Пример #1
    def remove(self, machine):
        """  This removes a machine from the configuration  """

        if machine not in self.cfg.getGlobalParam('MACHINES'):
            logging.error("%s doesn't exist" % machine)
            return 1

        ver = self.cfg.getGlobalParam('VERSION')
        home = self.cfg.getGlobalParam('ENTERPRISE_HOME')
        testver = install_utilities.is_test(ver)
        # if possible stop the core services, ignore return code
        install_utilities.stop_core(ver, home, [machine])

        if machine == E.getCrtHostName():
            logging.error("Cannot remove self")
            return 1

        # Halt the machine if APC is used.
        error = self.halt(machine)

        self.cfg.globalParams.ReplaceVarInParam("SERVERS", None, machine)
        self.cfg.globalParams.ReplaceVarInParam("MACHINES", None, machine)
        ret = core_utils.AddDeadNode(ver, testver, machine)
        # remove the chunkserver running on the node
        gfs_utils.DeleteGFSChunkservers(ver, testver, [machine])
        if ret:
            logging.error('Cannot add dead node to the lockserver.')
            # we ignore this error for now

        # now we need to remove the data disks that were on this machine
        data_disks = self.cfg.globalParams.var_copy('DATACHUNKDISKS')
        if data_disks.has_key(machine):
            del data_disks[machine]
            if not self.cfg.setGlobalParam('DATACHUNKDISKS', data_disks):
                return 1

        # This also saves the config file
        if not self.cfg.DoMachineAllocation():
            return 1

        # Now we need to restart babysitter because the old one
        # is out of sync after this
        serve_service_cmd = (
            ". %s && "
            "cd %s/local/google3/enterprise/legacy/scripts && "
            "./serve_service.py %s" %
        E.exe("%s %s" % (serve_service_cmd, "babysit"))


        if not mail_already_sent(M.MSG_MACHINEREMOVED % machine):
            SendMail.send(self.cfg, None, false,
                          M.MSG_MACHINEREMOVED % machine, "", true)

        return error
Пример #2
  def remove(self, machine):
    """  This removes a machine from the configuration  """

    if machine not in self.cfg.getGlobalParam('MACHINES'):
      logging.error("%s doesn't exist" % machine)
      return 1

    ver = self.cfg.getGlobalParam('VERSION')
    home = self.cfg.getGlobalParam('ENTERPRISE_HOME')
    testver = install_utilities.is_test(ver)
    # if possible stop the core services, ignore return code
    install_utilities.stop_core(ver, home, [machine])

    if machine == E.getCrtHostName():
      logging.error("Cannot remove self")
      return 1

    # Halt the machine if APC is used.
    error = self.halt(machine)

    self.cfg.globalParams.ReplaceVarInParam("SERVERS", None, machine)
    self.cfg.globalParams.ReplaceVarInParam("MACHINES", None, machine)
    ret = core_utils.AddDeadNode(ver, testver, machine)
    # remove the chunkserver running on the node
    gfs_utils.DeleteGFSChunkservers(ver, testver, [machine])
    if ret:
      logging.error('Cannot add dead node to the lockserver.')
      # we ignore this error for now

    # now we need to remove the data disks that were on this machine
    data_disks = self.cfg.globalParams.var_copy('DATACHUNKDISKS')
    if data_disks.has_key(machine):
      del data_disks[machine]
      if not self.cfg.setGlobalParam('DATACHUNKDISKS', data_disks):
        return 1

    # This also saves the config file
    if not self.cfg.DoMachineAllocation():
      return 1

    # Now we need to restart babysitter because the old one
    # is out of sync after this
    serve_service_cmd = (". %s && "
        "cd %s/local/google3/enterprise/legacy/scripts && "
        "./serve_service.py %s" % (
    E.exe("%s %s" % (serve_service_cmd, "babysit"))


    if not mail_already_sent(M.MSG_MACHINEREMOVED % machine):
      SendMail.send(self.cfg, None, false,
                 M.MSG_MACHINEREMOVED % machine, "", true)

    return error
Пример #3
  def change_install_state(self):
    Tries to change the state of the present version to target_state.
    Returns true in case of success.
    Here is sumary of what it does:
      1. Get list of active nodes
      2. Get list of services to start and stop
      3. In case there is something to start
          a. reconfigure's net on all nodes after verifying quorum
          b. starts core servics
      4. Verifies there is a master elected.
      5. Starts thread for each node to start and stop the needed services
      6. Waits for output from each thread
      7. Calculates success of failure based on thread results
      8. Asks each thread to print its status regarding what services
         it actually started or stopped and what was the return code and
         error message if any.
    if not install_utilities.safe_transition(self.version_,
      return 0

