Пример #1
 def _pre_put_hook(self):
     """Adds automatic tags."""
     super(TaskRequest, self)._pre_put_hook()
     if self.properties.is_terminate:
         if not self.priority == 0:
             raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
                 'terminate request must be priority 0')
     elif self.priority == 0:
         raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
             'priority 0 can only be used for terminate request')
     self.tags.append('priority:%s' % self.priority)
     self.tags.append('user:%s' % self.user)
     for key, value in self.properties.dimensions.iteritems():
         self.tags.append('%s:%s' % (key, value))
     self.tags = sorted(set(self.tags))
     if (self.pubsub_topic and
             not pubsub.validate_full_name(self.pubsub_topic, 'topics')):
         raise datastore_errors.BadValueError('bad pubsub topic name - %s' %
     if self.pubsub_auth_token and not self.pubsub_topic:
         raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
             'pubsub_auth_token requires pubsub_topic')
     if self.pubsub_userdata and not self.pubsub_topic:
         raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
             'pubsub_userdata requires pubsub_topic')
Пример #2
    def from_websafe_string(cursor):
        """Gets a Cursor given its websafe serialized form.

    The serialized form of a cursor may change in a non-backwards compatible
    way. In this case cursors must be regenerated from a new Query request.

      cursor: A serialized cursor as returned by .to_websafe_string.

      A Cursor.

      datastore_errors.BadValueError if the cursor argument is not a string
      type of does not represent a serialized cursor.
        if not isinstance(cursor, basestring):
            raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
                'cursor argument should be str or unicode (%r)' % (cursor, ))

            decoded_bytes = base64.b64decode(
                str(cursor).replace('-', '+').replace('_', '/'))
        except (ValueError, TypeError), e:
            raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
                'Invalid cursor %s. Details: %s' % (cursor, e))
def ToPropertyPb(name, values):
  """Creates a type-specific onestore property PB from a property name and a
  value or list of values. Determines the type of property based on the type
  of the value(s).

  If name is invalid, Serialize throws a BadPropertyError. If values is
  an unsupported type, or an empty list, or a list with elements of different
  types, Serialize throws a BadValueError.

    # the property name
    name: string
    # either a supported type or a list of them. if a list, all
    # of the list's elements should be of the same type
    values: string, int, long, float, datetime, Key, or list

    # a list of or single StringProperty, Int64Property, BoolProperty,
    # DoubleProperty, PointProperty, UserProperty, or ReferenceProperty.
    [entity_pb.*Property, ...]
  ValidateString(name, 'property name', datastore_errors.BadPropertyError)
  if RESERVED_PROPERTY_NAME.match(name):
    raise datastore_errors.BadPropertyError('%s is a reserved property name.' %

  if isinstance(values, tuple):
    raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
        'May not use tuple property value; property %s is %s.' %
        (name, repr(values)))

  if isinstance(values, list):
    multiple = True
    multiple = False
    values = [values]

  def long_if_int(val):
    if isinstance(val, int) and not isinstance(val, bool):
      return long(val)
      return val

  values = [long_if_int(v) for v in values]

    proptype = values[0].__class__
    for v in values:
      if v is not None:
        if (v.__class__ is not proptype and not
            (v.__class__ in (str, unicode) and proptype in (str, unicode))):
          raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
              'Values for property %s have mismatched types: %s (a %s) and '
              '%s (a %s).' % (name, values[0], proptype, v, typename(v)))
        elif (isinstance(v, Key) and not v.has_id_or_name()):
          raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
              'Incomplete key found for reference property %s.' % name)
  except (KeyError, ValueError, TypeError, IndexError, AttributeError), msg:
    raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
      'Error type checking values for property %s: %s' % (name, msg))
Пример #4
  def _pre_put_hook(self):
    super(TaskProperties, self)._pre_put_hook()
    if self.commands:
        raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
            'commands is not supported anymore')
    if not self.is_terminate:
      if bool(self.command) == bool(self.inputs_ref):
        raise datastore_errors.BadValueError('use one of command or inputs_ref')
      if self.extra_args and not self.inputs_ref:
        raise datastore_errors.BadValueError('extra_args require inputs_ref')
      if self.inputs_ref:

      package_names = set()
      for p in self.packages:
        if p.package_name in package_names:
          raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
              'package %s is specified more than once' % p.package_name)
      self.packages.sort(key=lambda p: p.package_name)

      if self.idempotent:
        pinned = lambda p: cipd.is_pinned_version(p.version)
        if self.packages and any(not pinned(p) for p in self.packages):
          raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
            'an idempotent task cannot have unpinned packages; '
            'use instance IDs or tags as package versions')
  def __init__(self, lat, lon=None):
    if lon is None:
        split = lat.split(',')
        lat, lon = split
      except (AttributeError, ValueError):
        raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
          'Expected a "lat,long" formatted string; received %s (a %s).' %
          (lat, typename(lat)))

      lat = float(lat)
      lon = float(lon)
      if abs(lat) > 90:
        raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
          'Latitude must be between -90 and 90; received %f' % lat)
      if abs(lon) > 180:
        raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
          'Longitude must be between -180 and 180; received %f' % lon)
    except (TypeError, ValueError):
      raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
        'Expected floats for lat and long; received %s (a %s) and %s (a %s).' %
        (lat, typename(lat), lon, typename(lon)))

    self.lat = lat
    self.lon = lon
Пример #6
 def _validate(self, value):
     if (not isinstance(value, basestring)):
         raise datastore_errors.BadValueError('Invalid phone')
     phone = re.sub(r'[^0-9]', '', value)
     if (not re.match(r'^1?[0-9]{10}$', phone)):
         raise datastore_errors.BadValueError('Invalid phone: ' + value)
     return re.sub(r'^1?([0-9]{3})([0-9]{3})([0-9]{4})$', r'(\1) \2-\3',
Пример #7
  def _pre_put_hook(self):
    if not self.name:
      raise datastore_errors.BadValueError('name is not specified')
    if not CACHE_NAME_RE.match(self.name):
      raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
          'name "%s" does not match %s' % (self.name, CACHE_NAME_RE.pattern))

    _validate_rel_path('Cache path', self.path)
Пример #8
 def Validate(self, value):
   if not isinstance(value, Key):
     raise datastore_errors.BadValueError('Expected Key, got %r' % (value,))
   # Reject incomplete keys.
   last = value.pairs()[-1]
   if not last[-1]:
     raise datastore_errors.BadValueError('Expected complete Key, got %r' %
   return value
Пример #9
def _validate_dimensions_flat(obj):
  """Validates obj.dimensions_flat; throws BadValueError if invalid."""
  if not obj.dimensions_flat:
    raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
        '%s.dimensions_flat is empty' % obj.__class__.__name__)
  if len(obj.dimensions_flat) != len(set(obj.dimensions_flat)):
    raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
        '%s.dimensions_flat has duplicate entries' % obj.__class__.__name__)
  if sorted(obj.dimensions_flat) != obj.dimensions_flat:
    raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
        '%s.dimensions_flat must be sorted' % obj.__class__.__name__)
Пример #10
def _validate_dimensions(prop, value):
  """Validates TaskProperties.dimensions."""
  # pylint: disable=W0212
  if not value:
    raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(u'%s must be specified' % prop._name)
  _validate_dict_of_strings(prop, value)
  for key in value:
    if not re.match(DIMENSION_KEY_RE, key):
      raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
          u'key %r doesn\'t match %s' % (key, DIMENSION_KEY_RE))
  if u'pool' not in value and u'id' not in value:
    raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
        u'At least one of \'id\' or \'pool\' must be used as %s' % prop._name)
Пример #11
 def _pre_put_hook(self):
   super(TaskProperties, self)._pre_put_hook()
   if not self.is_terminate:
     if len(self.commands or []) > 1:
       raise datastore_errors.BadValueError('only one command is supported')
     if bool(self.commands) == bool(self.inputs_ref):
       raise datastore_errors.BadValueError('use one of command or inputs_ref')
     if self.data and not self.commands:
       raise datastore_errors.BadValueError('data requires commands')
     if self.extra_args and not self.inputs_ref:
       raise datastore_errors.BadValueError('extra_args require inputs_ref')
     if self.inputs_ref:
  def __init__(self, rating):
    super(Rating, self).__init__(self, rating)
    if isinstance(rating, float) or isinstance(rating, complex):
      raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
        'Expected int or long; received %s (a %s).' %
        (rating, typename(rating)))

