def publish(self, message):
        """Publish a single message.

        Add the given message to this object; this will cause it to be
        published once the batch either has enough messages or a sufficient
        period of time has elapsed.

        This method is called by :meth:`~.PublisherClient.publish`.

            message (~.pubsub_v1.types.PubsubMessage): The Pub/Sub message.

            ~.pubsub_v1.publisher.futures.Future: An object conforming to
                the :class:`concurrent.futures.Future` interface.
        # Coerce the type, just in case.
        if not isinstance(message, types.PubsubMessage):
            message = types.PubsubMessage(**message)

        # Add the size to the running total of the size, so we know
        # if future messages need to be rejected.
        self._size += message.ByteSize()

        # Store the actual message in the batch's message queue.

        # Return a Future. That future needs to be aware of the status
        # of this batch.
        f = futures.Future()
        return f
Пример #2
    def publish(self, message):
        """Publish a single message.

        Add the given message to this object; this will cause it to be
        published once the batch either has enough messages or a sufficient
        period of time has elapsed. If the batch is full or the commit is
        already in progress, the method does not do anything.

        This method is called by :meth:`~.PublisherClient.publish`.

            message (~.pubsub_v1.types.PubsubMessage): The Pub/Sub message.

            Optional[~google.api_core.future.Future]: An object conforming to
            the :class:`~concurrent.futures.Future` interface or :data:`None`.
            If :data:`None` is returned, that signals that the batch cannot
            accept a message.
        # Coerce the type, just in case.
        if not isinstance(message, types.PubsubMessage):
            message = types.PubsubMessage(**message)

        future = None

        with self._state_lock:
            if not self.will_accept(message):
                return future

            new_size = self._size + message.ByteSize()
            new_count = len(self._messages) + 1
            overflow = (
                new_size > self.settings.max_bytes
                or new_count >= self._settings.max_messages

            if not self._messages or not overflow:

                # Store the actual message in the batch's message queue.
                self._size = new_size

                # Track the future on this batch (so that the result of the
                # future can be set).
                future = futures.Future(completed=threading.Event())

        # Try to commit, but it must be **without** the lock held, since
        # ``commit()`` will try to obtain the lock.
        if overflow:

        return future
Пример #3
    def publish(self, message):
        """Publish message.

        This publishes messages immediately--it does no batching and requires
        no threads.

        if not isinstance(message, PubsubMessage):
            message = PubsubMessage(**message)

        # Publish and return result wrapped in future
        future = futures.Future()
        resp = self._client.api.publish(self._topic, [message], timeout=5)
        return future
Пример #4
    def publish(self, message):
        """Publish a single message.

        Add the given message to this object; this will cause it to be
        published once the batch either has enough messages or a sufficient
        period of time has elapsed.

        This method is called by :meth:`~.PublisherClient.publish`.

            message (~.pubsub_v1.types.PubsubMessage): The Pub/Sub message.

            Optional[~google.api_core.future.Future]: An object conforming to
            the :class:`~concurrent.futures.Future` interface or :data:`None`.
            If :data:`None` is returned, that signals that the batch cannot
            accept a message.
        # Coerce the type, just in case.
        if not isinstance(message, types.PubsubMessage):
            message = types.PubsubMessage(**message)

        with self._state_lock:
            if not self.will_accept(message):
                return None

            # Add the size to the running total of the size, so we know
            # if future messages need to be rejected.
            self._size += message.ByteSize()
            # Store the actual message in the batch's message queue.
            # Track the future on this batch (so that the result of the
            # future can be set).
            future = futures.Future(completed=threading.Event())
            # Determine the number of messages before releasing the lock.
            num_messages = len(self._messages)

        # Try to commit, but it must be **without** the lock held, since
        # ``commit()`` will try to obtain the lock.
        if num_messages >= self._settings.max_messages:

        return future
Пример #5
    def publish(self, message):
        """Publish a single message.

        Add the given message to this object; this will cause it to be
        published once the batch either has enough messages or a sufficient
        period of time has elapsed. If the batch is full or the commit is
        already in progress, the method does not do anything.

        This method is called by :meth:`~.PublisherClient.publish`.

            message (~.pubsub_v1.types.PubsubMessage): The Pub/Sub message.

            Optional[~google.api_core.future.Future]: An object conforming to
            the :class:`~concurrent.futures.Future` interface or :data:`None`.
            If :data:`None` is returned, that signals that the batch cannot
            accept a message.

            pubsub_v1.publisher.exceptions.MessageTooLargeError: If publishing
                the ``message`` would exceed the max size limit on the backend.

