Пример #1
 def average_white_needs():
     average_needs = GoodsVector(self.goods)
     for pop in self.pops.values():
         if type(pop) is WhiteCollar:
             needs = pop.cumulated_needs({0, 1})
             for good, qty in needs.items():
                 average_needs[good] += qty / initial_white_collars
     return average_needs
Пример #2
 def compute_production_capacity(self):
     """ Sum of all production in a period for each good """
     prod_capacity = GoodsVector(self.goods)
     for firm in self.firms.values():
         productivity = firm.adjusted_productivity()
         good = firm.product
         prod_capacity[good] += firm.workers_for(0) * productivity
     return prod_capacity
Пример #3
 def compute_cum_needs(self, level=2):
     """ Sum of all the needs of everyone up to a certain level """
     cumulated_needs = GoodsVector(self.goods)
     for pop in self.pops.values():
         cumulated_needs += pop.cumulated_needs(
              for l in range(level + 1)})
     return cumulated_needs
Пример #4
 def cumulated_needs(self, levels=None):
     cum_needs = {good: 0 for good in self.goods}
     for good, l, qty in self.needs:
         if levels is None:
             cum_needs[good] += self.population * qty
         elif l in levels:
             cum_needs[good] += self.population * qty
     return GoodsVector(self.goods, cum_needs)
Пример #5
 def compute_ratio_needs(self, level=2):
     """ Finds how much of the cumulated needs up to a level
         can be satisfied by actual production """
     ratio_needs_prod = GoodsVector(self.goods)
     cum_needs = self.compute_cum_needs(level)
     prod_capacity = self.compute_production_capacity()
     for good in self.goods:
         ratio_needs_prod[good] = prod_capacity[good] / cum_needs[good]
     return ratio_needs_prod
Пример #6
    def __init__(self, id_pop, pop_type, goods, needs, population, employed,
                 savings, thrift, investment_propensity):
        self.id_pop = id_pop
        self.pop_type = pop_type
        self.goods = goods
        self.needs = needs
        self._levels = sorted(list(set(l for _, l, _ in needs)))
        self.population = population
        self.demand = GoodsVector(self.goods)
        self.consumption = GoodsVector(self.goods)
        self.employed = employed

        # Cash accounts
        self.income = 0
        self.savings = savings

        self.available_income = self.income
        self.thrift = thrift
        self.investment_propensity = investment_propensity
        self._world = None
Пример #7
    def ideal_economy(self):
        def adjusted_productivity(productivity, blue_workers, white_workers):
            def productivity_boost(x):
                x = min(x, 0.15)
                return math.log(1 + 4 * x - 10 * x**2)

            ratio = white_workers / (white_workers +
                                     blue_workers) if white_workers != 0 else 0
            return (1 + productivity_boost(ratio)) * productivity

        cum_needs = {i: GoodsVector(self.goods) for i in range(3)}
        for level in range(3):
            for pop in self.pops.values():
                if type(pop) is not Capitalist:
                    cum_needs[level] += pop.cumulated_needs({level})

        # For each good, retain the best productivity that the firms can offer
        productivities = {
            good: max(firm.productivity for firm in self.firms.values()
                      if firm.product == good)
            for good in self.goods

        blue_collars = sum(pop.population for pop in self.pops.values()
                           if type(pop) is BlueCollar)
        white_collars = sum(pop.population for pop in self.pops.values()
                            if type(pop) is WhiteCollar)
        initial_blue_collars = blue_collars
        initial_white_collars = white_collars
        blue_workers = GoodsVector(self.goods)
        white_workers = GoodsVector(self.goods)
        # Try to maximise the output (total production)
        # and also matching needs according prioritizing the lowest need levels
        for level in range(3):
            for good, needs in cum_needs[level].items():
                productivity = productivities[good]
                # Get a rough estimate of the number of blue workers
                blue_w = min(int(needs / productivity), blue_collars)
                # Number of white workers that maximizes the productivity
                white_w = min(int(0.15 * 1.15 * blue_w), white_collars)
                # A better estimate of the blue workers, based on the adjusted productivity
                blue_w = min(
                    int(needs /
                        adjusted_productivity(productivity, blue_w, white_w)),
                # Try to set the white workers at the optimal level
                white_w = min(int(0.15 * 1.15 * blue_w), white_collars)
                blue_workers[good] += blue_w
                white_workers[good] += white_w
                blue_collars -= blue_w
                white_collars -= white_w