      if long(rating) < Rating.MIN or long(rating) > Rating.MAX:
        raise datastore_errors.BadValueError()
    except ValueError:
      raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
        'Expected int or long; received %s (a %s).' %
        (rating, typename(rating)))
Пример #13
def _validate_hostname(prop, value):
  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
  if value:
    # It must be https://*.appspot.com or https?://*
    parsed = urlparse.urlparse(value)
    if not parsed.netloc:
      raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
          '%s must be valid hostname, not %s' % (prop._name, value))
    if parsed.netloc.endswith('appspot.com'):
      if parsed.scheme != 'https':
        raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
            '%s must be https://, not %s' % (prop._name, value))
    elif parsed.scheme not in ('http', 'https'):
        raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
            '%s must be https:// or http://, not %s' % (prop._name, value))
Пример #14
 def _pre_put_hook(self):
     super(BqState, self)._pre_put_hook()
     if bool(self.recent) != bool(self.oldest):
         raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
             'Internal error; recent and oldest must both be set')
     if self.oldest:
         if self.oldest >= self.recent:
             raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
                 'Internal error; oldest >= recent')
         if self.oldest.second or self.oldest.microsecond:
             raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
                 'Internal error; oldest has seconds')
         if self.recent.second or self.recent.microsecond:
             raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
                 'Internal error; recent has seconds')
def FromPropertyPb(pb):
  """Converts a onestore property PB to a python value.

    pb: entity_pb.Property

    # return type is determined by the type of the argument
    string, int, bool, double, users.User, or one of the atom or gd types
  if not isinstance(pb, entity_pb.Property):
    raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
      'Expected PropertyValue; received %s (a %s).' % (pb, typename(pb)))

  pbval = pb.value()

  if (pbval.has_stringvalue()):
    value = pbval.stringvalue()
    if pb.meaning() != entity_pb.Property.BLOB:
      value = unicode(value.decode('utf-8'))
  elif pbval.has_pointvalue():
    value = (pbval.pointvalue().x(), pbval.pointvalue().y())
  elif pbval.has_uservalue():
    email = unicode(pbval.uservalue().email().decode('utf-8'))
    auth_domain = unicode(pbval.uservalue().auth_domain().decode('utf-8'))
    nickname = unicode(pbval.uservalue().nickname().decode('utf-8'))
    value = users.User(email=email, _auth_domain=auth_domain, nickname=nickname)
  elif pbval.has_referencevalue():
    value = FromReferenceProperty(pbval)
  elif pbval.has_int64value():
    value = long(pbval.int64value())
  elif pbval.has_booleanvalue():
    value = bool(pbval.booleanvalue())
  elif pbval.has_doublevalue():
    value = float(pbval.doublevalue())
    if pb.multiple():
      raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
          'Record indicated as multiple, but has no values.')
      value = None

    if pb.has_meaning() and pb.meaning() in _PROPERTY_CONVERSIONS:
      value = _PROPERTY_CONVERSIONS[pb.meaning()](value)
  except (KeyError, ValueError, IndexError, TypeError, AttributeError), msg:
    raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
      'Error converting pb: %s\nException was: %s' % (pb, msg))
Пример #16
 def validate(self, value):
     value = super(GenderProperty, self).validate(value)
     if value is not None and value not in self.values:
         raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
             "Property %s must be '%s' or '%s'" %
             (self.name, self.values[0], self.values[1]))
     return value
Пример #17
    def _pre_put_hook(self):
        super(TaskToRun, self)._pre_put_hook()

