic = self.getRawStatisticClass(rawStatistic)
        self._globalSource = GenericRelativeToGlobalStatUnsplittable.getGlobalSource(globalSource, self._region.genome, minimal)        
Пример #13
 def _splitRegion(self):
     if isIter(self._region):
         #return self._region.__iter__()
         return self._region.__iter__()
         return CompBinManager.splitUserBin(self._region).__iter__()
Пример #14
 def _splitRegion(self):
     if isIter(self._region):
         #return self._region.__iter__()
         return self._region.__iter__()
         return CompBinManager.splitUserBin(self._region).__iter__()
 def _init(self, globalSource=None, weightThreshold=None, **kwArgs):
     if isIter(self._region):
         raise SplittableStatNotAvailableError()
     assert globalSource is not None
     assert  weightThreshold is not None
     self._weightThreshold = float(weightThreshold)
Пример #16
    def _compute(self):
        if not isIter(self._region):
            #return {'Result':{'Matrix': None}}
            return None

        childRes = self._children[0].getResult()
        if childRes is None:
            return None
        childRes = childRes['Result']
        matrix = numpy.array(copy(childRes.get('Matrix')), dtype='float64')
        rows, cols, counts, pvals, significance = [numpy.array(copy(childRes.get(member))) if member in childRes else None \
                                           for member in ['Rows', 'Cols', 'Counts', 'Pvals', 'Significance']]
        if not self._complete:
            matrix, rows, cols, counts ,pvals, significance = self._removeNanLines(matrix, rows, cols, counts, pvals, significance)

        rowClust = self._getRowCluster(matrix)
        colClust = self._getColCluster(matrix)
        rowOrder, colOrder = self._getRowAndColOrders(rowClust, colClust)
        rows = self._cleanUpNameArray(rows, rowOrder)
        cols = self._cleanUpNameArray(cols, colOrder)
        if all(x == 1 for x in [self._numClustersRows, self._numClustersCols]):
            ret = {'Result': OrderedDict([('Matrix', matrix), ('Rows', rows), ('Cols', cols),\
                             ('RowClust', rowClust), ('ColClust', colClust),\
                             ('RowOrder', rowOrder), ('ColOrder', colOrder),\
                             ('Counts', counts)])}
            if pvals is not None:
                ret['Result']['Pvals'] = pvals
            if significance is not None:
                ret['Result']['Significance'] = significance
            return ret
            rowGroups = self._getGroups(rowClust, self._numClustersRows)
            colGroups = self._getGroups(colClust, self._numClustersCols)
            ret = {}
            for rowNo in xrange(rowGroups.max() + 1):
                for colNo in xrange(colGroups.max() + 1):
                    #print matrix, rows, cols, rowGroups, colGroups, rowNo, colNo
                    #print rowGroups == rowNo, colGroups ==colNo
                    newMatrix = copy(matrix[numpy.ix_(rowGroups==rowNo, colGroups==colNo)])
                    newCounts = copy(counts[numpy.ix_(rowGroups==rowNo, colGroups==colNo)])

                    if pvals is not None:
                        newPvals = copy(pvals[numpy.ix_(rowGroups==rowNo, colGroups==colNo)])

                    if significance is not None:
                        newSignificance = copy(significance[numpy.ix_(rowGroups==rowNo, colGroups==colNo)])

                    newRows = copy(rows[rowGroups==rowNo])
                    newCols = copy(cols[colGroups==colNo])

                    #if isIter(self._region):
                    rowClust = self._getRowCluster(matrix[rowGroups==rowNo])
                    colClust = self._getColCluster(matrix[:,colGroups==colNo])
                    rowOrder, colOrder = self._getRowAndColOrders(rowClust, colClust)
                        #rowClust, colClust = None, None
                    #print {'Matrix': newMatrix, 'Rows': newRows, 'Cols': newCols, 'RowClust': rowClust, 'ColClust': colClust}
                    label = 'Part_' + str(rowNo+1) + '_' + str(colNo+1)
                    ret[label] = {'Matrix': newMatrix, 'Rows': newRows, 'Cols': newCols, 'Counts': newCounts}

                    if pvals is not None:
                        ret[label]['Pvals'] = newPvals

                    if significance is not None:
                        ret[label]['Significance'] = newSignificance

                    if rowClust is not None:
                        ret[label]['RowClust'] = rowClust
                        ret[label]['RowOrder'] = rowOrder