    current_state = install_utilities.install_state(self.version_)

    start = time.time()
    # make sure svs is running

    # get list of active nodes
    active_nodes = core_utils.GetLiveNodes(logging, self.retry_)
    ignore = core_utils.GetNodeFailures(core_utils.GetTotalNodes())
    # account for already inactive nodes
    ignore = ignore - (core_utils.GetTotalNodes() - len(active_nodes))
    ver = self.version_
    home = self.enthome_

    # See what we have to start / stop
    services_to_start = install_utilities.state_services_to_start(
      self.target_state_, self.machines_)
    services_to_stop = install_utilities.state_services_to_stop(
      install_utilities.install_state(self.version_), self.machines_)

    # Make some decisions
    total_nodes = len(self.cp_.var('ENT_ALL_MACHINES'))
    onebox = (total_nodes == 1)
    startcore = services_to_start and not onebox and not self.nonecore_only_
    checkquorum = startcore
    stopcore =  (services_to_stop and not onebox and not self.nonecore_only_
                 and self.target_state_ == 'INACTIVE')
    doservices = (not self.core_only_
                  and (services_to_start or services_to_stop))
    if self.target_state_ in ['INACTIVE']:
      # ent_core does not really know the state. install_manager
      # has to tell ent_core when "makeinactive"
      testver = install_utilities.install_state(self.version_)
      testver = self.target_state_ in ['TEST', 'INSTALL']
    # If it is onebox and target state is INSTALL, do not run reconfigure_net
    # This is to support pre 4.4 version migration code.
    reconfigurenet_enabled = not (onebox and (self.target_state_ == 'INSTALL'))

    # if stop coreonly services, check if none-core components are running
    if (install_utilities.install_state(self.version_) == 'ACTIVE' and
        self.target_state_ == 'INACTIVE' and self.core_only_):
      logging.fatal("cannot stop core services while none core services "\
                    "are running")

    # Execute the decisions
    if checkquorum:
      # We check quorum only when services are to be started.
      # We mainly need quorum for core services. For non core services like
      # crawl, logcontrol etc. we use users specified machines.

    # check if syslogd.conf and klogd.conf exist
    install_utilities.check_klogd_syslogd_conf(active_nodes, home)

    # Kill any spurious adminrunner/adminconsole processes if we are entering
    # TEST or ACTIVE mode.
    if self.target_state_ in ['TEST', 'ACTIVE']:
      install_utilities.kill_service(['adminrunner', 'adminconsole'],

    # reconfigure without restarting gems
    success = 1
    if reconfigurenet_enabled and services_to_start:
      # check if we need to force NTP reconfig if this is to upgrade from 4.4
      force_ntp_reconfig = 0
      if self.target_state_ in ['TEST', 'ACTIVE']:
        last_version = install_utilities.get_latest_version(except_for=1)
        if (last_version is None or
                                          NEW_NTP_OPTION_GSA_VERSION) > 0):
          force_ntp_reconfig = 1
      success = reconfigurenet_util.doReconfigureNet(self.cp_,
                  active_nodes, force_ntp_reconfig=force_ntp_reconfig)
      if not success:
        logging.error('reconfigurenet failed.')

    # if start nonecore services, check if core services are running
    if (not onebox and self.nonecore_only_ and
        self.target_state_ in ['TEST', 'ACTIVE']):
      core_running = install_utilities.is_core_running(ver, home,
                         active_nodes, ignore=ignore, testver=testver)
      if not core_running:
        logging.fatal("cannot start none core services "\
                      "when core services are not running")