        if self.expiration_ts is None and self.queue_number:
            raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
                ('%s.queue_number must be None when expiration_ts is None' %
Пример #18
 def validate(self, value):
   if not isinstance(value, array.array) or value.typecode != self.typecode:
     raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
       "Property %s must be an array instance with typecode %s"
       % (self.name, self.typecode))
   value = super(ArrayProperty, self).validate(value)
   return value
Пример #19
def _validate_grace(prop, value):
    """Validates grace_period_secs in TaskProperties."""
    if not (0 <= value <= _ONE_DAY_SECS):
        # pylint: disable=W0212
        raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
            '%s (%ds) must be between %ds and one day' %
            (prop._name, value, 0))
Пример #20
    def create(cls,
        """Creates a new tag.

      user_email: str, email of the user creating the tag.
      name: str, a unique name for the tag.
      hidden: bool, whether a tag is hidden in the frontend UI.
      protect: bool, whether a tag is protected from user manipulation.
      color: str, the UI color of the tag in human-readable format.
      description: Optional[str], a description for the tag.

      The new Tag entity.

      datastore_errors.BadValueError: If the tag name is an empty string.
        tag = cls(name=name,
        if not name:
            raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
                'The tag name must not be empty.')
        logging.info('Creating a new tag with name %r.', name)
        tag.stream_to_bq(user_email, 'Created a new tag with name %r.' % name)
        return tag
Пример #21
def PercentageValidator(_, value):
    """Validates that the total number of lines is greater than 0."""
    if value <= 0:
        raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
            'total_lines is expected to be greater than 0.')

    return value
Пример #22
class Cursor(_BaseComponent):
    """An immutable class that represents a relative position in a query.

  The position denoted by a Cursor is relative to a result in a query even
  if the result has been removed from the given query. Usually to position
  immediately after the last result returned by a batch.

  A cursor should only be used on a query with an identical signature to the
  one that produced it.
    def __init__(self, _cursor_pb=None):

    A Cursor constructed with no arguments points the first result of any
    query. If such a Cursor is used as an end_cursor no results will ever be
        super(Cursor, self).__init__()
        if _cursor_pb is not None:
            if not isinstance(_cursor_pb, datastore_pb.CompiledCursor):
                raise datastore_errors.BadArgumentError(
                    '_cursor_pb argument should be datastore_pb.CompiledCursor (%r)'
                    % (_cursor_pb, ))
            self.__compiled_cursor = _cursor_pb
            self.__compiled_cursor = datastore_pb.CompiledCursor()

    def to_bytes(self):
        """Serialize cursor as a byte string."""
        return self.__compiled_cursor.Encode()

    def from_bytes(cursor):
        """Gets a Cursor given its byte string serialized form.

    The serialized form of a cursor may change in a non-backwards compatible
    way. In this case cursors must be regenerated from a new Query request.

      cursor: A serialized cursor as returned by .to_bytes.

      A Cursor.

