Пример #1
def make_refresh_authorization_grant_assertion(token_info: TokenInfo,
                                               service_accout: ServiceAccount):
    """Create the OAuth 2.0 assertion.

    This assertion is used during the OAuth 2.0 grant to acquire an
    access token.

        bytes: The authorization grant assertion.
    now = _helpers.utcnow()
    lifetime = timedelta(seconds=_DEFAULT_TOKEN_LIFETIME_SECS)
    expiry = now + lifetime

    payload = {
        'iat': _helpers.datetime_to_secs(now),
        'exp': _helpers.datetime_to_secs(expiry),
        # The issuer must be the service account email.
        'iss': service_accout.credentials.service_account_email,
        # The audience must be the auth token endpoint's URI
        'aud': token_info.aud,
        'scope': token_info.scope,

    # The subject can be a user email for domain-wide delegation.
    payload.setdefault('sub', token_info.uid)

    token = jwt.encode(service_accout.credentials._signer, payload)

    return token
Пример #2
    def _make_jwt_for_audience(self, audience):
        """Make a new JWT for the given audience.

            audience (str): The intended audience.

            Tuple[bytes, datetime]: The encoded JWT and the expiration.
        now = _helpers.utcnow()
        lifetime = datetime.timedelta(seconds=self._token_lifetime)
        expiry = now + lifetime

        payload = {
            'iss': self._issuer,
            'sub': self._subject,
            'iat': _helpers.datetime_to_secs(now),
            'exp': _helpers.datetime_to_secs(expiry),
            'aud': audience,


        jwt = encode(self._signer, payload)

        return jwt, expiry
Пример #3
    def _make_jwt(self, audience=None):
        """Make a signed JWT.

            audience (str): Overrides the instance's current audience claim.

            Tuple[bytes, datetime]: The encoded JWT and the expiration.
        now = _helpers.utcnow()
        lifetime = datetime.timedelta(seconds=self._token_lifetime)
        expiry = now + lifetime

        payload = {
            'iss': self._issuer,
            'sub': self._subject or self._issuer,
            'iat': _helpers.datetime_to_secs(now),
            'exp': _helpers.datetime_to_secs(expiry),
            'aud': audience or self._audience,


        jwt = encode(self._signer, payload)

        return jwt, expiry
    def _make_authorization_grant_assertion(self):
        """Create the OAuth 2.0 assertion.

        This assertion is used during the OAuth 2.0 grant to acquire an
        ID token.

            bytes: The authorization grant assertion.
        now = _helpers.utcnow()
        lifetime = datetime.timedelta(seconds=_DEFAULT_TOKEN_LIFETIME_SECS)
        expiry = now + lifetime

        payload = {
            "iat": _helpers.datetime_to_secs(now),
            "exp": _helpers.datetime_to_secs(expiry),
            # The issuer must be the service account email.
            "iss": self.service_account_email,
            # The audience must be the auth token endpoint's URI
            "aud": self._token_uri,
            # The target audience specifies which service the ID token is
            # intended for.
            "target_audience": self._target_audience,


        token = jwt.encode(self._signer, payload)

        return token
Пример #5
    def _make_jwt_for_audience(self, audience):
        """Make a new JWT for the given audience.

            audience (str): The intended audience.

            Tuple[bytes, datetime]: The encoded JWT and the expiration.
        now = _helpers.utcnow()
        lifetime = datetime.timedelta(seconds=self._token_lifetime)
        expiry = now + lifetime

        payload = {
            'iss': self._issuer,
            'sub': self._subject,
            'iat': _helpers.datetime_to_secs(now),
            'exp': _helpers.datetime_to_secs(expiry),
            'aud': audience,


        jwt = encode(self._signer, payload)

        return jwt, expiry
Пример #6
    def _make_authorization_grant_assertion(self):
        """Create the OAuth 2.0 assertion.

        This assertion is used during the OAuth 2.0 grant to acquire an
        access token.

            bytes: The authorization grant assertion.
        now = _helpers.utcnow()
        lifetime = datetime.timedelta(seconds=_DEFAULT_TOKEN_LIFETIME_SECS)
        expiry = now + lifetime

        payload = {
            'iat': _helpers.datetime_to_secs(now),
            'exp': _helpers.datetime_to_secs(expiry),
            # The issuer must be the service account email.
            'iss': self._service_account_email,
            # The audience must be the auth token endpoint's URI
            'aud': self._token_uri,
            'scope': _helpers.scopes_to_string(self._scopes or ())