        # Coerce the type, just in case.
        if not isinstance(message, gapic_types.PubsubMessage):
            # For performance reasons, the message should be constructed by directly
            # using the raw protobuf class, and only then wrapping it into the
            # higher-level PubsubMessage class.
            vanilla_pb = _raw_proto_pubbsub_message(**message)
            message = gapic_types.PubsubMessage.wrap(vanilla_pb)

        future = None

        with self._state_lock:
            assert (self._status != base.BatchStatus.ERROR
                    ), "Publish after stop() or publish error."

            if self.status != base.BatchStatus.ACCEPTING_MESSAGES:

            size_increase = gapic_types.PublishRequest(

            if (self._base_request_size +
                    size_increase) > _SERVER_PUBLISH_MAX_BYTES:
                err_msg = (
                    "The message being published would produce too large a publish "
                    "request that would exceed the maximum allowed size on the "
                    "backend ({} bytes).".format(_SERVER_PUBLISH_MAX_BYTES))
                raise exceptions.MessageTooLargeError(err_msg)

            new_size = self._size + size_increase
            new_count = len(self._messages) + 1

            size_limit = min(self.settings.max_bytes,
            overflow = new_size > size_limit or new_count >= self.settings.max_messages

            if not self._messages or not overflow:

                # Store the actual message in the batch's message queue.
                self._size = new_size

                # Track the future on this batch (so that the result of the
                # future can be set).
                future = futures.Future()

        # Try to commit, but it must be **without** the lock held, since
        # ``commit()`` will try to obtain the lock.
        if self._commit_when_full and overflow:

        return future
Пример #6
    def publish(self,
        """Publish a single message.

        .. note::
            Messages in Pub/Sub are blobs of bytes. They are *binary* data,
            not text. You must send data as a bytestring
            (``bytes`` in Python 3; ``str`` in Python 2), and this library
            will raise an exception if you send a text string.

            The reason that this is so important (and why we do not try to
            coerce for you) is because Pub/Sub is also platform independent
            and there is no way to know how to decode messages properly on
            the other side; therefore, encoding and decoding is a required
            exercise for the developer.

        Add the given message to this object; this will cause it to be
        published once the batch either has enough messages or a sufficient
        period of time has elapsed.
        This method may block if LimitExceededBehavior.BLOCK is used in the
        flow control settings.

            >>> from import pubsub_v1
            >>> client = pubsub_v1.PublisherClient()
            >>> topic = client.topic_path('[PROJECT]', '[TOPIC]')
            >>> data = b'The rain in Wales falls mainly on the snails.'
            >>> response = client.publish(topic, data, username='******')

            topic (str): The topic to publish messages to.
            data (bytes): A bytestring representing the message body. This
                must be a bytestring.
            ordering_key: A string that identifies related messages for which
                publish order should be respected. Message ordering must be
                enabled for this client to use this feature.
            retry (Optional[google.api_core.retry.Retry]): Designation of what
                errors, if any, should be retried. If `ordering_key` is specified,
                the total retry deadline will be changed to "infinity".
            attrs (Mapping[str, str]): A dictionary of attributes to be
                sent as metadata. (These may be text strings or byte strings.)

            A :class:``
            instance that conforms to Python Standard library's
            :class:`~concurrent.futures.Future` interface (but not an
            instance of that class).

                If called after publisher has been stopped by a `stop()` method

            pubsub_v1.publisher.exceptions.MessageTooLargeError: If publishing
                the ``message`` would exceed the max size limit on the backend.
        # Sanity check: Is the data being sent as a bytestring?
        # If it is literally anything else, complain loudly about it.
        if not isinstance(data, bytes):
            raise TypeError(
                "Data being published to Pub/Sub must be sent as a bytestring."

        if not self._enable_message_ordering and ordering_key != "":
            raise ValueError(
                "Cannot publish a message with an ordering key when message "
                "ordering is not enabled.")

        # Coerce all attributes to text strings.
        for k, v in copy.copy(attrs).items():
            if isinstance(v, str):
            if isinstance(v, bytes):
                attrs[k] = v.decode("utf-8")
            raise TypeError("All attributes being published to Pub/Sub must "
                            "be sent as text strings.")

        # Create the Pub/Sub message object. For performance reasons, the message
        # should be constructed by directly using the raw protobuf class, and only
        # then wrapping it into the higher-level PubsubMessage class.
        vanilla_pb = _raw_proto_pubbsub_message(data=data,
        message = gapic_types.PubsubMessage.wrap(vanilla_pb)

        # Messages should go through flow control to prevent excessive
        # queuing on the client side (depending on the settings).
        except exceptions.FlowControlLimitError as exc:
            future = futures.Future()
            return future

        def on_publish_done(future):

        with self._batch_lock:
            if self._is_stopped:
                raise RuntimeError("Cannot publish on a stopped publisher.")

            # Set retry timeout to "infinite" when message ordering is enabled.
            # Note that this then also impacts messages added with an empty
            # ordering key.
            if self._enable_message_ordering:
                if retry is gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT:
                    # use the default retry for the publish GRPC method as a base
                    transport = self.api._transport
                    retry = transport._wrapped_methods[
                retry = retry.with_deadline(2.0**32)

            # Delegate the publishing to the sequencer.
            sequencer = self._get_or_create_sequencer(topic, ordering_key)
            future = sequencer.publish(message, retry=retry)

            # Create a timer thread if necessary to enforce the batching
            # timeout.

            return future
    def publish(self, topic, data, ordering_key="", **attrs):
        """Publish a single message.

        .. note::
            Messages in Pub/Sub are blobs of bytes. They are *binary* data,
            not text. You must send data as a bytestring
            (``bytes`` in Python 3; ``str`` in Python 2), and this library
            will raise an exception if you send a text string.