        # Ratio of white_workers
        w_b_ratio = {
            (white_workers[good] / (blue_workers[good] + white_workers[good]))
            for good in self.goods

        # Total production
        production = GoodsVector(self.goods)
        for good in self.goods:
            production[good] = blue_workers[good] * adjusted_productivity(
                productivities[good], blue_workers[good], white_workers[good])

        # Compute cumulated needs and ratio of production vs needs
        cum_needs_tot = cum_needs[0] + cum_needs[1] + cum_needs[2]
        cum_needs01 = cum_needs[0] + cum_needs[1]
        ratio_needs_prod = GoodsVector(self.goods)
        ratio_needs_prod_01 = GoodsVector(self.goods)
        for good in self.goods:
            ratio_needs_prod[good] = production[good] / cum_needs_tot[good]
            ratio_needs_prod_01[good] = production[good] / cum_needs01[good]

        def average_blue_needs():
            average_needs = GoodsVector(self.goods)
            for pop in self.pops.values():
                if type(pop) is BlueCollar:
                    needs = pop.cumulated_needs({0, 1})
                    for good, qty in needs.items():
                        average_needs[good] += qty / initial_blue_collars
            return average_needs

        def average_white_needs():
            average_needs = GoodsVector(self.goods)
            for pop in self.pops.values():
                if type(pop) is WhiteCollar:
                    needs = pop.cumulated_needs({0, 1})
                    for good, qty in needs.items():
                        average_needs[good] += qty / initial_white_collars
            return average_needs

        fixed_good = 'food'
        goods = list(self.goods)
        avg_blue_n = average_blue_needs()
        avg_white_n = average_white_needs()
        a = [[
            blue_workers[good] * avg_blue_n[g] +
            white_workers[good] * avg_white_n[g] -
            (production[good] if g == good else 0) for g in goods
            if g != fixed_good
        ] for good in goods if good != fixed_good]

        b = [
            -(blue_workers[g] * avg_blue_n[fixed_good] +
              white_workers[g] * avg_white_n[fixed_good]) for g in goods
            if g != fixed_good

        a = np.array(a)
        b = np.array(b)
        p = np.linalg.solve(a, b)

        ideal_prices = {
            'food': 1,
            'lodging': p[0],
            'clothes': p[1],
            'luxury': p[2]

        def ideal_wages(prices):
            wages = {}
            for pop in self.pops.values():
                needs = pop.cumulated_needs({0, 1})
                wages[pop.id_pop] = sum([
                    price * qty / pop.population
                    for good, qty in needs.items()
                    for g, price in prices.items() if g == good
            return wages

        ideal_w = ideal_wages(ideal_prices)

        return {
            'white_workers': white_workers,
            'blue_workers': blue_workers,
            'initial_blue_collars': initial_blue_collars,
            'initial_white_collars': initial_white_collars,
            'residual_blue_collars': blue_collars,
            'residual_white_collars': white_collars,
            'white_blue_ratio': w_b_ratio,
            'cumulated_needs_01': cum_needs01,
            'cumulated_needs': cum_needs,
            'cumulated_needs_tot': cum_needs_tot,
            'production': production,
            'ratio_needs_prod': ratio_needs_prod,
            'ratio_needs_prod_01': ratio_needs_prod_01,
            'ideal_prices': ideal_prices,
            'ideal_wages': ideal_w
Пример #8
 def start_period(self):
     self.available_income = 0
     self.consumption = GoodsVector(self.goods)