                    if colClust is not None:
                        ret[label]['ColClust'] = colClust
                        ret[label]['ColOrder'] = colOrder
            return ret
Пример #17
 def __init__(self, region, track, **kwArgs):
     if isIter(region):
         raise SplittableStatNotAvailableError()
     #super(self.__class__, self).__init__(region, track, trackFormatReq=trackFormatReq, **kwArgs)
     super(self.__class__, self).__init__(region, track, **kwArgs)
Пример #18
    def _compute(self):
        if not isIter(self._region):
            #return {'Result':{'Matrix': None}}
            return None

        childRes = self._children[0].getResult()
        if childRes is None:
            return None

        childRes = childRes['Result']
        matrix = numpy.array(copy(childRes.get('Matrix')), dtype='float64')
        rows, cols, counts, pvals, significance = [numpy.array(copy(childRes.get(member))) if member in childRes else None \
                                           for member in ['Rows', 'Cols', 'Counts', 'Pvals', 'Significance']]

        if not self._complete:
            matrix, rows, cols, counts, pvals, significance = \
                self._removeNanLines(matrix, rows, cols, counts, pvals, significance)

        rowClust = self._getRowCluster(matrix)
        colClust = self._getColCluster(matrix)

        rowOrder, colOrder = self._getRowAndColOrders(rowClust, colClust)

        rows = self._cleanUpNameArray(rows, rowOrder)
        cols = self._cleanUpNameArray(cols, colOrder)

        if all(x == 1 for x in [self._numClustersRows, self._numClustersCols]):
            ret = {'Result': OrderedDict([('Matrix', matrix), ('Rows', rows), ('Cols', cols),\
                             ('RowClust', rowClust), ('ColClust', colClust),\
                             ('RowOrder', rowOrder), ('ColOrder', colOrder),\
                             ('Counts', counts)])}
            if pvals is not None:
                ret['Result']['Pvals'] = pvals
            if significance is not None:
                ret['Result']['Significance'] = significance
            return ret
            rowGroups = self._getGroups(rowClust, self._numClustersRows)
            colGroups = self._getGroups(colClust, self._numClustersCols)

            ret = {}
            for rowNo in xrange(rowGroups.max() + 1):
                for colNo in xrange(colGroups.max() + 1):
                    #print matrix, rows, cols, rowGroups, colGroups, rowNo, colNo
                    #print rowGroups == rowNo, colGroups ==colNo

                    newMatrix = copy(matrix[numpy.ix_(rowGroups == rowNo,
                                                      colGroups == colNo)])
                    newCounts = copy(counts[numpy.ix_(rowGroups == rowNo,
                                                      colGroups == colNo)])

                    if pvals is not None:
                        newPvals = copy(pvals[numpy.ix_(
                            rowGroups == rowNo, colGroups == colNo)])

                    if significance is not None:
                        newSignificance = copy(significance[numpy.ix_(
                            rowGroups == rowNo, colGroups == colNo)])

                    newRows = copy(rows[rowGroups == rowNo])
                    newCols = copy(cols[colGroups == colNo])

                    # if isIter(self._region):
                    rowClust = self._getRowCluster(newMatrix)
                    colClust = self._getColCluster(newMatrix)

                    rowOrder, colOrder = self._getRowAndColOrders(
                        rowClust, colClust)

                    # print {'Matrix': newMatrix, 'Rows': newRows,
                    #        'Cols': newCols, 'RowClust': rowClust,
                    #        'ColClust': colClust}

                    label = 'Part_' + str(rowNo + 1) + '_' + str(colNo + 1)
                    ret[label] = {
                        'Matrix': newMatrix,
                        'Rows': newRows,
                        'Cols': newCols,
                        'Counts': newCounts

                    if pvals is not None:
                        ret[label]['Pvals'] = newPvals

                    if significance is not None:
                        ret[label]['Significance'] = newSignificance

                    if rowClust is not None:
                        ret[label]['RowClust'] = rowClust
                        ret[label]['RowOrder'] = rowOrder

                    if colClust is not None:
                        ret[label]['ColClust'] = colClust
                        ret[label]['ColOrder'] = colOrder
            return ret
Пример #19
    def __init__(self, region, track, **kwArgs):
        if isIter(region):
            raise SplittableStatNotAvailableError()

        #super(self.__class__, self).__init__(region, track, trackFormatReq=trackFormatReq, **kwArgs)
        super(self.__class__, self).__init__(region, track, **kwArgs)