        # The subject can be a user email for domain-wide delegation.
        if self._subject:
            payload.setdefault('sub', self._subject)

        token = jwt.encode(self._signer, payload)

        return token
Пример #7
    def _make_authorization_grant_assertion(self):
        """Create the OAuth 2.0 assertion.
        This assertion is used during the OAuth 2.0 grant to acquire an
        ID token.
            bytes: The authorization grant assertion.
        now = _helpers.utcnow()
        lifetime = datetime.timedelta(seconds=_DEFAULT_TOKEN_LIFETIME_SECS)
        expiry = now + lifetime

        payload = {
            'iat': _helpers.datetime_to_secs(now),
            'exp': _helpers.datetime_to_secs(expiry),
            # The issuer must be the service account email.
            'iss': self.service_account_email,
            # The audience must be the auth token endpoint's URI
            'aud': self._token_uri,
            # The target audience specifies which service the ID token is
            # intended for.
            'target_audience': self._target_audience


        token = jwt.encode(self._signer, payload)

        return token
Пример #8
    def _make_authorization_grant_assertion(self):
        """Create the OAuth 2.0 assertion.

        This assertion is used during the OAuth 2.0 grant to acquire an
        access token.

            bytes: The authorization grant assertion.
        now = _helpers.utcnow()
        lifetime = datetime.timedelta(seconds=_DEFAULT_TOKEN_LIFETIME_SECS)
        expiry = now + lifetime

        payload = {
            'iat': _helpers.datetime_to_secs(now),
            'exp': _helpers.datetime_to_secs(expiry),
            # The issuer must be the service account email.
            'iss': self._service_account_email,
            # The audience must be the auth token endpoint's URI
            'aud': self._token_uri,
            'scope': _helpers.scopes_to_string(self._scopes or ())


        # The subject can be a user email for domain-wide delegation.
        if self._subject:
            payload.setdefault('sub', self._subject)

        token = jwt.encode(self._signer, payload)

        return token
Пример #9
def test_decode_success_with_custom_clock_skew(token_factory):
    token = token_factory(
            _helpers.datetime_to_secs(_helpers.utcnow() +
            _helpers.datetime_to_secs(_helpers.utcnow() -

    jwt.decode(token, PUBLIC_CERT_BYTES, clock_skew_in_seconds=1)
Пример #10
async def test_id_token_jwt_grant():
    now = _helpers.utcnow()
    id_token_expiry = _helpers.datetime_to_secs(now)
    id_token = jwt.encode(test_client.SIGNER, {
        "exp": id_token_expiry
    request = make_request({"id_token": id_token, "extra": "data"})

    token, expiry, extra_data = await _client.id_token_jwt_grant(
        request, "http://example.com", "assertion_value")

    # Check request call
            "grant_type": sync_client._JWT_GRANT_TYPE,
            "assertion": "assertion_value"

    # Check result
    assert token == id_token
    # JWT does not store microseconds
    now = now.replace(microsecond=0)
    assert expiry == now
    assert extra_data["extra"] == "data"
Пример #11
def _verify_iat_and_exp(payload):
    """Verifies the ``iat`` (Issued At) and ``exp`` (Expires) claims in a token

        payload (Mapping[str, str]): The JWT payload.

        ValueError: if any checks failed.
    now = _helpers.datetime_to_secs(_helpers.utcnow())

    # Make sure the iat and exp claims are present
    for key in ('iat', 'exp'):
        if key not in payload:
            raise ValueError(
                'Token does not contain required claim {}'.format(key))

    # Make sure the token wasn't issued in the future
    iat = payload['iat']
    earliest = iat - _CLOCK_SKEW_SECS
    if now < earliest:
        raise ValueError('Token used too early, {} < {}'.format(now, iat))

    # Make sure the token wasn't issue in the past
    exp = payload['exp']
    latest = exp + _CLOCK_SKEW_SECS
    if latest < now:
        raise ValueError('Token expired, {} < {}'.format(latest, now))
Пример #12
def _verify_iat_and_exp(payload):
    """Verifies the ``iat`` (Issued At) and ``exp`` (Expires) claims in a token

        payload (Mapping[str, str]): The JWT payload.

        ValueError: if any checks failed.
    now = _helpers.datetime_to_secs(_helpers.utcnow())

    # Make sure the iat and exp claims are present.
    for key in ('iat', 'exp'):
        if key not in payload:
            raise ValueError(
                'Token does not contain required claim {}'.format(key))

    # Make sure the token wasn't issued in the future.
    iat = payload['iat']
    # Err on the side of accepting a token that is slightly early to account
    # for clock skew.
    earliest = iat - _helpers.CLOCK_SKEW_SECS
    if now < earliest:
        raise ValueError('Token used too early, {} < {}'.format(now, iat))

    # Make sure the token wasn't issued in the past.
    exp = payload['exp']
    # Err on the side of accepting a token that is slightly out of date
    # to account for clow skew.
    latest = exp + _helpers.CLOCK_SKEW_SECS
    if latest < now:
        raise ValueError('Token expired, {} < {}'.format(latest, now))
Пример #13
def _verify_iat_and_exp(payload):
    """Verifies the ``iat`` (Issued At) and ``exp`` (Expires) claims in a token

        payload (Mapping[str, str]): The JWT payload.