    # start core services if needed
    if startcore and success:
      # Retry 3 times for master verification failures
      num_retry = 3
      # it is always OK to reinit core services if the version is in
      # INSTALLED state
      self.reinitok_ = install_utilities.reinit_core_ok(ver, home,
                         active_nodes, ignore=ignore, testver=testver)
      i = 1
      while i <= num_retry:
        # stop core services when retrying
        if i > 1:
          install_utilities.stop_core(ver, home, active_nodes, testver=testver)
        i = i + 1
        # Run ent_core --ver=<ver> --activate --gfs=0 through install_utilities.py
        success = install_utilities.start_core(ver, home, active_nodes,
        if not success:
          if i <= num_retry:
            logging.error('Error activating core services. Retrying...')
          elif self.reinitok_:
            # it is OK to ignore errors when trying to re-init core services
            install_utilities.reinit_core(ver, home, active_nodes, ignore=1,
            i = 1
            self.reinitok_ = None
            logging.error('Error activating core services.')
          # Make sure a master has been elected. If we go ahead without
          # verifying the master then it will take very long time for
          # services to be started. Making sure master is elected by now
          # results in very quick adminrunner startup.
          success = verify_master(ver, testver)
          if success:
            if not core_utils.InitDeadNodes(ver, testver, logging) == 0:
              logging.fatal('Error updating dead nodes to the lockserver.')
          if i <= num_retry:
            logging.error('Error verifying the master. Retrying...')
          elif self.reinitok_:
            # it is OK to ignore errors when trying to re-init core services
            install_utilities.reinit_core(ver, home, active_nodes, ignore=1,
            i = 1
            self.reinitok_ = None
            raise core_utils.EntMasterError, ('Error getting current GSA master'
                                              ' from chubby.')
      # force gsa master on the desired node
      desired_gsa_master_node = core_utils.DesiredMasterNode()
      if desired_gsa_master_node is None:
        logging.fatal('No suitable node to run GSA master')
      logging.info('Forcing %s to become GSA master' % desired_gsa_master_node)
      find_master.ForceMaster(desired_gsa_master_node, testver)

      # make sure the transaction logs are in sync and start gfs
      success = install_utilities.start_gfs(ver, home, active_nodes,

      # make sure gfs master is not the GSA master node
      logging.info('Ensuring %s not to become GFS master' %
      gfs_utils.AvoidGFSMasterOnNode(ver, testver, desired_gsa_master_node)

    if doservices and success:
      node_threads = {}
      for n in self.machines_:
        node_threads[n] = NodeInstallManager(n, self.target_state_,

      # start node threads
      for (n, t) in node_threads.items():
        logging.info('STATUS: Starting thread for %s' % n)

      # wait for threads
      for (n,t) in node_threads.items():
        success = success and (t.err_ == 0)

      for (n,t) in node_threads.items():

    if stopcore and success:
      func = lambda: install_utilities.stop_core(ver, home, active_nodes,
      success = try_repeatedly(func, success=1)
      if not success:
        logging.error('Error inactivating core services.')

    # Start/Stop Borgmon and Reactor
    if self.cp_.var('ENT_ENABLE_EXTERNAL_BORGMON'):
      enable_external_borgmon = '--enable_external'
      enable_external_borgmon = '--noenable_external'
    borgmon_cmd = (
        "/export/hda3/%s/local/google3/enterprise/util/borgmon_util.py "
        "--ver %s --logtostderr %s" %
        (self.version_, self.version_, enable_external_borgmon))
    if success and current_state != self.target_state_:
      # 1) Stop Borgmon and Reactor if required
      if current_state in ['SERVE', 'TEST', 'ACTIVE']:
                  "%s --mode %s --stop" % (borgmon_cmd, current_state),
                  None, 0)
      # 2) Start Borgmon and Reactor if required
      logging.info("target_state: %s" % self.target_state_)
      if self.target_state_ in ['SERVE', 'TEST', 'ACTIVE']:
                  "%s --mode %s --start" % (borgmon_cmd, self.target_state_),
                  None, 0)

    # Start/Stop Session Manager only for oneways
    if core_utils.GetTotalNodes() == 1:
      if self.target_state_ in ['SERVE', 'TEST', 'ACTIVE']:
        sessionmanager_util.ActivateSessionManager(ver, testver)
      if self.target_state_ == 'INACTIVE' and success:
        sessionmanager_util.DeactivateSessionManager(ver, testver)