      datastore_errors.BadValueError if the cursor argument does not represent a
      serialized cursor.
            cursor_pb = datastore_pb.CompiledCursor(cursor)
        except (ValueError, TypeError), e:
            raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
                'Invalid cursor %s. Details: %s' % (cursor, e))
        except Exception, e:
            if e.__class__.__name__ == 'ProtocolBufferDecodeError':
                raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
                    'Invalid cursor %s. Details: %s' % (cursor, e))
Пример #23
def _validate_socket(prop, value):
    # type: (ndb.StringProperty, object) -> unicode
    socket_types = get_config(NAMESPACE).odoo.product_ids.keys()
    if value in socket_types:
        return value
        raise datastore_errors.BadValueError('Value %r for property %s is not an allowed choice' % (value, prop._name))
Пример #24
def _validate_timeout(prop, value):
  """Validates timeouts in seconds in TaskProperties."""
  if not (_MIN_TIMEOUT_SECS <= value <= _ONE_DAY_SECS):
    # pylint: disable=W0212
    raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
        '%s (%ds) must be between %ds and one day' %
            (prop._name, value, _MIN_TIMEOUT_SECS))
Пример #25
 def _pre_put_hook(self):
   """Adds automatic tags."""
   super(TaskRequest, self)._pre_put_hook()
   if self.properties.is_terminate:
     if not self.priority == 0:
       raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
           'terminate request must be priority 0')
   elif self.priority == 0:
     raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
         'priority 0 can only be used for terminate request')
   self.tags.append('priority:%s' % self.priority)
   self.tags.append('user:%s' % self.user)
   for key, value in self.properties.dimensions.iteritems():
     self.tags.append('%s:%s' % (key, value))
   self.tags = sorted(set(self.tags))
Пример #26
    def _pre_put_hook(self):
        """Use extra validation that cannot be validated throught 'validator'."""
        super(_TaskResultCommon, self)._pre_put_hook()
        if self.state == State.EXPIRED:
            if self.failure or self.exit_code is not None:
                raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
                    'Unexpected State, a task can\'t fail if it hasn\'t started yet'

        if self.state == State.TIMED_OUT and not self.failure:
            raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
                'Timeout implies task failure')

        if not self.modified_ts:
            raise datastore_errors.BadValueError('Must update .modified_ts')

        if self.state in State.STATES_DONE:
            if self.duration is None:
                raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
                    'duration must be set with state %s' %
            # Allow exit_code to be missing for TIMED_OUT.
            if self.state != State.TIMED_OUT:
                if self.exit_code is None:
                    raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
                        'exit_code must be set with state %s' %
        elif self.state != State.BOT_DIED:
            # Allow duration and exit_code to be either missing or set for BOT_DIED,
            # but they should be not present for any running/pending states.
            if self.duration is not None:
                raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
                    'duration must not be set with state %s' %
            if self.exit_code is not None:
                raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
                    'exit_code must not be set with state %s' %

        if self.deduped_from:
            if self.state != State.COMPLETED:
                raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
                    'state(%d) must be COMPLETED on deduped task %s' %
                    (self.state, self.deduped_from))
            if self.failure:
                raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
                    'failure can\'t be True on deduped task %s' %

        self.children_task_ids = sorted(set(self.children_task_ids),
                                        key=lambda x: int(x, 16))
Пример #27
 def validate(self, value):
     value = super(PickledProperty, self).validate(value)
     if value is not None and self.force_type and \
         not isinstance(value, self.force_type):
         raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
             'Property %s must be of type "%s".' %
             (self.name, self.force_type))
     return value
  def __init__(self, link):
    super(Link, self).__init__(self, link)
    ValidateString(link, 'link', max_len=_MAX_LINK_PROPERTY_LENGTH)

    scheme, domain, path, params, query, fragment = urlparse.urlparse(link)
    if (not scheme or (scheme != 'file' and not domain) or
                      (scheme == 'file' and not path)):
      raise datastore_errors.BadValueError('Invalid URL: %s' % link)
Пример #29
 def create(cls, name, title=None, body=None):
   """Creates a model and entity."""
   if not name:
     raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
         'The Template name must not be empty.')
   entity = cls(title=title,
   template = cls.get_by_id(name)
   if template is not None:
     raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
         'Create template: A Template entity with name %r already exists.' %
   entity.key = ndb.Key(cls, name)
   logging.info('Creating a new template with name %r.', name)
   cls.cached_templates = []
   return entity
Пример #30
 def _validate(self, val):
     val = super(CoercedFloatProperty, self).validate(val)
     if val is None:
         return val
         return float(val)
     except (TypeError, ValueError):
         raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
             'Property %s must be a float' % self.name)