        ValueError: if any checks failed.
    now = _helpers.datetime_to_secs(_helpers.utcnow())

    # Make sure the iat and exp claims are present.
    for key in ("iat", "exp"):
        if key not in payload:
            raise ValueError(
                "Token does not contain required claim {}".format(key))

    # Make sure the token wasn't issued in the future.
    iat = payload["iat"]
    # Err on the side of accepting a token that is slightly early to account
    # for clock skew.
    earliest = iat - _helpers.CLOCK_SKEW_SECS
    if now < earliest:
        raise ValueError("Token used too early, {} < {}".format(now, iat))

    # Make sure the token wasn't issued in the past.
    exp = payload["exp"]
    # Err on the side of accepting a token that is slightly out of date
    # to account for clow skew.
    latest = exp + _helpers.CLOCK_SKEW_SECS
    if latest < now:
        raise ValueError("Token expired, {} < {}".format(latest, now))
Пример #14
def test_decode_bad_token_too_early(token_factory):
    token = token_factory(claims={
        'iat': _helpers.datetime_to_secs(
            _helpers.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(hours=1))
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
        jwt.decode(token, PUBLIC_CERT_BYTES)
    assert excinfo.match(r'Token used too early')
Пример #15
def test_decode_bad_token_expired(token_factory):
    token = token_factory(claims={
        'exp': _helpers.datetime_to_secs(
            _helpers.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(hours=1))
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
        jwt.decode(token, PUBLIC_CERT_BYTES)
    assert excinfo.match(r'Token expired')
Пример #16
	def _make_jwt_for_audience(self):
		Make a JSON Web Token given a service file

		:rtype: string
		:returns: signed authentication     

		now = _helpers.utcnow()
		lifetime = timedelta(seconds=_TOKEN_EXPIRATION)
		self._token_expiration = now + lifetime

		payload = {
				'aud': self._token_uri,
				'iss': self._signer_email,
				'iat': _helpers.datetime_to_secs(now),
				'exp': _helpers.datetime_to_secs(self._token_expiration),
				'scope' : self._scopes 

		return encode(self._signer, payload) # from google.auth.jwt.encode
Пример #17
    def _make_jwt(self):
        """Make a signed JWT.

            Tuple[bytes, datetime]: The encoded JWT and the expiration.
        now = _helpers.utcnow()
        lifetime = datetime.timedelta(seconds=self._token_lifetime)
        expiry = now + lifetime

        payload = {
            "iss": self._issuer,
            "sub": self._subject,
            "iat": _helpers.datetime_to_secs(now),
            "exp": _helpers.datetime_to_secs(expiry),
            "aud": self._audience,


        jwt = encode(self._signer, payload)

        return jwt, expiry
Пример #18
    def factory(claims=None, key_id=None):
        now = _helpers.datetime_to_secs(_helpers.utcnow())
        payload = {
            'aud': '*****@*****.**',
            'iat': now,
            'exp': now + 300,
            'user': '******',
            'metadata': {'meta': 'data'}
        payload.update(claims or {})

        # False is specified to remove the signer's key id for testing
        # headers without key ids.
        if key_id is False:
            signer.key_id = None
            key_id = None

        return jwt.encode(signer, payload, key_id=key_id)
Пример #19
    def factory(claims=None, key_id=None):
        now = _helpers.datetime_to_secs(_helpers.utcnow())
        payload = {
            "aud": "*****@*****.**",
            "iat": now,
            "exp": now + 300,
            "user": "******",
            "metadata": {
                "meta": "data"
        payload.update(claims or {})

        # False is specified to remove the signer's key id for testing
        # headers without key ids.
        if key_id is False:
            signer._key_id = None
            key_id = None

        return jwt.encode(signer, payload, key_id=key_id)
Пример #20
def test_id_token_jwt_grant():
    now = _helpers.utcnow()
    id_token_expiry = _helpers.datetime_to_secs(now)
    id_token = jwt.encode(SIGNER, {'exp': id_token_expiry}).decode('utf-8')
    request = make_request({'id_token': id_token, 'extra': 'data'})

    token, expiry, extra_data = _client.id_token_jwt_grant(
        request, 'http://example.com', 'assertion_value')

    # Check request call
    verify_request_params(request, {
        'grant_type': _client._JWT_GRANT_TYPE,
        'assertion': 'assertion_value'

    # Check result
    assert token == id_token
    # JWT does not store microseconds
    now = now.replace(microsecond=0)
    assert expiry == now
    assert extra_data['extra'] == 'data'
Пример #21
def test_datetime_to_secs():
    assert _helpers.datetime_to_secs(datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1)) == 0
    assert _helpers.datetime_to_secs(datetime.datetime(1990, 5,
                                                       29)) == 643939200