    # Kill any spurious adminrunner/adminconsole processes if we are entering
    # INACTIVE or SERVE mode.
    if self.target_state_ in ['SERVE', 'INACTIVE']:
      install_utilities.kill_service(['adminrunner', 'adminconsole'],

    if self.target_state_ == 'INACTIVE' and success and not self.nonecore_only_:
      install_utilities.InactivateCleanup(ver, home, active_nodes)

    end = time.time()
    diff = (end - start)/60
    logging.info("STAT: change_install_state took %.2f minutes." % diff)
    return success
Пример #4
    def change_install_state(self):
    Tries to change the state of the present version to target_state.
    Returns true in case of success.
    Here is sumary of what it does:
      1. Get list of active nodes
      2. Get list of services to start and stop
      3. In case there is something to start
          a. reconfigure's net on all nodes after verifying quorum
          b. starts core servics
      4. Verifies there is a master elected.
      5. Starts thread for each node to start and stop the needed services
      6. Waits for output from each thread
      7. Calculates success of failure based on thread results
      8. Asks each thread to print its status regarding what services
         it actually started or stopped and what was the return code and
         error message if any.
        if not install_utilities.safe_transition(self.version_,
            return 0

        current_state = install_utilities.install_state(self.version_)

        start = time.time()
        # make sure svs is running

        # get list of active nodes
        active_nodes = core_utils.GetLiveNodes(logging, self.retry_)
        ignore = core_utils.GetNodeFailures(core_utils.GetTotalNodes())
        # account for already inactive nodes
        ignore = ignore - (core_utils.GetTotalNodes() - len(active_nodes))
        ver = self.version_
        home = self.enthome_

        # See what we have to start / stop
        services_to_start = install_utilities.state_services_to_start(
            self.target_state_, self.machines_)
        services_to_stop = install_utilities.state_services_to_stop(
            install_utilities.install_state(self.version_), self.machines_)

        # Make some decisions
        total_nodes = len(self.cp_.var('ENT_ALL_MACHINES'))
        onebox = (total_nodes == 1)
        startcore = services_to_start and not onebox and not self.nonecore_only_
        checkquorum = startcore
        stopcore = (services_to_stop and not onebox and not self.nonecore_only_
                    and self.target_state_ == 'INACTIVE')
        doservices = (not self.core_only_
                      and (services_to_start or services_to_stop))
        if self.target_state_ in ['INACTIVE']:
            # ent_core does not really know the state. install_manager
            # has to tell ent_core when "makeinactive"
            testver = install_utilities.install_state(self.version_)
            testver = self.target_state_ in ['TEST', 'INSTALL']
        # If it is onebox and target state is INSTALL, do not run reconfigure_net
        # This is to support pre 4.4 version migration code.
        reconfigurenet_enabled = not (onebox and
                                      (self.target_state_ == 'INSTALL'))

        # if stop coreonly services, check if none-core components are running
        if (install_utilities.install_state(self.version_) == 'ACTIVE'
                and self.target_state_ == 'INACTIVE' and self.core_only_):
            logging.fatal("cannot stop core services while none core services "\
                          "are running")

        # Execute the decisions
        if checkquorum:
            # We check quorum only when services are to be started.
            # We mainly need quorum for core services. For non core services like
            # crawl, logcontrol etc. we use users specified machines.

        # check if syslogd.conf and klogd.conf exist
        install_utilities.check_klogd_syslogd_conf(active_nodes, home)

        # Kill any spurious adminrunner/adminconsole processes if we are entering
        # TEST or ACTIVE mode.
        if self.target_state_ in ['TEST', 'ACTIVE']:
            install_utilities.kill_service(['adminrunner', 'adminconsole'],

        # reconfigure without restarting gems
        success = 1
        if reconfigurenet_enabled and services_to_start:
            # check if we need to force NTP reconfig if this is to upgrade from 4.4
            force_ntp_reconfig = 0
            if self.target_state_ in ['TEST', 'ACTIVE']:
                last_version = install_utilities.get_latest_version(
                if (last_version is None or version_utilities.CmpVersions(
                        last_version, NEW_NTP_OPTION_GSA_VERSION) > 0):
                    force_ntp_reconfig = 1
            success = reconfigurenet_util.doReconfigureNet(
                self.cp_, active_nodes, force_ntp_reconfig=force_ntp_reconfig)
            if not success:
                logging.error('reconfigurenet failed.')