            The reason that this is so important (and why we do not try to
            coerce for you) is because Pub/Sub is also platform independent
            and there is no way to know how to decode messages properly on
            the other side; therefore, encoding and decoding is a required
            exercise for the developer.

        Add the given message to this object; this will cause it to be
        published once the batch either has enough messages or a sufficient
        period of time has elapsed.

            >>> from import pubsub_v1
            >>> client = pubsub_v1.PublisherClient()
            >>> topic = client.topic_path('[PROJECT]', '[TOPIC]')
            >>> data = b'The rain in Wales falls mainly on the snails.'
            >>> response = client.publish(topic, data, username='******')

            topic (str): The topic to publish messages to.
            data (bytes): A bytestring representing the message body. This
                must be a bytestring.
            ordering_key: A string that identifies related messages for which
                publish order should be respected. Message ordering must be
                enabled for this client to use this feature.
                EXPERIMENTAL: This feature is currently available in a closed
                alpha. Please contact the Cloud Pub/Sub team to use it.
            attrs (Mapping[str, str]): A dictionary of attributes to be
                sent as metadata. (These may be text strings or byte strings.)

            A :class:``
            instance that conforms to Python Standard library's
            :class:`~concurrent.futures.Future` interface (but not an
            instance of that class).

                If called after publisher has been stopped by a `stop()` method

            pubsub_v1.publisher.exceptions.MessageTooLargeError: If publishing
                the ``message`` would exceed the max size limit on the backend.
        # Sanity check: Is the data being sent as a bytestring?
        # If it is literally anything else, complain loudly about it.
        if not isinstance(data, six.binary_type):
            raise TypeError(
                "Data being published to Pub/Sub must be sent as a bytestring."

        if not self._enable_message_ordering and ordering_key != "":
            raise ValueError(
                "Cannot publish a message with an ordering key when message "
                "ordering is not enabled.")

        # Coerce all attributes to text strings.
        for k, v in copy.copy(attrs).items():
            if isinstance(v, six.text_type):
            if isinstance(v, six.binary_type):
                attrs[k] = v.decode("utf-8")
            raise TypeError("All attributes being published to Pub/Sub must "
                            "be sent as text strings.")

        # Create the Pub/Sub message object.
        message = types.PubsubMessage(data=data,

        # Messages should go through flow control to prevent excessive
        # queuing on the client side (depending on the settings).
        except exceptions.FlowControlLimitError as exc:
            future = futures.Future()
            return future

        def on_publish_done(future):

        with self._batch_lock:
            if self._is_stopped:
                raise RuntimeError("Cannot publish on a stopped publisher.")

            sequencer = self._get_or_create_sequencer(topic, ordering_key)

            # Delegate the publishing to the sequencer.
            future = sequencer.publish(message)

            # Create a timer thread if necessary to enforce the batching
            # timeout.

            return future
Пример #8
    def publish(self, message):
        """Publish a single message.

        Add the given message to this object; this will cause it to be
        published once the batch either has enough messages or a sufficient
        period of time has elapsed. If the batch is full or the commit is
        already in progress, the method does not do anything.

        This method is called by :meth:`~.PublisherClient.publish`.

            message (~.pubsub_v1.types.PubsubMessage): The Pub/Sub message.

            Optional[~google.api_core.future.Future]: An object conforming to
            the :class:`~concurrent.futures.Future` interface or :data:`None`.
            If :data:`None` is returned, that signals that the batch cannot
            accept a message.

            pubsub_v1.publisher.exceptions.MessageTooLargeError: If publishing
                the ``message`` would exceed the max size limit on the backend.
        # Coerce the type, just in case.
        if not isinstance(message, types.PubsubMessage):
            message = types.PubsubMessage(**message)

        future = None

        with self._state_lock:
            if not self.will_accept(message):
                return future

            size_increase = types.PublishRequest(messages=[message]).ByteSize()

            if (self._base_request_size +
                    size_increase) > _SERVER_PUBLISH_MAX_BYTES:
                err_msg = (
                    "The message being published would produce too large a publish "
                    "request that would exceed the maximum allowed size on the "
                    "backend ({} bytes).".format(_SERVER_PUBLISH_MAX_BYTES))
                raise exceptions.MessageTooLargeError(err_msg)

            new_size = self._size + size_increase
            new_count = len(self._messages) + 1

            size_limit = min(self.settings.max_bytes,
            overflow = new_size > size_limit or new_count >= self.settings.max_messages

            if not self._messages or not overflow:

                # Store the actual message in the batch's message queue.
                self._size = new_size

                # Track the future on this batch (so that the result of the
                # future can be set).
                future = futures.Future(completed=threading.Event())

        # Try to commit, but it must be **without** the lock held, since
        # ``commit()`` will try to obtain the lock.
        if overflow:

        return future
 def test_result_on_failure(self):
     future = futures.Future()
     future.set_exception(RuntimeError("Something bad happened."))
     with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
 def test_result_on_success(self):
     future = futures.Future()
     assert future.result() == "570307942214048"