        # if start nonecore services, check if core services are running
        if (not onebox and self.nonecore_only_
                and self.target_state_ in ['TEST', 'ACTIVE']):
            core_running = install_utilities.is_core_running(ver,
            if not core_running:
                logging.fatal("cannot start none core services "\
                              "when core services are not running")

        # start core services if needed
        if startcore and success:
            # Retry 3 times for master verification failures
            num_retry = 3
            # it is always OK to reinit core services if the version is in
            # INSTALLED state
            self.reinitok_ = install_utilities.reinit_core_ok(ver,
            i = 1
            while i <= num_retry:
                # stop core services when retrying
                if i > 1:
                i = i + 1
                # Run ent_core --ver=<ver> --activate --gfs=0 through install_utilities.py
                success = install_utilities.start_core(ver,
                if not success:
                    if i <= num_retry:
                            'Error activating core services. Retrying...')
                    elif self.reinitok_:
                        # it is OK to ignore errors when trying to re-init core services
                        i = 1
                        self.reinitok_ = None
                        logging.error('Error activating core services.')
                    # Make sure a master has been elected. If we go ahead without
                    # verifying the master then it will take very long time for
                    # services to be started. Making sure master is elected by now
                    # results in very quick adminrunner startup.
                    success = verify_master(ver, testver)
                    if success:
                        if not core_utils.InitDeadNodes(ver, testver,
                                                        logging) == 0:
                                'Error updating dead nodes to the lockserver.')
                    if i <= num_retry:
                            'Error verifying the master. Retrying...')
                    elif self.reinitok_:
                        # it is OK to ignore errors when trying to re-init core services
                        i = 1
                        self.reinitok_ = None
                        raise core_utils.EntMasterError, (
                            'Error getting current GSA master'
                            ' from chubby.')
            # force gsa master on the desired node
            desired_gsa_master_node = core_utils.DesiredMasterNode()
            if desired_gsa_master_node is None:
                logging.fatal('No suitable node to run GSA master')
            logging.info('Forcing %s to become GSA master' %
            find_master.ForceMaster(desired_gsa_master_node, testver)

            # make sure the transaction logs are in sync and start gfs
            success = install_utilities.start_gfs(ver,

            # make sure gfs master is not the GSA master node
            logging.info('Ensuring %s not to become GFS master' %
            gfs_utils.AvoidGFSMasterOnNode(ver, testver,

        if doservices and success:
            node_threads = {}
            for n in self.machines_:
                node_threads[n] = NodeInstallManager(n, self.target_state_,

            # start node threads
            for (n, t) in node_threads.items():
                logging.info('STATUS: Starting thread for %s' % n)

            # wait for threads
            for (n, t) in node_threads.items():
                success = success and (t.err_ == 0)

            for (n, t) in node_threads.items():

        if stopcore and success:
            func = lambda: install_utilities.stop_core(
                ver, home, active_nodes, testver=testver)
            success = try_repeatedly(func, success=1)
            if not success:
                logging.error('Error inactivating core services.')

        # Start/Stop Borgmon and Reactor
        if self.cp_.var('ENT_ENABLE_EXTERNAL_BORGMON'):
            enable_external_borgmon = '--enable_external'
            enable_external_borgmon = '--noenable_external'
        borgmon_cmd = (
            "/export/hda3/%s/local/google3/enterprise/util/borgmon_util.py "
            "--ver %s --logtostderr %s" %
            (self.version_, self.version_, enable_external_borgmon))
        if success and current_state != self.target_state_:
            # 1) Stop Borgmon and Reactor if required
            if current_state in ['SERVE', 'TEST', 'ACTIVE']:
                          "%s --mode %s --stop" % (borgmon_cmd, current_state),
                          None, 0)
            # 2) Start Borgmon and Reactor if required
            logging.info("target_state: %s" % self.target_state_)
            if self.target_state_ in ['SERVE', 'TEST', 'ACTIVE']:
                    "%s --mode %s --start" % (borgmon_cmd, self.target_state_),
                    None, 0)

        # Start/Stop Session Manager only for oneways
        if core_utils.GetTotalNodes() == 1:
            if self.target_state_ in ['SERVE', 'TEST', 'ACTIVE']:
                sessionmanager_util.ActivateSessionManager(ver, testver)
            if self.target_state_ == 'INACTIVE' and success:
                sessionmanager_util.DeactivateSessionManager(ver, testver)

        # Kill any spurious adminrunner/adminconsole processes if we are entering
        # INACTIVE or SERVE mode.
        if self.target_state_ in ['SERVE', 'INACTIVE']:
            install_utilities.kill_service(['adminrunner', 'adminconsole'],

        if self.target_state_ == 'INACTIVE' and success and not self.nonecore_only_:
            install_utilities.InactivateCleanup(ver, home, active_nodes)

        end = time.time()
        diff = (end - start) / 60
        logging.info("STAT: change_install_state took %.2f minutes." % diff)
        return success